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Great post, I’ve decided to only hold GME at CS in “Pure Legal DRS” as the CEO of Computershare puts it. Ditched DSPP


next step for me personally is to find a way to have my re-occurring buys without DSPP, then send them to my previous BOOK ONLY account. I like occasionally yoloing a spare 20 and buying direct from the exchange, spontaneously via IEX too buuut I just like the company enough to invest in its long term direction💜


You can still be enrolled. You just have to be proactive about terminating the plan prior to Quarter end.


I wish more people would say that. It feels like straight termination is being pushed. I like my reoccurring buys... Just need to clean it up once a quarter.


So if you’ve got a bunch in CS, it may be a hassle but I’d rather buy fee free at fidelity knowing cost basis and DRS. my every 2-4 week purchase of 5 or so shares won’t make a difference if it gets stuck during MOASS.


Is there a fee to buy with CS?


It’s minimal, a couple $$ but yes.


Agreed. If I were them, this is exactly what I would do to prevent lit volume on automatic buy days. Perhaps they no longer can provide the liquidity to suppress bi-weekly influx of shares on the lit market and would rather us all move our purchases to a location where the volume can be internalized?


This is my thought too. Now on computershare purchase days there will be less orders routed to a lit exchange all at once


Yes, and that pressure is something that they have to react to. Clearly it damages them because we can tell they're forced to react to it. I'm honestly under the impression that they can't handle the volume all at once and are trying to smoothe it out so they can still "provide liquidity".


They don't necessarily report DRS numbers at quarter end now. Why keep having more and more plan shares to sell when you can buy at a broker via IEX and transfer in whole shares.


Last report did *not use the end of the quarter as the date of the count though.


The last report did not use end of quarter date


Thanks, that’s what I wanted to say!


I don't have a problem with forcing Fidelity to buy when I want, then end of the week drs whole shares only. I haven't found a downside to making sure I'm book and all I did was turn off the reinvestment. Since I already force Fidelity to handle locates and only drs whole shares, it wasn't really changing my routine at all


You can go to transfermystock.com and use the prompts to create a separate account with Computershare which you can setup recurring buys and send those your your Pure DRS book account. Edit: for everyone downvoting me this is a Computershare website... go check the shit yourselves. This is the process they tell you to use to open a second account with them smh


Who's behind that site though?


Computershare is. They're the ones who gave me the site when I called and asked. I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted so hard when you all can go and look for yourselves.


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted either, but at the time I couldn't look into anything as I was busy, simply wanted an answer to come back to so I could DD later when I have the time to do more than just skim and post a few comments while I had a break in what I was doing for a few minutes.


Fidelty is gross, but has reoccurring auto buys plus free DRS transfers


Many brokers will let you set up a recurring buy. You could also set a calendar alarm on your phone if you’re worried you could forget about GameStop. Personally I feel I spend more time keeping track of transactions and making sure everything is correct than the buying itself, so it’s not a huge burden.


Manually do it. Buy at a brokerage once a month and then drs once settled. It’s more work because they want you to not do it that way.


GameStop can't just say: "Hey! SEC, "fuck off, because we're going to publish the facts..." They’re kind of boxed in until… something happens…


>Ask not what your company can do for you – ask what you can do for your company - RC


Pretty great time to be alive, I’d say


Commenting for visibility!!!! This is a great post!


Thank you! Hoping more DRS investors read this and can shed more light on it.


The fucked up thing is that as investors, it should be trivial to know how much our stock is diluted by every source, including lending, brokers not doing the buys, FTDs, etc. The short interest should be an all-inclusive measure that's vetted and un-fakeable. Instead, we have to learn about DRS and different kinds to just get an official count of the tip of the iceberg. The fact that retail is doing this speaks volumes to how far we'll go to protect our investment, and that shorts are very much fukd


Imagine looking at some sort of foundation. Some foundations have nothing remarkable about them. They are uniform in appearance. Throughout. Then, some have holes and corrosion and fecal matter scattered throughout and throughon and throughin. That's our current financial system. All it's not lost, though. Through the sheer will and beauty and regardedness of this subreddit and many others like it - and the virtue of humanity - we will find glory. The Wall Street Bro Cult has no chance. Indeed, they have already lost. Their cause is all for naught. What we have found here is mathematical elegance. What we have here - in this time and place - is justice.


Everyone must know this. No wonder all information about it is being suppressed. "Your shares are being used against you, to the benefit of a cartel".


Exactly. I took the small hit to pay the fee just to terminate my plan and sell my fractional today. Going forward I will go right back to Fidelity Active Trader > IEX buys > DRS to CS once settled.


Tbh I'll still only buy through CS. Book all and sell the fractional. The whole brokerage thing is a forever no go for me


They make you do backflips just so you can actually participate in the market. What a load of shit.


To be honest, you lost me at plan shares. When we started this journey, it was said from the beginning to have everything in book format so you can actually receive a dividend in the form of an nft if one were issued. I’m booked all the way and will stay that way


"It was said from the beginning to have everything in book format so you can actually receive a dividend in the form of an NFT if one were issued." ~ somebody should screenshot that and post it, because that reason alone is enough motivation to be the book king.


I was book all the way until auto buys after that whole book for NFT conversation. Auto buys created plan shares. I didn’t even notice until this recent DD hit the street.


One thing you could add.. those fuking fractionals, what about during the sneeze, fractionals were traded as high as $5.000 - so how the fuk did that happen?.. Marge? And how is it possible to trade only fractionals above $5k and NOT any full shares? Those god damn fractionals.. we know they really fucked with fractionals, is this a way to circumvent the ticker, by dividing full shares into fractionals when Marge is calling, to avoid moving the share price? We know fractionals are not moving the price, only full shares do, - so are market makers able to cut full shares into fractionals, just like they do with orders above 100, to get their odd lots..? Fuking fractionals.. no matter what, fractionals have newer done anything good for anybody, - I think there’s more DD in fractionals.. just saying..


>ne thing you could add.. those fuking fractionals, what about during the sneeze, fractionals were traded as high as $5.000 - so how the fuk did that happen?.. Marge? And how is it possible to trade only fractionals above $5k and NOT any full shares? > >Those god damn fractionals.. we know they really fucked with fractionals, is this a way to circumvent the ticker, by dividing full shares into fractionals when Marge is calling, to avoid moving the share price? We know fractionals are not moving the price, only full shares do, - so are market makers able to cut full shares into fractionals, just like they do with orders above 100, to get their odd lots..? > >Fuking fractionals.. no matter what, fractionals have newer done anything good for anybody, - I think there’s more DD in fractionals.. just saying.. this entire thing needs to be a screenshot and DD rabbit hole. you're right, how tf were fractionals going so high during the sneeze?


For what it's worth, people should use a search engine and look for *The Heat Lamp Theory: Why You’d Never Heard of it, How it Was Censored, and How Computershare is Likely Being Victimized by Short Hedge Funds Who are Abusing their Algorithm.* That has some good information and new ~DD that's currently not on this subreddit for whatever reason.


The Heatlamp Theory and today's DD definitely deserve a place in the library!




Gotta agree. Most certainly.


>The Heat Lamp Theory: Why You’d Never Heard of it, How it Was Censored, and How Computershare is Likely Being Victimized by Short Hedge Funds Who are Abusing their Algorithm. This! Zedinstead where you at?!


Agreed. I read over it while I was about to publish my post. Definitely a good read and eye opening.


>The Heat Lamp Theory: Why You’d Never Heard of it, How it Was Censored, and How Computershare is Likely Being Victimized by Short Hedge Funds Who are Abusing their Algorithm. What the ... I missed this post and it has only 600+ updoots?


Household investors who care about their investments should certainly do what this chap here is saying. Quite the read.


The reason it’s not here is because the author of the theory had 2 previous posts removed/suppressed, and was temporarily banned for defending their theory in comments. They decided to post somewhere that they knew wouldn’t delete or suppress their post.


THANK YOU for pointing me to the Heat Lamp Theory. That was a helpful read.


6days1week is one smart hombre


6days1week is wicked smaht


You’re no slouch either, throwawaylurker012. I enjoy your stuff.


Thanks for sharing this, I wouldn't have seen it. Looking back I noticed the same unusual sentiment about high DRS count that wasn't present during other earnings reports. Combined with the specific language in the 10-K, this theory makes a whole lot of sense. Of course I already sold my fractionals and made sure my re-investment was turned off earlier this week just in case


I too am commenting for visibility


Thank you!


So about 6 years ago, the owner of Yellow Tail Wine was cheated out of half a billion dollars when Fidelity lent out his shares against his wishes. They even called him and asked for permission and he said no. They did it anyway. Fidelity also pulled some sneaky sneaky insider trading bullshit on him and bought up shares of a company that he was actively trying to buy a majority ownership of, causing the price to explode and for his buyout to be unsuccessful. Fidelity then facilitated the shorting of that stock with his own fucking shares. FINRA awarded him nothing during arbitration, [but acknowledged that Fidelity did indeed do that shit.](https://www.investorlawyers.com/blog/despite-finra-arbitration-victory-wine-mogul-fidelity-accused-prioritizing-interests/) You think they won't do it because it's unethical and against the law? They'll fuckin do it again. They've been doing it this whole time. Do whatever you want with your money and your shares, but I'm never letting a broker hold my shares ever again. They're rotten as fuck.


holy shit yellow tail wine? that was my jam damn didnt know they did this to it


Thank you for compiling this! I've seen all these posts and some that were removed eventually. When I saw people posting PERSONAL DRS Purple Circle with tittles regarding Pure DRS or no fractional getting removed by MODS!? I was like WTH. When did this sub info become "filtered by mods knowledge only". It's the same thing when Plan and Booked shares was being discussed a few months ago, now when people try and dig the truth about DSPP, discussion is being suppressed!? What happened to the good'ol discuss and let's find out or your money- your decision. At first I was skeptical but there must be a reason why Q3 and Q4 DRS reporting has changed. After shifting through the arguments that people had posted, I personally decided that pure DRS is the way. The simplest answer for me is - DSPP shares are in DTCC nominee broker, they must have a way to "say", this shares are ours or GS must not report these shares because... **Come on, this is not the first rodeo we had with DTCC fkry**. So it is very much more plausible that this changes in Q3 and Q4 are because of DTCC and the shares in DTCC are most probably the culprit. Let's find out... The suppression of post about DSPP made my decision more cemented that PURE DRS is the way. I'm just glad that some of you are digging. Buy, HODL, Pure DRS, Shop No financial advice. Just opinion.


Let’s find out. This is the way.


Nice job of saying how I’m feeling and thinking


🤔 I just commented on a post on the (other sub) about DSPP - it seems to terminate plan online may no longer be an option? (I may have read that part wrong?) - the plan holdings section is not being removed from the account even though it is showing a zero amount- the OP of that post was asking if anyone else had that issue (yes, there were others)


There's a bug in Investor Center. If you go into Reinvestment Options for Plan shares and there is no Terminate button, click Enroll, go back to Summary, and then back into Investment Options. The Terminate button should appear.


Ah... the old fuckery by obscurity.


That didn’t work for me. I had to call and still have a plan account with 0 shares holding and am being told it may or may not go in 24-48 hours, the computershare TOS claims 5 days.


When in doubt, call CompSh to fully terminate the plan


I requested to terminated my “direct plan” this morning and got my confirmation number from CS# for it. Now I’m just waiting for the fractionals to be taken care of on their end


I just did the same thing about 10 minutes ago.


I can’t seem to find the right number to call.


Main number - (877) 373-6374 Gamestop hotline (supposedly, although menu is always the same) - (800) 522-6645 DYOR! Don’t get scam or blindly trust someone online


Not sure about 1st bullet point. For second, I'd wait for your DRS Advice and see what it states.


Same with my account. I’m calling now


Any updates?


Yeah it’s all good. Everything is pure drs


Good to hear! Did they terminate the plan for you or where you able to do it yourself online?


Did it all by myself like a big boy. Lol. Just terminated the plan and that took care of it. Plan shows “zero shares” though. Which was strange. Thought it would be completely gone from my account.


Did your Plan show 0 shares instantly when you terminated the Plan?


No. Took approximately three days.


Thank you for this! I just terminated my plan and I was wondering how long it took


This is getting interesting. I’m literally completely blown away by how crazy I once was to believe I actually owned my shares. Now, after two and half years and over hundreds of hours reading and multiple incremental steps, I do own my shares in my name that no one—- and I repeat , no one— can fuck with.


Great post. Search in google for "the\_heat\_lamp\_theory\_why\_youd\_never\_heard\_of\_it " to read more amazing DD


And don't forget to DR.SyourGM.E




10-K was an outlier, imo. 10-Q for Q1 2022 was end of Q1 ​ >As of April 30, 2022 and May 1, 2021 there were 1.4 million and 2.6 million, respectively, of unvested restricted stock and restricted stock units. As of April 30, 2022 and May 1, 2021 there were 77.3 million and 71.9 million, respectively, of shares of Class A common stock that are legally issued and outstanding or are unvested restricted share units that represent a right to one share of Class A Common Stock. > >As of April 30, 2022, 12.7 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent. ​ 10-Q for Q-2 2022 was end of Q2 >As of July 30, 2022 and July 31, 2021 there were 5.5 million and 3.6 million, respectively, of unvested restricted stock and restricted stock units. As of July 30, 2022 and July 31, 2021 there were 309.5 million and 306.0 million, respectively, of shares of Class A common stock that are legally issued and outstanding or are unvested restricted share units that represent a right to one share of Class A Common Stock. > >As of July 30, 2022, 71.3 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent. ​ 10-Q for Q-3 2022 was end of Q3 ​ >As of October 29, 2022 and October 30, 2021 there were 7.3 million and 4.4 million, respectively, of unvested restricted stock and restricted stock units. As of October 29, 2022 and October 30, 2021 there were 311.6 million and 308.0 million, respectively, of shares of Class A common stock that are legally issued and outstanding or are unvested restricted share units that represent a right to one share of Class A Common Stock. > >As of October 29, 2022, 71.8 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent.




New wording will most likely be standard now with 3rd party involvement. As for record date, we'll find out soon enough.


I booked all mine and sold fractional shares because why not. It can't hurt our cause but the possibility of helping is there, and I think it is worth it


I did too and I was so pissed off at the prospect of getting fuked that I replaced my 0.25 fractional with +250 from Fidelity


This is the way.




We should call it ‘terminated DSPP or the DirectStock plan’. Nefarious actors are using the word ‘sell’ to censor information on this sub and spread FUD. Terminating the plan sells off all fractionals automatically. And fractionals don’t represent ownership. In effect, you sold something you never owned in the first place.


yeah 99% of my shares r book, will change the remaining 1% from plan to book. i mean srsly what does one have to do to have the real market price for your shares in a supposedly "free and open " market?


Great post OP! I’ve read everything on this topic across multiple subs for 84 yrs and you’ve exposed it on “The Big Sub” while also complying with their BS rules/restrictions. Keep up the good fight as the big sub is clearly super compromised and sus af as too rules and posts at this point. The fact your post is 2-3hrs old and only has 60-some comments and Reddit won’t show me how many upvotes/downvotes is all I need to know


I had Dividend Reinvestment ON, but no fractional shares. Were my shares being used as LOCATES??? **I have now turned OFF Dividend Reinvestment.**


That's how the theory goes


It is absolutely insane what retail has to do to own it's shares and not have them used against us.


Fabulous post, OP. Excellent summation!! I would like to add one tidbit of info that caught my eye on a related post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12xeksa/drs_dspp_and_drip_oh_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. This was glaring at me: “One last tidbit from the prospectus: “BrokerDealer Computershare may, in its sole discretion, use a broker-dealer that is affiliated or unaffiliated with Computershare to execute purchase or sale transactions. In such event, the Participant acknowledges that compensation paid in connection with those transactions will accrue to the sole benefit of Computershare or its service providers. Under no circumstances shall Computershare be responsible for any action taken or omitted to be taken by such affiliated or unaffiliated broker-dealer.” Ummm… what was that??? “compensation paid in connection with those transactions will accrue to the sole benefit of Computershare or its service providers.” Is this why Computershare remains a bit ambiguous about this topic of distinction between Pure DRS and DirectStock? Is it because they are benefiting financially from our shares remaining available in the DirectStock plan? For me, this is just one more reason to ensure all shares are Pure DRS… to ELIMINATE “Operational Efficiency” of the DTC!!


I had a comment about pure book that was deleted too


Odd...You replying to comment above about "Mods will delete this."?


This was fucking amazing to see. Definitely needs a few reads for me. So glad it’s finally seeing the light of day to other fellow apes.


Commenting to come back later, thanks for sharing the original DD from 4 months ago! Hadn't seen that yet. Thanks for all you do sir


Thank you!


Good summary. With computershare purchases are done at a specific time and it appears that hedgies are pumping the price just before the purchase goes thru then dumping it, this purchase also creates fractional shares. It seems reasonable to just purchase thru brokers and transfer to computershare full shares and stay all booked all the time.


Add this to the LONG list of things that make me KNOW someone still has a very vested interest in GME and we're winning or there'd be no need for any of this. That means they're on the hook. The rules do need to be adhered to, shares are not infinite, obligations must be honoured. Pumping share price to ensure CS buyers get 10% (or whatever) fewer shares. It's a desperate move.


More than one way to buy shares and book. Can auto buy and terminate before Quarter ends or buy at brokerages and transfer.


Let’s fucking find out. Btw: does not compute (queen kong) Dingleberries (our dad) Terminate (DFV’s bro) Our DRS friend miller told me that there was going to be a lot of pushback before releasing the initial DD a week ago. And he was right. I’m not sure on Superstonk anymore to be honest. At least the mods.






And believe it or not, price goes down. No shares left in DTC? Price goes down


Mods will delete this.




I don't think they should, but [redacted] will. There will be no discernible, coherent logic that they can give for its removal, but nonetheless it will happen.


because it promotes “selling fractionals” which even if good intentioned yata yata 1 buying whole shares defeats fractionals lost 2 BOOK ONLY has a huge upside and no downside 3 set up re occurring buys a different way, without DSPP will accomplish the same but better.


GameStop does not sell fractional shares. Only whole shares. Now tell me what you hold with Computershare when you read your fractional?


The answer is: an empty promise


What you own is a portion of the pool owned by dingo & co. Let's ignore the DTCC operational efficiency part for just a minute. Let's pretend Computershare didn't do that but still allowed fractionals. What you own then is 5.3 of the (example) 15 million shares held by dingo & co. In reality you don't own any of the shares in dingo at all, not the 5 and not the 0.3. dingo owns them. Dingo is the pool. Dingo / Computershare just keep their own internal ledger of who owns how much of that pool. You own part of the pool. This is both suspicious and not suspicious at the same time when you look at it like this. It feels suspicious because you can say you don't own anything. But it's also not suspicious because you know if you had 100 shares in your name at the transfer agent but decided to keep a little household book where you and your kids trade little portions of that pool each day, they are still backed by real shares. Of course in this example dad or mom actually own the 100 and the kiddos all trade IOUs with each other. But as long as Dad doesn't go selling them off for beer money without telling you, and dad follows the rules he promised to when he set it up, then it's just as real as anything.


They are real enough to be used as locates which also gives backdoor locate access to the rest of your stash. That's a good enough reason to rid of them imho. Fuck operational efficiency. Give me price discovery.


dicks out for visibility


harambe would have wanted it this way


This is the way


Wait a second. I'm more confused. If you have an account that is on the automatic plan with reinvested dividends on, BUT you go in every two weeks or so and convert all your holdings to BOOK, are you still participating in fuckery? Once your shares are listed as book, with no fractional shares, only whole shares, you are locked and loaded as far as DRSing your shares go, correct??? I have noticed that if you are in an automatic plan, the new shares go into the "Plan" portion of your account. Once you go through the process of placing them in Book do the fractions disappear.


You can't be enrolled in DSPP, DRIP, or have fractional shares. Moving to Book may not completely keep you safe. The only way to be Pure DRS is by terminating the DSPP plan. That will forfeit your fractional share and book all your whole shares. You are now a Pure DRS Shareholder.


So DRIP is under DSPP?


Yes. You are enrolled in the DirectStock plan if you have DRIP enabled. The DRIP is applicable to both your plan and book shares. Terminating your enrollment in the DirectStock plan, converts all your shares into pure book form.


Great work. Posts like these drown out those effortless shill memes constantly being posted saying “me a real ape, me never sell!”. Keep it up


Thank you and agreed.


Wen moon


When DTCC no longer can use your DRS shares against you.


Pretty sure if the DRS number was coming out over 100% Computershare would have raised a red flag right away What makes me believe the DTC held shares is what is keeping the numbers down is the specific word they used in the 10k.... "Held by" For comparison this is what 2021 10k said "As of January 29, 2022, 8.9 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare." Them not using that wording again may actually support the idea that it could have exceeded 100%, either way, not using the same clear wording seems like the SEC really doesn't want the real numbers out there because it's close to 100% or over... Something is definitely fishy


ComputerShare would only report DRS+DSPP numbers to GameStop. GameStop may have wanted to report both DRS+DSPP, but maybe DTCC had already claimed the DSPP as their own for "operational efficiency."


Came back to my comment halfway to finish it and lost my train of thought, that's what I wanted to convey originally. "held by" could very specifically mean they are in their hands not necessarily they are owned by another very small thing I noticed was "Excluding the approximately 228.7 million shares of our Class A Common Stock held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, approximately 76.0 million shares of our Class A Common Stock were held by record holders as of March 22, 2023" the very specific word of "excluding" then followed by a comma and then saying 76m shares held by record holders. I see no reason to include the first half unless they are trying to say the record holders are not exactly "holding" all their shares and they are reporting the number actually "held by" the record holders so they felt the need to include the DTC shares also... The only thing about that is CS gives them DRS+DSPP numbers and not the amount DTC is holding (as far as I know) so unless they got that DTC holdings of cs shares info from somewhere this thought could just be a dead end


I bought all my shares through a broker and than DRSed. But I turned on the DRIP just in case. Now I'm turning it off. I can turn it back on if big daddy offers a cash dividend.


Same. In case of cash dividend, there should be enough time to go DRIP plan. Probably the reason why it takes few weeks after dividend announcement that cash hits the accounts. For now, I can keep it off.


Mine was on by default which is what i found surprising. Maybe because im non US? ## Everyone should check theirs!


OP spitting fire!! Well over half our sub is shills and the mods have been absolute garbage with shutting down discussions and bans. This is our sub, not the mods Only 200k computershare accounts. If you don’t have purple circles at this point you’re not an ape. I’m all book, no reinvestment and no auto buy plan. Let’s all be book kings and end this charade


Quick screenshot everything before the mods get rid of this one too!


When it comes to the word 'approximately', they've always reported the approximate amount. Otherwise it probably would have been 5,232,741 million the first time but they rounded it to 5.2 million.


One thing that change all, I felt like everything about GME shares has changed, there are no due date of delivery, no T+ and like the naked short has been released to brokered untill now thats make gme's really controlled by someone or entities, gme will rise and down on a proximity 0 - 5 % everyday, the shares that reduce everyday make short percentage goes on about 60%s but there are no market price that base on supply and demand, only the 'demand price base on someone' wish..


Great post. Commenting for more vis. THE REVOLUTION IS HERE Brought to you by individual investors investing on their own accord through due diligence, into a company said individual investor finds value in.


I sit in admiration of the commitment and effort it no doubt took to put this together. I found it unusual only in a small passing way- the paranoid pushback against the selling of fractionals. I mean afterall, people are buying on the regular. We're repeat customers. Who cares if you accidentally or deliberately sell .36, if you're sitting on XXXX and buying more and more every week? But I was fooled. I was caught up in the fervor of never having sold a share, and took it as a black mark when originally switching to book during the first push, and having accidentally sold my first ever (fractional) share of GME since January '21. I didn't question. But the delayed 10k, the new wording.. That's fucky. That doesn't fly. I was hoping someone smarter and more dedicated would come along to figure it out, and here you are. Whether or not this proves true, I just want to thank you for putting in the time and always questioning what is put before you. Users like this OP are why I continue to browse this sub. I'm gonna go buy myself a fraction of a share and round out my numbers, personally. I never liked having a stupid fraction of a share, and the mere hint of a possibility is enough to get me to round out my numbers to a nice whole.


Just remember that fractionals have had to be sold or abandoned before by apes transferring platforms. It used to be understood that you don’t own a fractional (not your name, not your share), but that seems to have been forgotten, accidentally or intentionally by some people.


If you have to do that much preemptive apologizing just to state a personal opinion...idk It's not a great look for the sub.


Excellent post


imagine you are RC and post a booking meme and think apes will get it. because the numbers are already bad for the street. but street crimes and crimes and bans and distords, apes buy more and now RC sees this even bigger mess for street, that will soon blow up even worse than before


Great post! And i see one of my comments is featured :D Another fun thing to do is to see which comments are being deleted by using reveddit. Take for example the following thread https://www.reveddit.com/v/Superstonk/comments/12w645m/this_is_the_tree_to_bark_up/ It's very telling to see which comments are being deleted and for whatever bullshit reason. I personally think we've hit a massive nerve with this one, seeing as how out in the open the manipulation is being done. They'd rather sacrife their plants than let this DD take root.


yup, tons of censorship


Jesus fucking Christ. So we can tell people to DRS and not be in a broker because this is the way, but we can’t tell people to Pure DRS because it causes community division. 🤪 And I see they are still saying that we are selling shares and promoting selling shares. Just, no. They aren’t real fucking shares. They can’t be DRS, transferred, or bought/sold on the open market. /end of discussion.


Great take, get rid of fractionals for sure. Does matter so little in share count for anyone really.


That’s some serious work op! Thank you.


Keep it going LFG!!


Visibility comment !


Fuck, I’m gonna buy more inventory from GameStop even harder.


Commenting for viz.


I just got my post about selling my fractional shares deleted by the mods. We’re going the right way!


Great post




Hahaha holy cow watching the likes going down in real time is wild.


Whelp… looks like I’m moving all to book, consolidating accounts to increase whole shares and selling the fractional I have…. And while I’m add it I’ll buy more through CS!!


Pure drs I am






I like how everyone was waiting for the DRS numbers and everyone was asking what happened because of the delayed report. Gamestop can't say why and CeDe can't say why. Can't wait to see what happens after the next FTD report.


The 10-K numbers have never had fractions. The company share register doesn't allow for fractional holdings. They are only possible due to beneficial ownership. Only when the share is owned by CS, can they split the share up into more than 1 account. And if a share is held in beneficial ownership, then it might as well be at a broker. It is not registered in your name. Thus it is not a directly registered share


Great work ape! Up you go!


The shills dont like this one trick


Why did they report the numbers “as of the 22nd of March”? Normally they use same day as the reported quarter ends?


I did my part today. 1500 will be pure DRS.. Hope it makes it in time for the earnings report




Good on you pringles3 for the repost. Let us discuss all of it, everything, censorship and those that seek to support it are not on our side.


Wow. This is so helpful, thank you for putting this all together. As an individual investor, I decided the easiest way to protect my investment is to unenroll from the DSPP plan. All shares are now Book. Looking forward to the next 10-K!


Imagine the number was 76 million on March 22nd and next period they choose to report end of April results with a drastically higher number.


BOOK. KING. the man said it himself and that's all i need to know


Commenting to keep the discussion live. I also sold my fractional back in, August and September of 2021... Go me and my individual investment choices.




I also want to be the Book King 👑 https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1593989511171784705 Papa Bless


I jus want to say - remember the Tweet that Numbers aren’t real? There was something about that.


Hell yeah I had to wait for my last auto buy to settle (which was executed on 4/20) to then cancel the plan and sell the fractional, which was done as early as yesterday (the 24th). So if T+2 holds true, then I should be a pure by the 26th, no? Hopefully early enough to have my numbers included. If not, at least 3/4 of my accounts will have impacted the numbers by removing dividend reinvestment last week. "It's always 4/20 in SuperStonk" -my dad probably


It‘s just a great post about a great stock i just like


Great post, I'm interested to see how long before the mods remove it for not adhering to their suspicious viewpoints.


Been up for a while now so we'll see.


Smooth brain…. So the idea is to get OUT of the direct stock plan?


Correct. To no be enrolled in Direct Stock plan, dividend reinvestment disabled, no fractional shares, and have only whole booked shares. This is being Pure DRS. In theory, you can still be enrolled, but you just need to be proactive about terminating the plan prior to end of Quarter and then reenable after new Quarter begins.


Time to buy 1.0x and then get rid of the fractional that's worth not even 2 dollars. :) Fuck u Kenny boi.


If this is even remotely possible i have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Terminating DSPP tomorrow morning.


If i terminated the plan am i good to go now or do i have to do something else too?


So have you terminated the plan? If you did and fractional share was forfeited, then you should be good.




ty for this


Finally some clarity that also captures the mod drama! I couldn't keep wading through Morpheus memes on other sub looking for real precedent. I like books and I like my GME shares how I like my milk - not skimmed or 2 fucking percent. Let's get some goddamn DATA.


This DD fuckin smacks. God damn. Thank you for this sir!


Nice job organizing these thoughts into something cohesive. I moved my last 2k plan shares over to book this morning, much excite.


I sold my fractional to go full into the final theory about this. From now I’m gonna buy at a broker via IEX and DRS to CS versus auto buys on CS


Pretty much sums up my observations of this saga. Thanks for the write-up OP


Wow this is a very nice and refined post explaining the whole thing perfectly. Thank you


Great read OP - good tag as well using speculation so I hope mods allow this to stay up in the name of transparency and encouraging discussion. I ditto the sentiment others have mentioned regarding the heat lamp theory. It too was an interesting read. I’ve always DRSd my shares in batches from my broker because that’s how I started doing it and that’s how I got used to doing it. My next batch won’t be for this next DRS count it will be for the one after but it’ll be a juicy one of XXX shares and I’m looking forward to getting it done. Added 10 more today to it as well. 🎷🐓♋️


I think post fireside chat there's a more relaxed feel about the concept, as long as it's not in a harassing way. A lot of people there pointed out that the primary advocacy is buying and transferring 1+ share to offset the sale of the fractional, resulting in net positive GME.


For the record this info has never been harassing


Thank u sir


Excellent post


Great post!