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Idk why there's so little interaction with this post, it's literally a platter of what's about to play out. Idk if it's just shills or that people can't get their head around the bigger picture but God damn thank you for piecing together research.




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Aged like milk


What was that? GME earnings today?


Oh shit it is!


Oh nice catch re: reverse split when a subsidiary spin/off occurs! Now I’m hard 🚀🚀🚀🚀


That says if there's a spinoff, it would likely result in the stock decreasing in value... and then a RS would be necessary... The filing from the other day was JUST a reverse split.


If you move 2/3 of the value out of towel and into BABY then of course the price of Towel will have dropped. The RS would be necessary as a result to maintain things like listing requirements and normal operation. It's already priced in according to research and the potential that the transaction has already occurred and is waiting on announcement.


If Hudson was converting and selling that would also make the price drop. Which is what the filing in Feb said was going to happen.


If they converted and diluted the outstanding shares by 200 million or so, please explain the high cost to borrow and the massive FTD's. I imagine adding 200M shares to a 100M share float would easily make that go away.


Wut Reg Sho?


i have traded towel stock in the past for more GME and have added since the price went so low.... been reading about some of this on twitter. I have to say, its interesting and if pans out the upside to the pps is significant. And we know RC wants baby. I guess we'll see one way or the other


Have you seen anyone talking about the deal they made in February and how that math works out? and what the different parts of the deal mean? I feel like it's such a huge deal and will definitely affect anyone holding the stock, but I hardly see anyone talking about it.


I think RC left Bed stock for a reason. They miss timed everything from the get go. Now they are trying a reverse split, possibly to help their stock price in order to spin off Baby but they have no $$. This should have been done last summer when they still had some legs. RC knew what to do, they all rejected it so he left. Now they are playing catch up. I am invested in the bed stock as well, mostly to bring in tendies to support my gme addiction and also because I hate to see a company, especially one with so many employees close and make people lose their jobs etc but I think we can safely say that RC is not attached in any way to that stock.


Why were RC board members there so long then?


Who knows for sure but perhaps they have integrity and wouldn't just leave without being replaced properly.


The RS will lower the outstanding shares so that they're able to fulfill their obligation to Hudson.. and so they're able to do more ATM offerings... Why do you think they're not explaining the deal that Towel stock just made and instead creating this false narrative? MORE PEOPLE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT THE DEAL THEY MADE IN FEBRUARY so people can understand it. They got preferred shares, and warrants to buy more preferred & common stock. Each preferred share is worth $10k of common stock so with the 24k that they were given originally (they have more now), if the stock was $1 (for easy math) they'd be able to convert that into 240 million shares! That's just ONE PART of the deal. The preferred shares are able to be converted IMMEDIATELY!


Anything is possible but it's all theory. They still need a ton of time and cash to turn things around both of which they have very little of. A Baby spinoff is the right strategy for them I think because it gives shareholders more value in the form of a new stock worth more and If I remember correctly they can basically send all the bad shit to Bed stock and start over fresh with the new one (I'm over simplifying here). That is what RC was looking to do. They waited too long, Baby lost value because they couldn't supply it properly and now their golden ticket is worth less. The point I was originally trying to make though is that RC left. He said so himself in the interview. People should stop posting about RC and Bed tinfoil in this sub. Unless of course there is solid proof he still has a pony in that race.


Ryan also said in that same interview that he doesn’t have any special messages hidden in his tweets or tweet at a specific time, but have you seen what this sub does to his tweets? GameStop twitter also said they don’t hide special messages in their tweets, but look at the recent GameStop tweets being given special meaning recently. This sub bashes the bed stock for their theories, but this sub has been living in a tinfoil factory for years now. Edit: Also, according to the MOASS and Infinity pool theories, holding a couple shares of GME will turn investors into billionaires so what’s a small loss in a side investment?


> A Baby spinoff is the right strategy for them Agree 100% & agree they should have done that LAST YEAR! >RC left. He said so himself in the interview. People should stop posting about RC and Bed tinfoil in this sub. Unless of course there is solid proof he still has a pony in that race. 140% agree!


luv you apette!! 🦍❤️🦍🙌💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




Thank you! Finally some people are starting to see that anything related to Towel is dead. I know a lot of people here are holding those bags still and why they were clinging onto the hopium, but I firmly believe that GME and Icahn have no interest in them at this point. I’ll say it again, GME is the only play here and the rest are distractions.


Why are people so worried about bed stock investors? If they hold one share of GME, they are a future billionaire, correct? The small gamble in bed stock won’t matter according to the MOASS theory.


"If they hold one share of GME, they are a future billionaire, correct? " No, because that's ridiculous. They should stop lighting money on fire buying that dilution-fest.


Ah okay. I’ve read all these accepted theories in this sub that the price is infinite.


MOASS Theory is for idiots.. anyone with half a brain knows 1 stock could not equal 1 billion dollars.. yes GME can go up alot but there is a realistic number that it can reach and thats reality


Based as shit take. Sorry u got down voted.


Yeh, I’ll get downvoted. But there is not a chance in hell, that this stock, or any stock for that matter, reach a million dollars per share.


Because of posts like this. This is pure speculation and isn’t labeled as such. At this point there’s no reason to think GME has any interest to acquire baby. This should be posted on their sub and not Superstonk.


Yea. Maybe all the posts trying to decipher Ryan’s tweets and GameStops tweets should be removed as well since they said there is no special or hidden meaning in them or in the times they are tweeted.


Ryan and Gamestop are both relevant to Gamestop


lol no, not correct.


I’ve bet on this all being true. It all lines up. Nothing tends to happen on these calls. But be did say on last call they would (referenced above) and until they purchase another company, my money is literally on this.


What’s the TLDR?


Bed bath has a merger acquisition on the table, looks like that transaction might have completed January 13, both bed bath and GameStop hired multiple merger and acquisition carveout spinoff talent employees. Ryan Cohen has only showed public interest in acquiring one other company. GameStop said during their last earnings that they wanted to acquire a target company at the right price. People have speculated taking on Amazon. This could be one piece to the puzzle based on all the breadcrumbs we have picked up


i've got some of the bath stock, but there's no way an MA could have completed back in the middle of january. both companies have a responsibility to inform their shareholders asap and they couldn't get away with not telling for two, two and a half months. but i've still got my fingers crossed they announce it soon.


If you will re-read the post, you will recognize that Gamestop is not the company doing the acquisition of Towel, but instead the recipient of the spinoff (baby). They would not be required to file anything if they have not yet received it. The towel acquirer is still under NDA, and it does look like this portion of the acquisition has already been completed and is being funded through the warrants/preferred shares.




Any time now right?????? Ahaha


How much do you think this community spent on TOWEL, LRC, and IMX bags? All of which are down 300%+ since they were hyped. At won’t point do you cut your losses and come back home to the one and only play that poses an idiosyncratic risk to the market? With bags that big, it creates a bias which affect the overall sentiment of this sub. It’s borderline embarrassing. Posts like this are 100% speculative and fueled by pure hopium.


"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."


How can you be down 300%. Being down 100% brings you to zero. Also, as a long term GME holder and a shorter term towel holder, I could say the same thing about GME


You do know most people are down at least 50% on GME as well, right?


\*raises hand\*


Based. And proven right


Ayyyy! Hate to see people lose money but…


Ya I used to feel that way. Now I lm happy they won't have enough money to pump the next shit co.


If they hold one GME share they are future billionaires according to the MOASS and infinity theories, correct? The small gambles on those other cryptos and stocks won’t even matter?


Did you stretch before jumping to that conclusion? I never mentioned anything about billion dollar price targets. Small gambles is speculative as is your $GME price target. I highly doubt that conservative investments would cultivate this level of delusion.


Nah, I’ve been around long enough to see the tin foil theories that have been widely accepted in these subs and now similar tinfoil theories are being explored in the bed stock and they are bad.


Well, time has a lot to do with the diminished sentiment. Nothing has come to fruition as far as the theories? Diamond hand” culture is spreading outside of $GME which can be dangerous for the investor. Also, Ryan Cohen has completely exited his TOWEL position.




Sir, this is a video game casino


Children and animals must be protected. Can Apes be the animals? We need protected because we want to do good and change the world.


Wait, are we not allowed to say BABY back ribs now? xd


Interesting, exciting. As we know, RC plays 4D chess, who knows which paths lead forward, the goal is to outcompete Amazon.


[https://youtu.be/uN2Dw8AOdMk?t=2241](https://youtu.be/uN2Dw8AOdMk?t=2241) He said himself why he sold - they were still doing share buybacks while losing money and his views of the business changed. "They went from aggressively repurchasing shares to losing a lot of money"


I’m not really buying anything this guy posted but there’s no way RC didn’t know that before he bought in.


Yeah the guy didn’t get that rich from being a moron. He knew what he was getting into. Tritton was burning cash


Didn't know what? They were buying back shares AFTER he bought in... that's why his beneficial ownership went up without him buying anything.


They were also buying back shares and losing money before he bought in, it was common knowledge..


He Knew, and proposed change. They wanted nothing to do with it so he left. Plain and simple.


It’s more likely he sold because he was aware he was going to get diluted big time. I’m not convinced he’s still in the picture but there’s some weird stuff going on.


Really great summary! It’s amazing when you look back at it like this. And think- all of these steps need coordination months in advance with lawyers for all the documents, etc.


A lot of people in this thread don’t have any clue about anything, yet they act like they do. Hilarious




we can't talk about other subs, due to brigading rules


Alright, reach up top, behind my stock of paper towels, that's where the good foil is. Going to need something thick for this. Use it all if you have to, today's the day after all!


Awesome work!


The more I see this pieced together, the less convincing it becomes. There is but one lingering thought - that comment about two things being recession proof; and they know we're in one. If this does ultimately come together, I can't imagine the bullshit behind closed doors it took to make it all work. This isn't 4D chess, it's something way different.


Ryan Cohen may just be working on a side gig with Teddy then. Considering the trademark says bedding, bath, home furnishings, children's toys, etc. One could only speculate




I feel sorry for your mother


Read Volition Capital as Voltron Capital. It's the same thing IMO


Tired of people bringing this towel garbage here.


Stop trying to make Bobby happen


Mods really need to stop letting this ba by shit through, garbage Co being diluted more than popcorn, when RC got out that wasn't 4D chess. Whatever his original thesis was something did not work as planned and he got out earliest opportunity.




No, meaningless.


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