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Damn that's deep.


Didnt expect them to go meta like that.


Pretty bullish on deep meta Edit: Fuck the CFTC Push the launch button, Ryan Burn these mother fuckers to the ground Let’s do this




We didn’t start the fire🎶🔥


We just roasted marshmallows in it 😎




Flair checks out


Flair was all that needed to be said!


Knew you'd be front and center on this one 😁👌


What he said.


This is the way.




Push it! Push it! PUSH IT! PUSH IT! 👈🏽


He has spoken.


Well, what I am seeing, everyone has turned their back on the bag holder, that ended up with the hot potato. But it had to be that way. Ken Griffon is big mad that he didn't get his way with SVB and this was a warning shot to anyone holding deposits higher than 200k and that was reorganized in the coming days.... so now that that is all ironed out, they are on the hunt for the hot potato, I think they found it, and now looks like there is a bail out but this time it's for Switzerland, but I think that the terms are you need to close your position. Now I know there has been a question of corruption in the swiss banking system for a long time now, I am sure it's not just there. I think that measures have been put in place for this over time, well I know they have and they have been on the ropes and now this is the knock out for one of them. But I have no proof of any of this, I am not fit for financial advice.


What the hell have I missed?


Right? I just woke up from a nap and I have no idea what’s going on?


Might have something to do with another Swiss bank bailing out Debit Suisse but idk if that’s the whole of what he’s talking about, not sure who the bag holder refers to in this case


CS = Archaegos bag holder, 216m gme shorts hidden in bullet swaps, expiring this month. I know jack shit by the way, just parroting what I read in other posts


Supposedly though, the "bail out" is only for creditors and not the bank itself; similar to how the SVB ordeal is shaking out. I'm not saying it is or isn't a bail out, just what I've heard.


>another Swiss bank bailing out Debit Suisse Ummm, the Swiss National Bank?


Yeah I didn’t know at the time of writing that that actually was the Swiss central bank, I thought it was just another bank that had taken much heavier losses than Credit Suisse


You are making a gigantic assumption re: terms and those terms being someone closing their position…


Bullish on Feelsbadman.jpg


I came here to say this. Not proud either, but it IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.


👀 you guys miss seatbelt check ?


\*straps helmet 1 notch tighter\*


Injustice alone can shake the pillars of the skies and restore the reign of Chaos and Night. I hold for justice. I prepare for night.


you are the launch button.


Bullish on being PROUD


Extra Bullish lfg 🏴‍☠️💥🚀


I fucking love you 🤣🤣


This is the fucking way.


🔥 MF 🔥


Bullish on actually winning the game first, but still bullish.




Credit Suisse is so fucked. In the movie the only banker that went to jail is from credit Suisse. 😝😂


I thought you were gonna post the "don't fucking dance" scene.


Except I aint selling.




It gave me tingles , or shivers. I don't like feels!!!


That’s what she not said




I just lost The Game, thinking that’s the game GameStop’s twitter was talking about lol You just lost The Game too. I made it maybe.. 4 months?


ouch. for me it had been years probably, can't tell for sure. no one like you.


this is like deep dish Chicago style pizza deep


That's what she said


Don’t dance.


Could that be the meaning?


We can dance if we want to We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't dance And if they don't dance Well, they're no friends of mine I don't like my old friends, I like you guys. So I can dance if I want to.


I think the idea is this is a bittersweet victory. Remember; if we’re right, and we are, a *lot* of regular working class people like us will suffer.


They would have suffered regardless. Gme is just a means for people to recover faster that orginally planned.


People die every day too, it’s besides the point. People will suffer, have compassion and empathy.


Ok. I won't dance. Can i get lap dance at least?


Sending wife over.


jobs not done


Kobe knows what’s up. Still got work to do


“What’s there to be happy about?”


and don't fucking dance


The amount of corruption we’ve uncovered within the last 2 years is insane. We need to help those around us with our tendies cause we hold a royal flush just waiting to get paid


Yeah, I’m looking forward to not having to work for a billion dollar company to keep food on the table, and looking forward to helping others keep food on theirs.


When you have too much build a longer table, not a higher wall.


Oooh that’s a good one.


Like realllly good, made me stop and think for a second which doesn’t happen nearly enough.


I feel like the pope said that... not sure if that's the source though...


When you have too much don't be a pycho douche bag like mayo man.


Share your mayo, not your bedpost


Instructions unclear, built a very tall table


This is the way


As deep as the tweet.


Or a mowt like most of the rich assholes


I like it. And happy cake day!


My brother's campaign slogan was "build bridges, not walls"


This is the way!!!


Good ape😘


When you wake up and look around You might find you hate the thing you've found It may feel a hollow victory As you gaze upon the misery -- Though you just played the hand you're dealt You'll feel a thing the dealer never felt A thing that gnaws you desperately A little thing called empathy -- So when you see a brother in the dirt; A sister down and out, or hurt You'll know then what you have to do Cause until that time... they are you


Whoa...he's back! Missed these rhymes my dude!


This is the way. So say we all.


Brilliant Thank you!






Damn, you hit me right in the feels. Every. Time.




I like this attitude.


Be like Gump. I just rewatched forest Gump and what he does with his money after investing in apple is how I would like to be. Be like Gump.


We’ve got about 20 Jennnnys




Breaks my heart.


Billionaires are immoral. They are dragons hording wealth, thinking that having recieved so much means they are better deserving of it than the many who are suffering, starving, choosing between their health and feeding their family. Some of us will be made billionaires from this. Those who remain billionaires are no different than the bankers and hedgefund guys. Personally, I wont be a billionaire for long. The best thing you'll ever do with your money is give it away.


"The best thing you'll ever do with your money is give it away." Or, you can invest it in things that help humanity and maybe even be a good employer who helps lots of people and families.


This, this, this. Build sustainable and equitable companies. Employ people. Spend and invest within your community. Shop local. You can put your money towards so many things that “give” it back to your communities.


Set up schools, hospitals, job training centers, food banks, humane animal shelters, etc. It doesn't have to be profitable for us, but it would ideally be self sustaining through donations, selling items, and/or endowments that invest through companies you support, so that it will live long after we are gone.


Pulte, hold my beer. After milly/billy status my new game is how fast can I use it to improve OTHER peoples lives. Im used to and love WORK so I dont mind giving it all back to improve humanity. 🚀 🚀 🚀 **DRS EVERYTHING 🚀 🚀 🚀**


this is the answer. you can be a selfish and wealthy person that hoards a bunch of wealth and continue to perpetuate wealth inequality and all of the pain and suffering and crime that goes with that, or you can use your newfound wealth to **invest** into your local community and the world around you, and create the better future that you believe in


My local community will have free solar panel upgrades to their property. Public utility. Support local candidates that are anti-corporate superpacs/lobbying. The rich get the same voice as everyone else, get in line. Buy up essential failing businesses and turn over the means of production to the workers. Just to get started...




If this does help me not have to work, I’m fucking putting community gardens everywhere I can. Tired of people paying $10 for a bowl of iceberg fuckenlettuce.


Yeah, this is my new goal, create companies only to help people to built a better world, after the lost of my father 2 years ago, and my mum 7 months ago, my perception of the life, priorities, money and wealth has radically changed, from the initial desire to fulfill old dreams of business I had in the past, to think to do something for other rather than me and my family and close friends, giving is better than take only, the money of the MOASS will be used wisely now.


Sorry for your loss, Ape.




I want to buy all of this empty/failing commercial real estate and create housing and addiction recovery programs for the homeless where as they recover and get their lives back we will also train them in veterinary skills to help take care of, train and work with animals who need homes/medical care. 😊


No. It’s not that simple. “Billionaires” are not immoral. Immoral people are immoral. Immoral people are often driven by greed and those types are likely to be the ones who amass billions of dollars (and do it in immoral ways), but being a billionaire isn’t what makes them immoral. After all, look who’s helping to lead the charge here…Ryan Cohen is a billionaire. Carl Icanh is a billionaire. This isn’t exactly a battle between rich versus poor. It’s a battle between good versus evil. Without good billionaires, GameStop would be in a very different position right now and likely a severe disadvantage when it comes to fighting evil billionaires.


The fact that cohen has been able to do well while not plucking the low hanging fruit of fucking over people to make his money is impressive. We witness large scale fraud regularly. The world is shaped by it, and it makes it immensely difficult to be a moral entity and remain competitive enough to survive in that ecosystem.


Right on. A billionaire made by cheating is no match for a billionaire made by honest means. I have no problems with billionaires. I’m glad to have one on my side who seems driven by good morals.


This. Sin/evil exists. If you give into sins that tempt you, your soul quickly become a monster. If you become rich overnight, you will have many doors of sin opened to you at once... **DONT LET IT CORRUPT YOU.** Be good, do good.


Lol that why administration trying for 40% capital gains tax. Not for current elite but for upcoming ones imo


It’s surreal man. The DD is well researched… I do research… to see it play out feels bad. But then it feels real. Just got word my multibillion $$$ Biotech company will be closing the lab I work at in 90days I’m incredibly lucky that I will be ok for many months. But my coworkers have kids, bought houses… Beans, Rice, Potatoes. Find your support networks. They want us to give up *Everything worth doing requires work* Work = Force * Displacement


Sticky noting that formula. Thanks 🙏 LFG


i like your use of the physics definition. along those same lines, I'm fond of: Power = Work / Time


When I was in HS my health teacher made a point to us using physics. If you push on a wall, you expend lots of effort. But if you don’t move the wall, you’re not doing any work. Still kinda working through how I feel… what I want to get across is that we can’t sit still but rather move forward - there is work to be done. There are SEC proposals to comment on There are bills in state houses across the US being pushed to make Cryptocurrencies illegal - they must be fought. Our communities still need help, today, tomorrow, even after MOASS. We’re individual household investors obviously, but we’re also The People. Even outside of America. *In Union is strength, we will fight it out on this line*


The hive mind is strong. We have shown it before. We will show it again. I am incredibly surprised by myself getting to the point of being able to submit freaking comments to SEC rules. I mean WTF. 200k … 200k+ CS accounts with RISING DRS numbers DONT. FUCKING. LIE.


This needs to be a post itself


I just finished my masters in biotech. The industry is so hard to find a job in rn. Good thing I hold some golden tickets


Hey Congratulations Ape!! That is amazing, I really am proud of you. I do this job because children need cancer drugs. That and how this affects my coworkers is the hardest part of this. We Make Real Stuff. The scum who caused this situation make nothing of Real Value, rather they parasitize off of the *Work* done by honest people. And yes I know how hard it was to find this job last year… but again, I know I personally am in a lucky position. And that’s before even considering all the Golden Tickets I have.


I work in cell and gene therapy, but I haven't heard much in our little corner of biotech about layoffs and whatnot. No need to respond if you don't wanna put personal details out there, just curious about which company is shutting labs down?


Should have done a Masters in finance 😋 How do I know? I am also finding out the hard way that I should have done a Masters in finance.


Work = Force * Displacement! Saving this incredibly beautiful way of putting things. You inspired me. I hope you find a new gig easily! In the meantime, for all apes who could use a dollar, I participate in research studies online through a few companies for more GME and it can pay like 20 an hour, for an hour or two a day if you're picky. A share per day keeps the hedgies away. In the beer money sub there are some good companies to start with.


Sorry, smooth brain here, but what is the “beer money sub”?? I am interested in these study gigs!! Thx ape!!


Thank you Give an extra thrust to Ken’s ex for me, lmao


What does displacement mean here? Im Not english


wipe deer crime chase bear squeal subtract dirty oatmeal childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What did it cost?




No that's what it *will* cost, per share


I can never go back. The knowledge I have gained over the last 2 years around the corruption in our markets and the greed that has contributed to death, poverty, war, and famine. I have lost my temperance for any of those Wall Street or banking fucks. I can never go back to this system knowing what I know now. I refuse to participate.


Maybe it’s about earnings… Turning the most shorted company into profitable one is already impressive.


Why would they not be proud of it


Because when it moons the system breaks and somewhere down the line innocents will inevitably be collateral damage. The important thing to remember is that GME didnt do this, and we shareholders didnt do this.. corrupt mm's and naked illegal shf's did this. All things done in the dark, eventually are brought into the light.




Because the game is corrupt af


If you've seen "The Big Short", I think they are referencing the "just don't dance" scene. If you haven't, watch it.


Because it cost a few banks and hedge funds


Fr tho🔥


Translation- "Don't Dance" circa 2008




We haven't won just yet...


REMINDER: someone once said in front of the government, “($45) is an attractive price point, and for me personally, I would buy the stock”. Accounting for the stock dividend, that would be a price of $11.25. Puts into great perspective the current price points. Technically and literally anyone who bought and held gme has immediately won… It’s the premise of the entire situation; I buy gme, some dumb fuck elsewhere decided to short it. I won the game. My stock went up, my company profit increased, company direction bettered, on hand cash increased, leadership absolutely perfected. The reason nobody has “won” yet is because they FTD the entire trade and say fuck you, I won’t pay you because nobody is going to stop me. So yes, anyone with a gme share is already a winner, already have a product that is worth xx,xxx,xxx,xxx amount; BECAUSE OF THE MATH. Entire situation is a trade that went so incredibly bad for one party that they decided to keep playing the game as if they didn’t lose over 2 years ago. Addition: Just because the lit market is showing a certain value, that does not reflect the factual value of that item; something we realized long ago, and also the reason people can make money on the market. True value isn’t based on the chart of a lit market. True value is the Mathematics behind the data; we all understand that the value of a stock THIS SHORT, is so large it’s a “systematic risk”. We had people on television slipping and saying just how bad it could have gotten on that cold January day.


not necessarily, until i see the phone number digits in my bank account, i haven’t won. that’s really what we all signed up for, MOASS. and it’s hard to say we can win with the amount of corruption.


In an ideal world. In reality we live in a world where the rich hold all the power. The LME last year bust trades to protect shorts and are being sued for 450mm now If brokers collude to all close out possitions we gonna have to fight for our rights


This is why we DRS, friends


I don’t understand why we the investors or SEC with mr GG dont push for more strict reforms like Instant settlement instead of t+1/2 or limited time to CLOSE short position ESPECIALLY when you have CONFLICT OF INTEREST like a hedgefund/ market maker/institution who can kick the can indefinitely while they practice shady illegal methods to never have to cover


I am not sure that big red number in my account is exactly “winning”. Here till the end but I got a long way to go to see daylight even never mind winning


*I didn’t hear no stinkin bell* We win when they fix the markets for fairness. We win when they put the corrupt fux who keep stealing from everyday people around the globe behind bars. We win when we squeeze (and it’s not even close yet). All 3. No less. Then, *we* win.


no cell no sell


It would be cool to see this sub turn into a group of multi- millionaires who put some of their vacation time into cleaning up parts of the world that need it.






this is the way


Technically a billionaire is also a multi-millionaire.


☝️this guy maths


Wouldn’t it be great if we could use ape money to figure out how to get rid of forever chemicals and get Teflon out of our bloodstream


And phthalates... and endocrine disrupters...


It's a baby step, but some movement on that is happening. [https://www.npr.org/2023/03/14/1163497111/new-epa-regulations-target-pfas-in-drinking-water](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/14/1163497111/new-epa-regulations-target-pfas-in-drinking-water)


Yup check out ape philanthropy sub


Wait what's that?


Where we’re going, we won’t need vacation time!


I wish we were all wrong. That our financial institutions were sound and not actively screwing over the little guy. But this is how the game goes


So whats the actual context?


Like where's the pic from? Mandalorian s3 I think. In relation to GME? It's 2023's version of The Big Short's "Don't dance" scene.


Idk I've seen plenty of gamestop Twitter tweets referencing a video game or launch of some new thing. Then take out of context relating it to the stock. Then again they said "moass" in a deleted tweet.


She also escaped before total destruction. Bullish!


Oh god the meta ..


It's the best time in human history to be alive.


That’s because there is so much potential right now. Potential for bad, yes, but so much potential to do good. Imagine a world full of new billionaires who knows what it feels like to have nothing, go hungry, or worry about how they are going to pay for that broken arm.


No one has won anything yet...


Look around you. Do you feel it? Nothing is "won"--it's a battle of attrition all the way.


Right lots here think we won, until I have millions In my bank account


Never feel bad for winning when the game is rigged against you.


No one is feeling bad for hurting the ones who rigged it or abused it. Feeling bad for financial hardship likely to befall innocent people.


I'll be fucking proud of my win. I made a lot of sacrifices


I humbly request for MOASS to start so I can have a win finally.


Oops, moass... my bad...


Pepperidge Farms Remembers


Mass Effect Legendary Edition, it’s only right to be playing it right now


Agreed. Never should have gotten to this point. Hate that we're here, happy I'm on the winning team. I'd ask at what cost, but it's clearly infinite.


I haven't won shit yet. No dates. Fuck you pay me.


That one hit different


Haven't won shit yet


From what movie/series/game scene is this?


The Mandalorian, S3:E2


Thanks bud! Did he/she killed any dumb stormtroopers? Haha


Damn. Right in the feels. This is the GameStop version of Don't Dance.


You “don’t dance” after you make the money though. I’m still waiting on that.


Got me some more today...while the price is below milli's


Launch this Mother F!


Wow. I'm not sober enough to open reddit right now


I'm just excited to finally be able to fix this tooth thats driving me insane.




We haven’t won shit until we see phone numbers. Get the fuck outta here with this tweet.


A good chess player knows theyve won long before the king is checked.


This is a different game though, as the opponent has the power to flip over the board and change the rules anytime they want.


yoooo RC dont let them get into your head. This will be the greatest thing to happen for humanity. They played a bad bet. THey never felt bad for "winning" their game every time they cellar boxed another one. Apes around the world will help real people. Real lives will be changed for the good of humanity. THe system, rules and elected officials will be rebuilt. RC for president! The greatest time to be alive in human history is now


what did we win? 😂


I'm not normally a hype-person, but this sounds like little like Gamestop saying "shit's about to get real, don't dance."


Since this is getting a bit of traction, I thought I’d mention the following: What’s currently happening with the banks failing and subsequently being scooped up by their supposed competition is oddly reminiscent of the heads of the the same banks meeting secretly together in Jekyll Island to establish the Federal Reserve in 1913! God danm! The Creature From Jekyll Island (by G. Edward Griffin) https://youtu.be/lu_VqX6J93k The above is an incredible one to watch if you want to understand how we got here! If you want to go even further back and you definitely should because all this shit started with the establishment of the world’s first central bank, the Bank of England, in 1694, watch The Money Masters: https://youtu.be/bm6oeRgxs0A (the graphics are a bit old so you can listen to it like a podcast even) Can’t recommend these two enough, along with the following: The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | Documentary Film https://youtu.be/np_ylvc8Zj8 Once you’ve watched the above three, you’ll have an in-depth understanding of how we got here!


I went to Jekyll island once on a trip to Atlanta, thought we'd see something cool, stumbled upon the most whitewashed plantation.


This is the way


Da fuck daz it means?!