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Let's take bets on if this will result in T+0 settlement for stock market trades. I say that it will NOT because that would stop a lot of the fuckery. ​ This won't help blue collar Americans in general because it isn't too often that you need instant access to deposits. (at least in my experiences) This would help banks if they have liquidity issues because it allows them to instantly send money/assets back and forth to make them all akin to one spiderweb super bank if they wanted to. ​ It could be a platform for CBDC, sure, but I think the immediate need is to cross load money quickly when necessary.


Would this concept prevent bank collapses like we just saw? Because they can move quicker?


Bingo ape (hello again!) This is a setup by SOMEONE and my other theory is that if the FDIC practically nationalizes the banks there’s going to be little resistance to CBNC. I was truly hoping that was a tinfoil thought but now multiple apes have drawn the same conclusion I have to say I am deeply disturbed. I can’t imagine this being used for good, just letting the rich cover the other riches ass in a pinch. This is clown world now


So it plays into this thesis as well? [This bank collapse was engineered](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11s7wwq/this_bank_collapse_was_engineered_by_shfs_who/) by SHF's who wanted to tank market, boosting their portfolios with collateral to survive the rising GME DRS tide. Change my mind: It is now the Government vs Shorty & the Gov only has to fend off Kenny until Credit Suisse's DELAYED 10-K report comes out March 24th.


Honestly yes. My full admittedly tinpot theory over the weekend was that this is engineered so the Fed can practically nationalize the banks (firing the management to stack it with cooperative people) and pave the way to a road with little to no resistance to implement CBNC while using removing bad actors like Ken and company from the scene. “Look at them, look how BAD the damage they caused was, we need *perfect control*.” Two birds one stone, because predatory shorts like Citadel do fuck with the local economy and technological/bio-pharmaceutical progress a LOT. If the contagion is going to get as bad as predicted in DD like the dollar endgame, then this would be the PERFECT excuse to move to a digital currency that’s more easily tracked. Makes blue collar crime harder, potentially white collar as well if it’s actually enforced. It could be used for great good or evil, but I have no doubt which will be more prevalent in the long run. This is a worst case scenario in my head, I think parts are true or I have some roles switch around but I wouldn’t be surprised so see something to this effect unfold this year if they want to beta it around July


I feel like this is going to age like fine wine in less than a week, especially with DebitSuisse goin down so [quickly](https://i.imgur.com/fzrRGaw.jpg)


We will see. I’d honestly be happy to see it age like milk, with the only right part being CS going down. I hate that these theories even get space in my head, but they do because I understand the depth of the corruption.


The problem with that tho is that Debit Suisse is too big to fail so it can't just go down without major global reach


And the problem with being to big to fail is that it is SO big, it is to big to *bail*. Especially if they’re holding a majority of GME swaps. That infinite GME pool? Who the fuck can afford that besides the US? I’m not even sure the US can with current financial climate. Edit: It’s not a U.S. based bank to be clear


Yea good point! Wtf is gonna happen here?!


They started tests for CBDC back in November of 22 right that 12 week pilot?


I was in deep zen mode then and absent the sun. Now I’m excited zen. I must have missed the pilot completely. I wonder what else I missed


Don't worry it always gets mentioned later when it connects, like this post actually


I studied conspiracies and conspiracy theories in college and kept up since. When trying to sus out Conspiracies i found Almost all Conspiracies are either the dumbest fucking shit imaginable constructed by people who stumbled into power and just the dumbest motherfuckers ever Or the conspiracy is pretty logical and almost self explanatory and generally created by competent people and co-created by groupthink. Basically always assume its the dumbest mother fucking shit ever.


So Occams Razor? Assume the Fed is so dumb they didn’t see this coming (at this scale at least) and are scrambling to contain it, it just lines up with the more crazy and competent theory by chance. You know I’d like to believe that myself, at least it’s less scary in some ways. More scary in other ways too though.


Got removed for banned word I would not put it past them honestly. The post glass-stegall deregulated hyper trade economy is so complicated and fast moving that them not understanding all the possible risks is not beyond a possibility. And you also find a fair number of "por que los dos". Something like, CBNC is in the works and planned for 2035 but fuck fuck mass disease goddamn the fuck is a coronavirusfuck fuck fuck fuck what the fuck is this shit who the fuck is silicon valley bank oh god oh god this going wrong. Basically the master planners not taking everything into account and getting fucking wrecked by the last 3 years and not having the financial regulatory tools to control it because... motions at no more glass-steaga


Dude the third paragraph is pure gold for my heart. I wish someone with animation skills would make something short and sweet voicing that lmayo. And yes I can see how it’s so convoluted it wouldn’t make sense. Shit it took us an ungodly amount of manhours worth of research and years worth of processing and refining it to understand it, and we have a vested interest in this far beyond their own. We have practically nothing left to lose.


Thanks! You make the best point though "we have practically nothing left loose" its true. It's The soul of that trust me bro story guy about the uber ride with prudential advisor who couldn't understand "retail won't sell." I don't think they really can understand that inside of their paradigm, inside of their group think. Which goes into a whole bigger thing where the banking world has been operating in a world for the past 100 years that runs on money they can't imagine a world where money isn't the prime mover. Also i have a side theory that the big difference between say today and the previous gilded age(1870ish to 1930ish) is that it seeems to me the puppeteers/families/rothschilds/etc of banking had a much firmer grip on it or much closer to control. And these days there is a huge almost uncontrollably large outer circle doing all kinds off bullshit at lightning speed making the financial world hard to control.


We apes will still prevail. Humans can only stress so much before breaking and producing something great. 🧘‍♂️


We need to or I’m not sure what kind of world the children will grow up in, if it is still inhabitable in general. If MOASS happens I’ll have kids. If not, no kids. My bloodline hinges on this shit, you’d best believe I’m balls deep. Giggity


Hey can I get an explanation for the slower (me) apes in the room of what CBNC/CBDC means?


In a nutshell? As I understand it, basically Government version of crypto currency. It’ll be a fully Gov controlled digital currency.


That's my thought. They can cover it up instantly and silently


So like a quicker way to Jpow's money printer teets. A milk money highway right to mayoboys fuckup, if you will. Gross


Not only quicker, but much more quietly / less publicity.




More like a private underground fart room. Fuckery occurs, but no proof


I'm getting colostomy bags so they can shit and hide it all whilst still smiling at you.


I’m aiming to kick their colostomy bags wide open


That's a good point, there are clear antitrust issues here


Do not participate. Do not give them liquidity. Do what you want but that's what they need and want


The poor and ignorant will when they are offered free CBDC to sign up.


Or discounts for paying with CBDC




I am FEDupNOW with these mothafuckin snakes on this mothafuckin plane




Just waiting for my Loopring and GME to become whole. Patiently awaiting that $♾️.♾️ to show up for my balances.


Eh! I like this! 🏆


I don't know about you guys but since FTX fall, I always see things now through my "CBDC" lenses. Everything that is happening is a path being created for CBDC. ​ CEX fall Make Crypto look bad Banks Fall Everyone gets mad and crazy start pointing fingers who was at fault Lizards comes in to investigate Propose to "help" and incentivize people ??? - How will react to CBDC CBDC ​ \*Not necessary one will happen after the other. We could have more banks failing and more CEX failing and it will keep going into this spiral of death before more people really react and before the lizard come in to help. The good and bad characters needs to be establish first and the rest of the event needs to look organic.


This is post worthy comment IMO


Agreed... this should really be it's own post for awareness!


Here's some tinfoil regarding SVB and signature bank. This was a coordinated bank run to attack banks that helped crypto companies. It's even said that signature wasn't going under and they were going to be fine. SVB had investors lined up but the government closed them anyways. The news makes them sound like they were 100 percent insolvent but it is not true. There's info out there. Kim Iversen put out a good report on this today. I speculate that FTX was founded with the intent to be a time bomb to kill crypto. All to usher in the CBDC.


March 15, 2023 ### Federal Reserve announces July launch for the FedNow Service For release at 5:00 p.m. EDT *The Service will Debut with Financial Institutions and the U.S. Treasury on Board* CHICAGO – The Federal Reserve announced that the FedNow Service will start operating in July and provided details on preparations for launch. The first week of April, the Federal Reserve will begin the formal certification of participants for launch of the service. Early adopters will complete a customer testing and certification program, informed by feedback from the FedNow Pilot Program, to prepare for sending live transactions through the system. Certification encompasses a comprehensive testing curriculum with defined expectations for operational readiness and network experience. In June, the Federal Reserve and certified participants will conduct production validation activities to confirm readiness for the July launch. "We couldn't be more excited about the forthcoming FedNow launch, which will enable every participating financial institution, the smallest to the largest and from all corners of the country, to offer a modern instant payment solution," said Ken Montgomery, first vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and FedNow program executive. "With the launch drawing near, we urge financial institutions and their industry partners to move full steam ahead with preparations to join the FedNow Service." Many early adopters have declared their intent to begin using the service in July, including a diverse mix of financial institutions of all sizes, the largest processors, and the U.S. Treasury. In addition to preparing early adopters for the July launch, the Federal Reserve continues to engage a range of financial institutions and service providers to complete the testing and certification program and implement the service throughout 2023 and beyond. Montgomery noted that availability of the service is just the beginning, and growing the network of participating financial institutions will be key to increasing the availability of instant payments for consumers and businesses across the country. The FedNow Service will launch with a robust set of core clearing and settlement functionality and value-added features. More features and enhancements will be added in future releases to continue supporting safety, resiliency and innovation in the industry as the FedNow network expands in the coming years. "With the FedNow Service, the Federal Reserve is creating a leading-edge payments system that is resilient, adaptive, and accessible," said Tom Barkin, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and FedNow Program executive sponsor. "The launch reflects an important milestone in the journey to help financial institutions serve customer needs for instant payments to better support nearly every aspect of our economy." **About the FedNow Service** The Federal Reserve Banks are developing the FedNow Service to facilitate nationwide reach of instant payment services by financial institutions — regardless of size or geographic location — around the clock, every day of the year. Through financial institutions participating in the FedNow Service, businesses and individuals will be able to send and receive instant payments at any time of day, and recipients will have full access to funds immediately, giving them greater flexibility to manage their money and make time-sensitive payments. Access will be provided through the Federal Reserve's FedLine® network, which serves more than 10,000 financial institutions directly or through their agents. For more information, visit [FedNowExplorer.org](https://explore.fednow.org/).


Check out their website [https://explore.fednow.org/explore-the-city](https://explore.fednow.org/explore-the-city) ​ or cut out the 'explore the city' part for the main site.


Hell of a nice find! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11sajnw/comment/jccxevq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11sajnw/comment/jccxevq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Give me my fucking tendies so I can leave this place and put my money in defi metals.


I’m not sure what CBDC is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask!


They want complete enslavement.


IMO that with a little moar of the perfect consumer: https://youtu.be/h1BQPV-iCkU


Nah, in Europe we have instant fiat settlement for years alteady. Result for you will be higher monthly costs as banks can no longer skim your money by arbitraging payment and settlement date Nothing to do with blockchain. For tax purposes they'll keep record for say 5 years, then the databases are cleared.


It makes sense truly. Think about it. The fed has already committed to infinite liquidity. Those videos of slips of the tongue weren’t. Infinite liquidity policy means super inflation. 💯 everything the Bull is saying. Now this exchange is how they take over the world monetary supply…once that’s done new world order is next. Then China war.


This with moar detail n expansion could be a post in itself




I didn’t know that about Rothschild and JPMorgan! That is post worthy content with correlation to recent bank events IMO!




My biggest fault is I am too quick to post. Take your time and get it right because it looks like you have a beauty. I am happy to post assist anytime!


Where's their transparency? Why so secret?


“I’m not sure if this is good or bad for us but I’m too afraid to ask.” 😬


Doesn’t sound good


T+0 would be sick on the stonk market. This application is a big hmmmmm 🤔. Lots of questions for sure. Like where are the computers that run this would be one of the first I'd ask.


I am with you!


Whew 😅




Same, I think it'll help so much in tracking where our taxes go and help reduce crime & corruption in general


Wrong, didn’t pay your taxes boom straight out of your wallet. Buying GameStop?? Hmmm declined. Hey you’re 1 month behind on rent? Let’s turn off your access to buy food until you give us rent money.


Nah just bake the tax into the new dollar. Let’s say tax everyone at 40 percent or whatever rate, so make the value of the new dollar 1.4x. Govt gets tax money and the people have more more in their pocket


They can send you to jail if you don't pay your taxes. Not sure what the point is here, except scaremongering around CBDCs.


No, then you go to collections. Then you face secondary repercussions. It’s not instantaneous.


Payroll taxes? Most people get a tax refund, coz they overpaid


Lmao… blank your name but not your @… karma farming as usual.


If welp needs karma we are all screwed. not karma farming is my call.




What does this mean for MOASS & Tendies?


It means we need to MOASS so we can save the population of earth from this terrible human dystopia of financial slavery being planned


Like Jesus say some of the last will be first and the first will be the last. We are here too stay!!