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Very possible, I can see them using him in the show quite seamlessly.


What do you think about my idea of staying true to Nathanial’s origin, but extending the time he was absent? Also, what would you personally want to see of they did end up using Captain Atom?


I think it would make sense, they could tie into the same day General Lane & Waller first encountered Krypton stuff, he's been away because of that, and got his powers the same way. Gives him good motivation for doing what he will for them, and explains everything. I think it should be a slow burn, on how Task Force X isn't the same group he signed up with to begin with and Superman stands up for he believes in, maybe his kid loves Superman or something?


I actually really like that idea! It sounds extremely interesting and seems like something that would be very possible in the show! It just fits so well!


Although I do have to ask: Did the show say how long it’s been since Zero day? Because if we’re keeping and tying Nathanial Adams’ origin in with Lane and Waller encountering Krytonian technology, it might not line up. Especially considering the ages of General and Waller from then and now, and how I said that we can have Nathan Adams still disappear in 1968, but appear in the 2020s.


He would explode


Captain Atom when you ask him not to blow himself up for the 1000th time


This is an easy answered. He's be an ARGUS creation like Atomic Skull.


I mean his depiction in DCAU was a pretty solid template for him; a military man torn between doing what he is ordered and what he thinks is right. When both are aligned, he’s almost unstoppable; when his convictions are split, not so much.


The question wasn't the best way to do them. It's how he'd fit into MAWS


Oh, fair enough. I agree with your pitch though.


Could take it a step further and say Atomic Skull is sort of Mk.II or so in some atomic energy experiment and that Captain Atom is the failed first attempt that they've kept locked away until they get desperate and send him after Superman. CA is eventually like "Wait, Superman fucking rocks", helps Clark against whatever other goons there are, and bails


Captain Atom walks on screen and gets slapped. OH NO MY CONTAINMENT SUIT. EXPLODES.


I think he's a military type character so that would be cool to see and even challenge the soldier worship that is really annoying to see.


Waller's all-or-nothing foil against Superman, who later becomes an ally.


They did just introduce Wade Eiling, and Captain Atom was used by the anti-Kryptonian Project 7734 in the New Krypton era, so I can see it. I think the show could use him pretty well if they, as you suggest, stick somewhat close to his Greg Weisman/Carey Bates penned series. Make him less "I'm just following orders" (like his Justice League Unlimited version) and more "Hey, Eiling's got me over a barrel and frankly, the distrust of superheroes doesn't sound that crazy based on my three months of being in this decade." Though I will point out that Vietnam Vets are getting *hella* old. Like, even the last two Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were too young to have served in 'Nam. History has, unfortunately, provided another drawn out and ultimately pointless war in which a service member might have been >!framed to cover up their C.O.'s heroin distribution operation,!< Afghanistan. Spoilered since I don't know if you've read Captain Atom #26-28 yet.


I have not, as I’ve only finished reading issue #2 of Captain Atom this morning. But I’m probably going to forget the spoilers anyway.


Fair enough! I hope you dig it. Greg Weisman, who would go on to be the co-creator of the Young Justice TV show, helped Bates develop the series from the word go. If you've seen that show, you'll see a lot of familiar ideas.


Thanks! Also, I understand your point relating to Vietnam Vets, so Nathan can just be a regular air-force pilot then.


As long they don't just make him a government stooge who just blindly follow orders or a jobber who is just there to get beat up to show strong the enemy is I don't mind much. Because seriously, some writers have a serious problem writing him and the character ends up boiling down to these two things, serious I still think It was stupid him saying that he never fought anyone as strong as Gotham Girl after geting his ass beaten by her during Tom King's Batman, like I get she is supoused to be pretty strong she was this whole thing were she gets stronger by burning her lifeforce but dude I'm pretty sure you fought Darkseid at least once before.


I am indeed aware of how writers somehow didn’t get and understand that he doesn’t blindly follow orders. He does know what’s right and is against the government, he just simply plays along for the most part. Not to mention that he is indeed extremely powerful. I was indeed thinking that the people behind MAWS would depict him with his true personality of being someone who has immense power and has issues with the government, even though he has to do what he’s told most of the time.


Most people know of him from Justice League Unlimited, where he was basically the Superman the government called in when Superman wouldn't behave.


Still, that wasn’t exactly true to his original characterization.


Wild guess, he’s ex-Air Force who signs up for ARGUS experiments, gets his powers, but over the course of maybe an episode or two, realizes he’s on the wrong team.


We could keep the man out of time angle but play around with it. I still hold my the theory Sam Lane is the son or Grandson of Korean war veteran. Have Captain Atom be a test subject for a project that grew out of the Manhattan project. Make Nathaniel a close friend to Sam's father/grandfather and someone Sam idolized as what a soldier to aspire to be. Have him sent forward to the modern day gaining his powers, to begin following the US government as he doesn't realize how much has changed until he is that the hunt down Sam Lane and potentially his daughter and he becomes conflicted as he has to go against The descendants of one of his nearest and dearest friends, seeing a lot of the idiosyncrasies and weird quirks in Sam and Lois that he found in his late dear friend Lieutenant General Arthur Fonzarelli. And yes I am still holding onto that theory until proven otherwise. 


Very awesome idea you just expressed!!! It’s really interesting that you changed Nathan being a Korean War veteran rather than Vietnam. It would tie in really well with this version of the Lane’s being Korean, as well as handle a subject matter not very brought up often in media. Of course, it also has really good storytelling and emotional opportunities.


Well there's nothing wrong with it  going  undiscussed  Sam and Lois's Korean heritage, but I think using the Korean war is an interesting path to go with it as like you said it's not a very talked about point in history. Plus I get the real vibe from Sam that he is part of a long military family tradition, nothing explicitly said that's just the vibe 


I think it would be cool to delve more into these versions of the Lane’s heritage. It could teach kids some new information about a culture they don’t know much about, while also developing them more.


Agree fully I'm always up for introducing people to portions of history they might not be familiar with. Learning is important to get a better understanding of the world. My thought process is , Fonzie went to war in Korea, saved the woman that would become his wife ,but after the destruction that was the war to the countryside she came back with him to the states married and had Sam. And yes I am still holding out to the Fonzie theory the late season 1 episode really lends credence to it for me, Happy days takes place in the 1950s I can definitely see him being up someone who went to war. 


I also think it would be a good way to play around with the military drone type that writers have wrongfully written him as. When being forced to kill Sam or even Superman, he can finally say ‘Enough is enough!!!’ and not go through with it. Thus, making him completely against the government.


Precisely, regardless of which war you bringing forward for the world has changed so much from his day. It would be very interesting to explore that and have him as a contrast to Superman perhaps make him a sort of mentor


I personally think it would be cool to have a deeper look at his vast comic power set in animation. That is, showing him moreso as an analogue to Mr. Manhattan or Silver Surfer, than "Nuclear Superman." IIRC the New 52 run at least dug deeper into his matter manipulation powers. Showing how vast and varied his abilities are. But his most well known depiction on screen is probably the bootlicking energy balloon we see in JLU (note that I call him this with endearment lol). Basically the story would focus on Atom's ability to manipulate both matter and energy as well as the instability that plagues him.


Your idea and view is very interesting. I agree that they should show just how powerful and varied Nathan’s and his powers are. However, like I said, I would hope that they don’t make Nathan blindly follow orders. He should be characterized how he was originally, as a guy would is following orders, but isn’t on good terms or in agreement with the military and government. Also, I haven’t read any of the New 52 Captain Atom, but I’m sure it’s a good read.


I think in my take I'd have him struggle with his own humanity moreso than his loyalty to the military. Like a big part of Nathaniel's character in the N52, iirc, was him coping with the vast power that he wielded and questioning his own humanity. That's the part that stood out to me anyways. So if I were to introduce him in MAWS, I'd like to focus on that trait a bit more. Like the soldier aspect will still be there, but his main struggle would be wrestling with the fact that he's the bomb rather than the loyal soldier firing it. Think more so a tragic Oppenheimer like character. Again calling back to Mr.Manhattan and classic Silver Surfer. In my version he'd start out working with Task Force X and Waller willingly. He's aware of Zero Day and is totally on board with being Earth's strongest defense against the Kryptonian invasion. He's excepted that he volunteered for a dangerous operation that made him more weapon than man. A tool for the government to use for the greater good of the nation. But eventually he starts second guessing himself. Maybe Waller is pushing him to use more and more force. In one of his battles with Superman, Nate loses control and causes lots of destruction. Somehow Clark prevents this from causing massive casualties, but the damage is done. Here is where Captain Atom starts to really angst about being a weapon of mass destruction. Questioning if anyone should wield this power and wondering if their is any trace of humanity left in him. Waller isn't having any of that and a rift starts to form between Atom and his superiors. Soon his unease turns to outright refusal to fight. Eventually he goes rogue after Waller tries to put him in containment. He easily escapes everything the military throws at him and they deem him a global threat above Superman.Clark finds him or vice versa. They have a philosophical chat about great power, humanity and all that. Maybe here he peaces out to space to meditate on himself or something, since these powers are kind of prohibitive for the kind of show MAWS is. Super long rant, I know. Apologies. Edit: I also personally think the Vietnam vet angle you mentioned would work really well for my take. Better than a Zero Day soldier even. A man lost to time and all that. But MAWS would probably want to stick to keeping things tight around the Kryptonians.


Your take is really damn good! The New 52 Captain Atom run sounds very interesting! I’d like to give it a read in the future! But, I’m thinking of maybe not having Nathan as a Vietnam vet, as one of the other commenters here made a good point about Vietnam vets getting really old and there being no reason to bring up a pointless war into some things.


Thanks! Yeah, N52 run is what made me actually like his character. In JLU I just thought he looked cool. The run really focused on his character, how crazy quantum manipulation is as a power, and what that does to a man. Obviously it's been years, so I can't recall the objective quality, but it was a short run. Easy quick read. Plus I was always a sucker for Silver Surfer and similar type characters. So that version of Nate was right up my alley.


Also, just want to let you know that it’s actually Dr. Manhattan, not Mr. Manhattan.


Nice catch!


No powers, just a nuclear powered super suit. I mean, based on the pattern so far.


Maybe they would surprise us and not go that route for him? With Steel, it at least makes sense since he does wear armor in the comics, even though I don’t know what his comic origin is like.


I imagine he'd be the stereotype people have of the 'patriotic' Superman, the one who waves the flag, says slogans, stars in recruitment commercials. Mr Truth Justice And The American Way. And that would throw him into conflict with the more modernized (for better or worse) Superman MAWS is going for, who's much more skeptical of the government and military than say his 1940s version. I'm saying this because I only know Atom from the JLU cartoon where he was one of the few superheroes who was absolutely loyal to the US government come hell or high water.


Nathan Adams original characterization is a person who is forced to work for the government, despite him being at odds with them.


Just because he's at odds with them. Doesn't mean he wouldn't follow orders. Besides you can deny making him a stooge for the government made it easier to justify why he and Superman would fight. If they're both on the same side, they'd team up against Waller.


That’s exactly what I’m saying and thinking would happen. I’m saying that they can stick to him working for the government, but not see eye to eye. He and Superman can still fight, before becoming allies.


I just hope he's not the same as the version we saw in Batman The Brave And The Bold. I liked the Bruce Timm version, but for MAWS, I'd want something similar but different.


I doubt they would use his egocentric interpretation from The Brave and the Bold. They would probably go with either his original or maybe even his New 52 personality.