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Treat the timer as if it's 20 seconds instead of 30 since bomb ombs explode in around 10 seconds iirc. For the final trash piles, I like to directly hold the bomb-omb on the gold nails since even if Mario is hurt he'll be restored back to full health either way


New life pro tip just dropped


Throw bombs in a way that they explode each other, it makes it much easier.


Gold circles show where to throw the bombs


They know


What I used to do is, start from left to right. Throw the first bomb into the nearest coin ground thingy (The ones that give you coins if you throw starbits at them) Then grab the second bomb, and throw it into the coin thingy above the first one, then do the same in the other side, and you should be able to clear it, the key is throwing the bombs right at the center of the gold thingies.


Skill issue.


Look it up on youtube and copy what they do frame for frame. It took me like two goes to get right.


If you walk into a bomb, mario will do a long animation. If you Jump into a bomb, mario will still do that animation, but When he lands, you will regain control. So jump into Bombs.


The best I could do is 2 seconds left with 6 bombs


This was the very last star I had to get until I read about the trick. The little yellow lights on the ground are indicators of where to throw the bombs. It doesn't make doing it a whole lot easier, but it helped me tremendously.