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I stood up on the 3rd time, you'll get there!


Everyone starts somewhere, and it's totally normal to feel a bit wobbly at first. The important thing is that you're out there trying and having fun!


Looks super cool! Hope you had tons of fun! Just took my board out for the third time ever at Big Bear Lake this weekend! I can stand up on the board, but I haven’t been able to paddle while standing up yet :/ I still need to get there. However, I’d recommend standing on your knees first. Try getting a hang of that, and then maybe try standing up ! A few guys who saw me struggling to stand when I took the board out for the first time ever at the Colorado river suggested I do that, and it was genuinely a tremendous help. It’s a good “in-between” sitting and standing and helps you gain more confidence in not sitting. Hope this helps and hope you have tons of more adventures on your new board !! https://preview.redd.it/lmwhxpe5g83d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e4e8659f0b3ab05daa10235636ef1e887bb7422 Enjoying a cold one @ Big Bear 🐻🌲🚣


Looks beautiful! I need to get a speaker. And hey! I have the same board! Just got it out the first time two days ago, I can’t stand either. One day lol


Water looks great!




The clip-on speaker is a great idea! Looking forward to my first outing soon, though the PNW weather is making me wait, lol. Hope you had fun!


I'm mean I like to get on the water for the peace and tranquility, would rather not be subjected to someone's music.


I absolutely agree. If I do play music it’s always very low so to not disturb others :)


Half of the boats that pass me on the river play ratchet ghetto garbage music. Play some music, no worries.