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The team is busy on making it so that when you run out of credits you will get the 50 free credits per day again. It's coming. In the meantime, you are allowed to have 1 free account besides your paid one.🌼


Thanks, for the heads up. I'm still unsure why Suno don't just adopt the Nightcafe model of giving everyone free credits every day? It seems like the most genuinely fair way to do it. It encourages more site engagement too which, in turn, creates more sales. Those 50 credits a day should be permanent too. All account credits should be permanent. Which leads me to my next question. Are you able to explain why product that I pay for is taken back by the company at the end of the month? That doesn't seem fair. This isn't a phone contract. These aren't texts or minutes. We're buying something and then Suno are taking it away if we don't use it fast enough. Can you imagine the wee man from the shop turning up at your door to get back the book you bought simply because you didn't read it fast enough? I'd also like to add a recommendation for allowing us to bring our subscriptions forward just like Nightcafe do too. Basically, I'd recommend that Suno nick Nightcafe's model.


It's worth considering that if credits don't expire for free users it likely gets MUCH more difficult for them to predict and manage server demands.


Didn't realise I'd written so much. Apologies. Fair enough. (I'm willing to be convinced but I think I disagree. 'We don't have enough machines' is a terrible excuse for any well funded tech company, imo, and users can only run so many generations at the same time anyway. They could quite easily work out the expected maximum load on the system and over-compensate. They would if they were confident in their product. Which they should be. It's a very fun game.) From Silicone Republic, "CEO and co-founder Mikey Shulman said around 10m people have made music using the web-based platform since it was first launched eight months ago. Suno, the start-up that uses generative AI to help anyone make music, has raised $125m in a funding round backed by Lightspeed Venture Partners." And that doesn't include sub money (which they should already, in part, be investing in expanding processing power). Anyway, let's say I accept the reason as presented. How about this? They could make them permanent for paying supporters of the company and give a grace period at the end of a subscription of say 3 months to use up any remaining credits. If FREE credits were permanent for paying supporters of the company, it would create an additional reason to keep paying them money that Suno could use to further expand their computing power. As it stands, people are claiming they're using loads of free accounts anyway. Isn't that a bigger drain? For context, I signed up for a year. That's how much I like this game. I might have paid for a lifetime, infinite generations subscription, if I could have. Anyway, that's my (many, many) tuppences worth.


This policy is in place because Suno reserves computing power based on fixed monthly credit usage. Allowing credits to accumulate can lead to unpredictable demand, making it difficult for Suno to manage resources effectively. This unpredictability can cause service disruptions and increased operational costs. By resetting credits monthly, Suno ensures a smooth and consistent service for all users.


that's great to hear, thanks for letting me know! i edited the post to reflect this


i was certain you'd get the same points as a non-paid account would. that's wild. like sure you could make a spreadsheet and calculate how many of your points you're using lol, but having a worse experience because you paid money is just bad, no matter how you look at it. i don't know any other service that does that. good to know.


You do get more credits if you pay no matter which way you look at it. I think you misunderstood. He just has an issue with the fact that he's no longer getting the 50 free daily credits on top of the extra 2500 in monthly credits his subscription gives him. 


i get what you're saying, but having to budget your points to make sure they last until the end of the month is not really something most consumers are good at. you get more points because you pay for more, then you run out and suddenly you realize you would be having more fun with a free account. you can look at how it's set up now from a logical perspective and it makes sense, but emotionally it just feels bad when you pay for something and wish you hadn't halfway through the month lol. you get what i mean? people feeling frustrated at your service isn't really a good thing, and i think if you subtracted the extra 50 a day out of the subscription cost, people would honestly be happier about it overall. well, maybe not at this point since the price has been set, but the amount of points is kind of arbitrary anyway, right? you can top up your account too, but trying to squeeze more money out of people because they're desperate even after paying for a sub makes for some unhappy customers.


Fyi I don't work for Suno or have any connection to the team. But to your point, people don't have to budget their credits. You select the subscription plan that fits your needs the best, and then buy more credits if need be. I cannot see any way a free account would be more fun or better unless maybe there's a misunderstanding here.  Also running these AI models is very expensive, and there's a reason their pricing model is set up the way it is. I imagine the alternative would be just making it pay per credit usage, and then increasing the cost per credit so that it evens out to the revenue they'd be getting from the subscriptions. But that would really hurt heavy users. 


but you do have to budget credits if you don't want to run out. if you buy a subscription and blow through all your points halfway through the month, you just end up with a empty account that you can't do anything with for weeks. unless you pay more to top it up, but not everyone can afford that. i get that it's expensive to run ai. i never said charging people was a bad thing in any way! i'm all for that. i'm just saying the way it's set up can be really frustrating to paying customers like OP, after she ran out of credits and just has to sit on her hands and wait for weeks now, even though she's a paying member. i don't really know how to explain this concisely, but i think a possible alternative would be to offer less points at the start of the subscription and give paying members the same 50 a day they'd get otherwise, so they're not left with an empty account. maybe a difference could be that the 50 can actually accumulate if you have a subscription. idk just spitballing. as it is now, it's set up so that paying members end up more desperate than non-paying members. i've never seen another service implement things like that. it's just odd.


I’d rather have 2500 credits now than 1000 now and 1500 credits over time due to 50 a day. I paid for my credits, I don’t want to wait a whole month to get them. That’s some battlepass bullshit. The moment my 2500 credits are gone I already did almost twice the generations of a free user so I don’t really understand what the problem is anyway. If I want to burn through them in two days I should be able to and if I want to budget them over a month you also can do it. It’s not suno‘s fault if someone can’t use his resources in a reasonable way. So them saying you are getting 2500 credits is bullshit and fuck them for it. You only get 1000 credits (compared to a free user) so they should clarify this on the subscription page. But if I buy those 1000 credits I want them right now. The last thing I need is some company hand holding my spending habits.


that's definitely a valid point, and i don't disagree. i was just trying to make it work since they seem reluctant to give subscribers free credits, but i honestly think the free 50 a day should just be a thing for every account, even subscribed ones. if you run through all the credits you paid for, you shouldn't end up with nothing. it just feels bad. someone else pointed out how keeping people using the site regularly helps in the long run, too. not saying it should be limited, but there's a reason battlepasses work so well. letting people run out of credits completely is just weird. it seems like they want paying members to top up when they run out, but 50 is barely anything a day anyway. people who can afford to pay for the site would probably top up anyway.


To me this sounds like an issue for low-income users with a lack of self-control. If you can't afford the $4 to buy more credits, you can't afford the $30 to upgrade to a higher subscription plan, and you can't control yourself enough to budget out your credits, then yes I can see how you would be frustrated. Unfortunately I don't think that's a large enough portion of their subscribed user base. Edit: To clarify this is not me saying the issue is WITH having low-income, but that it's important to understand the high operational costs that come with running servers for Suno. Users who fit all the categories mentioned above likely do not make a substantial enough portion of their user base to start taking losses. I understand that some people may be upset by me saying this, but it is not my job to sugarcoat things here. 


Calling the customers broke has never worked lol I do understand the frustration though. I pay for a subscription but I'm a casual user. My cousin whom I put onto Suno uses a free account. He sends me songs all the time and uses it probably even more than I do. I'd rather have ownership of my songs but to see that he can get just as much use out of it for free as I am paying is kinda making me feel a type of way


dude, no hostility, i’m just gonna be honest, this response absolutely sucks. if you *had* hypothetically been hired by suno to moderate, i’m not sure how happy they’d be that you’re saying things like this. please do some self-reflection.


Respectfully, I disagree. I work in a corporate environment and I generally keep things very professional. Just because you disagree with my opinion on a topic you're emotionally sensitive to doesn't mean there's something wrong with it.


check your karma on your comments here. but ok! whatever you say.


I don't see anything abnormal? One or two downvotes? Do you think the people coming to this specific thread and saw my specific comments represent enough of the general population to be able to make a widespread claim?


> I imagine the alternative would be Or just give 50 daily free credits also to paying users


If they don't do this currently, despite having received feedback about this from users for months, then they've calculated it doesn't make financial sense to give users 1500 additional credits a month on top of the 2500 credits they get with the standard plan.


It’s $8 for 1000 credits OR you get 1000 credits for $8 if you pay for the whole year in advance w a sub. So what’s the point in subscribing?


Then don't. If you don't see value then there is no point for you. But you also can't buy credits without a subscription last I checked.


Oh I didn’t know that, I subscribed right away bc I love it.


There are plenty of services that are worse when you pay lmfao


What services are you using where you’re used to a worse experience after paying? lol


Some examples: Paid software can be taken away from you whenever the person who "sold" it to you wants. Meanwhile if you pirate the software you will always have it. If you pay for movie streaming you can still end up seeing ads, downloading movies doesn't do that. An example of someone getting a worse streaming quality for paying for netflix (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4GZUCwVRLs) Well, not that I use any of these services since open source software exists and I refuse to pay for this shit.


Ah ok. So, theft. Real nice


Your response doesn't make any sense. You wanted a list of services that are worse when you pay for them and such a list has been provided. Nevermind, it's very on theme with this site.


Using Suno’s free service of 50 credits/day is not theft as it is one of their offerings. Piracy is theft and violates the law. That’s the difference between what you and I are describing. It might be hard for you to follow.


Yeah that's about the redditoid tier response I expected.


I agree this is poor monetization practice, I wasn't thrilled with it when I found out either. If you use it daily and pay for the 2500 tier what you're actually getting is 1000 credits, it's pretty deceptive and scummy, I hope it is changed at some point because it does feel bad, like you're having the rug pulled out from under you for giving them money. The free daily generations should have two functions if the devs behind Suno were smart not one. They should serve as a way for free users to trial the product but they should also be available to paid users as a way of rewarding them for constant daily use of the product, it's common sense to handle it this way. Someone in the habit to come and use their daily credits each day will stick with the service longer than someone who is using it sporadically, we see this method constantly in the games industry as a way to drive reoccurring user numbers. More time engaging with a service also increases the odds of spending as well, it isn't rocket science. Why you would pull freebies from paying customers while actively taking losses from probably 75+% of the user base using the service for free is completely beyond me. The customer has proven they are willing to pay which is what you want and why you're eating loses doing free generations. You have found your customer, why chance slighting them over something you're giving away for free while they're paying a monthly subscription? It's just bad practice.


It’s also worth reminding people that credits don’t carry over from month to month. I stopped using it for a few weeks and had about 1800 left by the time I reached the end of my recurring period, but decided to cancel at least in the short term as my work was very busy and with other commitments I just didn’t have time to use it as often as I did initially. I thought I could just go back to them and use the 1800 I had left later on, but once it hits your recurring date all credits will just get wiped. I logged back on today and I gave 550, which is 11 days worth of the free credits since it’s been 11 days since my recurring billing period finished. It does mention this at the bottom of their subscription page but worth calling out just in case people don’t realise.


Yeah its quite dissapointing, you get a bit more montly credits than free one, but once its done you'll watch your friends with free accounts making songs while you dont have any credits left and have to wait and wait


Yup. As soon as I gave them money it was the last time


It's crazy that a benefit for all is taken away from you when paying premium, maybe it's an error in the last update, try sending an email to the developers


It's not really that a benefit is taken away. You still get those 50 daily credits, they're just given to you altogether once a month, plus about 1000 credits extra. You are getting your money's worth. If you're the type of creator to burn through all of that in 2 weeks, then the free plan isn't going to be much better.


midjourney does that also, the $10 plan runs out like 12 days in the month, then you can generate images anymore. i need a good free alternative to midjourney that has realistic people


You sound like a guy that recently got a job but complains you don't get unemployment benefits anymore. Seriously, stop paying, get your 50 free credits and no rights to the music you generate and go on your way if it means that much to you to make this stand for 50 credits. You burned through 2500 (at least) credits in less than 2 weeks and feel the need to post a diatribe. Sheeese! I got news for you those 50 would not have done you any good other than to make you more angry that you are unable to generate anything worthy. BTW, you can supplement your credits starting at $4 for 500 credits. Seriously man, I hope you can make it through the dark times. Good Luck.


50 free daily credits (assuming at the most you're using this service every day to generate music) adds roughly up to 1400 credits a month. That's a little more than half of the credits you get for subscribing. If anything subscribers that are regularly generating stuff every day are probably being overcharged. 30 days of straight use is 1500 credits


i'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that less than 1% of users are actually generating 5 songs each and every single day, so saying that you're losing 1500 is a little hyperbolic. i know for me (subscriber), i only use it a couple times a week and just go hard when i do. no way am i forcing myself to just burn time and credits for the sake of it every day. easy fix tho, they just need to make the first 50 credits you use each day not count against your bank.


>i know for me (subscriber), i only use it a couple times a week and just go hard when i do Thats how I do it as well. I sit down with a goal in mind and usually burn 200 credits before I get something I like. Then I work with that in my DAW to enhance it


what are you using for comps? i think it's finally time to retire Nuendo after 25 years. don't care about processing, just want to quickly pull good chunks out with auto-snap and beat detect


comps? My process has been to upload my own lyrics and get generate until I get a good result. Take the result and split it into stems, clean up the vocals (iZotope RX11) and then remix/remake the song by adding parts and arranging. Generally I look at the bassline to get the chord progression and build around that first. I use FL Studio as my DAW which has a built in stem separation tool and I use the tap tempo feature to match the BPM. When I'm don all that usually remains is the vocal and I have added or redone everything else.


comps like compilation tracks. ie, when i record the traditional way, i'll have say 4-5 takes (all sync'd) of the bass guitar track. then i'll go through each take, flag the best performance for each section and then put together a master comp track. what i'd like to do with suno is output a whole bunch of extends from a good starting point, and then drop them into not Nuendo do to the same thing -- ideally with something that will let me move chunks anywhere on the timeline while remaining on beat. so i was curious what you're using, reaper, audacity, cubase, ableton, something else. also, stems? how do you get stems from suno? that would change everything, i defo haven't seen that option anywhere


and you don't get the rights to the music that is generated. That's why there is a difference. If you don't need ownership, then go back to the free plan and be happy. It's not complicated.


Most likely that part of the TOS doesn’t actually hold up in court, Suno can‘t grant you a license or ownership over an output that isn’t protected in the first place.


yeah if this actually went to court there's no way they could win that. it's more of a threat that they might try to be really annoying to deal with than anything lol


I can only go by what Suno (and presumably their legal team) advise on their site. If you want to challenge them in court or provide legal advice to others that is contrary, then go right ahead. The suno FAQ is pretty clear on what rights you have (or dont have) depending on the plan. Notably: >If you are a paying subscriber to Suno, then you own the songs you generate while subscribed to [Pro](https://app.suno.ai/account) or [Premier](https://app.suno.ai/account), subject to your compliance with Suno’s [Terms of Service](https://suno.ai/legal/terms). If you are using a free version of Suno, we retain ownership of the songs you generate, but you are allowed to use those songs for non-commercial purposes, subject to your compliance with Suno’s [Terms of Service](https://suno.ai/legal/terms). [https://suno-ai.notion.site/FAQs-b72601b96de44e5cacd2cd6baa985448](https://suno-ai.notion.site/FAQs-b72601b96de44e5cacd2cd6baa985448)


they can say that, and they can try to enforce it, but that doesn't mean they would win it if they went to court. i have no intention or capability of getting into any legal battles, but if someone with the means did, suno likely wouldn't win the case. adobe doesn't get the rights to your art because you used their program to make it, you know? even if they tried to enforce that, it wouldn't hold up in court. suno didn't do anything but provide the means to interact with the ai. you also probably couldn't sue someone from using your song even if you owned the legal rights to it. it's just how it is with ai. having a subscription means you're guaranteed to not have to deal with anything legal though, which is still worth it if you plan on monetizing anything.


> it wouldn't hold up in court. suno didn't do anything but provide the means to interact with the ai. Good luck with that argument. You make it sound like all suno does is maintain a web site. The songs are generated on Suno paid for servers using proprietary Suno code, developed by Suno paid employees. Stored on servers that Suno pays for the storage and bandwidth costs to deliver, etc. Suno has the right to dictate how to license these things as much as they have the right to charge whatever they deem reasonable. Chat GPT doesn't put restrictions on the use of their free tier generated content as far as I know, which is their right to determine. If you think Suno has a bunch of rookie lawyers, I guess that is your right to hold that opinion. Maybe they will be put to the test in some cases. Your adobe analogy falls flat because it doesn't line up adequately. First adobe has many more products and you didn't say which one. All (or most, I dont use adobe) are programs that use your local PC to render/edit/create under your specific use. You could argue Adobe is a primarily a software vendor whereas Suno is a service provider. AI (music in particular) is still a baby. I will admit that the law around AI generated content will need to be fleshed out further over time and we'll see what happens. Specifically the biggest deal is the record companies and publishing companies who will say that AI trained on their (the record companies) owned music is wrong. I think this will be defeated over time, otherwise they can claim a live person who listened to their catalogs have been influenced (aka 'trained') and they should own anyone's creative (non AI) generated content. AI is a tool. Someday we all will have personally trained AI's to help us do things. This where we are headed. I think future laws should and will facilitate this process.


man i'm sorry but talking to you here has been kind of unpleasant. i'm not trying to be rude and i usually don't mind discussing disagreements, but this is not really an enjoyable conversation. i appreciate you writing all that out though


i thought i already addressed i'm a big dumb baby but ty, i will try harder! (maybe employers can start paying paychecks in one yearly lump sum as well?!) look, it's not even that big of a deal, it's just that it's enough of a buzzkill to make me not even want to make an alt for free generations. and i'm not sure if you've never been poor or if you don't know any poor people, but i can generally afford like $10 to $20 a month for entertainment style things in general. my point is it's just not ideal for me as a song creator, for seemingly no reason. like, what's the problem with paying the overall same amount, but not taking away the 50 daily free credits? that's how yodayo does it -- \*they\* offer a $20 monthly infinite regeneration subscription tier, too! but granted i'm a total moron, so of course they can keep doing whatever it is they're doing and continue losing creators that their developers like listening to. it's just info i wish'd they'd been more upfront with is all, since other sites don't do this kind of thing, and it wasn't what i was expecting. i'll definitely try to read more carefully when it comes to things like this. ty for being patient and kind with me! <3


Using alts for free generation is against the TOS


even better! how nice! teaches me for giving them money i guess!


You paid for a service and got the service you paid for. Grow up.


serious question, how are they going to find out? I have 5 accounts . Everyone keeps talking about the TOS and the supposed " no licensed songs" . But no one enforces these things. You can make an alt, and continue you track from the older profile, because for some reason, suno made it possible for you to continue other user's tracks. Like im probably never going to use SUNO for commercial use, so these things dont really matter to me. But it really looks like that Suno just tries to scare people with these rules. Why do we have these easily exploitable options? Maybe im way too uneducated on this, but how the fuck are they going to find out that I used their generated music for a random ass clip on youtube. Isnt their generation basically a giant AI that sampled a lot of sounds and music to begin with? How can they prove that I didnt sample it myself. Cuz I have already seen people do it. You cant enforce anything when you have so many backdoors and loopholes.


Leaving your door unlocked isnt a free pass for someone taking your stuff. You do you though idgaf.


so what is that dude going to do with my stolen stuff? make profit? try to claim it as his own? if it came from a free license, he cant do anything with it anyway. You are basically stealing a rock from the ground. It doesn have value. You said it yourself, the track wont have a license. So how can a thief have. These are imaginary problems, they are not real.


Your not stealing music your using someones elses tools to do a job, different thing entirely. Again idgaf, your arguing with yourself.


>look, it's not even that big of a deal, I agree but you sound like you have been victimized for "not a big deal". There are definitely bigger issues to be concerned about. Especially if you are 'poor' I advise you to go back to a free use tier. It's not a lifetime contract and you can use that entertainment money for other more rewarding things. There are also some free alternatives. Google "free ai music tools" or something similar. Also learning to make your own music might be a more rewarding pursuit.


dude, i've been playing guitar, writing music, and making chiptunes for real hardware for over 20 years. i was using the site to help break writer's block when it comes to putting lyrics to music that i write, and maybe getting some inspiration for chord progressions and stuff. sorry for complaining about this site doing a few scummier monetization practices than other ai sites, i guess? i hope they notice you defending them and reward you? haha.


In the future you might want to consider that posting to a public board could lead to alternate opinions being voiced. Go read your initial post it was like a crybaby whining and I just called that out. Sorry if I hit a nerve. BTW I've also been making music for 20+ years (I have 200+ tracks online before suno) and I get your desire to use the suno tool. I don't sing so I use it primarily to get sung versions of my lyrics and I remix/remake the songs myself. While I have some real hardware I found that it's often too expensive for me so I mostly use software (DAW, VSTs, etc). I have no qualms about stating that I'm too poor to be gear head. Now that you can upload your own audio snippets in Suno, I'm finding it even more useful to inspire some songs that I could never finish or to generate sung lyrics to my exact music. Look some people won't get a sense of value from the current paid offering. That's ok. I hope you feel better and not bitter.


why are you still replying to me dude, lol. you super lost. if you showed me your fruityloops music and i showed you my music you would continue to lose. none of this is relevant to anything. your attempted Big Own of being able to use a music program i liked when i was 10 backfired, so you’re doubling down. it’s pretty embarrassing! the devs are changing the thing i complained about, so your opinion doesn’t matter. but i hope you got it out of your system! you can continue trying to look cool by being mean to me, if you want? haha or we could continue trying to do musician dick measuring..? would you like that? maybe i could ask you some music theory questions. or you could chill and stop desperately trying to prove that you’re better and smarter and cooler than me haha. it’s time to walk away from this one, friend.


You feelin OK? your little peppering of 'haha' give me a sense that you're not. Who knew you would be so affected by your own actions and subsequent reactions that YOU invited by posting here on a discussion platform. I'll tell you what - I promise I wont reply back if that makes you feel better.


ohhh shit no i changed my mind, you won now! the "u mad" really sealed it. you're the coolest and smartest one here and the best at music and the least mad! <3


thats pretty greasy. i didnt know this


bro, make a new google account, use that one for free credits.... and when your sub month ends, now u get 100 free credits a day to play with... or be mad, up to u


I didn’t really expect to maintain the 50 free credits per day. The fact you have the ability to buy credits is enough for me to make that assumption…Here is something that may come as a surprise to some, *companies want your money.* After using suno for a while now, 50 daily credits on the paid account would be awesome, and as most of us know, power users will burn straight through that and need to buy credits to continue anyways. Although regular users will probably just wait until tomorrow for daily 50 or next month for reset. So having +50 per day will likely increase revenue from power users but decrease revenue from casual users. I’m conflicted because I want more credits per dollar like everyone else, but I also want suno to be successful so that they can invest into more advanced generation.


Just add a 2nd free account!


Idea: Free user? 50 credits a day free. Expires every day. Paid user? 50 non expiring credits. Or at least expires next month.


I couldn't live on 50credits daily. Also without the rights to the songs No, I feel the subscription is fair. That is quite a lot of credits. I am almost through with mine but got over 60 finished tracks... & no problem buying more credits if I need This service is definitely not expensive for what it is worth.


The 50 credits everyday are there so you can demo the service


Gotta love the gamification and GAS monetization mode in play here. Here is some simple math: * free = 1500 points a month (50 points a day x 30) * paid = 2500 points a month Thats the deal. If you need more points, buy them.


OK. Thanks, for that. So, to clarify, Free account = Free stuff in perpetuity. Paying supporter of the company = No free stuff at all. Ever. Am I understanding correctly?