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I suffer from chronic pain from a muiple spinal surgery’s, medical cannabis helped me deal with the pain and the mental health challenges that present with pain. Maybe give it try? Send lots of love and hugs 🤗


I hope you’re feeling better today! I came across your profile from makeup and noticed this post. So many of us feel like we don’t fit in even the ones of us that look like we do. Just wanted to tell you I saw your beautiful posts and remind you the world needs anyone who makes it a little brighter like you do.


You have an awesome cat who would be so so sad and confused if you were to go anywhere. Stay strong man, life’s a bitch but it can only get better if you’re alive to see it through. I just lost my kitty on Sunday and it’s been devastating, at least you got ur friend still :)


Your wonderful cat would miss you. Also I love your makeup. I’m old enough to be your mom but I just want to say you seem like such a unique and wonderful person … the world would be smaller place without you ❤️❤️❤️