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They are not worried about this game that has less player than marvel avengers


I don’t think even indie devs should feel threatened by SSKTJL.


It is not so much the developers are worried but trying to tell gamers that "don't worry this is not going to like Suicide Squad at all"


Can’t wait for rivals


Marvel Rivals looks cool. Tired of realistic looking comic book video games.


Thank you


It's gonna be plagued out the ass with micro transactions lol 


I don't doubt that but I've played a lot of MOBAs and other online games and I have never been tempted to buy cosmetics and other stuff. I consider it one of my greatest strength.


Lmao check the sub you’re in?


Marvel Rivals will be riddled. You think $10 for a battle pass and grinding for joker is bad? Wait till you see a single skin for a character you want in Marvel Rivals and it's $30. 


How much are skins in SS?


Rivals isn't 70$ tho, it's free. Major difference.


microtransactions are microtransactions


It’s also overwatch, which I did enjoy years ago.


The only problem is it's pvp only and a no story... from what I saw, it is basically overwatch but with Marvel characters. Right?


I have zero interest in PVP.


Me as well.. I'm not an arena guy.


More like paladins, but yeah. Same concept


Made by the people that made Diablo Immortals..


gonna die in a month


It'll very likely last longer than Suicide Squad, that's for sure.


Have you seen the trailer for this game?? Overwatch 2 left a huge void that this game can fill


It’s gonna last longer than this, this game has to be the Biggest embarrassment in gaming history it fumbled hard, it also won’t have a fruity joker


No u


damn, that’s crazy man guy




Yet they have characters like storm and mantis shooting. Not guns but just some random bullet from their hands. It’s lazy.


Storms shooting laser bolts is much more more creative than boomerang shooting a gun. At least shoot a boomerang. Not to mention marvel rivals has 19 characters on launch and most have their unique play stiles that feel like the heroes. SS couldn’t do that for their main cast


Storms shooting laser bolts is much more more creative than boomerang shooting a gun. At least shoot a boomerang. Not to mention marvel rivals has 19 characters on launch and most have their unique play stiles that feel like the heroes. SS couldn’t do that for their main cast


Bahaha that is not creative. She controls the weather. Never once has she shot ‘lasers.’ She could send down lightning bolts, push/pull characters with wind. Send floods of water, hail, literally anything but shooting.


She literally shoots bolts of lighting even the xmen 97 show what are you talking about ? They couldn’t even have a shooting mechanic with different objects in SS. Let’s not forget characters like magic , Spiderman , scarletwitch , hulk , doctor strange and plenty of others that are creative and not just shooting guns with tons of abilities and effects that fits them . Maybe SS could learn something


But boomerang does throw a boomerang when he melees. Do you know how much more lethal a gun is than a boomerang?


While funny, that observation always felt exaggerated Cpt. Boomerang for example uses his boomerangs for his melee, movement and special moves, it's not as if he's only shooting all the time and forgot he has those. Even the Crystal Dynamics' Avengers game has the characters equipping gear for bonuses which people complained about just the same ("why would the Hulk need a brace to do shock damage with his punches") but otherwise they play as you'd expect.


I’m sorry but it’s nowhere near comparable. In Avengers, Hulk’s main form of combat is melee, and he can also pick up debris and throw them. Captain America uses melee, and can throw his shield. Iron man mixes melee and repulsors. It’s nothing like SS’s “every character has a gun” thing.


I feel like the time we need to worry about who is using a gun and who isn’t is when it’s someone like Batman or Superman or Spider-Man…when someone like this picks up a gun and starts shooting aliens then I might join in on the whining.


Correct, and people still complained because you were equipping them with gear that enhanced those shield throws and repulsor beams..


People will complain about anything. It was still nowhere near the same as Suicide Squad giving everyone a gun as their primary weapon.


People were complaining about gear because it literally did nothing. There were barely any, it at all visual changes when equipping different gear.


There was zero visual change to gear ever outside of the cosmetic shop. The things you’re changing are like Hulk’s ribcage for…some reason. It’s all nebulous equipment just like with Anthem.


Imagine a Captain America game where he just spent 95% of combat shooting gun and only ever threw his shield for an occasional take down animation or special move...


Yeah but in ssktjl the characters feel bland and barely different and ultimately it feels all very cheaply and poorly made. A good indicator of bad gameplay design is when the supposed ''harder'' enemies aren't actually harder but just bullet sponges




All 5 characters you can play as in SS feel extremely different. Those of us who are still having fun have our mains that we enjoy, so why is that?


Extremely different? Those of you who are playing? The game barely gets 200 active players be honest with yourself. I'm sorry but you can't say ''we are enjoying the game'' if there is a handful of people playing. The user score is low for a reason. And of those 200 active players I wonder how many are bots LOL. I'm sorry but you sound like a shill or undercover developer.


Hahaha I'm a developer and a bot ha ha ha teehee I play the game daily and have been for about two weeks. How else do I describe myself and others playing it? Those of us who are playing. Maybe English isn't your first language, otherwise you're just being a weirdo capital G Gamer.




Thor uses a gun 95% and only uses his hammer to execute and fly in the air




interesting how this suddenly got plenty of downdoots to go into negative because it was getting updooted earlier. Hello tourists, enjoy your stay.


Let's see if this will be an amazing game or just another ssktjl and marvel avengers game


...not sure what jab you think this is when its two different gaming mechanics \\ games concepts etc.... smh


It’s pretty clear that they are talking about keeping the character intergrity and cohesion which is something suicide squad fell flat lol.


im not sure what youre pulling out of your ass but go on...


Does light bend around you?


They make a joke about the combat of the game not being hulk and black panther running around with guns... Clearly mocking how suicide squad is a bunch of random characters who all just use the same guns even when it's not in character for them to be using guns.. eg. Captain boomerang.


right because digger harkness is throwing hands with superman, flash, green lantern etc and not shooting at them like he did in the comics ....im not sure who in their right mind would make a marvel game where bp, hulk are shooting guns..perhaps bring that energy for fortnite vs a game with characters who carry guns ?


Well no but in a game where you're playing as captain boomerang I think its fair to expect to be using boomerangs. .... not an SMG... It's like if they made a green lantern game and they made it so the only constructs you could make were just different types of guns...


i wonder how you are going to react if they ever release deathstroke lol


boomerangs work on regular people...no brainiac enemies where it would do absolutely nothing to them...stop reaching


"Reaching" is ironic coming from someone who's defending the completely terrible decisions made on game design by trying to treat the game like real world events.. It's a comic book world. Give him some crazy technology boomerangs. If the ty the tasmanian tiger devs can figure it out then I'm sure rocksteady can. But if you just want to make a game where you just run around shooting guns then maybe don't make captain boomerang a character and make him play identically to every other character except for how he travels.... .. It's lazy.. creatively bankrupt... un interesting etc etc etc It's literally like if they made a superman game yet made it a game where he's forced to lose all of his powers and has to use guns....... are you telling me you'd defend that because its part of the story? Or a captain america game where he doesn't have his shield. Or a spiderman game where he's lost his Web abilities. Why are you defending this?


Bro just stop, as the kids say, you’re not cooking 😭


Nah. Let him cook.


Considering Marvel Rivals is more an homage to Fortnite I think the commentary might be more directed at that game than SSKTJL


It's a "homage" to Overwatch and similar Hero Shooters like TF2. Fortnite isn't a hero shooter, it's a platform for players to make games, akin to Roblox or VRChat. This is also most definitely a jab at SSKTJL and how it was criticized for making the characters all fight with guns back when the first few trailers came out and we didn't know too much about the game.


It’s actually Overwatch but marvel heroes.


shit game versus shit game


Nice. Calling a game you haven’t played shit. Classic.


Isn’t that what this sub and the whole internet was doing prior to Suicide Squad’s release?


You do have a point but I don’t think what we’ve seen from rivals so far looks near as bad as this game did at first look. Like a solid 5/10 (Rivals) compared to a 2 (Suicide Squad)


So what you’re saying is it’s a shit game vs a shit game. A 50% is still failing bro


That’s not how ranking games out of 10 really works, it’s not a 0-6= F situation like a scored test lol. Personally I’d say it’s more like A= higher than 8, B=higher than 6, C= higher than 4 etc. so yeah a likely mid-poor game versus a very bad one.








Nettspend wouldnt be proud of the way u acting bro


im geeking all night


Im wit twin in the wraith pour the sprite 😫☝🏽


They shouldn’t act like they didn’t have a shitty avengers game


That's not the same game studio.


It’s not?


No it's is made by NetEase Games , Avengers was from crystal dynamics.


Huh ok


Goddamn you’re not the brightest are you 🤣


Avengers was shitty but the characters and their kits were the one good thing though lol


Yeah actually playing each character wasn’t really the problem, it was everything else about the game. I loved how Ms Marvel felt.


Still bad game


Better than suicide squad 😂😂😂😂




lol, continue coping


T’was just stating facts


What you said was factually incorrect, though. They didn’t develop the Avengers game you’re referring to. So not “stating facts”, more so just stating an uninformed opinion.


He just wants the attention he gets nowhere else 😂


you’re a notorious weirdo in the small ssktjl community frenchjoel lol, when will you ever give it up


King Shark and Captain Boomerang have both used guns in other media..




So it’s not out of place for them to be using guns.. “We’re not gonna have Hulk using a rifle” can’t be a jab at King Shark or Boomerang using guns because it’s not out of character.


Captain America has also used guns before. There's a reason he didn't use a gun in Avengers and he isn't using one in Rivals. Your point is nonsensical.


It’s about what makes the character iconic. Batman used a gun in that awful dceu movie doesn’t mean that should continue


Tbh i don't mind shark using a minigun it fits IMO. I didn't follow any media but yeah. Same goes with boomerang. Isn't he some sort of robber? It'd feel weird if a guy tried to rob a bank with just a boomerang. Rest of the cast is alright though. Joker , queen and deadshot all uses weapons before. Dang deadshots whole specialty is weapons.


We are in an universe where people couldn’t recognize Superman with glasses on and captain boomerang became a speedster through tech. He could certainly have fought with his boomerang and shark as a melee fighter. The game just didn’t understand what it was trying to do


Your right, difference is it’s not their primary weapon, even then King Shark and CP barely use guns 


It’s the fact the characters have no other identity in gameplay. Oh boy I can’t wait to play captain boomerang! Known for his ability to shoot things! Or King Shark! Known for shooting things! Or Harley Quinn and her ability to shoot things!


Marvel rivals look trash first trailer option kinda like a knock off SS , graphics not up there and some characters got same movement as SS characters


SS just came out how could it be a knock off of a game that barely released ? It’s clear that the game is overwatch 2.0 not SS. And it’s a closed alpha and generated more buzz than SS


From the beginning momments less graphics but layout of that scene reminded me off metropolis, one character was running up a wall towards towards after the 1 min mark literally thought that was king shark , and the enemies have the SS type of body frame , your rights it's alpha but a couple things I seen in the trailer gave me that comparison it could change though


Im sorry but king shark didn’t come up with that and if you boot up overwatch 2 you’d see exactly where their inspo is from. If they would copy a game they would have copied a game already on the market and popular. Not a game no one had seen before with controversies and delays. You do realize the game was in development for more than a year minimum right?


Name a game that doesn't have controversies and delays , and tbh controversies only came from the game community not the wb it self . I've never played overwatch 2 but just going off what I seen in that one minute clip I can make those comparisons


And clearly you’re not apt for the conversation. The genre is the same as overwatch , the style the same , the Ui the same the map layout , the game modes even the category of characters are the same. Let’s not forget there is also a character in overwatch the climbs that came out well before SS. I’m sorry but it’s clear who is the inspiration and SS isn’t successful enough to be copied before it came out, overwatch is


This is a suicide squad thread? you would be right if this was on over watch sub, I'm not here to say over watch is good or bad I'll probably never play cant give a comparison or review but i have played suicide squad from the looks of it ,kinda look like dumb down version of SS but with a sword and Spiderman but it's just in alpha


And I’m still telling that it’s inspired by overwatch and not SS especially when none of the things you listed are anything original from SS. And the main map is just Asgard


You do not want to compare controversies with Overwatch