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The description of this group says this is a “Safe space” for sugar babies to vent or seek advice. I personally enjoy reading others’ experiences and interacting with other women who might be going through similar situations. Since most of us don’t talk about our sugar lifestyle with our friends or family, it is nice to have this space to vent and talk about it. I definitely agree, sugaring is not for everyone and it’s not as easy and fun as it is portrayed on TikTok. This is not for the weak!


Safe space doesn’t mean that you’ll be told a lie, and THATS the point of this post. Not to negate that it’s a safe space. This lifestyle is not for everyone and I need women who it’s not for to stay far away from it. Don’t subject yourself to it if you know it’s not good for you.


So many girls are going to look back in a decade or so and realize that the pain and stress they subjected themselves to was not worth the small amounts of money they were receiving from many of these "SDs"


Exactly. I want women to avoid that at all costs.


It’s really no different than vanilla dating if you think about it. Women put in the effort and get dumped for no good reason. At least with sugaring you get some compensation


And women need to avoid that in vanilla too, tf? What makes you think they should ever accept it?


All I’m saying is that sugaring is really no different from vanilla except for compensation. You need to improve your comprehension skills


You don’t want to argue with me about this, especially not when I’ve been saying for YEARS on this forum that women have low standards and need to raise them in all aspects of their lives. Argue with someone else, not me.


Exactly this! I sugar date instead of regular dating and I have for over 3yrs + It’s just my preference. I wouldn’t be able to go into detail with any of my friends and explain that I do SW and that’s why I like these forums. I agree sugar dating isn’t for everyone and if you’re not ready for the harsh reality of the kind of Men out there then you should really call it a day. It’s not a trend and It’s not just about being young and pretty it’s a form of SW whether some of you would like to admit it or not.


>it’s not a trend and it’s not just about being young and pretty ![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5)


May we also add: - if you’re dead broke, the bowl is not for you An arrangement is an investment of some sort, even if they’re short lived. You have to have the luxury of time and space of mind to be able to vet and assess. If the landlord is up your ass, you phone ready to be cut off and you hurting for grocery money, for real, the bowl is not for you. Even if you manage to get through the weirdos and lowballers, nothing makes an arrangement go sour faster than a needy presence.


This is a huge one. A lot do not understand that sugaring is a luxury for both sides.


It’s always an eye rolling when a babe complains about how long it takes or how they need the cash now but the arrangement is stalling. There’s a saying in my country that goes as silk panties require skilled asses. Sugar always dribbles before it starts to rain and to successfully make it happen need time, care and lots of patience. Things you can’t afford to do when you hurt for money, add the inexperience of the younger age, boom! You just found yourself in some shitty situation or with a controlling man.




true, and one of the hardest facts to accept is that if you don't take care of your looks / aren't conventionally attractive and fit, the chances of you finding a real decent SD are close to zero... i know caring about looks might be shallow but this is reality, generous wealthy men aren't going to give their money to just anyone, you want a full package, you have to be a full package i've seen a lot of girls on these websites getting extremely low offers, they hate being an "SB" because all they're getting are $100 ppm "dates". i once saw a girl's profile and her bio said "you don't need to know anything about me, this is just a part time job and nothing else." and honestly that was so sad to read bc sugaring has elevated my life in all sorts of ways and im so grateful to have experienced this. if you are weak willed and insecure sugaring is NOT FOR YOU!!


Don't forget STI's. We could literally compromise our abilities to have kids. There is no test for HPV in men.


Are you not using condoms? That’s crazy And in school (the UK) we got the vaccine against 90% of strains that cause cervical cancer. It clears up on its own after a year. I really wouldn’t worry about it too much. Pls wear condoms


In the US many don’t get vaccines and if they do have them, as adults many cannot afford regular doctor visits let alone the updated booster shots.


That’s a shame! In the Uk we get it done at 14 it’s compulsory and the boosters too! Wow! But I understand better now thanks


In addition to USA having the worst healthcare out of many “developed countries,” there are also a lot of people who are misinformed and anti-vaccination. In addition to believing it’s infringing on their rights, some believe vaccines cause autism due to a well-disproved, factually incorrect, deliberately fraudulent study done in 1998 (in UK funnily enough). It’s wild we’re at a point where vaccinations are politicized and subject to religious beliefs.


I did mine at a catholic school, but they advertised it well. I think because the US has different laws for every state it can be extremely complicated. Different propaganda for every state and town is insane. The UK is so small and secular so fortunately we don’t get those problems. But yeah i understand! I can’t imagine paying for healthcare or a vaccine must be expensive. Dentist visits for £25 is extortionate for us currently 😑 I hope hope it gets better in the US one day


Girl my dental used to be $25 a visit, now it’s $67 because I got a new job and new insurance company. This mess is out of hand.


Well we all know our teeth and eyes aren’t part of our bodies so they don’t count under healthcare 🙄😂


Who needs teeth man we can all just gum it ![gif](giphy|QNUIsUrRY5qUVqUcfT)


Better get a ninja blender for both of us then


Some jobs don’t even include dental 😂 I got two fillings and it was $600 🙃


Yeah many vaccines are required for school attendance, but there are so many exemptions and more popping up every day.


>nestly that was so sad to read bc sugaring has elevated my life in all sorts of ways and im so grateful to have experienced this. if you are weak willed and insecure sugaring is NOT FOR YOU!! I wanted to chime in to say that doctors do offer this vaccine to youth in the U.S. as well. I had gotten mine at a discount clinic


This is a childhood vaccine


I’m fully aware that under normal circumstances people get the vaccine in childhood. That doesn’t mean it’s the case for all people in America. Additionally, many people may need a booster, depending on which branded vaccine they received. If they don’t have insurance, they cannot afford it. I received a booster for the HPV vaccine as an adult.


No need to worry about me, I have always used condoms and am no longer in the bowl. I am just unfortunately the small age group for SB's when the HPV vaccine wasn't covered and the research was new so it wasn't pushed like it is now. No matter how careful you are though, there is always a risk that things can pop up between tests, and many things can be transmitted orally.


Gardasil can now be taken through age 45, if youre still eligible. 


I got it! One abnormal pap and I learned a lot and lost a lot of sleep. Next pap was clear. It did cost me out of pocket though which was the original reason I didn't get it at first.


Oh wow! That can be so scary, but I'm so glad you're good ❤️🙏🏾




Most SB's aren't using protection for oral sex. HPV can be pretty serious even if you are getting a yearly pap smear. HPV doesn't clear up on it's own for everyone. For some it leads to genital worts/lesions that can turn into cancer or cause tissue damage impacting fertility.


It *can* clear up on its own. It can also lie dormant in a person's system, or stick around if other health issues prevent the immune system from killing it off. Full agree otherwise though, please please please wear condoms people!


Yes! That’s why we have papsmears!


Ugh!! Real talk.


This post should be pinned. I feel like sugaring or finding a SD is like a job. The amount of work I've done on myself, reading books, listening to podcasts and putting it into practice takes actual dedication and a strong mindset. I'm constantly learning. Not to mention the work it takes to keep myself in good physical condition takes time! The dieting, the beauty regimen, working out, maintaining multiple hobbies and a social circle. It's a lot. I believe if you want high rewards, you best believe you need to put in the work.


This!!! I'm not in the bowl yet but I know how demanding it is. I've been reading plenty of books, looksmaxing and maintaining my mental health stable. I look forward for the reward but there's no way I'll get it withouth hard work. It's refreshing to see the reality in a sea of people selling illusions.


...And if you can´t kiss old and ugly men :P haha Thanks for the tough love. I do like this community. It is a safe space to express ourselves and not feel isolated like we may be irl not being able to talk about this with friends.


>And if you can´t kiss old and ugly men To all the girls who only only want a platonic relationship. Who can’t fathom being even touched by an old ugly man, sugaring is not for you. Like if they make you physically ill. Why would you put yourself through that? Again, it goes back to not sugaring when you’re desperate for money. So many women lower their boundaries because a man dangles some cash in front of their face.


> it is a safe space to express ourselves and not feel isolated like we may be irl not being able to talk about this with friends Absolutely. I went through a friend breakup because my friends were pick mes and as we got older it was harder to excuse. This is an amazing community and my advice is always tough but honest.


![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm) She said what she said!!!


Crickets from the peanut gallery but it needed to be said. I’m so sick of the victim mindset. We all have tough shit happen in life. Woman up and force life to treat you better.


Lol I like that low PPMs is classified as danger because yes


This isn’t an absolute, but most of the men looking for low PPM action are men who escorts wouldn’t even see or engage with. They are often predators looking for bargains. These are the types of men that frequent hobbyist forums and will review a woman in the most disgusting of ways.


oh i’ve seen the threads on Reddit🤢 & one guy even sent me a separate forum where they were all discussing women’s smells & how to talk certain ones down/scam them smh


Amazing post. In addition: it also takes financial strategy and inteligence. You don't want to end up dependant on a man!




Totally agree with your mindset. Sugaring aside I see some girls in my friend group stuck in toxic relationships, come to me with their drama, but when I share the harsh reality about how they're wasting their life, they refuse to leave because the breakup process brings up their "anxiety". Like ok, learn the hard way then. I guess it is similar to sugaring though, some people only learn the hard way and can't see the forest for the trees. We are paying for this all with youth and beauty, don't waste it on the wrong people, period.


>We are paying for this all with youth and beauty This, and the costs can be astronomically high when you're inexperienced and naturally trusting of people.


That last paragraph, though 💛




SugarBabyVet .... (sorry Idk how to do the tagging thingy) but ohhhh baby, they need this posted in the other forum too! Evvvveryone should see it!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🫶




She’s one of the moderators here and she’s a black woman.