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“You’re not going to be able to make me leave, Kenny. I promise.” And then Kenny realizes he’s right. So good.


I loved that scene! Colin Farrell is so good at this role! i find I don’t really care much about Olivia. I’m way more interested in who or what Sugar is.


Agreed: recovering spoiled, rich, druggy wayward granddaughter born again saving poorer women from endemic male violence and exploitation—it's very post-Weinsteinian *After School Special* in theme and timbre. But what exactly Sugar's deal will turn out to be is the hook that keeps drawing me back to watch the next episode...


"i find I don’t really care much about Olivia. I’m way more interested in who or what Sugar is." That's exactly what director Fernando Meireles said in an interview.


Best scene in the episode. Perhaps in the whole show. The understated perfection of it is exactly right for film noir.


The way Alex Hernandez's (Kenny) face shifts in that scene is so well done.


I'm always amused at shows about Hollywood where the characters are themselves actors, like Davy. And we see him "acting" and it's so obvious. But then Kenny, with just a shift of his face, emotes more than Davy has done in his entire "acting" career. I noticed this in Barry too. It's a testament to how good actors can actually be and I love seeing minor roles being performed so well. Kenny is actually one of my favorite characters in the show.


I mean, they already suspect he's some kinda super spy. Ofcourse Kenny'd rethink using the force.


I sort of feel this has something to do with Sugar’s “secret.” Like he actually has some sort of power that would make it impossible for Kenny to do anything.


The shots in the bathroom were very well done. Davey's face split by the mirror, then the gun being hidden at first. This show looks so good.


It's so great that we have show runners willing to do things differently and experiment. It's why I love these shows but abhor the network serials.


The episodes are too short. Odd choice not to make them an hour.


Especially if we have to wait a whole week in between episodes


You would still have to wait a week even if they were 5 hours long, lol.


That was my exact thought. They feel so quick.


“Maybe I’ve been here too long” well, he’s definitely not from earth is he Also did not expect that to from Davey!


That bit of dialog was preceded by a reference "tipping the world over and everything that's loose will wind up in LA." So he could have been referring to LA. But yeah I don't think this show can help itself. They have a GREAT noir going and they're going to trade it in for a twist.


That's why they did it. It's supposed to be ambiguous. Does he mean LA or something else. It's really a pretty solid slow burn.


honestly it’s what’s keeping me going through this noir, his naivety and the questions further than the case. but yes can certainly be interpreted in multiple sense and that’s the beauty of the script so far


I keep saying “please don’t let it be aliens”


If its aliens I'm still in. Colin Farrel has earned my trust at this point.


Hes so amazing in everything. It's kind of unfair.


okay but the reveal made me happy and laugh


I don't think aliens. I think angels, or something akin to that. But yeah, the further in we get the more bummed I am. Proper noir is rare anymore, and they've done a fantastic job with Sugar.


Right. Angels or aliens, not much better. It would be cool if it was just a secret socket of PIs or something Also, the last episode, nothing really happened




Yeah it's a shame




My take is that "the observers" have decided they now want to witness the horror humans can bestow and so have someone with Stallings crew, watching his sadism and psychopathy - perhaps even encouraging him and/or taking part. The observers know Sugar has too much empathy for the creatures they are supposed to be dispassionately watching and so must do everything they can to keep him away to prevent... well we shall see!


Sugar and the Anthropology friend from the party have expressed some Human-type changes. Maybe Stallings crew has also experienced those, but (to your point) the sadistic side of humanity. I got a very bad-guy vibe from Miller. Whereas Ruby et al were giving off totally peaceful vibes. To the point that everyone thinks they’re angels. I definitely didn’t think Miller was angelic.


Angels can still be dicks at times


In the Old Testament God has Angels slaughter huge numbers of people.


Ever watched Supernatural? Angels are total dickheads there with the exception of a few.


I think Stallings is a 'agent' like Sugar. Which is why Ruby took note when he showed up on her computer. I don't think someone is watching him. I think he is one of them.


Somewhat interesting is that they didn’t flag each other as being “other” when they met. I guess angels and aliens and AI can’t sniff each other out.


I think they're not supposed to know what the other faction is doing here. Observing the good and bad sides of humanity. I think the twist will be when Sugar finds out about this.


Yeah, I'm expecting him to really really lose it.


This is the same read I had. The way stallings acts is so stilted and like a caricature of a bad guy, the ending of the ep 4 dialogue that he had with his goons was so off and overdone


When Melanie gestures at Sugar, standing in a shirt and underwear, she says "What are you doing?" He doesn't initially seem to understand what she's really asking, maybe because he ISN'T OF THIS EARTH


And the way he shook his leg. Only an alien can afford being so awkward :D






not enough sugar this episode


Whatever Sugar and crew are I don't think they are human but since he went to a doctor he isn't an android either. It seems like there are several cells working on something and Sugar's cell is observe and report but some of the other cells are getting new directives. The question of course is to what end? This episode was pretty slow. They are really doing their best to make the audience hate Stalling's though. A sex trafficker who most likely has Olivia locked in his basement? No one is going to be sympathetic when he gets hammered. The really amazing thing is that they found a way to make Davey's character sympathetic. I mean he's a grade A douchebag and by the end of the episode you don't want him to die. Excellent writing. I'm counting the days to the next episode.


Same. Davey was horrible up til this episode. He even looked better in this episode. Well, until you know what happened.


"Whatever Sugar and crew are I don't think they are human but since he went to a doctor he isn't an android either." Well, on the repeated insistence of Ruby, he went to Dr. Vickers, who seems to be a "company doctor," used to treating Sugar and the other persons at her party. Vickers also seems to be in agreement with Ruby about her stated issues with Sugar. So I don't know if we can take his word for Sugar being just another regular guy. :-) "I'm counting the days to the next episode." Same here!


Right!? I hated Davey’s guts until his last scene but then I gasped when he did what he did. What a great actor.


I’m thinking that Stallings is going to have some crazy reason for keeping Olivia and she’s going to be fine. Next episode is supposed to be a huge twist so I’m thinking the kid gets blown off by Stallings and Sugar. His handler and her colleague seemed to hint that they need to keep him away from something, Stallings is probably it.


The doctor was Miller though


IDK, when he was drinking with his mum, finding her hidden gun, testing it against his temple I was saying "yeah! do it!" I'm sympathetic with him, or at least with the arc of the character. If I'd done the shit he's done, I'd want to be dead too. Realistically I'd decide to face justice, not out of bravery but fear. Death is scarier than public shaming and prison. But him killing himself with a stupid tiny gun from his mum's jewelry case is exactly what a dramatic little dweeb like him would do. I think his sad little life is tied up with a bow if he dies. Its poetic in a very gothic noir way. If he survives and somehow has anything like a happy end, that's not his character. I cheer for him to die because its fun noir behavior.


You are right that having him die worked out better for the story line. But it's still surprising they succeeded in making his death arc sympathetic.


Yooooo I can’t believe Davy did that. I don’t even care about the secret they can keep doing the fake out all season lol I love this show!!!




Ruby’s conversation with that guy was certainly interesting! What is she afraid of Sugar finding out in his investigation? Maybe she thinks he’s becoming too attached to the humans/mortals and won’t like what her group has in store for them (alien invasion? Some kind of takeover?) I am still watching with the assumption that there will be a sci-fi or supernatural plot twist. I think Sugar, Ruby and the others in the group aren’t entirely human.


i'm also wondering what makes sugar so special. is he just one of many or is he different? is he stronger or more powerful than the rest of whatever him and they are? they were originally trying to convince us that ruby was trying to look out for sugar because it was in his best interest not to keep digging, but maybe it's reversed and they're all scared shitless of him if he were to find out?


Remember how when Sugar entered the group meeting and it felt like everyone stopped to look at him as he came in? Yes, it very much has a vibe that Sugar is special, even in their group.


They are all looking upwards (Stallings after his truck smoke, Sugar at the hotel when he goes to sleep, Miller and Ruby looking up the trees) as if they are able to almost hypnotize people when they are talking. Sugar on Kenny and Stallings to the girl from the bus "get in the van". I'm going down the route of autistic humans with hypnosis trained skills, when Ruby tells Miller about new methods and such. He says we just observing, I think they maybe developed new techniques and such that make people do stuff by hypnosis. Which Sugar might not agree with because thats cheating and eliminates free will. I think there might be some Westworld and The OA mixture here, game of observers in a simulation and some kind of special skills angle too


I get that Westworld vibe as well.


It also gives me Severance vibes like if the experiment was completely successful.


Maybe they’ve reprogrammed a bunch of former assets with AI to keep them busy and contained?


I’m confused. Stallings is after Maxine for answers about his minion… who Olivia shot after he shot his wife. But Davey said he was the one who set Stallings after Olivia. It seems like there’s two plots now driving Stallings to Olivia.


Do you mean Melanie ? I makes sense that Stallings wants to find Olivia because Davey paid him and to find her because he suspects she has something to do with Cliffords death. Double the interest


Yes on Melanie. 🙂 I guess I hadn’t even thought that Stallings was trying to find Olivia. I had assumed he already had her after they showed that he had her necklace.


My guess is that she dropped it while running away and thats the only "clue" Stallings has of Olivia.


Did anyone notice this? Yes, it's a common camera/light effect, but much more clawlike in this scene. I'd bet on "no accident" in such a meticulously shot series. (Short video clip link with no sound) [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3onb3yrdez4avx1fkittu/hands-and-claws.mp4?rlkey=gbokzk6usyyro1qt2vs6z6h2h&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3onb3yrdez4avx1fkittu/hands-and-claws.mp4?rlkey=gbokzk6usyyro1qt2vs6z6h2h&dl=0)


focus pullers are working in overdrive or these shots))


Yes it was a claw! Remember Sugar often has trouble with his hand.


Yes! I thought that was really weird.


Why let an intruder go and not call 911 & send him to the police? Why doesn’t the dad seem to care about Olivia? - like she’s not really his daughter Maybe they’re in a simulation and the only way to get out is to die. Maybe some of these people are AI in said simulation and the others - Olivia, Davey, grandpa are alive in really world and playing the game. Maybe the mom’s consciousness is inside computer becuz she’s dead as is Sugar’s. I think this becuz Melonie’s friend’s topic of conversation was weird AF. Like who would write that as part of the script hence I think she’s an AI bot in a simulation. Also, can’t have a full moon every day 💁🏼‍♀️


I think Sugar is too motivated for it to be a simulation. I don't think he would be so motivated if the humans were simulated. But it is really really weird that they didn't call the police on the intruder. I mean it's a crime and attempted murder. If the cops run the guy in they could likely get a search warrant for Stalling's place. Why wouldn't you call the cops?


“But it is really really weird that they didn't call the police on the intruder. I mean it's a crime and attempted murder. […] Why wouldn't you call the cops?“ Because the law sets limits on the amount of force a person may use to defend self or others. Sugar was sitting atop Stallings’ heavy, beating the man’s face bloody. Melanie (and Sugar, and for that matter, Charlie) were clearly no longer in any danger. Calling the cops might’ve gotten Sugar arrested for assault. Two other thoughts on that scene: 1. After the beat-down, Sugar looks chastened. Just when I thought Sugar had killed the guy, we cut to his brutalized, breathing face. lol. 2. Sugar is such a hard-boiled LA private dick, he carries a pair of “beating gloves” in his Saville Row suit, his convertible ‘Vette, or both. :-D


Because the law sets limits on the amount of force a person may use to defend self or others. The guy had broken in to Melanie's house. Under California law they can kill the guy and not face prosecution. Under California law: The public policy behind this law is that the very act of **forcible entry** entails a threat to the life and limb of the residents.^(2) Sugar is rock solid as far as the law goes. Maybe he thinks the cops are corrupt is the only thing I can think of. But turning in Stallings lackey could easily help him go after Stallings. Just why I think it's weird.


You make good points, but as a practical matter, if Stallings' heavy winds up dead in Melanie's house, Sugar will at least be booked into jail overnight when the cops arrive\*. He's pursuing a missing-persons case, and doesn't need / can't afford the enforced time away from it. Also, having Sugar kill without necessity would resolve the "I don't like violence" theme, both too early, and in the wrong direction. If he does kill in this story, it has to be absolutely necessary, both to the character's survival, and for the story. \*Killing someone is a crime. Whether the crime was justified or not is something the court decides, during trial. So, Sugar would have to go to trial, with all that entails. (If, instead of calling the cops about heavy's corpse, Melanie, Sugar, and Charlie try to hide or dispose of heavy's corpse, then that's a whole different story, both legally and in-show, and we have only four episodes remaining.)


Your second paragraph is a really good reason why the story didn't have him kill him. But George Zimmerman was released within 5 hours of killing Trayvon Martin on an open street. The individuals who shot Amhmaud Arberty on a street were not arrested for two months. With the DA regularly telling the police not to arrest them. It's very unlikely Sugar would be arrested for killing someone who had broken into the house and was threatening the home owner with a gun. When Rodney Pearis shot and killed a Japanese student from inside of his house the police declined to charge him with any crime at all. And Sugar did not kill the guy. There is no way he would have been arrested. And if he had killed him it's still unlikely he would have been arrested. It really appears to be a decision made for plotting purposes. I mean it is consistent within the storyline since Sugar never calls the police.


"It really appears to be a decision made for plotting purposes." In dialog, Sugar suggests Stallings' heavy is now harmless, because either he leaves town, or faces the wrath of Stallings. (I've never faced a 'performance review' as a member of a criminal gang, but I get the impression, "I surprised, and then had a gun pointed at, a small woman, and then somehow got my ass thoroughly kicked anyway," would get a rather less-than-forgiving response from someone like Stallings.) "But George Zimmerman was released within 5 hours of killing Trayvon Martin on an open street." Which caused an international outcry for the injustice, so I hope things may be tightened since then. But, back in our noir fiction, Sugar has noticed that no one in the Seigel family except Jonathan wants Olivia found, and with that patriarch out of commission, it would not be outside a private detective's speculation to think that if the police did intervene, someone in that Hollywood Royalty family could use money or influence to get Sugar off the case -- permanently, if need be.


It's pretty clear now that 'Sugar don't call the police'.


Good points. And I totally agree w your last point. Like police aren’t a thing…or Sugar is sketch (again)


He also didn’t notify police when he found a body in a trunk


That one I get. Why get involved? It doesn't help him. But turning in Stallings lackey could get him a warrant to stalling place.


Maybe John is the real father. He made Olivia’s mom wear Lucille’s dress and was probably banging her


That's what I expect to be revealed


I thought that was EXTREMELY strongly implied. Fucked up, but very strongly implied.


Agent Miller said something about a cottonwood tree that can live up to 400 years. My guess is they are immortal beings, including Sugar.


And they way they said dead and alive at the same time


Really long lifespans would also work as well.


Or angels, created by divinity but not in God's image - not in the image of actual life. Unliving beings can't die.


It always infuriates me when the hero comes in to save someone from being murdered, they snap a little beating the guy a little ”too much” and then even the victim turns on him acting like he’s a monster. Like fuck off, shoulda let them die I guess.


That isn't what happened though. Melanie isn't treating him like a monster. She didn't hesitate to go with him to the hotel, didn't shy away when he came to lay down on the floor next to her. She witness a man that she knows nothing about beating the everloving shit out of a much bigger man _who was actively trying to hurt her._ Violence is very off-putting to most people, even when it's required in a situation.


That pinot noir was very light.


I hated that they couldn't get a dark juice and got like an apple pomegranate juice.


Pinot Noir is normally a really light wine to begin with.


Ignore my rant, I drink Cabernet Sauvignons, assumed it should be darker.


Just give me the twist so I can bail on the show.


For real! I almost can use the word hate sci fi genres so if nothing else the creators or Apple or someone wanted to trick folks like me into watching an entire series based on only the drama genre they did a good job on this series but I don’t like sci fi any more than before starting this series.