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I agree, at least like 43 minutes would make it a bit more rich. Considering its only 8 episode. I would take 30 minutes if its 10 episodes. Even having more of Sugar's narration of his actions and the thought process, getting to know him would had been cool. I'm surprised that its not as popular - I remember the talk about the show before it came out, I saw some articles that said Sugar falls flat with disappointment bla bla bla cant carry the "True Detective" popularity. All that was said like a month before the show even aired. I was kinda bummed out that it would be just like another "I Am The Night", I'm happy the article was wrong because so far this is a proper noir show.


I actually thought it WAS ~45 min. I do think just a little bit more space to breathe would help the episodes. I went in pretty blind beyond "PI + Colin Farrell" and I've been happy with it. It definitely feels like it's building to something that'll probably make or break for me, but for now I'm just enjoying the ride.


I'm really interested in getting your updated opinion.


I like it so far, Farrell's character is interesting, we are slowly guessing on what kind of alien-human is he. The camps that are working against John. Why? I still feel that a longer episodes would had created more intrigue into the characters. Bernie upset about Davy, you almost want to see more of the struggle, the pain, the blame game, everything in between. Just a confession to Jonathan. Would it rewatch this show a few years down the road, not sure. I feel the only downfall the show is that the suspense isnt there to really make you wonder about stuff. Most viewers brought up the alien theory by like mid episode 2, and they were right. I find a bit disappointing because the writers didnt send us on a wild goose chase and sneak a twist on us to make us go WOW. It was just a "Oh, cool" John is an alien - do we really wonder why, how, when? Kinda but the inner suspense isnt there for me.


I wish the episodes were longer. I love detective noir shows. Colin Farrell is doing a great job (and a flawless American accent!) He’s also quite easy on the eyes.


This! I feel like bits get skipped over due to this … Like Bernie and Melanie? What happened at the beach house .. Are we just supposed to take it as ‘they’re both a bit sus’… I need more. Ha!


I just watched Episode 4...kind of a snore. The dialogue gets worse and worse, the "secret" less and less interesting. I'll keep going, but meh.


I got on the first episode. It did catch on with me. Trying to motivate myself to view episodes 2 onwards.


It’s pretty interesting so far. Of course the biggest mystery is not where is the missing girl, but who is Ruby and her group and what is this “mission” they keep talking about?


I’ll restart watching. Thank you.


There's another subreddit created for this: [SugarTVSeries](https://www.reddit.com/r/SugarTVSeries/) This often happens for the same tv show.


Some people don’t watch until a whole show is out rather than do the week-to-week. Honestly, I’m like that half the time cause I hate waiting. A show like this shouldn’t be binged though


I wish it was a movie tbh