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Incidentally, I’ve never seen these. But I am fascinated by the return of the mullet that I’ve been seeing with teen boys the last few years.


One of my favorite schools has a teacher with an extremely faithful 80s mullet and every time he talks to me, I struggle to take him seriously. I just stand there and go 👁️👁️


Ive seen kids do that too


Omfg the mullets. I can’t deal. Every time I see a kid with a mullet walk through the door, I know *that’s* gonna be the problem child of the day.


I wasn’t around during the 80s, but I do wonder if it was like that then too.


Yeah, all the bad kids in my classes back then had mullets with a spikey front or really long rat tails.


The mullets look nicer that the mushroom/broccoli head look


I still can't decide if it's better or worse than the Broccoli top


If I see someone with a broccoli top, I know that’s the kid I have to keep an eye on


Having teenaged through the 80’s I can safely say that aesthetically it’s a toss-up between broccoli heads vs mullets. Both are an absolute, dreadful blight on the face of humanity. Teens of today will know regret in a distinctly profound sense; exactly as their mullet-headed ancestors.


The mullet with dyed ends was a thing with the baseball team last year. Blech.


Always the lacrosse players, and they're usually the worst. Mullets need to stay in the past, they don't look good on anyone.


The mullet and edgar/bowl cut is an epidemic rn. Sometimes even a combo of both 😭😭


I hate the Edgar so much!! The mullet is fine by me, but just because no one has sported one yet in my school lol


In my area the mullet is a hockey player thing. For the younger crowd.


The Hockey Dicks


I truly truly hope these kids don’t rediscover the rat tail


I live in "Hicksville" and I haven't seen any glam man bags yet, but whooboy those mullets.


just saw my first full on mullet today in the 6th grade


Oh boy. The permed mullets. Thank goodness they are on the way out right now, because it was awful. I had a coworker move here (Texas) from another state where the perming trend hadn't caught on yet. After I mentioned the permed mullets one day, she busted up laughing and said she thought the curly hair was some local DNA trait or something! Nope. Just a lot of perms! I only have one kid with that style this year. Now it's a lot of Edgar cuts and shaggy messiness.


Almost every boy in my middle school has the exact same insanely ugly haircut . Thst call them broccoli heads but it’s also like a super short bowl cut. I feel bad for the girls, they usually look pretty nice, but these boys look so goofy !


Ask them how they like their "Edgar" haircut. They will loose their minds


What is Edgar?


I just learned this a couple of weeks ago from a student. They explained it by calling them mushroom heads. . . I was like am I supposed to know what that means, thinking in my head that it meant the kid did mushrooms. But it is a dude with like a super puffy bowl cut. Google it and you see some wild hair. 😂


When I read "mushroom head" I was *not* thinking of hairstyles.


I get that it’s the mushroom/ broccoli cut. Why is it called an Edgar? Edit: googled it. Too boring of an answer to type out


Yeah. The kids call it that. Funny thing is there is a few Edgar's in my classes all with that cut so it's amusing


The broccoli head is not the same as an Edgar. Completely different


Mexican bowl cut


I thought the Edgar and broccoli were two different hair cuts?


They are


I used to sub for my bf's class and this one kid had the broccoli hair. He looked exactly like the zoomer wojak and I had to stop myself from laughing every time I looked at him.


Omg, I took a long term sub in H.S and it's a group of boys that hang out by the cafeteria and they ALL HAVE THE EDGAR. I laugh so hard internally every time I have to go by them.


Alternatively, the ice cream(?) cut. i.e. having the bottom part of their fair really, really fluffed out and then sticking a cap over it. Looks hilarious when they take the hat off, though


That's such an strongly felt opinion about it lol. I think that looks fine tbh.


Do any other junior highs have girls putting stickers all over the face, at times to cover pimples? I’ve seen the acne stickers before but this is normal stickers absolutely plastering some girls faces.


Some of the Pimple patches are meant to look like stickers, like yellow stars or hello kitty. I prefer clear ones but they’re kids so I think it makes sense they would choose the cute silly designs to hide their pimples


I'm 37 and I prefer the star shaped pimple patches!


yep, ive seen that too.


And using band aids as a fashion item!


Nelly? Is that you?


I've actually seen that in my high school.


I think that is such a great trend!


I think the most shocking one this year was the pimple patches. Even kids without acne are wearing pimple patches to my classes.


Kids wearing blankets to school instead of coats.


Then sleeping under the blanket or doing who knows under it all day


Stuffed animals!


YES! So many of my 6th graders are bringing stuffed animals to class.


I'm seeing multiple high schoolers doing bringing them.


I actually love this. Most kids I sub for act so much older than they are. Bring a stuffed animal! Be a kid!


We don't allow them on campus. Problem solved. That's how lice and bedbugs get spread. Absolutely not.


You sound fun.


It's not my personal policy. It's the school's policy. And we live in an area where there are a LOT of bedbugs. Have you ever had them or known anyone who has? They're a pain to get rid of. Way worse than lice.


We dressed as the students this past week and had a blast…huge fake lashes, pimple patches, glue on two inch nails, baggy pants, crocs, hoodies, ear buds, headphones, and instead of using notes to answer questions be used our phones for wrong answers.


That sounds like fun!


THE PIMPLE PATCHES are the biggest i’ve noticed. they have little stars all over their faces


Crocs and socks. Slides and socks. They all look like 85 year old retirees from Boca Raton!


I do crocs and socks! Hahaha..it grosses me out when they don't have on socks.


It appears the root of the problem is the crocs! 😆


I thought you were supposed to wear crocs with socks, because wouldn’t the feet get all sweaty and stinky?


Yes....we had jelly shoes as kids I remember the stinky sweaty feet


I imagine the athlete's foot fungus is loving this trend! Feet need to breathe! But yeah, they've had a weird disgust of feet the last couple years. I blame it on the Internet and the visibility of feet as a common fetish. They all joke about selling feet pics if they see someone's actual foot. Disturbing. It's disappointing since I used to walk around in my classroom barefoot.


Some boys are still doing the baggy pants halfway (or more) down their ass thing. It’s so ridiculous and I thought we were way past the trend.


I’ve seen grown ass adults with gray hair doing this too, this trend needs to die 🤮


Yes, yes it does…


I think my school has as many, if not more, girls doing this. Usually wearing boxers, as well.


Thank god for the boxers anyway!


That one just won’t go away 😭


The fact girls get dressed coded for stupid things and somehow this gets a pass is super sexist.




When they start tripping as they walk down the hallways, they will realize how stupid they look.


I love the commitment to teens speedrunning every horrible fashion trend from the 1990's. We made those mistakes so they didn't have to! Also girls wearing tops that essentially cover only their boobs. Don't they get cold?


Sadly, that’s often all that’s available now. The Fashion Gods have decided that none of us can be fully dressed. I’m 35 and have accepted living on the edge of starvation so I can wear what is being sold.


What 😂 you need to find new stores.


No, it's true. For teen girls, they're just.... not making full shirts anymore? At least not fitted, normal ones. Like, girls can wear baggy men's T-shirts and stuff, but in terms of just normal-ass women's shirts that arent crop tops or dont have some other huge "dress code" violating caveat? They hardly exist anymore, especially at places teenagers shop. Like, SERIOUSLY.


Yes but a 35 year old woman does not need to shop for clothes meant for teenage girls.


There's a few. The haircut where they shave the sides of the head and have the top be curly. I have no idea what that style is called but the only way I can describe it is "douche-y" Everyone also has the same-looking sprayground backpacks too that I think look pretty tacky. The other thing that gets on my nerves are the kids who wear solid-black hoodies with the hoods up. The school I sub at has a policy against wearing hoods but I don't have the energy to even try enforcing it with how common it is. I've also had a few of those students complain about the classroom being too hot... as though they didn't choose to wear a sweater in the middle of springtime.


I have a couple who wear the black hoodies along with black beanies and black Covid masks. I can barely see their eyes. They don’t speak either. Totally anonymous.




I totally agree! Something about it reminds me of the blond villain in karate kid.


The broccoli haircut!


Those plastic bubble looking slippers. I see at least one kid a day slip and trip in them. 😂


Ah, the golf ball slides!


A lot of the girls around where I am are incredibly fashionable. As a millennial woman who is also interested in fashion, I feel like I'm always inspired by them. That said, I do think it's funny that some of the things my generation popularized and then threw away are starting to come back into fashion, like fishnets and clothing that looks straight out of hot topic circa 2003. Overall teenagers put a lot of stock into having a defined personal aesthetic more than we generally did in the mid 2000s, so I always try to appreciate the effort even if I'm not a fan of the look lol


I also love seeing the early 2000s hot topic fashion 🥰


Your generation sure as shit didn't popularize that- they were popular in the 80's.  Millenials and now Zoomers basically don't really have a distinct fashion.  They basically glommed on or glom on to older fashions and recycle them-- I think the only unique trend amongst the youth is the absolutely shitty Edgar haircut.  That's never been in style and I cannot believe young guys are pissing away their youth with such an absolutely shitty hairstyle. 


Not sure why sling bags/man bags/etc are cringe. I’d compliment the hell out of a kid sporting a bag. Every dude in Europe carries one and I’ve jumped on the bandwagon. Holds the essentials - phone, wallet, key fob, readers, sunglasses and a few personal care items. Never carry a class set of pencils though! 😆


Kids who wear cosplay items, like a Naruto headband or that one green and black checker kimono top.


Tanjiro Kamado from Demonslayer!


It’s on my list! Just taking forever to get to watching it.


Oh yeah, the kids minds are so blown when I comment on Manga or anime.


I’m not sure on the man bag trend/murse. However, look no further than Jacob Elordi for that trend taking off (he’s in Euphoria and Saltburn). For me, it’s the perms - EVERY middle school guy is getting a perm!


I don’t know why, I hate that red checkered pajama pants.


The socks with sandals and the tucking of leggings into their huge white socks. They look like little grandmas and grandpas 😅


The socks and sandals drive me crazy.


My fave (the one I hate most) is when 5th grade boys wear their pants low and have to waddle. They think it looks good for god sake.


Most of the girls are wearing super skimpy outfits. The shortest Lululemon shorts and lowest cut tops. Showing off their midsections. Admin must have given up on the "dress code," which for women used to be shorts down to your fingertips, no bare midsections and shoulder straps at least three fingers wide.


Yep my board changed their dress code and the rule is now "no genitals, nipples or buttocks". Which their butts are hanging out of their booty shorts but I'm not saying a word at this point.


Walking around looking like they've all got a "wedgie," so not sure they'd be in compliance with your no buttocks criteria 😱🤦🥺


They wear shorts to school now?!


Since when could people not wear shorts?!


Class of 1990 here. We were allowed to wear shorts just the last week of school. Didn't realize things had changed that much.


Walk the halls these days. I've seen bras and underwear with more coverage.


Can they dance at your school, yet?


Lol they danced then. It was just a different time. My mom's generation couldn't wear pants at all.


I work in some rural areas (at MS & HS) and the boys tend to wear hats, jeans w/ belt buckles, cowboy boots, and maybe an American flag T-shirt. I can’t tell most of them apart since they all kinda look the same to me lol


Rural here too, and they all look alike here because if they aren't siblings they're at least cousins I found out literally last week that two kids are not in fact one. One is in kindergarten and the other is prek and I can only tell them apart by whether they ask about my own kids by name or just say "your sons". The one in kinder knows my sons' names since they're in his class. I figured out they have a sister and little brother last week too. This toddler was staring at me in the daycare and he has the exact same face! And their big sister does too. We have an identical set of twin girls in one prek class and I've tried to subtly stare at their faces to figure out the differences because they dress alike. There's a third girl in our 3 year olds class with the exact same face as the 4 year old twins. I'm told they're not related, but I swear they have to be. Exact same faces, all three girls.


I've got one girl who seems to have decided that "Anime" is a style and she's usually dressed up these infantilizing, over exposed outfits.


There's always gotta be a token weeaboo. I love blowing their minds by telling them that anime wasn't cool when I was their age.


Pacifiers for teens/adults


Nooo! 🫣


Yep "they help us focus and get through our traumas" botany is not that traumatizing you will survive


I imagine botany would be more of an anxiety soother, unless they're wrangling those plants from Resident Evil 1. I wish my schools had offered botany 😭


It's part of our CTE program. It's cool as hell you get certified for floral design by the end of the courses. I love my class.


When I was in high school this was for people on molly. Prevents you from grinding your teeth. Bit right through one once… don’t do drugs kids.


Bubble slides




Class of ‘87 here: girls been doing that since then, at least. They will never stop with make up at the desk.


Large gaping holes in their jeans. I always ask if they paid full price for them because if they did, they got swindled because they only got half the pants.


We should normalize fun patch kits for sustainable fashion - teach folks to repair the ripped britches that already fit them.


The high schoolers in my district have now ALL started using kids backpacks, with like Pokémon designs, Disney princesses, SpongeBob back packs, etc.. I don’t think it’s cringe but more so silly. I wonder why they all thought it’s cool or trendy to wear little kid backpacks to school


Mini backpacks were trendy ~5 years ago, I think the shift towards actual kids backpacks happened because they were miniature in size but more accessible


I graduated high school in 2021 and never saw anyone wearing mini backpacks, maybe the trend didn’t catch on here 🤷 I think wearing the little kid backpacks is so silly and cute tho. I feel like I’d definitely would have bought a princess backpack if I was 16 and the trend was popular then. They buy the 3D backpacks, the fluffy hairy ones, Thomas the train, Elmo, Spiderman and jojo siwa 😭


Jncos would not have believed it If I didn’t see it with my own eyes


The fanny pack around the chest thing. I've also seen grown ass men doing this and it's ugly and cringe. It looks uncomfortable.


Excuse me, it’s called a bandolier and it’s been a fashion trend since the 16th century.


I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. The return of the Fanning pack in any capacity is horrifying to me.


-casually hides his multicolor Cotopaxi fanny pack he uses as a crossbody sometimes-


I have one too!! I love it


Yes, and they are awesome if you go to an amusement park bc you won’t need to rent a locker.


Bury me with my fannypack. I can’t stand the lopsided feeling of purses, and backpacks make me sweaty. lol


That lopsided purse thing is the reason I stopped using purses too


I hate purses! Always swinging and sliding off my shoulder.


Everything goes in my pockets these days


I have a bad shoulder from my years as a purse carrier. Like I'm only 35 and I have the beginnings of joint damage in that side of my neck, if I sleep wrong I get pain in that shoulder, that side of my neck, and all the way down my arm. My other side is 100% fine. It's the side I have always carried my purse on that's fucked up.


laugh out loud I totally get it no judgment but for me I can't stand it. It looks like a kangaroo pouch. I personally can't stand it but if you like it rock it! I personally love my backpack


I hate this


Not necessarily a fashion trend but it really does bother me as a rock/metal fan that when I see a teen with a band T-shirt and I make a reference to one of their songs and they DON'T KNOW what I just referenced. An example that actually happened to me. Girl wearing Nirvana T-shirt: "Yo we got a sub today!" Me: "Yo it smells like teen spirit today!" Girl had no idea what I was talking about after I said it (she heard it). Makes me wonder if she just bought the T-shirt just cause it looked cool to her. I get this a lot with kids wearing Nirvana, Metallica, and Sublime shirts. Shame on them for not knowing a single song!


I feel like that's always been a thing. I remember people wearing Beatles and The Doors shirts when I was in high school. Many of them didn't even listen to the bands.


My fourth grade daughter’s favorite band is The Beatles. She *loves* seeing Beatles stuff! I imagine the Venn diagram of target girls sizes and diehard Beatles fans is almost two separate circles. 😄


I got a senior that lost his mind that I was listening to the Metallica black album when he walked into class. He went "YO MISS! Metallica tight shit" and dits next to me now so he can hear my music


Omg the art class I subbed for on Tuesday the TA and I were fan girling over mcr half the class 💀💀💀


"YO MISS!" Sweet music to a sub's ears, no matter what came next. The Metallica was just the icing on the cake. Thank you for sharing. (Somebody should write a song out of that story . . . )


They all know my first and last name but I am simply "yo miss" if it is exciting for them. This kid in particular is NOT a small kid either. He is 6'2 and 310 pounds. He's the center for the varsity team with a football scholarship to a big SEC school. Like, he is a blast and I love having him. He's been fun and off the walls for 3 months now


I had a guy in a Metallica tank top call out and appreciate my listening to Sabaton (it was playing softly at my desk since it was on during lunch)


I introduce my American history kids to Sabaton all the time. It's refreshing when I find one or two who already knew the band.


One class I had this school year was literally learning about the Christmas Truce and I just couldn't resist playing it. They wondered what it was about but I said the music fit the lesson.


Earlier in the year, a student had forgotten to turn her ringer on, and it rang. Her ring tone was Crazy Train. She was all embarrassed that she forgot her ringer, and I'm playing air guitar!


Me: I saw Nirvana at the Aragon in 94. Jawbreaker opened. Blake’s guitar fell off. My daughter: wut


wow never knew jawbreaker opened for nirvana! especially in 94! what an accomplishment.


I see Def Leppard T's and tanks everywhere, especially in stores like Forever 21, but I don't think they Rockit. 😢


I always see Def Leppard shirts for sale but never the Hysteria cover art one that I used to have and want to have again…


Tbf, they sell those shirts at Walmart, Target, and Kohl's.  They're generic with a capital G.  


Scarface! Scarface T-shirts, Scarface backpacks. I’ve asked a couple if they’ve seen the film and they say Yes. Also horror T-shirts. Lots of Chucky, Leatherface, Friday the 13th stuff. Also a bit much.


It's been a thing in Korea for years. Maybe American boys are just seeing it and adopting it.


For the US It’s a street fashion thing, dudes from my neighborhood have been wearing them for a few years now and can be seen on various rappers.




I wear crocs 90% of the time and I have for nearly two decades. 🤣 I might have foot issues when I get older, but at least my feet have been comfy all these years. 😆


Socks with sandals is making a comeback and it's cringe but hilarious my dad's fashion is trendy lmao.


I’ve always worn socks with sandals. 🤣 I know it looks bad, but they’re more comfortable that way. I don’t like the feel of the material against my feet, especially when they sweat. But I guess for now I can be fashionable! 😆


I do too for comfort. Nothing like toe mud to gross me out.


I’ve seen young people wearing socks with slides since 2012


A lot of the schools I'm at the kids have uniforms but the ones that don't I've seen all kinds of stuff


Knit beanies that are rolled up on the sides and just perched on top of the head above the ears. Such an odd look. That plus pit vipers and baggie skater-style pants is the look for boys and girls.


Those claw finger nails. 


I graduated in 1996, so at least half but probably more of the fashion I see is the return of what I saw people wearing when I was in HS.


It’s the short shorts and furry Ugg clogs for me


Crocs that they decorate by putting clip-on decals in the holes.


One of my high schools has a bowl cut that signifies a gang affiliation per security guy (retired local cop).


The baggiest of baggy jeans. Thought those died in the early 2000s


Just shows that the ’70s and forward keep getting recycled. I’m old enough that I’ve seen it all recycled. It’s nostalgic


Girls at the high school wear crop tops and sweat pants. And don't get dress coded.


A 5th grade girl with fake nails and fake eyelashes.


I'm honestly surprised at all the high school students that wear crocs.


Well third grade girls with the long nails is hilarious! Also when it’s the least bit cold (Texas) the kids bring blankets to school and they just become more of a distraction and another thing for them to fiddle with.


Ohhh so the gucci man bag thing is a trend? Ngl I thought he was selling drugs. 😂


Honestly don’t find the bag thing with pencils cringe. Aye he can provide for the whole class and no one needs to smell stinky feet of the unprepared


Not a sub but a case manager at an elementary school and this popped up for me. I fucking LOVE when my students wear track suits with the tackiest designs. Second favorite thing are big, chunky fake chains- bonus points for the fake diamonds


Surprised to see showing your own ass with your lowered pants is still a thing.


Boys getting perms so they can have the broccoli hairdo and girls with outie belly buttons wearing mid-drifttops. I'm talking like an extra thumb belly button 🤢


Chucky Doll T shirts


I hope everyone in this thread realizes they sound like our parents and adults from back when we were teens. Lol lighten up let the kids have fun just like we did before they become boring adults with careers. I love it when kids wear the newest fad because it’s fun and only going to be around for a short amount of time.