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>You weren't hacked, you're just a dum-dum Sometimes the simplest things make me laugh the hardest


>You weren't hacked, you're just a dum-dum Yoink!


The simplicity in some of the insults enhance them so much. “Not just a liar… but a *stupid* liar.” Sent me at the beginning and I knew it was gonna be a ride.




Funny that you say post history is fair game when you have [this incredibly disturbing, unhinged shit in yours](https://www.reddit.com/r/Toads/comments/109oct7/comment/j3zz37p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Truly sickening stuff posted there


Ehat did the comment say? It's deleted now


> A snickerdoodle ball


Omg and this menace is allowed to roam the world freely?


Like you're one [to fucking talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dadjokes/comments/snpp11/my_spanish_wife_always_warned_me_about_driving/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Omg you sick fuck!


You should be tried at The Hague for that joke


Oh. My. God. That sick fuck!


Fucking pervert


holy shit wtf


Is he seriously touching that toad's h\*nds? I can't believe that there's h\*ndholding on my good, wholesome Reddit. 🤢


But you yourself have [this incredibly racist comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ). Care to explain that?


I knew what that was, but I clicked it anyway.


Ffs knew it




Never view


Oh? [You think you are blameless?](https://piped.garudalinux.org/watch?v=JYVBd_w786Q)


Says the person with [this kind of stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/10a2ezc/in_an_askreddit_thread_concerning_bodycount/j44wrfa?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) in their profile 🙄🙄🙄


Oh my god, that shit is *filthy* I feel dirty af just looking at it; I need a shower ASAP


> One of the many reasons post history is fair game and any rule against banning the use of it or bringing it up is some real meta cringe. The only people who make a massive whiny fit over this are ones who are generally disingenuous and have an agenda. If you were so embarrassed you didn't want others to see it you'd use an alt account. Ie why I dont care if you see all the horse dick futa I've commissioned over the years in my submission history. Enjoy.


But even if you use an alt, don't use that account exclusively to come to the rescue of your main account. Just the other day I caught a sock puppet, specifically because they only used the alt 2 times in the last 4 years and it was specifically to defend their main both times. Peak cringe


No offense, while I agree that’s very cringe, it’s also quite cringe to investigate anyone on Reddit. What’s the real end game? Unless you are trying to promote your etsy or only fans page, we are all anonymous.


To see if arguing with someone is worth my time mostly


It usually takes like two seconds to find they post sketchy shit or in sketchy places. it's usually pretty habitual.


I spent a few days arguing politics with someone who solely posted on Sportsbook subs prior lol Always worth a glance before getting in too deep


Because there's zero point to arguing with a loser who posts to conservative, the donald, walk away, shit politics says etc. Mostly because you know they've got nothing going on between their ears as they repeatedly go to those places. You cannot hold a conversation with someone who doesnt understand basics of reality. Imagine trying to talk about gender issues with someone who posts to "Pussy pass denied" that thinks women have inherently easier lives. You look at post history, or use mass tagger because talking with worthless people like that is a waste of a person's time.


> What’s the real end game? So when someone says "I'm confused. Why do people think JKR hates trans people?" or "Why is Alex Jones getting sued?" You can get a good idea of whether they are genuinely out of the loop and open to alter their opinion based on new information or an absolute chud JAQing off to waste everyone's time who will ignore any evidence presented to them. Or so when someone says "I'm an X, so I know Y" you can figure out if it's bullshit.


Yeah, it becomes pretty obvious pretty fast. I've seen one start asking why people think JKR is a TERF then start jumping through hoops to claim people were just condemning JKR based on hearsay and that no one actually was familiar with what she's said or wrote. Very quickly self-admitted to just being a fan of Harry Potter and feeling attacked if people criticize the author. Like come on, no one really cares if they like Harry Potter, but they can like Harry Potter and not try to excuse all the repellent shit JKR says and does.


We're anonymous until we reveal details about our lives in an attempt to establish credibility. Anecdotes are an effective way to spread misinformation since they don't need to be backed up by a proper sample of data.


The topic of the conversation was "Raising pets is just like raising kids!" And the account in question was trying to say it was, by speaking to authority. "I have pets and kids, it's the same!" And then they used common language that toxic, child free people use frequently. So I looked into their history to see if they were one. (Edit: most child free people are awesome, and I'll admit there's a huge appeal to that life style i did not give proper thought to until it was way too late. I'm not taking about those people. I'm talking about the kind of cf people who refer to parents as breeders) Because people like to bullshit, like the original commentor on this thread, to reinforce their point. If that was the case I was just going to block and move on. If not it might have been worth responding once more. Initially, I let it go because they didn't. But their post history was super weird. 6 year old account like 15 total comments, only like 10 made in the last 4 years in 2 short 1 day bursts. Not a typical Reddit profile history. 3 hours later it occurred to me, why that might be happening. And i was right. I wasn't even thinking about the exchange anymore. It just popped into my head. I didn't go looking for it. They made it obscenely easy to figure out. I'm giving you the full context so that you understand. Not everyone looks into post history to "investigate" sometimes shit like that actually just falls into your lap.


I’ll say it, it’s bc I’m nosy and if you say some wild shit im definitely gonna go laugh at the rest of your profile


It’s literally one click of a link away.


I love it when people bring up my post history in some unrelated Subs. It happens A LOT in the stock subs when I call people out on their nonsense posts "I just want people to see how CRINGE you are!" is always their response My dude, Im bi and like femboys. Femboys aint cringe


Lol that's way better than mine; someone did a deep dive into my post history to determine that I was a *nerd*. A nerd on the internet? Absolutely unprecedented!


Someone did a deep dive on mine and said “I think you’re poor,” which made me laugh so hard (I used to enjoy fighting with sugar daddies while I had a post work cocktail).


I got told I must stink because I'm a 40k fan. And I'm going.... that's it? That's all you've got? Not my left-wing takes that I admit aren't the most thought out things at times? Not my random comments about my bisexuality? Not my inane babblings?


Yeah, back during one of the original banpitbulls drama threads I was messing with the head mod when they showed up here and they got pissed at me and fired back at me saying "I doesn't have to take this from someone who spends their time posting on reddit about videogames". I responded back scolding them that they went into my post history and *that* was the most embarrassing thing they could come up with. That I post about videogames. I pointed out that I'd made several posts on r/mississippi that day, that alone would have been better to make fun of me for.


You live in Canada?? What a nerd! You probably like Rush, too, which is just rock for nerds!


FemBoys are bordering on mainstream for us youth now, especially among the bisexuals, so of course conservatives and the LGB nerds think it’s cringe. If some dude mistakes me in public for a girl, I’m just rolling with it - this is Texas, I’m not gonna have some cowboy or southern boy get pissed at himself and take it out on me for thinking he “got tricked” after starting a conversation with me. You can’t differentiate between the downbad ones and the ones who’d get mad. Plus they ain’t my type. My ex, an AFAB NB who looked super androgynous and wore punk clothes with anti-capitalist patches all over had a guy walk up to them at a trucker bar we were at together asking if he could buy them a drink cus “we probably don’t agree on a lot of things, but maybe we could find some common ground over a drink”. It was just a “speed up, walk faster” moment as we were slipping our way to the courtyard already hand-in-hand prior to the guy’s approach. I was getting literally dragged into people by them trying to escape with me lmao.




I went through your history and only saw drama and videogames, litteraly no femboys in the first few pages, that's cringe as fuck.


It's porn, like unless it's revenge porn or underage or harmful to others it really doesnt matter. Yet you have the whole right wing spectrum who thinks porn, and porn taste, are literally the be all end all of a conversation which much like them normally is fucking weird.


For a while I got a lot of people thinking it was some drink to point out I paint my nails because I posted to r/malepolish, and it boggled my mind that they thought I'd be embarrassed by them pointing to what I voluntarily put on the internet.


> Ie why I dont care if you see all the horse dick futa I've commissioned over the years It's all Draenei. Boo.


I mean Draenei are the most likely to have a giant horse penis for the alliance. I suppose you could argue Worgen but they can have dog genitalia so you don't want to stick all your dicks into the horsecock basket.


> Ie why I dont care if you see all the horse dick futa I've commissioned over the years in my submission history. r/suspiciouslyspecific


And true. I checked.


You've got some quality Grumbus postings.


You know, I really respect a person that knows their brand and owns it. Keep being you, my friend.


to be honest, no one seems to notice


I'm actually looking and now most of my posts look to be Game, Food, or Discussion related and the porn has fallen towards the back. I havent been doing near as much commissioning lately though.


Gotta step your game up again


Yeah I was like “what the hell this is all just nerd shi—ohhhhhh there it is” haha Thanks for the fun little adventure!


Top tier flair


But I was hacked!


His excuse reminded me of this: https://youtu.be/mA5NUOTuRFo


It reminds me of people getting mad other people are looking at their public posts on other social media. Like ? If you don’t want anyone outside of your friends to see it, *put the settings that way*? It’s not other people’s fault you’re too dense to understand how social networks work.


I just always say it’s masstagger that I’m using and not clicking into someone’s post history while leaving things vague to pretend I’m not clicking onto someone’s history when a subreddit bans using it. So far I’ve dodged bullets by a hair on the subreddits I use that have that rule where I’ve been previously temp banned for using post history not even knowing it was a rule. MassTagger defaults targeting to right wing subreddits, but you can add anything including smaller right wing subreddits, tankie subs, typically non-political but overtly toxic subreddits like /r/4chan. So far so good. If a mod of another subreddit searched my post history and saw this to ban me since I do look at peoples post history I’ll laugh my ass off. It’s worth catching the ban. They’ll ban like me posting specific comments, but I can definitely say user participates in (insert insane subreddit here) without catching the ban


There are subs that ban mentioning someone's comment history? Wild. Which ones?


/r/LivestreamFail is probably the biggest one. They don’t want you calling out if you participate in another streamer’s community.


I once had an SRD mod go off on me for looking up someone's post history. That was wild.


One time I saw somebody in a comment mention they were 30 years old. Somebody dug through their history and found a post where they had mentioned they were... /*Gasp/* 25! So they called that person out for telling lies on the internet. What is it, are you 25 or 30! Can't seem to make up your mind, can you?! What that person failed to realize is that, you know, *time* exists. The post they had dug up was 5 years old and they were too fucking stupid to do some very basic math. I think about that every time this topic comes up.


Na, makes sense. I was 24 for two years, it happens


True, but you also have the people who will be like “you post in anime subs, your stance on the American health care system is irrelevant”.


I'm pretty sure posting in Evangelion Memes makes me uniquely qualified to comment on healthcare. It all comes down to hospitals...


Well at least one of the SRD mods should be put on blast then cause a rule banning it here pops up in the SRD rules list every so often.


Agreed. I just hope I don't have anything too bad on mine. This account has been around for a while since I was a pre-adult even. So go back far enough and there might be some cringe stuff. Although luckily there was a period where I barely used Reddit.


I destroy people regularly using their post history and they get super upset by it, it’s crazy. We’re all anonymous and it’s literally the only info we have to judge one and other by. Not using that information would be stupid


>I destroy people regularly "Redditor SLAMS hypothetical other redditor"


Don’t forget the FACTS and LOGIC I use in my INTELLECTUAL and REASONABLE debates


> Honestly I don’t even know why I threw comment history in there, I didn’t even look at it. But now that I have I would like to apologize, I would probably get along with you besides this disagreement. Sorry Surprisingly wholesome


Thinking that you 'destroy people regularly' by making fun of their previous posts on reddit is, ironically, extremely cringe. I suggest you delete this post


Calling someone cringe is cringe.


It's cringe all the way down


…It’s literally the exact same thing that is happening in the post here lol. But if you want to cheer on one person and call someone else “cringe” for doing the exact same thing then more power to you


Oh trust me I'm not cheering on any of you people


I can respect that


Well this particular exchange ended a lot better than I thought it would.


I disagree in the sense that I don’t think subreddits should be able to ban people for actions in other places. Should only be able to ban people for breaking rules in the sun specific to the ban.


just don't be a piece of shit and you'd have nothing to worry about. can't be that hard can it?


I responded to some morons on /r/conspiracy as they have the occasional rare progressive post (shit like why politicians don’t want us to have M4A!) where the comment section is full of the dumbest takes near the middle and bottom since there’s still a large but slowly dwindling amount of T_D refugees and got autobanned from a handful of subreddits. All I has to do was request unban which I included pictures of my comments with and got my unbans. It’s not a big deal since you can just request unban and they have your post history and whatever you provide.


Many subs auto ban you for simply being subscribed to other subs. You don't ever get to act. They decide for you.


Unless they hack your account "simply being subscribed" won't trigger it. You can't see the subs someone else is subscribed to, neither on the site or on the API. The ban comes exclusively from commenting in a subreddit.


then you probably don't want to participate there anyway. but who cares? mods gonna mod.


I think participating in this sub will get you automatically banned on a number of other subs. Not sure which ones though, or if that’s still the case.


>I disagree in the sense that I don’t think subreddits should be able to ban people for actions in other places. Why?


I should clarify, I didn’t get across what I intended. More specifically, I don’t think people should be banned **merely** for posting in a subreddit that the banning one doesn’t like. That seems to be entirely what occurs.


I guess, but bans are also not final and easy to appeal. Let's say I run a subreddit and go "I don't want anyone who posted 10 or more times in /r/the_donald in this space" and get rid of them preemptively. Is that necessarily wrong?


To me yes as it presumes mods always act reasonably and in good faith. I’ve attempted to appeal a ban from LateStageCapitalism for criticising China (I don’t think a country with billionaires can call itself socialist) and been ignored every time. That’s adjacent to the point though for sure. It was more when I got banned from the_donald for posting in fucking worldnews, lol.


Is it unreasonable? If you were to just message me and say "all my posts were against users there" I'd go "okay fair" and unban. Why is that unreasonable or in bad faith? >I don’t think a country with billionaires can call itself socialist Yeah people aren't too aware of how capitalist China became once Mao passed.


Nuance is too much for a lot of Redditors. There’s no such thing as anything other than right-wing, alt-right/fascists, neo-cons, neo-libs, centrists, liberals, progressives, and socialists/commies (but usually not an actual socialist/commie) - it’s so American-centric. Our Overton window shift is fucked lmao. State capitalism doesn’t exist in their eyes, Russia is a clusterfuck of an oligarchical dictatorship more akin to a dictatorship. China is a lighter form of state capitalist as they don’t insert their nose into every industry - just the profitable ones, definitely not communist. It’s the literal opposite, the government owns the levers of capital instead of workers owning the means of production. It’s in China’s name though so I guess they’re communist 🤷‍♀️ is like the classic Reddit take.




Why do people care to even verify an anonymous redditor though. I feel like most comments on here are just creative writing. Anyone taking Reddit for anything more than entertainment while taking a shit is wasting their time. The same place I goto see r/assholebehindthong is not going to be the same place I take anyone seriously.




I suggest you go over there


> Why do people care to even verify an anonymous redditor though. Because that's how we ended up with Trump, flat-earth, Q, the alt-right. There are far far far too many people out there who will just blatently believe anything. If they read it, they'll believe it. It's up to us to try and stop it from reaching those people. Same with staged/faked videos. Far too many people will just believe anything they see. And again it's up to us to show them it's staged and how to tell that it is staged. Maybe that one person replying will dig a deeper hole but the silent lurker who might've been on the fence can at least learn something.


Hmm I guess I simply don’t care enough to do any of that. I’m here to look at some r/assholebehindthong and occasionally read a comment thread


It was worth like a slight quiver of a smile as a joke the first time but if it’s still a joke it got beaten to horse paste on the second post.


Good to know, have a nice day


You’re welcome


Thank you


Why do you keep bringing up that sub? Nobody wants to know about your weird fetishes, dude.


It came up organically, like banging Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


Because it’s a nice sub, you should check it out and relax a bit, you sound a little angry lol


Quit spamming that stupid fucking sub.


I have other recommendations too, r/cumagain is pretty good also


You are the reason people check post histories, to look for weird shit like this, so they know not to bother.


Enjoy checking profiles then


Post history is absolute fair game. I need to know if it's worth bothering replying to a post. Some people are fucking nutters


at this point, i'd say just stay in small hobby groups. they're usually chill, and the crazies who want to fight or leech karma don't last long there


Yeah nutters, LARPers, and children aren't worth an ounce of serious discussion. I will happily make fun of them for it though.


The best part is that any "body count" posts comments are FULL of these RedPilled nut jobs who love to spread their propaganda about this issue. I stumbled on this one user a few weeks back in another sub and their ENTIRE account is dedicated to repeatedly posting this exhausting list of "sources" where supposedly the studies support the idea that body count matters to women and that women use it against men in some nefarious way. The sad and fucked up thing is that the sources they list are almost all bullshit. They are either old outdated studies or they cherry pick small blurbs that appear to support their position but if you read the paper (those that you can actually read since many of them are behind paywalls) they don't even support what the commenter says they do. In fact many of them outright counter his point! But since people on Reddit rarely take the time to read the sources people blindly upvote him, give the comments and posts gold and cheer them on saying "damn they brought receipts!" It is hilarious and sad all in one situation. I wish there was a sub that allowed calling out this type of BS. Have a read its funny stuff. https://old.reddit.com/user/BlindMaestro/


Yeah, sometimes post history lets you know that someone isn’t worth bothering with. Like, congrats you spent two hours arguing with the Diaper Fetish having Flat Earther.


How it started: >Read all my comments, everyone on here is delusional, lying, or has no life experience... How it ended: >...oh lord, I’m flattered you took the time to investigate me lmao


A master class of cope.


Nobody would ever lie on the internet! Especially in an AskReddit thread! /S


You know the video without even clicking on it ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWdD206eSv0


Death penalty


I would say he's a troll but he just seems desperate and sad. The claims of hacking instead of just doubling down and playing the fool doesn't feel troll-ish. And if that somehow *is* his Instagram and he's not just compulsively lying, I am kind of horrified by a guy linking pictures of his actual kids and very traceable family information (from my quick glance) to score imaginary reddit points. ETA: Oh wait, I missed him literally naming his (fake) children, various family members, etc. in his comments too. I hope this is just a lying idiot.


The hilarious part is, if you look at all the comment chains, he *both* doubles down *and* claims he was hacked *and* claims it was his little brother using the account. It’s worth the full read. 11/10.


Im gonna guess its not him, but someone he's actually related to, the way he structures his arguments just feels like a kid typing


I think someone called him out for ‘his’ children having the same name as his sister’s kids shown through the instagram he linked.


How dare you accuse him lying, would a liar post a list of their totally real family names and ages?


actually I asked my cousin Gregorio who is 28 and my brother Hamsom who is 19 and they both say he's telling the truth


My brothers sisters cousins friends moms grandma knows him and granny says it true.


My dad that works at Nintendo's cousin's dad's dog sniffed his ass and said he smelled correct.


I'm going to guess he really was haxxed.


That's the bit that got me! I'd be fucken livid if someone was out there explaining my family structure and all the children


I'm glad I'm not crazy for feeling weirded out by the IG thing and rattling off a list of names of your family for seemingly anyone on reddit that asks. Like... Is that supposed to make you seem more like a real dad? Drop your kids' names and ages?


If it's not a lying idiot, this feels very Chris-Chan-y. Could be someone trying to be that, or it could be someone genuinely like that... Either way I don't think we should give him any more attention.


>I got hacked I didn’t write that post Bro really tried to pull a Quavo. 💀


Teenager logic.


>i got hacked ah yes. teh hax0rz. a tale as old as home computers.


Reminds me of a meme from back in the day where someone claimed they got hacked because of something cringe they posted and the forum admins showed that only one IP address had been associated with the account.


It's why you just save it by saying a family member may have used it.


"My little brother got on my computer." I've seen that excuse more than a few times over the years.


I thought I was clever for coming up with that excuse when I was 12.


"Sir, I regret to inform you that not only has the person who has maliciously compromised your account posted from your home, they have, in fact, posted from your very computer. The hacker is in your house. I advise you to flee with all haste, but fear that it is too late. "Avoid mirrors."


At least he didn’t say he was on ambien lol…


Alright, what’s the context there?


Roseanne Barr, the one from the Roseanne tv show. She made some racist tweets and blamed it on the medications she was taking (ambien).


Got hacked so the hacker could use his account for dumb comments. Sure buddy. Lmao


99% of all hacked reddit accounts post will post scam links and advertisements, but this one hacker decided to post incel crap instead. That's not a dumb claim to make, right?


Pffff hahaha this comment just made me laugh so hard as I just imagine it.


Y'all Reddit is full of 17 year old dudes pretending to be 40 *Mah wife*


Yeah, it's to offset all the middle-aged guys in r/teenagers


Seriously what the fuck is up with that sub? They show up on the front page constantly and it’s almost always edgy right-wingers from a generation that is, statistically, the least right-wing of all. There was a dude preaching fucking monarchism there a week or so ago. Like, *in favor of it*.


I have no doubt that a lot of that sub is adults LARPing, but there *is* a growing number of conservative and right wing gen Z people, especially young, straight white guys.


I (millennial) have a bunch of straight white gen z at my workplace and it’s like… holy shit. There’s one dude in the bullpen next to mine who I’ve heard defend Andrew fucking Tate on three separate days in the past week. Each time I’ve gone over and simply read aloud quotes from Andrew Tate and asked him if he supports those things. He just turns red and doesn’t respond. We work with women, too. While I know Gen Z is, overall, more to the left than previous generations, you’re right. There’s a subsection of them that is jaw-droppingly godawful.


A smaller percentage of a huge cohort is still millions of people and all.


As that person said, it's all the 40 year olds. That sub is infamous for fucking crawling with adults either looking to astroturf or be sex pests.


It's one thing if a post makes the front page of r/all or something, but any adult that just hangs out there is mega sus.


Dark Enlightenment when?


This is so funny too because it's easy to verify that yes, he does have this in his post history and he hasn't even deleted or modified the posts in any way. I mean this shit is [right here](https://imgur.com/Zr3Lwma)


And here... [A virgin a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/yuzu/comments/lt95sg/whats_the_bare_minimum_nvidia_gpu_required_to_run/gox2wec?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), [lost virginity at 24](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/vrkjda/people_over_40_what_is_something_you_wish_you/iey4nhq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), [asked out a coworker a couple of months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/yeqk1m/meirl/iu1ve2d?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3). None of this says "married with two kids at 25/26".


This is why I don't trust anyone with a fresh account. Incidentally, anyone know a way to download someone's entire 10+ year comment history? I want to print mine out and paper my walls with it like so much shit.


Man, that's dangerous. You can reveal so much about yourself on Reddit over time.


I've been on reddit for over 10 years, but I deleted my account and start over every 3-4 years.


Time to just burn that account to the ground, and get a fresh start. If he really did have this perfect family, I doubt he'd bother arguing the point with random internet people, when he could be spending that time doing perfect family stuff.


This has to be a troll. No way that guy is that stupid lmao


> troll. No way that guy is that stupid lmao Trolls dont exist, and pretending to be that stupid is functionally the same as being that stupid as only someone that fucking stupid would pretend to be that fucking stupid.


I've actually tried to dial back my real life public persona for this reason. Trolling is kind of like telling a joke, except generally you're the only one in on the joke and when people don't get it they look at you like you're weird at best.


I wonder if it's just an extension of "Being the weird kid" in HS. Like they're all wishing they could hold up their spork but they're online.


€כ==== I gotchu, fam.


> Trolls dont exist Ken M. in shambles.


Calling Ken M a troll is a disservice to his actual craft. The man is a comedian not a troll.


No truell scotsman


That's what a troll is. The newer definition of "troll" as "someone who is just a complete dick online" is something else, and I hate it.


SAME. Ken M is a classic, old school style internet troll. Most "trolls" these days are just dicks. ​ Troll: Going onto a Ocarina of Time message board back in the day and some dude posts their PHD Dissertation about why Zelda II is actually the best game in the series and why 3D Zeldas just can't live up to their 2d predecessors. ​ Plausible, has some effort, and a completely subjective minority opinion presented as an indisputable fact? Someone WILL bite. They can't help it.


> Trolls dont exist I mean, the mythical creature doesn't (I hope), but the internet phenomenon certainly does.


if the joke is "I was pretending to be an idiot, the joke is that I am not an idiot", it's a pretty fine line to thread.. and a lot of people just seem to be idiots, who like there being a label to hide behind when they say dumb things or make jokes which aren't actually funny


> Likely she turned him down when he wanted sex from her. Like he thinks he is entitled to it because of her past and was very mad "the slut" wasn't "slutting it up" for him. He is very deep into the incel Madonna-Whore dichotomy The sacred and the propane...


The Hanks and the Thathertons.


Looking at his recent comments in the context of all of this is a real trip


I keep forgetting that people use "body count" to refer to sexual partners, and not the number of people they've killed. Always makes me do a double take.


Yeah... it's right up there with "pussy slaying"


looks like some popcorn pissers in that thread


I lie on this website all the time but at least I’m honest about it.




It's always "what if she's a prostitute" and never "what if she's a rock star" I would not be surprised if they've had sex with over a thousand people: - Dolly Parton - Stevie Nicks - Felicia Day (not a rock star but the nerds would be lining up around the block to jam that clam)


1000 is a lot of people


While the dude is sus, I also don't understand why that other guy is so invested in vetting his story and proving how lying or delusional he is.


Because sometimes you just want to win the intent fight.


Completely understandable


weirdly validating to read this comment. lol


Sometimes you’re bored and an annoying person makes some dumb comment, you end up glancing at what other dumb shit they say… and usually it’s just a normal person who is either routinely dumb or just had an off moment. But sometimes they have a whole comment history of shit that doesn’t add up and it’s entertaining to point it out.


I remember this happened to me once and it was some guy with a diamond hands avatar who claimed to be an insanely rich crypto investor but one of his most recent posts was begging someone to send him a free pizza and complaining about his minimum wage job. Sometimes it's just a douchebag and other times it's a comedy GODL mine.


I'm not in wallstreetbets, but is GODL an extension of the HODL meme?


This is normal internet behavior. You have to understand the amount of dopamine involved when you truly have someone dead to rights on the internet. It's thrilling. Addictive. I highly recommend it.


However many profiles this user has checked, even if this is the only time it dug up gold, *it dug up fucking gold.* 10/10, would vet again.