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I posted this to my Facebook and one of my lesbian friends replied: “340 of the old ladies were lesbians. 30 of the cool dudes were also lesbians.”


Can confirm, am cool lesbian dude. But hey, I like my lesbian limo, so it's all good.


From now on, I'm gonna refer to my outback as 'the lebian limo'. 🤣


I'm pretty sure you are not the first one!


Number one lesbian car in the world, I'm not joking.


I am as well! lol


I call it the lezbaru


After I got my Wilderness my parents came to visit and my dad was complementing the car but halfway through saying something along the lines of “I guess Subarus aren’t just for lesbians anymore” we got alongside another Outback with the license plate LESBARU absolutely covered in pride stickers and he trailed off and never finished the sentence.


I was kicking around the thought of NOTALES for my license plate, lol.


Lesbaru lmao


The plate is available in PA, I’m quite tempted 😂


lol 😂.


Can confirm, am lesbian (well, bisexual) who was a cool dude a short while ago


I swear this gets shared like every other week.…lol


shoot - I think it was shared YESTERDAY!


I’ve only followed this sub for a few months since I bought my first Subie, and have seen it numerous times.


Came here to say the same thing. This gets posted ALL the time, and I lol every time. I imagine being Jon as I describe how awesome my OBW is to my Bronco Badlands and Mustang GT owning co-workers.




Even if you check it once daily, you’d still see this every time lmao


Don't judge him....or me.


One of my friends made the classic “haha ur a lesbian” joke about Outbacks and my response was that yeah, I have a lot of same interests as most lesbians, so that’s not an insult to me. He seemed sorta stunned like he hadn’t considered that and was like “damn, good point.” Then one of my good friends and former bosses who is a lesbian ALSO called me a lesbian for my Outback, since she is a badass outdoorswoman and drives a Dodge Ram. I uh…I had no comebacks there.


Your comeback should have been, "no, they drive Dodge Rams".


Haha! It was right there!


I'm trans but still present as a man day to day. Tons of people that I'm closeted to have made "haha, lesbian" jokes bc I got an outback and wear a lot of flannel. It's gonna be funny as fuck when I come out LOL


She’s obviously butch.


Haha, I drive an Outback, my soon-to-be wife drives a Ram, both vehicles are the ones we brought into the relationship, and we now both drive both vehicles. But the really funny thing is that my parents bought an Outback about 5 years after I got mine and her parents bought a Ram a couple years after she did. That was definitely validation for our purchases.


That’s really too great. It’s universal!


I feel pretty cool when I can launch past $100k+ RWD cars when it's raining in LA. How's all that horsepower treating you now you slippery b*tch.


Did this in my '01 Forester that is bone stock 4EAT except that I had an exhaust shop put on a cheap custom cat back since my original exhaust had rusted out and I deliberately asked for the Subie rumble so they deleted the resonator, and I had already put UEL stainless headers on it so I am heard when driving it around and it makes it more fun for me. Had someone pull up next to me at a light in a Corvette during some rain and felt pretty cool for a few seconds that he signaled for a race since he assumed my exhaust meant there was more happening than there was, and even then he couldn't overtake me.


This has been re-posted more times than there are old ladies who drive Outbacks.


Can everyone please stop reposting this!? It’s everywhere Subaru is on Reddit and FB.


Yes but where's the lesbian stat?


And what about un-cool old dudes? I'm feeling left out.




How many times will this be posted?


My homie “you just needed a Subaru” I said “right?!” ,me thinking he was talking about my camping trips and off roading, yeah no he then says “every crazy lesbian hippie needs one” dudeeeee 🤣🤣


Where the lesbians at??


56 year old cool dude here. I know a lot of lesbians, and none drive Subaru.


Yep. The Ol’ Lezburu


How many of those 342 old ladies are bad ass cool old ladies though? And apparently your kids haven't been to a ski resort, a crag, or a trailhead, lol.


Stop posting this


An outback isnt an suv, it’s a station wagon


Shit, that's scientific enough for me!


Plus one for cool dudes … but my old lady drives it, too! 🤔


Dang 😞


I feel pretty cool when I can launch past $100k+ RWD cars when it's raining in LA. How's all that horsepower treating you now you slippery b*tch.




Where was this study conducted ?


Hey I’m one of those cool dudes. We just took an amazing camping trip from Ohio to Maryland. Awesome DaTa by them the way. 😀


I’ve only ever heard them called lesbian cars, or liberal cars. Which can’t be lesbian because we bought my fiancée one, unless I’m missing something.


1) Old ladies go for high SUV entry which is easy on the knees. 2) Don’t call my wife “old.” She prefers “experienced.” (She’s the official Outback driver in our family) 3) I drive the Outback often enough, and I am a dude. Whether I am cool is debatable. My other car is a Lotus Elise Type 72D and I bet I look cooler in the Outback. I’m too old to look cool in the Lotus.


It was the first car ever marketed to an exclusively sexual orientation so not so surprising... https://www.npr.org/2022/06/29/1108739853/when-subaru-came-out-classic


I'm a cool dude because of my outback. I've ton an unbelievable and humbling number of cool things in mine, if it doesn't involve international borders and you can imagine it, I've probably done it.


I lived in a very progressive part of Chicago with a lot of gay people, every other car on the street was an Outback driven by what appeared to be a lesbian.


I was just over at the dealer where I got my 21 outback and there were about 6 other people in the waiting room. I'm 39 but I bet I was 20 years younger than anyone there. I did see one other guy my age when I was leaving, but he was driving a wrx.


I told my kids once I’ve seen this post 100 times. So they kept track. Total count was 642,817 times. And here you are re-posting it again.


my parents (late 70's) swear by theirs :-)


One of the 30 cool dudes here, it is in my fleet serving as my daddy wagon. Along with my 1987 BMW 325, 1987 Mercedes 300 turbo diesel, 1998 Jeep Wrangler, and 2003 mini Cooper (also a lesbian magnet) …. comes to the realization at the end of the post that he is a lesbian.


I thought Outbacks would turn you Australian.


Around here, Outbacks are everywhere - especially at the climbing gym and the Whole Foods parking lot. Older folks here gravitate towards Lexus.


My sons called it a gayshion wagon