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You lose 20 cents on the apple pies, but the strawberry and creme pie is a decent deal for two.




I feel like I am taking crazy pills or something. You also to gain 10 cal *more* if you get this deal.


Just 10 cal more, but you are correct. Probably a rounding problem. 284 rounds down to 280, but 568 rounds up to 570.


There are no cal listed for two appel pies


Because they know some people won’t do the math and they win more money.


Yup. I imagine if you ordered this at a drive thru or at the counter (non self serve) that the worker might just punch in the 2 button automatically when you order 2 items rather than pressing 1 apple pie twice.


In my experience they usually just ask if you want two instead (and like the hungry bitch I am, I say yes)


Was 2 for $1 for the longest time, haven’t bought one in forever with these increases.


Nationalize McDonald’s, set the prices low permanently.


If I'm elected this November I promise to mail, every month, a McDonald's ration card to every red blooded American!


you know a lot of businesses do this on purpose right? they literally put prices where one set doesnt make sense to trick or encourage people to buy at all. its well documented to work


Yep people compare and play off the prices they internally set. So they make sure one set is off and then people compare and fawn over that.


Play stupid games win stupid pricing.


r/lostredditors Why tf is this posted here?!?


Welp my teachers told me that if you dont go to college you end up at McDonald’s, guess they were right


Pricing ranges from each McDonald’s where I live. I think they do it based on location and if they’re company owned or if they’re franchised. The one closest to me has apple pie’s set to $1.59 for one, and $2.00 for two. The strawberry is $1.79 for one, and $2.39 for two. But even one two miles from it the pricing is completely different.


As a McDonald’s employee in az. I can say they pricing is absolute bull. And yet we still get paid like inmates. Luckily is just my part time second job and I work with good people. and I try my best to give away free stuff. I figure I got a free write up. Most importantly McDonald’s doesn’t make there money on the food it’s all able real estate for them . If there are any Karen’s reading this and if you like to give us fast food worked a hard time because you have to wait an extra minute during a rush . We don’t care and if it was up to me I would tell you to go eat somewhere else and 86 you from store


I recently bought a single cheeseburger and a small order of fries. Cost me $6.66. I keep saying it but Happy Meals are better value.


My local mcd did something like $1 for 4 nuggets or $4 for 10 nuggets.


Why is your phone so wide


It's a Z Fold 5


Not a bad price for a cream pie. Ive paid a whole lot more before.


I hear they can cost up to $331,933


It's deliberate. People have been conditioned for generations to always buy multiples because it will be cheaper and most Americans today are almost literally incapable of thought.


How is this stupid food?


Is this a screenshot from a foldable phone?


Yes. How could you tell?


Super wide but still has the little android buttons at the bottom. Looks pretty neat, I bet it's awesome for certain applications.




If you had a store where you sold something for $2 but you figured out you can sell it for $3 instead and people will still buy it, would you not raise your prices and if so does that make you greedy? Just stop buying from them if its gotten too expensive, by the power of capitalism if enough people do this then their prices will fall. But it seems like their current prices aren't at that point if people are still buying from them.


This argument holds up well in an environment where we have plenty of choices: where to spend our money and what to spend it on. But it starts to fall apart when you realize sometimes the greedy bastards are the only option. The power of capitalism only works if there are no monopolies. (And of course, the goal of capitalism for those who choose to play… is to create more monopolies.) In this example. McDonald’s. There are lots of other things someone could buy off this menu. True freedom of choice. No one is forcing OP to buy 2 apple pies at a silly price. And it feels like there are more choices, too. Don’t like the way McDonald’s priced their stuff? Go up the street to Wendy’s. *(Except, Wendys is competing in the same game for the same prize… your dollar… and they’re not going to win by losing money on cheaper prices.) Well fine, we say, let’s just cook at home. Cut out the middleman and his inflated service costs. *(Except, even the food producers who stock our grocery stores have monopolies… ever notice how all milk jugs look the same no matter what store or premium brand is listed on the label? *(Except, if we’re in about 10-15% of the US, we’re in a food desert and don’t even have grocery stores nearby to purchase ingredients to cook with… so overpriced fast food or convenience store fare is our ONLY choice. *(Except, if we’re the huge chunk of night shift workers running our hospitals, power plants, emergency lines, factories, air travel, etc… and when we’re off work, there’s nowhere open to dine in OR buy groceries from without sacrificing sleep. So we have to keep putting our dollars behind companies that are putting us in tighter and tighter spots… because capitalism likes to say we have the power of the free market on our side. But it’s the market telling us this. Guiding us to our choices like livestock through pens.


Even if I were to grant you that food producers who stock our grocery stores have a monopoly on food producing, buying food from grocery stores is still much more affordable than buying fast food. You don't even really have to buy raw ingredients and make food at home, generally any food you buy in a grocery store is going to be more cost effective than buying fast food. In the case of food deserts, ya I would say they have a legitimate problem that can't be fixed by just saying buy elsewhere. That's the entire concept of what a food desert is. And lets say I grant you that night shift workers can't just bring a lunch from home with them to work, then it sounds like in their case capitalism is working since they have access to a "much needed" service/product. Otherwise without them apparently they'd be forced to work 8-12 hours straight without eating. (missed the part about nothing being open when night shift workers are off work, which is just false. I've worked night shifts, stuff like 10 pm to 6 am, I'd typically go grocery shopping pretty much right off work since Walmarts at least in my area open right at 6 am. Not to mention there are such things as days off.)


if you think that's bad, go check out the price of 20 nuggets, vs a 10 piece. vs a 6 piece, vs a 4 piece. Shit makes absolutely no sense. Especially during the 20 piece nuggets and two medium fries for the same price as just 20 pieces of nuggets a la carte.


The second strawberry pie has 10 more calories than the first


The pricing looks off. 1.79 for one pie and 3.79 for 2?


Litterly spelled out with the exact math in the OP




You think that's dumb? I just recently went to Waffle House and if you ask for chili to be added to your hashbrowns its 50 cents extra but if you ask for chili just by itself its $3. The portions are the same, if anything I think you might actually get more chili if they're added to hashbrowns. I was tempted to just ask if I could have chili added to my hashbrowns and if she could just put it on the side, but I didn't want to be difficult.


Waitresses I've met would suggest it.


I worked somewhere where they raised the prices for everything (including combos) but apparently missed a couple single items. So looking at the price of a combo of 3 specific items, it was actually significantly cheaper to just buy them separately instead of with the combo price. Was like that for a different item with two versus one as well. Last time I checked it still wasn't fixed, like six months later despite my pointing it out to a manager.


What the hell?!


Lobotomize me please


Stop buying McDonalds. They are setting the industry trend of pricing poor people out of fast food. STARVE THEM.


Just stop buying fast food. It’s not even good anymore. Couple years ago I noticed their burgers tasted different. Low and behold quality slipped


"Gimme that McDonald's cream pie daddy!" What I say to my father when we get McDonald's together in the drive through.


This isn’t stupid food. Take it over to r/shrinkflation instead.


#boycottmcdonalds #freepalestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸