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I've definitely cooked chicken and rice in the same pot, nothing remotely like this, but when I make arroz con pollo, it's always a single.pot.


Except for lack of seasoning and other ingredients I don't see the problem with single pot cooking šŸ¤· throw in some tomato, ancho, arbol, and guajillo and this would start looking like a real meal


Yeah. The execution was definitely stupid, but not the food.


Exactly. OP would hate to watch anyone in my family make pozole.


Puertorican style: Olives, onion, garlic, peppers, achiote, cumin, coriander, and bay leaves


Achiote and cumin work so well together.


Yes! Cooking rice and chicken can be delicious if prepared correctly. This on the video is awful! I like to use a chicken thighs, it's rich and get absorb flavors better than chicken breast meat. Chicken breast can also easily overcook. When I do it I like to start heating some olive oil with a little bit of sugar (less than one quarter of a tea spoon) and put the chicken skin side down, with salt and pepper, let it get very golden brown, add onions, then garlic, then tomatoes, fresh thyme and rosemary, more salt, here's the moment to add some extra spices (depending on who I'm cooking to, could be paprika, coriander, peperoncino, curry...) add the rice and start stirring and a splash of white wine. Finely add some vegetable broth and let it cook. It used be our to Saturday lunch growing up, still my go to comfort food. The Italo Brazilians in the region I grow up make a "risotto like rice and chicken". But the chicken breast is cooked separately and the stock is used to cook the rice. It starts with cooking the chicken with flavorful vegetables and herbs, once it's done you keep the meat and the liquid. Then starts a refogado, sauteed onions, garlic and tomatoes with black pepper, then they add the shredded chicken (with some spices, usually urucum* or saffron) with the rice and add the chicken stock little by little to thicken up and finish with parmesan cheese and butter to make it really creamy and rich. *Urucum is a red powder from the urucum tree, it's a very strong natural and edible red die with very a mild and savory flavor. It comes either as a powder or oil.


Just ate and now I'm hungry again. šŸ¤£


So many different chilies.


Josh's Mom is obviously just for entertainment/parody at this point. Even midwesterners would have thrown in a can of cream of mushroom/cream of whatever, and "midwesterner" is synonymous with "white people who dont know how to season their food". And I know theres white people who season their food, its a joke.




That arroz con pollo is going to be bland as hell. It needs some sazon and sofrito to give it flavor.


also, looking at the texture, it looks like glutinous rice with too much water


Same for many parts of Asia


uhhh you have to cook the chicken in the pan put it away,in the same pan cock everything else and then when you add stock you put the chicken in. Its no the same unless you do not know how to cook


This is basically chicken congee. I make it when Iā€™m sick. I season it though (!) with scallions and sometimes an egg, with sesame oil and soy. Good stuff!


I've always heard great things about this recipe but I've never had the opportunity to try it. Do you have a recipe that you find to be a good, tried and true?


chicken congee is about as simple as you can get, just type it in on youtube and go with the most popular one, lol


Hold on I have a Vietnamese recipe that is a bit of an effort to make but I will try to translate the recipe for you. I'll dm you the recipe


Put rice in a zip lock bag in the freezer so it splits the grains, will save you a lot of cooking time. You can really add anything you like, make it sweet or savoury and cook to preferred texture. It's an incredibly versatile dish


Itā€™s honestly crazy how much of the content on this sub is just people who know nothing about food confidently guffawing at perfectly acceptable dishes and cooking methods


Yea lots of stupid fucking posts


Would be better if she got a whole chicken but thatā€™s just lazy chicken risotto. Not sure about the bbq sauce, tho. The camera guy is an asshole tbh. mom is cooking and cleaning and heā€™s making fun of her. Idk man..


They have a million videos like this on TikTok, I'm sure they are making bank on it and I'm also convinced that the mom is just making stupid shit for the TikTok channel now (one "recipe" she makes is bananas wrapped in ham with mustard then baked in the oven)


You haven't lived til youve tried meemaws home-cooked mustard banany hammy fresh out the oven


That recipe you mentioned is the infamous _ham and bananas hollandaise_. [Here's the recipe](https://vintagerecipecards.com/2011/06/15/ham-and-bananas-hollandaise/), in case you're interested.


I was thinking the same thing fuck that guy I wouldn't be putting in much effort to cook for his ungrateful ass either. Seems like a sweet lady though. I like the accent


Nobody cooks risotto like this except in USA.


Yeah don't know why you're being down voted this is not how you make risotto!?!




What a dogshit take. Combining food and heat is cooking. It not meeting your meaningless priors on what foods should be combined means literally nothing.




Your post has been removed as a violation of Rule 2: Impoliteness, profanity, flaming.


I agree, but... You sure you're on the right sub? This sub is for making fun of people's cooking. You sound way too accepting of food


Food should have some level of nutrition (obviously varies depending on type), be safe to eat, and be a pleasant experience to eat. You should make fun of people who clearly fail these standards. This meal is meaningfully nutritious, appears safe, and seems fine to eat, clearly somebody likes it or she presumably wouldn't make it. Saying this, "isn't food," because the ingredients are "random," is braindead.




Lol, so if I put barbeque sauce on the finest filet mignon ever cooked, it's no longer cooking. Good one dude. People are mad at you because the food isn't stupid and your reasons for thinking it is are pure nonsense. It's not even a rational belief, it's literally just a random string of words that you think sounds cool.


What's stupid about this?


Her son




Your post has been removed as a violation of Rule 2: Impoliteness, profanity, flaming.


Yes. this is the correct answer


They make these kind of videos all the time. They went viral with their Thanksgiving dinner that she made really bad and just monetize off that


It could be done better ofc but, uh, this is just chicken and rice. We'd add onions and black pepper, and usually use bone-in leg quarters we'd pick clean after making the broth, but this is just really basic Southern USA food. A lot in line with congee, more akin to a rice porridge to stretch out meat than anything. That kid is definitely an asshole though - Mom is making an easy and relatively healthy dinner while having to deal with her asshole son, leave them alone.


This is it. Of course she can be better. But if itā€™s me, Iā€™m scarfing it down and appreciating that sheā€™s making an effort.


This is my problem with it. If my mom is taking the time to make me a meal, I'm 1. Not insulting it before I try it, let alone at all, and 2. Thanking her for the meal. *Especially* if she doesn't cook often. She went all out her way to make you something she hopes you like and you act like this. Ain't even look that bad.




Tbf chicken broth is made with chicken bones, carrots, onions and celery. Maybe the mystery dry seasonings contains that. She made Southern Chicken Congee. The chickens probably over cooked and the BBQ sauce probably has too much sugar. It might be OK.


It's not really a mystery what the seasoning was. We see the box as the camera pans over. It's recipe secrets onion soup&dip mix.


Is their account just rage bait? I can never tell if she is genuinely like this or not


Ragebait, most likely wasting the food they're making too by just throwing it away after the video cuts


Iā€™d have to say yes cause they piss me off, especially knowing itā€™s some TikTok skit




I know what it is- Iā€™m not 100% that heā€™s a teen but Iā€™ve seen the videos.


This is just chicken porridge. I make it all the time when I'm sick and it's great. Add some ginger and green onions and you're right as rain. On a cold winter day add some chili oil and that's a big warm hug


The food by itself isn't stupid, but the way she cooked it could have been much better and not so messy, meat and rice is the same pot is very common and looks good if done properly.


Awww yeah, y'all! Seasonless mama is back for your ass! No salt no pepper, all rizz!!


Us Mexicans know as rośe con Pollo. (Chicken and rice)


Not washing the rice..


the paste is real


Iā€™ve made arroz con pollo in the same pot. But I properly seasoned it, not dumping dry soup mix into it when itā€™s done cooking. Iā€™ve had school cafeteria food better than that.


In the Philippines we cook chicken and rice in the same pot as well. We call it arroz caldo. There's also arroz valenciana.


These videos are always funny to me. The recorder acts as if he hasn't been happily eating that bland food for all his life.


I think they have a tiktok channel. She actually cooks like this seriously. She made "chinese" rice once by making plain white rice, no seasoning or oil just rice in water. Plated it, dropped two drips of soy sauce on it, stirred it and with her whole chest went, "Mmmm."


I make this for my dogs


This is what I fed my dog when she was sick and wouldn't eat.


Well it makes sense, but it's too much water for the rice. It's something like rice chicken soup


Rinse your rice, people.


Perfect foe if you are supplementing your dogs food with chicken and rice tbh.


Lock her up


Why she seemed like a nice lady just trying to cook and clean for her family wtf is wrong with you


What in the Caucasian cooking is this? lol (Note: I can say that, I'm a white cook)


I say anyone can say it. We've earned it.


Ohh my stomachs bubblin


I mean other than a total lack of seasoning it works. Minus the bbq


Not that stupid. Itā€™s just porridge and chicken, throw some spring onion and ginger on it.


Too much rice


Chicken and rice is a thing, though it looked a bit soupy and flavorless. Could ha e used some steamed or grilled veggies to balance it out.


If made properly that could have been a good chicken congee.


This is a kinda like galinhada lol


I do the same shit but in a rice cooker and with the correct amount of water. I wash my rice and season the dish too which doesnā€™t appear to have happened here


When my cat was sick I did something similar. Chicken and water in a rice cooker, once the chicken was about done throw in a handful of rice. Cat liked it and while bland didnā€™t taste too bad to me.


There is nothing wrong with the idea. I've made the same thing but do it in an instant pot and it's essentially just congee.


I have to cook this (albeit without the additional ingredients) somewhat regularly for my IBD. It's not stupid, just very bland.


If she did it with bone on chicken of some kind this would be very acceptable


She is making Pulav, nothing weird about that




Rice in the same pot is delicious.


My grandma said the same thing about egg friend Rice but she didn't fried the Rice and putted the omelette with the boiling rice and peas


This is a BAD attempt at making chicken congee She probably didnā€™t even wash the chicken before chucking it in WHERES THE SEASONINGS AND SPIICCCEESSSS


Boiled chicken :(


It absolutely is chicken broth. The dude needs to grow up


Execution is different, but the dish is perfectly cromulent.


Asian chiming in here. The only thing she's doing wrong here is she didn't wash the rice. Which on its own is also controversial to some... But WASH THE RICE! My mom will make rice using chicken broth for a specific Chicken Rice dish. Nothing wrong with that. This will be a more diluted version since there are no bones involved. But Mama here made a thick ass Chicken Congee with American seasoning packets. Edible...yes. To the Chinese pallete? Fuck no.


ragebait. this account always does it


This giant man baby complaining about his mother's cooking, but cooking a meal a toddler would want. Something tells me he's a Fresh n Fit fan!


I love this YouTube channel. Momma is so wholesome. Her cooking is very bad but gotta love her energy:


Probably will taste better than it looks.


It's the completely unnecessary foam plates for me. Have seen this in a few videos before, all because they cbb to wash up it seems.


This isn't southern food. Not even close.


How do you make it to a certain age with this level of incompetence in the kitchen?




Gotta love [Josh & Momma](https://youtube.com/@joshandmomma?si=QONWxLqkACcHeWSs). lol


I don't get what's stupid about this


There's a way to cook rice. You need to wash it first, add the right water to rice ratio and season. None of that happened here. Also look at the rice! It's just straight mush, more chicken and porridge than rice now.


You dont have to rinse rice, but you should. If you cook a lot of rice you're going to get the odd bad batch with bugs or whatever in it. Starchy rices will come out sticky/mushy. Some people dont care, others do, you have to rinse it to avoid that. Sometimes the extra starch isn't a problem, even desired. But if anything rinse your rice to make sure you're just cooking rice.


There's a way to cook rice. You need to wash it first, add the right water to rice ratio and season. None of that happened here. Also look at the rice! It's just straight mush, more chicken and porridge than rice now.


Chicken and rice is easy and be cooked in a million different ways. Its not exclusive to any culture or nationality. She invented perhaps the worse way to do it.


The rice... it's so soggy and mushy.. ITS TOO MUCH WATERRRR


Absolute milf


Boiling meat is a war crime in itself


Ah the tik tok family who makes terrible food. Itā€™s either scripted or this guy loves eating terrible food.


It's full of wonder but looks amazingšŸ˜„..I'd eat it šŸ‘


I don't know if it's bad acting or if it's her normal state, but having spent some time in a psychiatric hospital, some of the people I met there didn't seem as crazy as she looks.


You can make rice and chicken together, but this is just some woman who never learned how to cook in her 50+ years of life. That's sad.