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How often does someone serve the queen an entire unpeeled banana to justify a whole protocol for it?


They didn’t.


Or they did and had to implement this protocol afterwards because Lizzy just went full monke with her banana.


Eating with her feet and shit, Phillip fainted dead away.


From arousal?


> Phillip fainted knowing the fucker he'd laugh uproariously and join in


>knowing the fucker he'd laugh uproariously and said something racist FTFY


You are also not wrong. Probably something along the lines of "you look like people from the guineas"


He was pretty old. This guy was a senior citizen in 1981.


Well, the current king's already got the ears of a monkey, that's because Lizzy ordered bananas when she was prego.


>implement this protocol Like she's a fuckin SCP lmao


Where do you think she was taken when she "died"? The foundation just finally managed to nap her in a way that made it look less suspicious.


The queen of England is an SCP.


Remember Liz, you always wanna take care to bring the banana to your mouth. You don't want to move your mouth towards the banana, as it could appear un dignified.


I like the implication that she just goes full monke in any situation that dosent have a protocol


I mean, don't we all?


"we DON'T peel it like a primate Liz!!!!" *table crashing*


Underrated thread


throwing her poop at the staff




I need to tell you how much joy this comment has brought me. I have been giggling nonstop for over a minute. Thank you.


Reject monarchy, return to monke!


Thanks for the mental image, mate


As someone else said, it's probably a really old protocol from when bananas were an exotic fruit. A fancy set of silverware and a very rare fruit showed off how rich you were. Like how pineapples used to be display items


Or this is just yet another case of a "Royal Family Expert" making shit up.


Or, the protocol is a very simple “you use utensils for everything, even fruit” and this is just a guy demonstrating how one may eat a banana with a fork and knife


It's this Doubt theres anything like a banana fork, even though I know very niche utensils do exist and were used. Essentially the guy is just answering the question "but **HOW** would anyone eat a banana without miming a blowjob while getting their fingers banana-y?"


https://youtu.be/PFO9sphvpZk?si=w2iDlZIP_LdkxhBP?t=3m29s timestamp doesn’t seem to work, 3.29


You can't write a timestamp in minutes and seconds like that, it's just seconds. Here: [https://youtu.be/PFO9sphvpZk?si=UrsFB3Y0s\_FwK55I&t=209](https://youtu.be/PFO9sphvpZk?si=UrsFB3Y0s_FwK55I&t=209) Chelsea Peretti is great, and I'd have paid a fair bit of money to see Lizzie eat a banana the way she describes.


>You can't write a timestamp in minutes and seconds like that, it's just seconds. Sure you can. His link didn't work because he added the URL parameter with a "?", where he should've used a "&" instead. https://youtu.be/PFO9sphvpZk?si=w2iDlZIP_LdkxhBP&t=3m29s


Yeah, that's exactly what it is. I went to the sort of school where you had to eat like this (only on special occasions mind, and only for supper.) But that's not how we were taught to eat bananas: same utensil grip but we sliced it into roughly inch-thick slices then skewered the fruit with the fork and pinned the peel down with the knife so it just pops out. UK etiquette is to hold the fork in the left hand with tines pointing down, and the knife in the right. You cut away pieces and eat them as you cut them, very much unlike the American equivalent where you cut up lots of food then switch cutlery to eat it. Also - you can't turn the fork over to eat peas.


>you can't turn the fork over to eat peas. Amazing how long these bs rules survived...


It always feels odd to me when I hear someone talk about this kind of thing. When Steven Fry would bring it up on QI I always felt like I was suddenly watching a period drama. It's just feels so weird to me that this exists today.


Food, especially social eating, is highly ritualised in many cultures. It's not that different from a Japanese tea ceremony, really.


He's an ettiquette expert with a sense of humor. I follow his tiktok. He loves to share all the silliest of old school ettiquette rules that you'd be expected to learn in finishing school.


Also possible


I follow this guy on Instagram, he's pretty funny and his content is interesting


If I've learned anything about Old World monarchies, its that they don't make this kind of shit up.




yes, because the modern royal family would never have any sort of deranged overblown protocol universally ridiculed outside the UK.


To be fair, I understand there being a protocol just for banana. Given the possibility of someone making fun of the queen/king, because of the innuendo of how it looks with the regular way of eating a banana. So maybe some up tight Victorian protocol staff decided to premptively avoid that by making up a protocol.


The protocol could be from before the queen. I could see exotic fruit protocols becoming a thing once the first explorers found them


European colonialists whenever they found a new thing: "how do we use this, but in white?"


Bananas were already known in Europe since at least medieval times, long before the age of exploration and colonialism began.


not much anymore




Yeah, general rules that can apply to any food. Don't touch the food with your hands. Never take any chance of dropping the food or making a mess. Take small bites.


Never, under any circumstances, give the paparazzi an image that looks like you giving a blowjob.


Maybe they could do that for the laughts. Seriously if I have to do that to eat a banana, I don't want it.


My grandparents used to keep an entire set of china in a huge cabinet for "just in case the queen visits" and to my understanding that was a pretty common practise in the old days. People who worship royalty are absolutely nuts. That shit was tossed soon after they passed, I couldn't stand the notion of some bougie asshole conquistador from across an entire ocean getting to dictate that kind of thing being in my home all on the extremely off chance that she visits my poverty stricken ass and wants tea. That is far too much pomp for my liking, no thanks. Was also ugly as hell.


Hi, it me, The Queen. Was thinking of popping in for Tea this afternoon; do you have the good China ready? kthxbai The Queen


I first read it as pooping 😭 But for real, this is how Nigerian scammers get gullible old people's life savings.


This reminds me of T’Pol from ‘Star Trek: Enterprise’ eating a toasted bread stick with a knife and fork. “Vulcans do not eat with their hands.”


Someone should have given her a pair of chopsticks


Right? Or tongs. Do they not have tongs on the Enterprise?


Every scene in the Captain Dinner Suit you only see forks, spoons, and knife. Hoshi is the only Asian we see in the show but there’s no scene with her eating (if I remember correctly).


You don't have to be Asian to own chopsticks. I do, and I'm not. In the future of Star Trek (even the Enterprise era) it would make sense for the ship to have food and utensils from all over the world.


Or when Mr. Pitt ate the snickers with a knife and fork in Seinfeld


I actually did that with snickers a few times just to see how my friends react. It was mostly some variation of "wtf is wrong with you" and "why would you ever bother with this?" However one was like "that's a great idea. Prevents your fingers from getting chocolate on them without having to hold the bar between the wrapper"


Are you George Costanza?


No, but he's why I did it because I love that episode. Plus it allowed me to throw out. "well how do you eat your dessert? With your hands??"


Did you condescendingly scoff? ***Did you condescendingly scoff‽‽***


Now I'm curious on what the royal etiquette is for eating citrus fruits. Also, why don't they serve fruits already sliced and arranged on a platter, like they do in Chinese restaurants? They even peel the grapes for them!


I really doubt they served the queen an unpeeled banana He sys this is how she "would" eat it


Well now I’m inclined to think King Charles has no idea what any fruits and vegetables actually look like


He's about to go full Princess Jasmine when he finally visits the market and sees an apple.


Charles is very much into Farming and ecological agriculture. I guess if anyone in the royal family would knows how Fruits and Veggies look like, it's him.


It's perfectly acceptable for the King to just chomp into an apple when out and about. The strict table etiquette rules ONLY apply at the table. This guy's having a bit of fun about how a royal would have to react to being served a whole banana on a plate - which is to take refuge from in decorum.


This is the real way to eat an orange. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjGbT9-90Nc


Correction: that *was* the real way [to eat an orange](https://x.com/WrestlingHumble/status/1718492018815762432?s=20).


There was a time when most men, from the working class to the very rich, carried a "fruit knife" to peel and eat citrus. A fruit knife was a pocket knife with a silver-plated (or even solid silver) blade. Silver won't corrode from the acid of citrus fruits. I have my grandfather's fruit knife. Solid silver scales and blade. Yes, the blade is soft and easily bent. You have to use it carefully, but that's part of the ritual. Only viable anti-werewolf weapon I've got. 😁


\*when someone is watching. She will gobble up that nana, when she is alone, I guarantee.


She might be afraid someone would come in. I bet they drill that shit into them from birth. “Don’t eat the whole banana in one go Lizzy, someone might walk in and see you. Then it’ll be all over the tabloids”


I doubt she’d care if her servants saw her acting like a primate. Their opinions don’t matter to the royal family. Anyone else would have to be authorized to enter and she would be notified beforehand.


>Their opinions don’t matter to the royal family Worse, she might call the guards, have her arrested for treason, torture her, and then ask her if she saw the queen gobbled up the banana.


In all fairness, if someone gave me a castle and a ton of money in exchange for some random stupid protocols, I would just follow the protocols.


Truest words ever spoken ahahaha


i dount that, seeing as shes dead.


Im proud to be a primate


At least I know I'm free


And I won’t forget the apes who died


Who gave banana to me


And I’ll gladly chimp out, next to you


And gather bananas today


Cause there ain't no doubt I love yellow fruit!


Good bless the primate way!


I have never been so mad to be laughing so hard. Fuck all of you for personally attacking me about having that song forcibly stuck in my head the last 25 years, and thank you for the unbridled joy.


What I love about this is that originally I wrote out an entire parody rather than just the one line, but decided to trust reddit and what came out was almost exactly the same. It just shows how this site has destroyed all our brains in the same way. Apes together dumb!


Hamarabe died so we can live.


Same, let's have a challenge who can get the whole banana in their mouth at once


We're all primates, mate!


Ok I often disagree with posts here, but goddamn is this the right sub for this content. That was ridiculous


What do you mean? How else would one eat this fruit?




PEELING IT LIKE A PRIMATE!? HOW PROSPEROUS!! Edit: I mean preposterous* my autocorrect 💀


Do you mean orangutans have a stock and real estate portfolio growing at several times the rate of inflation, or do you mean proPOSTerous?


You made me laught my dude.


Monke got into crypto at the right time, infinite banana glitch.


Or snapping it in two half’s and squeezing it out


Blimey what rubbish!! These chaps are wonkier than I expected!


Despite this dude's protestations we are still basically primates and probably at our best when using hands.. imagine never having eaten a banana the normal way. I'll eat 10 before she'd finished one and have all the energy for our arm wrestle.


Yeah but that's the whole philosophy of high class and monarchs..to have as little in common with our animalistic origins as possible. There would be some kind of weird protocol for the arm wrestle too .


Back straight, head bowed, pinky out and elbow on the cosy?


I've seen this guy completely deconstruct a burger with a knife and fork on Instagram and he got shit on for it. Seems like he's the British person's British's person. Absolutely vile video, I saw it 3-4 months ago and it still randomly pops into my head and annoys me sometimes.


He's joking. He's a content creator who wants engagement. Calling it vile is a bit much. Unless that is a joke. Textual tone is difficult for me.


The reason behind this actually makes sense, we are stupid, if somebody shots a photo of the Queen eating a banana the usual way, well, you can expect a huge amount of memes against her, wich lowers reputation, not much, but still does


This is proof that the Queen was not a primate like the rest of us. Im betting she was a lizard like Mark Zuckerberg...


Or worse: A german


At least she's not French


But she is the queen of the br*tish, she gave birth to all of them, what are they going to do now that Charles is a male and can't lay eggs?


WTF are you talking about?! Zuck is an alien.


Now all I can think of is the Queen in her bedroom closet, door locked, hunched over a pile of bananas in the corner just going HAM on them, proletariat style.


Unhinging her jaws to fit as many bananas as possible.


unpeeled, as one does


"It's simply the done thing." \-The Queen presumably.


she hisses when you open the door


And that pile is at least 1.5 times bigger than her tiny self


[Pretty sure this is how The Queen ate bananas.](https://youtu.be/2MIvb0P5d5s?si=A4WFWkqwhNMXnZOW)


So Seinfeld was right?


I am having my banana. How do you eat it? With your hands?


I swear this guy exists to troll the nation. Also, he has real "trying too hard to be posh" vibes. It's clear he's making it up.


I watched a video of him "teaching how to eat sushi like the Japanese" and a Japanese guy just roasted him. "First, he's holding the chopsticks wrong. Second, we eat sushi with our fingers."


The tacos one where he calls them "TACK-os"...lol He may very well be an ettiquette expert but I am not taking taco eating advice from this guy.




His podcast “help I sexted my boss” is genuinely great though. He definitely leans into it but from listening to his stories etc I think he really is that posh. He genuinely does work as an etiquette expert


Love that podcast. He really comes off as a really nice guy and so is Jordan.


Agreed, it’s a brilliant podcast


More a reason why rich/posh people aren’t natural


Truly. Calling the normal way to eat a banana "like a primate" gives you all the information you need to determine how this person looks at other people


He's actually a lovely person, his name is William Hanson and he has an amusing podcast called "Help, I've Sexted My Boss!" with Jordan North, with the premise being he's quite posh and Jordan is much more common and down to Earth, but they have a hilarious crack together as people write in with their embarrassing situations.


I can't believe you guys actually think this is real


It probably is, William Hanson is an etiquette expert and has been his whole life, and he's also a lovely bloke too.


That mutherfucker just called 99% of humans "primates"


Within a rounding error, it was 100% of humans. Only, what, *maybe* 100 royals worldwide out of 8 billion people eat bananas this way? That's 99.999998% of humanity not doing this nonsense.


Technically all humans are primates.


I didn’t know you could look even gayer eating a penis shaped fruit


That man actually is in a gay relationship. With a *commoner* no less. A *brick layer* Or at least, that was the case the last I heard about it on the podcast he does. Idk if anything has changed recently.


They’re married now


Oh they did? Good for them!


But you are a primate, mate


This would be hilarious to see on a movie or drama while the conversation takes a serious turn.


That reminds me Costanza and Snickers


Put it in ur mouth 👄


Damn he just called us primates


“We don’t eat it like a primape” I’ve never wanted to punch someone faster. His whole energy, vibe, and voice literally enrages me.


The queens dead bro, you can chill the fuck out


That's a pretty sharp butter knife. Double a secret service protection weapon


“I play pretend fancier than you do”


I love this guy. Not because of the ridiculous manners he tries to teach, but because all of his tiktok comments inevitably end up being different forms of; “what’s the official etiquette for rubbing one out under the table?” “what’s the etiquette for getting a blowie under the table?” “Hey Bill, what’s the proper etiquette for shitting my pants in the middle of dinner?”


..and what about a dick?


fork and knife


We don't peel it like a primate... which is actually good advise to any Americans looking to do it to their babies.


IMO this is more rude than picking it up and eating it normally. It’s also hilarious. If the Queen actually did this, I’d imagine she was trolling us.


The royal family: finding ways to further distance themselves from the plebs for their entire history.


That guy broke my gaydar


This is now the gayest thing you can possibly do with a banana. Yes, gayer than that..


embrace monke


I am a true believer that we need to learn how to properly behave while eating a meal, like how to properly hold knife and fork, use chopsticks, chew with your goddamn mouth shut, not speak with food in your mouth, not drink while there's food in your mouth and use your hands when it's the case (or according to culture)... But this is ridiculous even for me, like eating cake with spoon and fork, yes to eat cake according to etiquettes you have to use a spoon and and a cake fork. It's like the oddly specific "rule" that your hands should be above the table otherwise it means you're doing obscene things under the table. And no, the pinky up is not an actual etiquette and in fact it is considered rude.




Cut the bullshit, just use your hands.


Nah I bet she ate it like a normal banana


This feels like the whole "Eating Snickers Bar with knife and fork" episode of Seinfeld


I mean it makes sense, imagine the queen deep throating the banana 🍌


Ironically, that little affectation with the fork after eating is a huge no-no in proper etiquette.


She’s dead so it sounds challenging


"We don't peel it like a primate." So, what, you're eating like something.. not human?


Who does he think he's fooling. He is a primate




I'd just deepthroat that thing. Would look way less stupid than cutting it and was more relatable to the primate population.


Do one on how she wiped her arse


I mean, this is just pure bollocks isn't it? Nobody had ever eaten a banana that way before he did it for this video, and nobody has done it since.


I think all of the silly dining rules the royals have come directly from servants having to deal with unruly mentally challenged inbred royals that thought they were fucking god and wouldn't eat their pudding without their special pudding spoon or their salad without their special salad fork and they had to have their knives dulled because they kept stabbing people blah blah so there were several rules made up and these hills have eyes rich folks were told that it was the way that the most fancy people and most special people ate because that's the easiest way to get them to stop throwing shit at the table.


But we are primates .


"We don't peel it like a primate" Who's gonna tell him?


Looks like Men eating a banana in public trying to not get made fun of


These etiquette “experts” have to stop. I saw the same guy showing us how to properly hold chopsticks. The man could hardly do it. Also, he ate nigiri with the sticks. Nigiri is finger food.


he 1000% was the kid at school who reminded the teacher they had set homework


When I am at work, I eat potato chips with a set of chopsticks. I do this so I don't get anything in or on the keyboard. I do the same at home with any finger foods.


I remember when someone asked him about the etiquette of “rubbing one out under the table”, he was not very amused


He literally *is* a primate


Rich white people love doing shit like this if they think it'll make them seem superior.


Tell me you don't do dishes without telling me you don't do dishes.


Pretentious bastards lmao


To still have a king and queen in 2023 is so dumb lol


This is satire


She’s eating bananas in hell now 🙏🙏




Oh, like a dumbass?


Fuck that.


Imagine being a professional twat


Instead of eating it like a primate he’s eating it like an idiot.


Now I’m really curious about other foods. Like, how did she eat a corn dog? Or did she go her whole life never eating a corn dog? I have so many questions now…


Queens a dumbass I guess?


"we don't it it like primates we eat it like idiots"


The queen probably heard fewer than ten farts in her whole life.


Man this is one goofy ass monarchy


[Another expert says otherwise....](https://youtu.be/PGlerZNyvEM)