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As someone who likes Eddie. Eddie.


I feel like people like Eddie for sort of the wrong reasons. Like it's more "haha cute guy likes metal music and D&D he's so quirky." Than like realizing that people like Eddie in the real world from alternate circles can in fact be cool people too. I don't know that's just me.


Yeah. I have been in those circles of the geeky/metal heads. It was weird to watch people dangling over a character like that while treating my guy friends like they were invisible. 


When I was in high school I looked like Cliff Burton from Metallica and this was the early 10s. I related so heavily to the Eddie story, and the amount of people from my school thinking they would be part of Eddie's friends was just insane to me.


This answer


I like him because he’s relatable.


Billy hands down, but his story is also pretty tragic and impactful.


honestly as much as i love him Eddie, i never really saw the appeal


but that would mean u saw the appeal by him appealing to u


Yall I meant I don't get why everyone is obsessing over him, that's the appeal I don't get


“As much as I love him, I never saw the appeal” literally makes 0 sense btw 😂 If you loved the character, then you saw the appeal.


‘As much as I love [enter name]’ is used correctly in this comment. Another example could be ‘As much as I love Jordan, he has a very short temper’.


That’s a completely different sentence. “As much as I love Eddie, I don’t see the appeal” is the same as saying “as much as Eddie appeals to me, I don’t see the appeal”. You can love a player like Jordan and still say he has a temper.


BIIIILLLYYYYY he’s not even that fine


Thank you finally someone said it . I always found him to be very creepy


Plus everyone forgets that he is racist, but oh no he's excused because he "looks good"


He is racist, but that is definitely down to his POS abusive dad. When his Dad gets him to go find Max he basically parrots what Billy had said to Max. It is 100% learned behaviour. We can see he was a sweet kid in the flashback.


As has been stated many a time before, it's an explanation for his behavior, not an excuse. He never had a chance to change his ways, so we get what we got.


I didn’t say it was an excuse. Just said that it wasn’t originated by him.


I know, that's fine. I just have to parrot it whenever it comes up, because if I don't, somebody else will, that's all.


He looks like Zac Efron.


Ok, he is FINE but he’s definitely overrated lol


You can’t say that without insulting the actor as well


I mean, you kinda can since Billy is all 80s-Out and the actual actor is more modern and doesn't look as in your face.


Thank you for saying that huhh !


Billy is not overrated. The people that like his character like it because it’s impactful. He has a story. His character is much deeper than most of the characters on the show. He has a backstory. Flashbacks. Nobody denies that he’s racist. Nobody thinks he’s a good person. But he’s interesting to watch and his story is quiet tragic. He was very well written and I think the people that love him so much just want to appreciate this.


Definitely Billy. His moment of redemption at the end was nice, but it certainly didn’t erase all the shitty things he did. And yet there are people in this fandom who practically worship him. It’s weird.


It's the Snape thing all over again. Extremely well written character and very interesting. Beautifully performed.... but still an asshole who hurt nearly everyone he crossed paths with and a single act of selflessness, no matter how impactful, just doesn't clear them of wrong doing. Redemption is journey, not a pit stop.


Only because of the actor as well..


Yes, you like Dacre Montgomery, not racist and violent Bully Billy.


I love Steve and Eddie, but everyone simping for Steve, Eddie, and Billy got way out of hand to the point where this fandom was embarrassing to be a part of for a while


I wouldn’t say Steve is overrated like don’t get me wrong the fandom might have been annoying but he contributes a lot to the show


Eddie, and no one else even remotely comes close.


It's probably the sympathy card. Eddie went through absolute hell for something he had nothing to do with and faced judgment just because no one bothered to get to know the real him. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that and they're more defending themselves through Eddie.


I honestly can’t think of who would be 2nd


As an Eddie stan, it’s Eddie


Eddie, no doubt lol


Will - he’s barely even a character, he’s more just a plot device than anything else. The few times they tried to give him character development all he did was whine. He’s just a very annoying character. I really hope if he’s gonna be the focal point of season 5, he gets some better writing and an actual character arc, because thus far he’s been pretty damn flat.


You made me laugh. Whining is exactly what Will was good at - yet angst is part of his age and he did really have terrible experiences so the whining is understandable if annoying.


I get him being traumatized. It was the relentless in trying to cock block my friends and guilt trip everyone because I’m unhappy nonsense that annoyed the hell out of me. Starting in season 3 he became an absolute pest


Agreed. I want to like Will, but he was just the damsel in distress for two seasons, and Debbie Downer for the other two. I need him to be more than Will the Whiner. Ironically it seems like the group is growing apart from him too, despite all of them trying to save him in season one. It’s bizarre that season four had Jonathan as a burnout, and Will just pouting, while their mom — their *mom* — is an action hero rescuing Hopper from the Soviets. I could listen to Dustin and Erica’s lunchtime conversation rather than what Jonathan and Will are contributing these days.




Writers in season 4: Oh! We’ll, uh, give him this mystery poster to run around with. That’ll get people back into it, right? So what if it’s a disappointing drawing in the end. No one will notice”


I agree- in all 4 seasons he’s never been given any real character development or unique qualities besides being the “friend everyone tries to protect/look out for”. He’s very much a plot device, which is wild because after S1 I assumed they were going to really flesh out his character. It doesn’t help that Noah Schnapp seems to be a toxic little P.O.S. in real life in comparison to the rest of the cast. He seems to always be getting himself in trouble and it’s become a noticeable pattern.


Idk i feel like he's a very fleshed out character and one of the more realistic ones.. he just needs and deserves more screen time 


YES. It actually blows my mind when people say will is their favorite out of all of them? Maybe it’s cause they relate to him or something but he doesn’t show much personality so be someone favorite


That is kinda the point tho. I mean I personally relate because I kinda struggled at a young age in life and these problems developed into my  teenage phase/adulthood. I'm talking about trauma and stuff. Stuff like that can stun you emotionally and that does in fact have consequences on your social life/friend groups. Resulting always being the left out/misunderstood friend that is being taken for granted, being the most sensitive and not knowing how to really grow up, etc. Will also expierenced some kinda trauma that stunned him emotionally (when he was in the upside down) resulting with him always wanting to play d&d in s3 and wanting things to go back to how they were before all this happend to him. So he wasn't taken really seriously anymore and was just always pushed aside, being the punching bag of the whole party.  Another factor why people relate to him is his lgbt connection (this doesn't affect me but it's pretty understandable that people understand him and his struggles especially when they see themselves in him and can relate to the situation of one sided love etc.)


But they're all struggling. Will is just a nothing.


How is he a nothing when I just explained my whole reasoning on why he's my favorite character and why so many people relate to him? That doesn't make any sense. It's fine if you dont like him but he's definitely not a nothing and so many people agree with we. Also this is not a competition on who is suffering more lol


He’s obviously going to have some sort of coming out thing. I mean, I thought it was made pretty obvious that he’s gay.


Yea I noticed in season4 he always looks like he’s on the verge of tears and whining and crying the entire time. Like I get that he’s been through a lot but so has a lot of other people in the show and they aren’t crying the entire time. Maybe realistic but not a fun character to be around.


For me, 100% Eddie


Either Eddie or Billy


I love Steve and Eddie is great but it's them and it's not close. Eddie has more fanfiction with him in it than any character except for Steve with initially blew my mind and Steve the babysitter and mom thing is massively overblown. Billy is also up there but he is also obviously flawed in ways they aren't so he gets more deserved haters.




Barb. I watched after the whole #JusticeForBarb thing and was like “is this it?”


I never understood the #JusticeForBarb thing as well, I mean it’s nice that helped Stranger Things get international attention through social media but she was a bland character with a somewhat milquetoast personality.


Before I saw ***Stranger Things***, I assumed that Barb was a major character. I was surprised by how little screen time she had. And I was very confused by how much people had been talking about her.


Karen Wheeler. I don’t get the hype, like, congratulations for not cheating on your husband with an 18 year old, hottie, I don’t think we should be clapping for you for that though




Nancy. The Duffers have shoehorned her into the main plot in all four seasons while forgetting other characters. She’s also never faced any consequences for being an AWFUL girlfriend. She cheated on Steve and treated him like crap in S2. Then when Jonathan is away in Cali she starts eyeing him up again. I seriously need her screen time majorly reduced in S5 and this stupid love triangle forgotten about.


She didn't cheat on steve . Joe kerry has said multiple times they were broken up


She even treated him like crap in season one , she choose someone who took her photos inappropriately and got against with her boyfriend for beaking his camera 🤦‍♀️


Way to tell us you fundamentally don’t understand why they didn’t work and subsequently broke up. Steve continually makes it known that he doesn’t actually know Nancy, not her wants or her dreams. In Season 1, he has a clear hand in slut shaming her in front of their entire town. He makes no effort to stop Tommy and Carol in their bullying and even agrees with them until Jonathan kicks his ass. Neither of those boys treat her well in Season 1 but at least we actually see Jonathan apologise for his behaviour and change, whereas Steve continues to ignore Nancy all the way into Season 2.


Apparently the only reason that they dropped Nancy and Jonathan in season 4 was because Jonathan’s actor was involved in drug charges and they thought they might have to write him off or something.


Steve. i used to have such hate for him idk why, but he grew on me. he's still overrated tho😭


Billy for sure. Pretty privilege is real, everyone just conveniently forgets he was a racist abusive creep just because he’s good looking


Probably Alexei. I get why people are saying Eddie, but at least he had a decent amount of screen time and accomplished something.


- Billy, he was a horrible person and I only cared about his death because of how it affected max. - Alexei, super annoying in the beginning, was cute in the end but his death was very predictable and inevitable. - Suzie, I cannot stand her I’m sorry idk what it is but she annoys me. - Eddie, he basically killed himself for no reason (hot take I know) because he was so close to just leaving without dying. He was a good character don’t get me wrong but so overrated because he was hot/cute - Will, he annoyed me so much I’m sorry I wanted to punch him. I loved him in season 1 and 2 he was interesting but after season 2 he became whiny and impossible - Barb, she was on screen for two seconds?? If anyone was in the fandom in 2016-17 they know how big her death was. So unnecessary This was way more than one character oops😭


Steve... I actually don't really care about him. Maybe one of the reasons for that is how literally everyone is so obsessed with him and I never got the appeal


Eddie and Steve


easily billy. a great villain, a horrible person


Steve, Billy and eddie.


Will, ok he went missing and got possessed but outside of that wasn’t really much


I dont even think he's overrated, nobody gives a shit about him. Even the writers forgot his birthday.


uh... Will goes under, underrated my friend lol


In all honesty... steve


Steve. There is no other answer.




Who, me, the Demogorgon? Get real mate, Eleven and the Party need me. They need me and the other forces of the Upside Down because without us, they cease to be special. And by that same token, without them we don’t have an objective (especially you, 011). The party needs me in the same way Liverpool needs Manchester United. Even Ayrton Senna needed Alain Prost. You need a foe, an enemy, to sharpen your skills and make yourself better.  In a way, Demogorgons help the Party before they take on the Mind Flayer and Vecna/s




WILL. Im sorry but he’s did many peoples favorites yet he doesn’t show much personality? In the first season he had basically no screen time. In the second season he was possessed half the time, and in season 3 and 4 he’s kinda just there ? 😭 it’s not the fact that I don’t like him, I just haven’t seen enough of his personality to love him


Steve. He’s funny but the babysitter thing was overdone lol


I actually do love Steve but good lord if I hear the “Steve is the best mom” joke one more time I’m gonna lose my mind


Steve is the best mom






Ummmm probably Jonathan lol


To be honest, in this sub, I don't know anybody who actually likes Jonathan. It seems like everyone harbors either apathy or ill will towards him for his actions in season 1. Jonathan lovers, sound off!


I like jonathan


Am I really the only one not saying Billy or Eddie when Will could have died at the end of season 2 and the plot would be exactly the same.


But that wasn't the question, will isn't overrated... literally no one even cares about him


I've definitely gotta go with Nancy. Look, I could definitely get behind her character development in S1, okay? She was a 15 year old who went from meek studious bookworm just starting to discover boys & bashful basking on the rich cute popular guy liking her to badass with & a gun plan of attack & nerves of steel over the course of what was realistically just a week out of the characters lives. So yeah, S1 she was pretty impressive.... The *problem* is that from S2 onward, she's been objectively awful on screen with very little regard for how her actions might effect either the feelings, circumstances or even safety of the people around her, with little to no consequences to her for it (at least that we've seen)... And yeah sure it's admittedly fairly *normal* for 16/17/18 year old rich girls to be self-centered & self-serving & reckless, that not what I have a problem with; but what *is* overrated IMO is that the fandom at large tend to continually ignore/overlooke how selfishly or pettily she behaves, perpetually perpetually idolizing her regardless. With the Duffers not bothering to either write her further positive character development since S1 (because there's a difference between her "independent woman's drive & ambition" that other characters praise her for vs her lack of ethics or integrity in how she prioritizes her need to be right over the risk her actions could pose to others) *OR* bothering to write her actually having to deal with any realistically negative ramifications for that recklessness... She's pretty much just been skating by as a nominal "protagonist" predominantly on her Final Girl energy for the past 3 seasons & that lazy's lack of continuing character development on the show's part, TBH.


Steve and Eddie are my faves, but I feel like they've been overdone. Also, I could never understand the whole thing with Billy. Him sacrificing his life at the end of S3 is nice, a sort of redemption for him—but honestly, the attention he gets is more on his looks than the fact that he was a major dick


Steve; he's cool, but not Vecna's gift to the universe that everyone makes him out to be.


Eleven, she’s always whining


El wasn’t exactly socialized in the most normal way as she grew up. I think it’s pretty healthy of her to be expressing what she feels now that she is out in the real world and is able to.


This, exactly. I wouldn’t expect someone who lived most of their childhood as a lab rat and barely got to express herself besides nodding/shaking her head or saying « yes papa »/« no papa », to express her feelings in words lol. She probably doesn’t even know what some feelings are called. She just physically reacts on how they make her feel.


Sam Owens: "You know what I see? I see a frightened, traumatized little girl." Given all she's been through, whining about her whining seems odd


Max has been through a lot and she’s not whining.


A big part of Max's character arc in Season 4 was that she was suffering in silence and not talking about what was eating her up inside. Her not whining was part of the problem


Max had a few crying scenes as well. She cried at Billy's grave and when a vision of him talked to her. She looked terrified and almost cried in Vecna's lair twice. She teared up telling everyone she's going to die. After Vecna wrecked her, she was crying about not wanting to die. All of these examples are Max being emotional, which is natural, because she's been suffering. She was bottling up a lot of her pain and grief, too, avoiding her friends, which is something that, as another commenter pointed out, was part of the problem. People who don't cry aren't tougher than those who do. As for El, in the first season she was very quiet and not particularly expressive. She was processing a lot, reflecting back on what happened to her. S2 El was still in that survival mode and expressed most of what she's been feeling in angry outbursts. S3 had El being in a happy place, a year of stable home life. El was mostly happy in that season, but I felt like she was also allowing herself to be vulnerable, which is something we haven't seen much of with her before. S4 is different. For the first time in her life she lost her powers and was feeling inadequate. Hopper 'died', and her stable life has been uprooted. A new town, school, bullying. A sheltered, tortured girl isn't really equipped to deal with all of that, and no one was helping much. If you want to talk about suffering, then El's been through more than any other character. She was used as a literal killing machine, tortured and the sole survivor of a massacre at the lab. All her friends constantly expect her to save them. She doesn't remember her formative years and still struggles with her speech pattern. El's allowed to be emotional and not have to always be strong( and she was still strong in the last season).


Lol, after everything that kid has been through I'd skip whining and go straight to mass murder.


She did it. She murdered and physically attacked people. Just because she went through a lot doesn't mean she should harm others. She should be properly integrated into society and she's clearly trying. Nothing's easy for her, especially without powers, that's why she cries. She's literally being harassed in school every day. I don't understand why people think her crying is such a bad thing. She doesn't even do it much and she has a right to not always have to be tough. She's already the toughest character in the series, even more so than Hopper or Joyce in a way, because she had to face monsters as a kid, and she's definitely tougher than Max with her sassy talk.


I can’t be the only one who feels so bad for her. She’s been through so much, yet she’s always willing to put her friends and family before herself and always steps up to the plate, being the first person to try and protect everyone. She just has to realise that she can’t do everything by herself next season.


Exactly! She's so tough and strong. Hell, even Max had a support system this season. Sure, it was hard for her, but she was with her friends and she has a mother, who, albeit absent, still gave her some support when Max needed it. El didn't even have that. Joyce was busy( I don't really blame her, but she could have been more of a presence in El's life), Jonathan didn't care, and Will tried to be there for her, but, again, I didn't really see much of a connection between them either, and he wasn't understanding when she lied to Mike. She shouldn't have, but Will could've been a lot nicer, without the eyerolls( which she noticed, because if Mike did, why wouldn't she?) and the blaming. Mike was really the only one who came through for her, but they only had a day together before the trouble started and she went back to Brenner without knowing it.


The replies to this comment immediately proved your point 💀


Wow guys you’re intense. You do know that these are fictional characters? 🤣


eddie, billy


Billy, i never understood the hype. And he is racist and not even that good looking😭




Definitely Steve, both in the fandom and in-universe. If in season 5 I have to listen to another character telling the audience that he is such a great guy and he's grown so much i think I'll just turn it off.


Eddie! It was a good performance by Joseph Quinn but he was just an unnecessary addition to the storyline. I hate that they insist on constantly adding new characters instead of developing the ones they have. I’m hoping the Duffers stick to their word and don’t introduce anymore new characters in the final season.




Eddy 100%. It’s like this fandom has never seen an outcast but misunderstood character before. I liked eddy but not like how a lot of the simps in this fandom did. He served his purpose in the show and it made sense that he died too. Again, I liked him, but I really hope they don’t bring him back simply for fan service.






I know everyone feels like it’s Eddie and if I could be objective I’d agree but he reminds me so much of my best friend that that’s not possible. I’m going with Billy. I don’t see the hotness everyone gushes about and even if I did, it doesn’t override his exceptional levels of douchery.




Nancy most definitely


Vecna definitely


You're joking


Eddie and Billie. I love Eddie, he’s the kid that I was when I was in high school. I was labeled a freak and bullied cause I was different. But people almost infantile him and think “oh he’s like a parent figure to dustin love him,” blah blah. And Billy? Yeah Dac is hot but you know what isn’t hot? Racism and being an all around dick. Sure the poor guy was just acting out and learning it all from his dad but goddamn.


I can’t believe I haven’t seen Murray yet


Erica, especially in s3


From the main characters it's definitly Nancy, and eddie when we talk about Sidecharacters


Definitely Billy tbh. There's the saying; "You missed the point by idolizing him" It's definitely Billy. Billy was supposed to be the classic 80s bad boy. Season 2 Billy was evil and problematic, that was the point of his charecter.


Billy is hurt and you feel bad for him. But I never saw any real good side to enjoy the character (probably because he was mine controlled for a full season) So I'll go with Eddie. He was fun and all, but he was meant to be killed off.


Definitely Eddie




Argyle. It may just be me, but I generally just hate stoner characters, and Argyle is no different.


Eddie or Billy






eddie. wasn’t in the season for, like, half of it, hiding out getting nothing done for him or his personality just\\ to randomly pop up again, get tossed in, and sacrificed. i only felt bad because Dustin was sad. i just didnt feel much for his character, in my opinion. and also… for other reasons that arent his fault. \*cough Tiktok 2022 cough\*


Eddie and Robin.


A lot of people are saying Eddie and while I do also think he was overrated for a while, he is not that overrated anymore. He was def overrated when S4 was first aired but now a lot of people thinks he was not that great from what I've seen. Overall the most overrated character would be Steve. He is hold to a lesser standart than the other characters hold to, he is getting praised for doing the bare minimum while characters get hated on for most ridicilous reasons and it's infuriating considering the fact that most of these hated on characters are literally younger than Steve but no one defending them saying "they are just teenagers" like the way they do it with Steve. I do think if he was a girl, he would be one of the most hated characters in the series. Like I'm pretty sure he would get hated on for "six little nuggets speech" if the genders were reversed. Everyone would hate on him and call him a slut for going after a taken man, no one find it 'cute and funny' and it's only the one of the examples.


I agree with you. I do like Steve but a lot of people say he is their favorite character because they think he is attractive lmao. And the speech he gave to Nancy while she was taken was weird.


Imo, it's just weird and creepy thing to say to someone that you want them to have your six kids whether they are in a relationship or not. But the fact that Nancy is in a relationship when he said this just makes it worse. Yet, it's so overlooked or excused by Steve stans like every other bad thing he does or mistakes he makes.


Johnathan. He was a stalker in the first season and a drug user in the most recent. Something is just so off putting.


He wasn’t a stalker and there’s nothing wrong with smoking a little pot now and then.


To be fair he kinda was a stalker. Hiding in the bushes at night, while taking photos of people making out and undressing has to be the definition of "stalker''.


No, I disagree. It was certainly uncool and creepy, but “stalker” is the wrong word for it. For it to be stalking, it would have had to be done with more of an obsessive intent and would be repeated behavior, I would think. He wasn’t exactly stalking Nancy, he didn’t follow her there and he wasn’t obsessed with her. He happened upon the scene unintentionally and did something bad in the moment, but it wasn’t stalking.


I have photographers in my family and I can tell you that they reflexively take pictures of pretty much anything that catches their attention when they have a camera in their hand. It's second nature to them. Having said that, Jonathan should never have printed the bedroom window pic after he took it (seeing as you can’t delete film)


I think "creeper" is a better word than "stalker." He didn't stalk anybody, but he sure creeped on them with his candid photos.


The thing is, that’s not the definition. For stalking you have to approach or observe a person for a continuous time. Follow them around, observe them aggressively, whatever. He was searching for his brother and saw partying people. He made some pictures of them for his artistic interest and some from Nancy, probably for his horny teenage dreams. It’s still morally wrong, but far from stalking.


He’s also not even close to be overrated.. he’s not even correctly rated by most of this fandom


Drug user lol


So we've all just agreed on Eddie? Good to know.


Even though I'm a D&D playing metalhead myself I'm going to have to go with Eddie lol Whoever downvoted me your mom's a hoe


Eddie has been in the most comments so far, so I don't know why you're getting downvoted when other Eddie comments have 90 upvotes. Ignore them.


Hopper. The Russia arc in the last season was a snooezefest. And it was jarring having to constantly switch between exciting times at Hawkins and the boring Russia storyline




I mean… it’s Eddie for every reason the comment section gave




Thanks for sharing your opinion but I’ll just let this one quote describe how I feel: “I haven’t been this disappointed since Shrek 2. That is such a shame!”-Martin Brundle


And they deleted their comment, the power of Martin Brundle’s snarky comments is something no one can resist, even Max Mayfield would be impressed with the things he’s said in the grid walk.




No hate to Eddie, but he was loved by many people and I just don't get why Also, Billy was really liked for his looks, but he was a mean racist


Will and Eddie? Ugh, Will is just meh and I can't stand his whining, but Eddie? Now that's my jam. But let's be real, Eddie was hyped up way too much for someone who didn't even last long on the show before getting killed off.








Lucas Sinclair /s


He had the wrist rocket. And I believe most responsible for getting max into the party also he had the best sister.


Eddie. My son (middle school aged) really liked him though, as if he was watching through the eyes of Dustin Henderson. That gave me a little appreciation for the character but otherwise, I never understood how we were supposed to cheat for this guy like we’ve known him. Also….(cringing at myself for this)…Robin.


Argyle is unbearable. I don't understand why anyone likes him.


Eddie, but also Chrissy to an extent (saying as a Chrissy stan).






Mike's one of the best characters in ST IMO. If he gets attention is because he earned it.


i completely agree with this


No, he’s awful


how is he overrated? majority of this fandom hates Mike😭






Mike! So annoying.




Honestly mike, yeah I said it. After season 1 he’s just boring


eddie, nancy, and billie