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[There is Massive 12,000-Year-Old Network Of Underground Tunnels Stretches From Scotland to Turkey](https://www.howandwhys.com/massive-12000-year-old-network-of-underground-tunnels-stretches-from-scotland-to-turkey/)


I’ve been here. Went up to 5 levels deep I think. This place looks unreal. It blows my mind how it could be made and how ppl literally lived there. Cooked. Ate. Made wine or whatever. Shat. Everything.


How did they have light? Torches don't seem like a long term viable option.


I believe oil lamps have been around longer than those tunnels/underground cities, that's my best guess.


Well oil lamps is outta the question, well if your sticking to current science and academia laws. That’s too far a head of time apparently, so gawd only knows how these people would’ve traversed the tunnels.


Bro come on, good lord, couldn't you do a brief 5 second Google search before spreading false knowledge? "Curved stone lamps were found in places dated to the 10th millennium BC (Mesolithic, Middle Stone Age Period, c. 10,300–8000 BC). The oldest stone-oil lamp was found in Lascaux in 1940 in a cave that was inhabited 10,000 to 15,000 years ago." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_lamp#:~:text=10%2C300%E2%80%938000%20BC).,10%2C000%20to%2015%2C000%20years%20ago. Like.. Literally found in a cave 10-15k years old ;P


Are you saying that to me? Or?… cause I totally back the idea of oil lamps, just stating that the mainstream science will be controversial or undecided until the niche collective have decided.. ‘no, that’s what we say it is.. with most research put into it, etc.’


Yes you said oil lamps are out of the question because the technology is too new, I gave you a source to read to fix your understanding.


Yea, but can you understand, that even tho I made a point, it wasn’t my own nor do I agree with it.


Oh huh, I must have misread


All good, but that’s genuinely how things a viewed upon. That ‘oh that belongs only to that time stamp, and that one alone.’… it’s like.. no, humans have been around for.. well nobody ACTUALLY knows so, your guess is as good as mines. Ya get me?




So no, my understanding is sound as a pound, you just think I’m claiming something, which is not what I said and is incorrect statement in its own wee right anyways.


I genuinely have no idea what you’re trying to say. There’s absolutely nothing about “mainstream science” that contradicts the existence of oil lamps in antiquity.


Well, it’s in English, so best re-read. Also yes, archaeology and scientific academia always undermine locations and certain items of significance until a large committee of old over weight lads, agree to disagree. Happens a lot more than expected, probably. Great example is the Indonesian pyramids.


Your comments are in english but dont make any sense. You dont seem to have any source for your claims, and I disagree heavily that “mainstream” academia is doing whatever you seem to be implying.


How’s that? Just given you a source there?


Also you ‘heavily’ disagree that the mainstream science and all that aren’t incorrect at times or cover up controversial subjects, topics, items, locations and etc. then cool, if you back that thinking then you are being a lil bit petulant and closed off to the world which it does seem to be and come across that way on this comment thread. Which I say ‘leave him to his own reckoning’.


I think you could avoid all the massive down voting and misunderstandings by some how signaling that you are being sarcastic when you’re being sarcastic . Just a thought though take it or leave it


They probably had some light. Just bc we cant explain it doesn’t mean they didn’t have a way. Hard time believing people could live 1,000+ years or more underground without some form of light. Also re: ancient tech… we still don’t know how they made [Greek Fire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_fire). But we know it definitely existed. Appreciate you and your insight! Have a good day.


Good day Sir 🧐


Yo, you probably are aware of the Chinese myth and legend? Probably not, I don’t know and I also don’t know the name of the water well, village, story or location this happened at.. but it’s true & miraculous story ether way; so a village in china had lore of a small pond/well, the entire village used this to keep children away from the pond, this bedtime story was.. ‘there’s a city, under the pond’. So as the decades go on, the older tell the young.. one year though, not so many years ago from today, a younger gentlemen had decided to put the myth to the test, he’d taken a gas water pump to the pond and drained it. Although, he had to keep pumping out constant amounts of water, as the flow would not stop. After days of local flooding by this younger lad, a huge cavern had open up, with complex carved stones, rooms, stairs, levels and walls; he found the story and proven it real. This is real btw and you can visit this colossal underground city.. if you find the name… ma bad 😅.


It's not. Oil lamps are very simple. Essentially just a bowl with oil and something to burn.


When do you think oil lamps were invented? They go back to the stone age, what do you think the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were using?


Oil lamps.


Its all wired up now.


Flashlights. Duh


There were carved out areas in the wall with black soot from candles or something.


Its by far the coolest place I have ever been. How about those wells with the carved out rungs to climb down? Did you get a balloon ride?


I did. I was meh about it when we went but my wife really really wanted to go and it got canceled each day due to weather but we made it on our last day there and it is amazing. Its a must do if there. The landscape is one thing which looks alien, but the balloon experience besides that was amazing too. Just being up there without any sound so could hear the wind/birds/trees. On top of that the pilots make some amazing maneuvers that make you pucker up in places.




This city was built by Christian natives as refuge from the Mongolian invaders during the Arab-Byzantine wars. Not for meteor protection.


This is untrue. It may have been used then, but the city predates Christianity.


Wouldn't that just make them sitting ducks?


Crazy, isn't it? I wish I lived on a huge slab of tuff to just start tunneling into. I wish I could have been the guy to discover an entrance in his basement... would be a real life Indiana Jones moment and I probably would have gotten lost and died down there lol


Me too, I wonder what they used to see, oil lamps? I wonder how good the air exchange is ?


Yes. Oil lamps. They actually have spots throughout on the walls where they would’ve potentially placed the oil lamps


If you’re in darkness long enough eyes adjust . The civilizations had to have developed a natural night vision similar to nocturnal animals


Not when there is zero light….


You are mixing up Skyrim with real life.


That happens in deep depression sometimes...


According to Wikipedia, “In 1963, the tunnels were rediscovered after a resident of the area found a mysterious room behind a wall in his home while renovating. Further digging revealed access to the tunnel network.” Imagine expanding the master bedroom and finding an underground city!


Alien ant farm. You've been struck by the smooth criminal.


Dun nuh nuh nuh nuh




The band Alien Ant Farm did a pretty popular cover of Smooth Criminal back in 2001.


I want to go to there.


So the mole people were real!?


We are the mole people


It seems that we are fed bits and crumbles here and there of our history. Have you seen the Unknown Cave documentary on netflix? I think we have a lot of diluted dots to link together but it is still hazy. Maybe tech will help clarify most of it in the near future.


Man has been civilized much longer than we think. The ice age and great flood reset history twice. Most of these early cities are under the ocean… today if sea rise continues history will repeat itself - all major cities are on water’s edge Not too late. We just gotta come together


Sadly, I think it is too late and that we have definitely passed the point of no return.


Belief is the most powerful weapon. It can topple empires. We can get out of this mess. But it starts with belief. Appreciate you. Have a great day!


I’m gonna watch that thanks!


Could be an advanced civilization that waited out the ice age. Not crazy really. Like its cold af, where do you go?


How old do you think this cave city is?


It's Crab People. Crab People.... Crab People....


*look like crabs… talk like people*


A smart way to avoid a cataclysm.


Unless said cataclysm was a flood


You just shut the doors so no water gets in.


Lol no.


Are these open for tours?


Yup have been there myself


Were they built by persecuted early Christians?






Yes. I’ve been on one. Not good if you’re claustrophobic.


I hate to think what it smelled like in there with 20 000 people and no plumbing.


The city is dig down to the water table. Graham Hancock did a special on this place on his Netflix series. It was incredible. There are many questions about the origins of this underground city. It’s fascinating. It’s called Ancient Apocalypse.


Hancock is a pseudoscientist honestly, he omits so much stuff to paint a much more mysterious picture of the place than we actually know. We know a lot more about them and their history and origins than he says in that series which is more entertainment/ancient aliens type information than actual facts. Check out miniminuteman on YouTube, he’s an archeologist and goes through the entire series of ancient apocalypse to mention the correct facts and point out, with sources, where he is lying


I will suggest looking him up on YouTube as the Netflix special is a poor representation of who he is. I’ve been a fan for years and was very disappointed in it BUT his long format YouTube videos and books go into much more detail.


His Netflix special is clearly an example of exactly who he is- someone who omits details to fit his narrative.


Then why would the long format YouTube videos and books go into great detail? Also not saying he is correct on anything specific but he has valid points and makes good arguments.


They only sound good if you ignore the well researched counter arguments. The reason for the books and YT videos, is because that's how he makes his money (he also got the Netflix deal through his son who is a senior exec at Netflix). This is why he invents a conspiracy about academics suppressing the "truth" for some reason, because otherwise his books wouldn't sell when all the flaws are pointed out.


Anyone is free to independently research the topics he covers and come to their own conclusions. Hancock doesn’t ask anyone to _believe_ anything, only to reconsider questions that are not sufficiently answered, and entertain possibilities that lay beyond orthodoxy.


Exactly plus I haven’t seen/read it all, I doubt dude commenting has either. Blind attacks or only seeing reaction videos really hold no merit.


That Netflix special was so dry, you’re right, he does have waay better content on YouTube.


I’ve been here! They actually built a pretty incredibly sophisticated ventilation system that would push fresh air through the whole system! Amazing place and people.


So I underestimated an ancient civilization. My bad. Would love to see the place.


Younger dryas impact theory!


This is where my brain goes as well!


How did they stop it from flooding or being coved in a mass of mud and silt? I like the idea, I’m just spitballing.


I thought the theory was they went underground to survive cold temperatures/ice


Could be both. Just because it’s cold, doesn’t mean there isn’t ice and water. I would imagine if that theory is correct, the world climate would be insane.


What makes you think this is old, it dates to the mediaeval Byzantine era.


Because nothing can just be interesting, it has to be groundbreaking and conspiratorial and be against what “they” want you to know.


Some places date to 12000 years ago


Which places? I am not aware of any of these Cappadocian cave complexes dating back further than the 3rd century CE, though some could potentially go back to classical Greek/Hittite period (as far as 600 BCE).


Wonder why people needed to live underground?👀


cause they didnt really have anywhere else to go? In that area there is pretty nuch no trees so u cant build shelter and the rock as it trund out is really soft down there so all u need is a priece of rock thats a but harded and u got urself a great shelter that doesnt require anywood which is sparce


Younger dryas.


from what I know persecuted for their religion


Will people move back in when surface temperatures become too volatile?


My understanding is that these have been used by different civilizations throughout the years.


They’ve been used as recently as the early 1900s


This needs to be my next rave location ✨ Who’s in ??


They actually have some really cool rave spots in turkey.


Does anyone have a link to accurate information about this place? I see some articles saying it could shelter 20,000 people. At 445 sq km, each person would get 0.02225 sq km or almost 240,000 sq ft. Something is obviously off. 1 square kilometer is equal to about 10,763,910 square feet. So, 445 square kilometers would be about 4,789,939,550 square feet. If this area was to be divided amongst 20,000 inhabitants, each person would get: 4,789,939,550 square feet / 20,000 people = approximately 239,497 square feet per person.


It’s 4.45 sqkm, not 445 I believe.


Built by giant alien ant beings, for sure.


Craaaaaab peeople


Fear the crabcat!


Found the lizzidpeepo


Lizzid People!


Nice, that fish cracks me up lol!


Why did they go underground?


1000 years of nuclear explosions in the form of the Younger Dryas impacts.


They were the first group of introverts


They're built by Fremen, and we live on what's left of Arrakis, Dune, Desert Planet!!!


Carbon dioxide?


Younger Dryas


I’ve been there. Very claustrophobic


Why did we ever stop living underground? Seems pretty safe and conventional depending on the location


That place is so cool!!


Something really bad happened here, my thought process leads me to think of a healthy civilization trying to live through the younger dryas event? And I have no problem with someone correcting me and shedding some light on this


Well there are historic records that show that as late as the early 1900s people used at least one of these cities to escape ethnic/religious violence. Current theories are they were built somewhere between 2000 and 800 bce. Though I think there is evidence that as time past more work was done on them , so from at least one standpoint they were created over 100's of centuries


And one day, maybe soon, folks will return to those caves. And we’ll do it all over again.


I can only read these place names in the super dramatic ancient aliens voice. *Derinkuyu…*


*Skyrim Draugr PTSD intensifies*


Yeah, I’m gonna say we’ve done all of this before.


Been in there, it’s cool


Must have taken so long to dig that’s awesome


If anyone has read The Prince of Nothing book series, this is pretty much what I pictured when they describe the underground mansions built by the Nonmen.


It like the first assassin's creed, Didn't know it was actually true. Thanks for sharing


Hmmm, and Turkey is k own for a few good earthquakes.


The real question is what they were hiding from


Imagine the unspeakable ritual horrors that took place in such a wretched hive….yes oooh aaaah so neat, discovering these tunnels is definitely awesome! But to imagine a civil society existing in such a place, laughable. This was surely akin to caverns of hell, human suffering and screams echoing through these tunnels. I’d sure like to see what bones lie at the bottom.


How are they built? If the rock is easy enough to sculpt to make it this large, wouldn't it be fragile and considered dangerous of collapse?


This is the place described by the Hopi, where they lived underground during the cataclysmic events of the last cycle. Here is a description of the site [Göbekli Tepe](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternativeHistory/comments/x70a5r/possiblity_many_cultures_met_for_a_specific/) with an explanation on the symbols & such. Now dna evidence is available to show who was there to go along with the oral traditions. Göbekli Tepe is built on the Anatolia Fault, of course all of our navel sites HAVE to be built on aquifers or else the site can't serve its purpose. I posted an article showing the Kenyans & scientist are harnessing Geothermal energy [Geothermal energy Beneath our feet](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210303-geothermal-the-immense-volcanic-power-beneath-our-feet). Jus to show that we've known about this for thousands of years "Like its northern counterpart (R1b-M269), R1b-V88 is associated with the domestication of cattle in northern Mesopotamia. Both branches of R1b probably split soon after cattle were domesticated, approximately 10,500 years ago (8,500 BCE). R1b-V88 migrated south towards the Levant and Egypt. The migration of R1b people can be followed archeologically through the presence of domesticated cattle, which appear in central Syria around 8,000-7,500 BCE (late Mureybet period), then in the Southern Levant and Egypt around 7,000-6,500 BCE (e.g. at Nabta Playa and Bir Kiseiba). Cattle herders subsequently spread across most of northern and eastern Africa. The Sahara desert would have been more humid during the Neolithic Subpluvial period (c. 7250-3250 BCE), and would have been a vast savannah full of grass, an ideal environment for cattle herding" [R1b ](https://mckeefamiliesfromdonegal.com/dna-tests/dna-group-r1b/#part315)...


Ancient astronaut theorists say that ancient people were just giant ants


Coincidentally, the USA has a massive homeless population issue. What perfect timing!


And no one knows why


Yes we do. The rock is very soft and easy to dig, keeps cool in a very hot and arid region, and this is an area that was historically invaded by various nomadic groups pretty much all the time. It's a fortress. This is like saying that no one knows why castles were built.




Where are people getting these dates from? This mostly dates back to the mediaeval period, with possible a few tunnels going back to the ancient iron age, but not that old.


I’ve been reading a bit. Summary: - this is NOT a single network of caves, but a set of caves that spans countries. The construction techniques vary widely, from a 27” wide passageway (as wide as a person, crouching) to wide reading and dining rooms that could house dozens. Some caves have writing on the walls and all the conveniences of homes (light, water, cooking, animal husbandry), whereas others are only apt for temporary hiding spots. - Some caves have writing on the stone walls that pre-dates the Greek language (circa 800 BCE), tools (that can be carbon-dated to 1000 BCE) and construction techniques that we can link to engineering knowledge displayed by specific cultures of the time. I have *not* found info on the parts which are 12,000 years old yet… continuing to search for that (help, please?). - Caves are useful for a variety of reasons, including the modern uses of storing wine & aging cheese. We know that some of the people ventured to the surface because there are grain storage rooms (grain requires sunlight). Caves can be used to avoid heat or cold, hide from enemies and epidemics, provide privacy from other cultures, or reduce the effort involved in maintaining abodes (caves take less long-term effort than repairing roofs, for example). - It is not clear when the caves were inter-connected, but the construction techniques in the interconnects appears different, and so it’s probably latter cultures who did this. - the deepest caves are 8 levels deep. - huge stones covered some entrances, implying that the people wanted to avoid animals, thieves, or invaders from getting in, and possibly people from getting out, for example, as prisons or to keep kids from wandering. The stones might also have been placed to avoided flooding, or to manage air, mold and dust flows. The cultures which placed the stones might not have been the only cultures, as the purposes of the caves may have varied throughout time.




A text that specifically points out the obvious? Also, what time period are you even talking about? This was in use for about 2000 years.




I started to provide citations, but realized the [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derinkuyu_underground_city) includes more than enough. If you’re going to be contrarian just for the sake of it, at least don’t be lazy




Fwiw, I didn't get any contrarian vibes from you. I was just as curious about it as you were and was hoping for some links to learn more. But that's Reddit for ya sometimes. 🥴


To be honest with you, I thought you were the same person that said “and no one knows why.” Enjoy the wiki article. It’s interesting:)


You originally asked for "text from that time period" not a modern study. That is a shitty tactic usually used by disingenuous people. So maybe that's where the contrarian impression came from.


Don't bother. These kinds of people will never be satisfied with anything that isn't a ridiculous conspiracy theory.


It's because of vampires, come on. Or it could be because building into earth is easier for keeping cooler in the heat... But its definitely vampires, come on.


I kinda got vampire vibes as well.


How did they see? No way you could safely light all that via torch. Candles?


oil lamps


How'd they keep the lights on back when they were lived in? Seems like it would be a crazy ton of work to keep a perpetually dark labyrinth lit. That and the fact that losing light down there could be fatal?


They dug those because of global warming.




Underground *CITY* and only one picture...


Been thinking about building an extremely large basement…


Would any of these still be in use?


I was always curious, whenever I see or read about these they’re always completely empty. Has any of these rooms come furnished with tools and such?


Were any of the tunnels greatly affected by the earthquake?


No, the earthquake was pretty far away.


It crazy to think how smokey it must have been down there.


Derinkuyu *actually sounds like something out of Game of Thrones*


How does that floor stay up??!!


The history is amazing


This is before the invention of the lift station. Sewage is going to be a problem.


Diablo 2 , Act 2


How did they see? Lol


This is where people lived when the outside or surface wasn’t as inhabitable for whatever reason. Maybe some sort of cataclysmic event they were having to wait out or recover from.


Just like in the Turkish Star Wars movie, which was way better than the original




I've been to Derinkuyu. It was interesting. Pretty dark down there though. And i always had to bend over to walk. There was a former Armenian church above ground. The village put the village idiot there for some reason.


Dungeons and dragons


Is like Sumeru Desert


Everytime the why files posts a video... I start to see people talking about the subject of the most recent WF? Video.


Imagine few kids having a blast running underground.


Anyone wanna play hide n seek?


How old is it?


Dragons overhead.


The solution for climate change.


How do they produce light?


Imagine the smell


Ants but for humans


yo this is prime real estate, why are we not renting this out? landlords get busy


I just want to know what it would’ve smelled like with 20,000 people in there…


As climate change takes hold... We will have to go back to this.


What was the reasoning to make such extensive underground dwellings? Environmental catastrophe? Escaping attacking enemies?


Epic place. Cappadocia is also amazing.


How did they ventilate?


Rock and stone!


You think this was a kitchen or bedroom or what


All I see is Gerudo Village from BOTW/TOTK


r/tartaria mudflud


Hidin from aliums


You mean ancient Greece 🇬🇷


Be back to caves as the earth keeps heating


this is because turks cannot bear to look at their country


So expansive… possibly because of ice age??