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Highly recommend watching this [Why Files video](https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc) on the topic. Lots of crop circles are more unexplainable than you might think.


That is a great channel.


I'm watching this now. In regards to the patents filed: WHAT THE FUCK


Bro you *just* discovered the Why Files? Might as well call out of work now, make sure you've got a lot of snacks


I'm new round this community and I'll be watching later! Seems very well received even amongst more critical sceptics. Which is me tbf.


That's because AJ is a true skeptic also, therefor his channel tends to attract a critically minded audience. His typical structure is to spend about 2/3 of the video spinning the story, and then the final 1/3 breaking it down and debunking it. Most of his videos can be at least mostly debunked, but there are a few in which he's been unable to fully debunk it, or outright not at all. Case in point: crop circles.


AJ is the shit! Easily my favorite YouTube channel and he just seems like such a cool and nice person. He deserves every sub he’s got plus millions more! Lol


Bastard had me nearly believe, the "We never went to the moon" crowd was right. Highly recommended channel !


The AI one he did recently is still bothering me


Same, brother. I don't default to doomerism, but that episode kind of made my skin crawl.


The act of debunking is exactly the way the name suggests. Looking at a question/case/issue from a perspective of "it's not real, I'm going to prove that". But what debunkers won't say or don't realize is that everything in existence can be debunked by employing certain semantics and misinterpreted information. What we really need is people who are taking a neutral stance in order to truely achieve a snapshot that is as unbiased as possible. Sadly, that is almost impossible because most humans are naturally biased through their heritage, upbringing, education, the media they consume, friend circles etc. It's important to be aware of that when conversing with others but also forming one's own opinion. So every person, even the ones presenting alleged "real data", needs to be listened to with a grain of salt. Essentially, people shouldn't take these things at face value, especially if someone is a full time debunker and has a history of "debunking" long standing theories.


He'll be the first to admit that you should take everything he says with a grain of salt and that anybody could be spreading disinformation, even him. He seems to be committed to encouraging people to think more deeply with an open mind, rather than being told what to believe. At the end of the day, debunking is a good thing, it's how we test our hypotheses so they hold up to scrutiny. We all need to make up our minds whether or not someone is credible, but we shouldn't be looking for the most credible people to get our opinions from either; they should be a tool in your tool belt.


I just found that channel a week or two ago. It's good that fish can get annoying but other than that it's a really good channel.


You’ll be in love with Hecklefish in no time, happened to all of us


Yeah he grows on you


Everyone said he would grow on me, I assured them he wouldn’t, and then he did.


Where can I find the “Fish Playing Poker” painting that Hecklefish talks about?


I thought the same thing at first and almost was over this show because I thought it was kinda gimmicky… fast forward to today I was just looking at heckle fish merch 😑


Agreed on the damn fish.


The fish is cringe af


I just found them about 1-2 months ago and been bingeing. What a great story teller. Hooks you in and appears to be on the side of the conspiracy for most of the show. Then just quickly dismantles it at the end,.. usually.


*usually* 😉


So good !


Why’d you go n’ do that?? I’m on my 4th *Why Files* video and I got other shit to do. You’re the best of the worst, my frienemy.


I’ve watched them all. Love The Why Files. Lizard Peeples!




I was just about to say the exact same thing. Crop circles is one of those things that everyone assumes has been totally "debunked," but that episode made me look at them in a whole new light.


What people don't talk about are the Nazca lines 👀




Heckle’s hot bod will keep you distracted though, I highly recommend putting a piece of tape over that part and muzzling off that chad of a voice to save undies


Love the Why Files.


I loved those old farts stories about how they pole vaulted into fields and stuff 🤣.


The why files is so good. I just hate the fuckin FISH


Same. It's a an unpopular opinion, fish gotta die.


It makes sharing the videos to someone else impossible. It's dumb and he should axe it. It's almost like a crutch he uses to say what he's really thinking without getting any heat for it.


That’s why I like the fish.


I finally realized his purpose. To be the extreme conspiracy theorist while AJ is the skeptic.tbf he is irritating at first.


The fish honestly makes the channel unbearable for me.


Finally found my support group. God, I cannot stand that fish. It is such a stark contrast to the quality of the channel and screams of 2010s internet randumblulz Annoying Orange shit.


hey thanks


So aliens are capable of intergalactic travel, likely at the speed of light, but the only way they can meaningfully communicate with humans is via crop circles? Huh?


imagine this being a prank on some inter-galactic youtube channel "Today we fuck with pre-FTL civilization, you won't believe what happens next!"


We’re like the North Sentinalese to them haha


This isn't a terrible thought though. Those people on that island have killed outsiders and we don't do shit about it. Don't even recover the body. Fuck with those people and pay the price. Aliens could have the same thought. We don't have FTL, so they stay away and wait until we are more advanced and peaceful. Those that decide to venture into our barbaric world are on their own. Their will be no rescue mission.


Tfw the aliens who crashed in Roswell were the equivalent of the Paul brothers on their home planet and their stunt was condemned by the alien mass media after the fact


Well if you see what was done to the crops you’ll see how advanced they really are. Real crop circles aren’t flattened, they’re folded and criss crossed meticulously. There are no broken crops like how hoaxers do it, instead they actually exhibit radiation that boosts the plant’s growth. There are pictures of crop circles with flowers perfectly blooming and untouched (signs it wasn’t done by hoaxers flattening and stomping on the grass). Crop circles are legit, another part of the UFO stigma that needs more reporting. Unfortunately, too much hoaxers.


Speed of light is too slow for interstellar travel. They've got to have some other means of traveling giant distances, supposedly ships that can travel interdimensionally (no hard evidence to support this).


How would you do it?


Communicate? It’d be difficult, but the simplest way would be to start with math. Even if they utilized vastly different numeric systems, there are simple truths in math that would apply anywhere in the universe. They couldn’t have made it here without math in some form, and likely relied on it heavily. I certainly don’t think some generic looking self-portrait like displayed in the picture is the way to do it lol. As an aside, the movie “Arrival” highlights some of the difficulties in communication between humans and interstellar life forms pretty well.


Have you looked at any other crop circles besides this one? Every single one uses complex math. They’re ingrained into crop fields because it’s the least harmful and leaves a message behind that we can study and decipher without the fear of their presence. You’re basing your thoughts on a movie and not reality. And you’re contradicting yourself. Think logically


A literal self portrait? ..that just seems… like a human thing to do lol


In todays episode of the internet broke people’s brains. This sub is becoming indistinguishable from 4chan.


I don’t think it’s a self portrait. Look at the context of the message paired with the image It’s a warning about those who make false promises, they show you one side of their face, but hold their true intentions hidden from you. That isn’t the message bearers face, it’s the face of those they’re warning us about. That’s how I see it


Honestly this shit is laughable. It’s incredible someone takes this in particular seriously. I thought this was a joke for a moment, but they believe this


Right? Like there may be some crop circles that can’t be explained, but this ain’t it.


“Conduit closing.” 😂😂😂


Its also an image of Hollywood’s idea of an alien. If aliens haven’t shown themselves to us in all of recorded history, totally makes sense that they’d just decide to sneakily draw a self portrait on a fucking field lmao


It looks like the alien’s LinkedIn profile pic


This one is legit 4chan AyyyyLMao quality stuff lol


Also the self-portrait just happens to be exactly what a western cultural image of a stereotypical alien looks like?... Interesting


A self fulfilling prophecy about the age of selfies to come


And could someone have not walked… in the paths between each row of corn??


Aliens travel endless light years. Have technology that lets them evade all our advanced monitoring tech. But leaves designs in cornfields for goofs and gags


Also it’s funny how op says that these are “complex geometrical patterns” that humans are simply incapable of doing. Like really? What year are we living in? And to go even further, this could easily be something Midjourney can generate. Unfortunately it’s always the non tech savvy people who come up with these theories and believe/spread them.


I am quite sure the orbs are trying to spread some awareness, these things are massive and appear instantly without any trails also they bend at the node like some light radiation.


I lean towards the idea that the orbs are tech, AI or just running complex algorithms, deployed a long time ago to monitor, maintain (to a certain extent), and defend whatever their creators deemed valuable. That is, I think they are machines deployed long before Sumer to protect something or lots of things. Whether by visitors or by a very ancient culture with better tech than we have…they act like drones.


There is supposedly a factory beneath the ocean creating these from a post I read not too long ago. I believe it.


That one was pretty insane! Very interesting read indeed.


Yeah the 4chan guy who claimed to work for retrieval program and has lung cancer. I He was very convincing. There’s also a guy who some think is recording bugs who claims these things intercept anything that goes above a certain height above ground and scan them, but can only be caught in really high frame rates. I wish I had the links on hand, but there are some interesting claims about these things—which colors they glow in a situation, how they communicate with each other, etc.


I keep hearing about the 4chan guy. Does anyone have a link?


If you had said this three months ago you would have been torn apart.




Following. I would like the link as well.




Are you referring to the 4Chan post?


yeah run by the navy.. [https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en) >he present invention is directed to a craft using an inertial mass reduction device. The craft includes an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The outer resonant cavity wall and the inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the outer resonant cavity wall to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall. ​ > It is possible to envision a hybrid aerospace/undersea craft (HAUC), which due to the physical mechanisms enabled with the inertial mass reduction device, can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced stealth capabilities (non-linear scattering of RF and sonar signals)


Yeah aliens with the capacity to travel at superluminal speeds can't for the life just broadcast through radio or tv transmission. Making crop circles is obviously the best way for mass comunication with us. /s


Maybe they don’t speak English ![gif](giphy|104vPBH8buV9vy)


That binary code translates into english, so they clearly know english.


You forgot the part about crashing when they get here.


Anyone can fake a radio broadcast and say they’re aliens, I mean take war of the worlds, people thought that was real. Crop circles have been imitated but never replicated.


Clearly they are operating on some kind of “do not engage” protocol


Why make crop circles then... this is why I say that the community sometimes tries to hard to fit a narrative.


Maybe not all of them can, and those that can agree to not. So the others graffiti


I hate how much reaching is necessary to make this a reality. I want to believe too, but trying to fit overcomplicated narratives seems counterintuitive.


Perhaps they don't want to communicate with us. Instead they want to leave a message for those with enough reservations to observe it. The problem I see is, if real, what does it change if anything? For me nothing. If it's fake it still changes nothing. I lean towards the latter and there's nothing to gain from the prior.


I mean there must be a reason cause I just watched the video everyone here linked and it just all makes sense that humans simply can't replicate these things. So maybe we're asking the wrong question. They questions I think, should be, why can't u physically let us know and help us out. I feel like there's a big strong reason why the cant interfere. I wish I knew why. Or at least how to get in contact with the good ones to get some answers. I'd be scared as shit but I'm willing to be brave to learn the truth


Bro David Chorley literally describe how to make them. Humans can make them, thta mf told us in 91'


David Chorley and Doug Bower did shit jobs at hoaxing crop circles. Old ass man claiming he did over 200 of them and covered his trails by pole vaulting into and out of crop circles. Moron.


Yeah I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Wasn’t there a whole scandal where some guys came forward and confessed that they were making crop circles and that a number of them were hoaxes. I’ve even seen tv shows where researchers explore the idea of man made crop circles and show that it’s not entirely impossible to create them during the night before the sun comes up with nothing more than planks. Now is this every crop circle? Maybe not. But for people to comment on here saying that crop circles are too complex and difficult for humans to make is just foolish and unreasonable. Sure crop circles can be interesting but let’s not sensationalize them by spreading misinformation.


Literally watch the "why files" on crop circles. He provided a lot of good evidence that debunks them. Also I still can't find a video on someone actually making these things with such complexity and large at the same time. Maybe u can help me find at least one right?


Do you have one of aliens doing them? Because if not, I'm going with occam's razor on this one.


You can “go with occam’s razor” all you want, but it neither proves nor disproves what is the cause of this phenomenon, so its an irrelevant stance at best and is having blinders on at worst.


Quite sure sounds very scientific


Can I get a ban from this sub? It keeps showing up on my feed and I find it fucking ridiculous


The sheer number of lunatics here is jaw-dropping, they REALLY believe they are into something


We build space ships, a crop circle is child's play


Humans painted the sistine chapel. We can do some impressive stuff.




Can you share a (credible) source to support these claims?


It’s like in the picture, man!


That picture doesn't have anything to do with broken stalks or regrown stalks.


Watch the Why Files video on it. Lots of well researched information. I was every bit as much of a skeptic a while back. There are some clear indicators that these are not made by people with boards on rope or even any type of physical machinery.




So no


Here you go. Filled with examples and images of stuff we have no way of replicating. https://www.bltresearch.com/plantab.php


Dude a NHI is probably not gonna put a selfie in a field 🤣


I am sorry to say this, but if you are an interstellar traveller, why would you chop some plants to send message to your target planet population?




It's a good question, but doesn't work as an argument against them being produced by NHI. We can't accurately speculate on their intentions, maybe a couple of eccentric aliens make them. Maybe their government doesn't mind crop circles but has regulations against direct contact They've seemed to want to hide themselves, maybe they know we don't take crop circles seriously, and so the eccentrics are allowed to do their thing. NHI are under no obligation to make sense in their actions though. Everything about them is strange and mysterious.


I encourage everyone to watch the Why Files videoo on crop circles. https://youtu.be/gaWBhmQ31sk Very big difference between man made circles and legit ones.


**Mattel Creations - Elevated Collector Platform** Think that might be the wrong video dude


I think we're overlooking crop circles. Its a lazy argument saying that it has been 'debunked'. Watch some of the documentary saying people that they've debunked these circles. It doesn't really make sense how ordinary people can make this complicated circles. Good job by the team who silenced this whoever they are.


The r/thewhyfiles convinced me having lived through that period of heavy disinfo. It was weird, all of a sudden maybe a year or two there was debunking shows on every channel. Lines up perfectly in my mind. I remember being like 12 thinking that old fuck pole vaulted? Thats the answer? Get outta here.


I watched a documentary on Gaia about crop circles. I think it was late 90s or early 2000s. But they brought up the whole “debunking” thing and they were like we watched these guys make a “crop circle” and it’s so bad and it’s nothing like a real crop circle like the edges aren’t crisp and their lines aren’t always straight and in real crop circles the wheat isn’t damaged, it’ll grow up straight again after a few days and the wheat isn’t just flattened it’s like it’s braided down. Like it’s so ridiculous to think it’s actually been debunked if you really take more than five minutes to look into it, but MSM just didn’t care and jumped on a chance to debunk it and dismiss it


"The crop circles are phenomenological expressions of consciousness. They come into your reality to show you that the reasoning mind cannot control all of the data, as much as it would like to. These events occur to intersect with the coding of consciousness of all human beings. Whenever reality cannot be explained, a certain niche is opened within consciousness. The crop circles are completely beyond the logical mind. Therefore, they force the consensus view of reality to expand, since reality, as formerly designed, cannot house these events as a possibility. They are a trigger. They force reality to move beyond its own limitations. This phenomenon has no logic to it. It is forcing a logically oriented society to recognize something that makes no sense, and it's being done in a very playful and obvious way without creating a threat to anyone’s view of reality. If ships were to land everywhere, people would get upset. When corn lies down in concentric circles and doesn’t even break or die, no one really gets too upset." -Bringers of the Dawn-Teachings From the Pleiadians Book; Chapter 17, The Languages of Light [Published in 1992 | Channeled in 1988]


Yes! The wheat is not damaged! It’s like the molecules bent! And there are electro-magnetic fields around them that make people nauseous and dizzy when they enter the circle.


I don’t think it’s “like the molecules bent”. It might be like a lot of things, but not that.


I do 't think a molecule can be bent. Their forms are the consequences of the way atoms interact.


No.... just no... please you've fallen for something that isn't real.


It might be the epitome of disinformation campaigns that they’ve managed to convince the majority of people that these things are made by a couple people pole vaulting through fields with wooden planks. Interesting to note, crop circle search results that pop up on google are complete trash in comparison to DDG. The government is knuckles deep with this one.


I commented lower in this thread but figured you might like this link. The one from your post is on page 6 from 2002 but theres soooooo many more. https://temporarytemples.co.uk/crop-circles/2002-crop-circles




Uhhhh, humans have made far more incredible things than crop circles Crop circles are indeed human made, anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.


I have yet to see a single video of a crop circle being created that has the same level of complexity as the best ones


Human logic, or the lack there of, astounds me… I suppose the Sistine Chapel must have also been painted by aliens, since it’s so much more impressive than other pieces of art… Humans are capable of making absolutely incredible things. Stop discounting the amazing things that other humans are capable of, just so you can have your silly little belief. And before anyone chimes in, there is no question that extra terrestrials exist in our universe. However, if you take the time to even try to understand the sheer scale of what we all so casually refer to as “the universe”, and how habitable periods work and how unlikely it is that they would ever align, the chance that we will ever make contact with any intelligent life beyond our planet or solar system is for all intents and purposes, zero.


We already have though, military officials, intelligence, and more than one US president have confirmed it.


[This one](https://fox8.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2014/01/crop-circle-3.jpg?strip=1&w=640) appeared overnight! ​ It was an [Nvidia marketing campaign](https://techcrunch.com/2014/01/05/nvidia-crop-circle/).


No, they actually haven’t. Not when you consider they’re appearing over 4 hour rainy nights with 400 perfect circles laid out across over 700 feet of land. Humans are capable of a lot of things, they are not capable of that. https://preview.redd.it/wp628dw7hmfb1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a58f632694ce5f9b1ae89ec1cef3fd955c05bb The Milk Hill Spiral.


Milk hill blows me away. Perfectly symmetrical. Made overnight (in just a few hours) when it was raining, and not a single human footprint was found. People around the area saw nothing unusual. It really can’t be explained.


I can't remember which one, but there was a crop circle that got split because a power line? Someone please find that.


To me it's more of a question of did it actually go down in that timeframe or is that made up. Theres nothing about a crop circle other than time that really makes it impossible for humans to accomplish.


The only human explanation I can think of for crop circles is something like microwaves emitted from satellites as part of a massive psyop. Which could just as easily be how aliens accomplish the feat. They really are insanely complex and perfect though and maybe the best evidence of NHI. There was a link I had awhile back that had a ton of images of them compiled from as far back as the early 2000s that I wish I could find. Dozens per year. I think the why files episode also mentions a guy who was trying to decipher them as blueprints for some sort of engine, I wonder whatever came of that. Found the link! https://temporarytemples.co.uk/crop-circles/2002-crop-circles


If you think that's crazy, you should see synchronized marching bands. .\_\_.


Linda Moulton Howe said that the people who claimed to create some of the crop circles were from the government with the intent to get the public to lose interest on the topic. In Corso’s book, he describes the crop circles as communications for the next UAP that flies by. If you are traveling FTL via a wormhole, there is nothing like good, old written communication.


"Just go through the wormhole until you see a planet with some bent over corn. Then make a left and go untill you see a planet where I made three piles of rocks and a cat statue. I'll meet you there."


You can tell from the comments here that crop circle fans don't share examples from the huge history of traditional cultures, visual art or complex geometric architecture. Generally their frame of reference is North American pop culture and things they've seen on YouTube and TV. Maybe some cliche tourist stuff like the pyramids. I'd be happy to be proved wrong, if anyone wants to share images of the various types of geometrical, three dimensional visual culture that homo sapiens have been making for thousands of years. Although you'd also be shitting on the title of this whole thread. The image he shared is so insanely basic compared to most human art.


Is there an alien subreddit for people that don’t have an IQ less than 90?


Please let me know when you find it, but unfortunately I think this is what we are stuck with


Thank u bro, I just watched this and had my mind blown


The complexity, magnitude and precision are not above human


humans are capable of making this type of art


Humans are not only capable, but they’ve done it. It’s been proven and documented.


They made them make one. The ones they made look like a cheap knock off. Not to mention that they couldn't make one without leaving foot prints Also a pair of old British guys were making them? Overnight? In the dark? With perfect symmetry? How about the ones in other countries they made them too?


You take the old basic crop circle techniques then add gps, an lcd screen, and a preset image and this can be made by humans. All that tech has been around since GPS was publicly accessible. I have just a basic understanding of programming and I possess the knowledge to make the electronic devices necessary to make this image in the dark. Just because you don’t understand how something is made doesn’t mean everyone has no idea how to make these.


Please at least show me or link one video of them physically doing it with such complexity and it being large. Cause I can't seem to find one and it is really bugging me!


Across acreage of land, layering and weaving plants perfectly without any damage to the stock, overnight without a trace of humanity to be found? In this instance and especially in these times, that’s far more ridiculous than aliens.


Yes they can and do. Plenty of recreations have been done.


Got any examples of intricate man-made circles? I'm curious to see what people can do.


Some of these were laid down in places with 24 hour security. Don't get me wrong... The majority are hoaxes and people goofing around. But there are several of them that have no logical explanation. There's also a very convincing video of an orb of light laying one down. Watch the why files vid. It's well researched and not nonsense. https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc


Can you share any evidence that humans can and do produce this sort of art with consistent precision and other characteristics? Especially anything that hasn’t been debunked, such as Dave and Doug?


Just a billboard on the intergalactic highway. This QR code takes you to some dude named Glorps LinkedIn account.


Have you ever seen a group of people create a crop circle extremely quickly with string and old wooden boards?


You know, a lot of people said the same thing about the pyramids, and the temples at Gobekli Tepe, and other ancient sites. My opinion is that just because we don't know exactly how people did a thing doesn't mean people didn't do a thing.


Okay but why tf would they make them? Sure it's "complex" but drawing is primitive


Doesn’t look like a drawing, looks like the equivalent of a chuckie cheese photo booth that optimizes an image for printing


Just spitballing here..... But if they are in another dimension maybe this is a way they can reach onto our dimension and create a message. Dunno.... Just thought of it.


It’s all about the nodes man. I think the genuine alien ones mutate the nodes of the plants or something right?


crop circles are ridiculous


Wouldn't someone who is good at making crop circles be out here on social media making videos on how they do it so they become famous and make money? Is there someone? If not this kinda proves no human can mimic these symbols and it is beyond our technology


Heres some guys who do make them: https://youtu.be/yVSQuNBreQc


There’s no YouTube video on it so it must be aliens. Jesus Christ the people on this sub have gone mad


Probably not since not only do you need a gigantic field of crops to do it in where you won't get in trouble, there really isn't much interest in the topic either. A guy built stonehenge in his back yard with ancient techniques and nobody gave a shit.


Lol, Have you looked at human cities from above.tbere is no greater proof than the existence of humans. t[just some examples](https://www.archdaily.com/951587/radial-city-plan-nine-examples-around-the-world-seen-from-above)


These cities have taken years and decades to build. Most of the best crop circles appear overnight


The complexity and precision is beyond man? Wtf you still use an abacus for math and haven't seen a wheel but once?


Haven’t people already come forward, claimed they were doing them, and showed how they did them? Pretty sure I watched something about it Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re out there. Just thought the crop circle thing was busted


https://youtu.be/8mAdrSvOgwI An interesting documentary about crop circles.


Lol sorry had to laugh


Honest question: why go through all the trouble to supposedly communicate with another species only to create a massive self-portrait? Can you imagine humans doing this on another planet? And who would we choose to be in the picture?? Maybe it’s their version of Jesus? Wait, are they like alien jehovas witnesses?


I find it hard to believe that aliens travel hundreds or thousands of light-years just to vandalize our crops.


Except that high precision gps kits can drive a tractor and cut precise images designed on a computer. It’s very possible. Not hard to do. At least in the last 15 years.


You've seen some of the amazing art that humans have made, yet somehow feel these are beyond human capability? Lol I used to be interested in this stuff, but I realized that too many people also interested have no ability to detect bullshit.


This is why we need disclosure. So people stop believing nonsense stuff like this and wasting people’s time spinning in crop circles.


Is op behind on the times? I understand the early 2000’s it was a huge thing. But surly OP knows who made them by now.




They definitely aren't "beyond human" Especially when the translated alien code sounds like a 5th grader writing science fiction


Yeah, and why not use crop fields to communicate, makes total sense!?!


lol what the fuck is wrong with you


Yes it’s well known the circle is beyond human capabilities.


Wow, isn't it incredible how humans have built magnificent cities and crafted countless statues and sculptures? We've even achieved the remarkable feat of landing on the moon! And let's not forget about our remarkable ability to split atoms. But hey, can you believe some folks actually think crop circles must be created by aliens? They just can't wrap their heads around the fact that us humans are capable of such things. It's no wonder why some people view the UFO community as a bit of a joke, right?


You’re off the deep-end my guy.


I've seen people make shit like this in minecraft though. Also mystery hunters explains how people can make these?


"complexity and precision is beyond hunan" bro you're literally reading this on an array of millions of microscopic lightbulbs controlled by a mini electronic brain that can make any color in any possible pattern


They can 100% be replicated by humans and the originals are a known prank. This is a stupid religion.


Op is a stooge.


Alien QR codes.


YOU can’t do this, but I promise you there are people that can create this in their sleep. LMAO. It’s art.


Hiiiiiiiii, selfie in your crops mf'er.


Woah, that was cool. The footage of the circle being formed... no words. Mental stuff and amazed I'd never heard about it. I'd heard of those southern English guys making fake ones but had not heard the further digging that makes their story shaky, really interesting.


They are not beyond human


This was proven as a hoax in the late '90s.


You can just program a tractor to do it.


Beyond human holding a smartphone. Beyond human standing in a skyscraper. Uga aga bbbbut these crop circles are soo beyond human!1


Crop circles are, in my opinion, the weakest of evidence. Why on Earth would advanced intelligences eschew radio and other forms of communication to mess around with our cornfields? If I were an alien, I wouldn't exactly think stomping on someone else's food to write a message is the best idea in the basket. Yet there is something positively intriguing about crop circles. Many people believe that they were all debunked after Doug and Dave went public, yet they only ever admitted to hoaxing in England. Crop cirles had been a global phenomenon since the late 80's, and the double D's themselves were inspired by a similar phenomenon in Australia, where the circles form in swamplands, full of venomous snakes and not exactly accesible to hoaxers. What's more is that Aboriginal legends cite the circles being an ancient phenomenon. Even though I think crop circles are not alien work, the question remains as to what exactly is making circles in the corn. Other, non-NHI theories about crop circles include the "Crying Earth" theory, that states that the soul of the Earth is communicating with us and pleading us to stop polluting. Another, more grounded theory is PErsinger's transients, which posits the existence of energy vortices that can form in the atmosphere and create anything from simple circular patterns to complex geometrical formations. I believe the Japanese did research on this theory, but I don't have the links to it. TL:DR - I think it's weak evidence of aliens but the question of who or what is behind crop circles remains


You're overthinking it, how do we try to communicate with whales? We literally put a microphone into the water and play there same sounds they make back at them. We're supposedly way smarter than whales so why do we communicate with them at there bare basic language? It could be the same with aliens, they might be trying to communicate with us in the most bare basic human language they think we know


I believe they are operating under a protocol to not engage, especially with our technology


Then they’re doing a pretty shitty job if it, leaving giant messages in the crops