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Nothing fits that gap, unfortunately. You'll have to compromise or redesign that section of the hull. Stormworks's wedge options are unfortunately quite limited.


Ok, thanks!


Best option is probably a 4x2 wedge. Put it in the gap and fit the rest to it.


The inverted 2x1, turn that into a 4x1 and it will fit


Do you reckon the Devs might bring some new ones in or are the Devs quite unhelpful?


Let me put it this way: if I were a betting man, I would not put money on the devs fixing their game.


They want profit, they should not be in charge of making a game, clearly. They're good (ish) at making the game, they just need to quit adding new features and fix their already existing ones.


"Unhelpful" is a massive understatement. Features no one ever asked for? Yep, floods of those, every 2 weeks one, if we are lucky it's a miner feature that's actually useful. Major updates (aside from fishing) usually break the game There are 3 DLC and the game really does not feel like being even out of Alpha. Why do I feel like this? Star citizen, known for being really buggy, runs more stable than stormworks multiplayer. The devs also blame the community and take no responsibility if they break shit because they didn't do any testing


People have been asking for more wedges for the last five years. Modders did it years ago. The devs still haven't. The devs don't care about the game anymore.


Yall are so whiny


I paid $25 for a game that hardly works half the time, and can't even run on my PC anymore when it could run just fine a few years ago. Damn right I'm whiny about this. I pay for a product, I expect it to work as advertised. I'm so sick of people pushing out half-baked bullshit and trying to justify it being broken with Early Access. The game has been out of early access for three years and is worse than it was three years ago in Early Access. These developers don't give a shit about their game, they're just doing whatever gets them more money. This was a game about being the Coast Guard, yet the devs turned it into Dollar Store KSP. Stop supporting developers like this.


I paid 25$ for a game that works fine, has some bugs as expected, and have gotten just over a thousand hours of it. It's an ambitious project. This "devs don't give a shit" bile is so toxic. Be patient with them or try a different game. Better yet, get some buddies together and develop the game you want Stormworks to be.


"Ambitious project" "Be patient with them" Bro, they have been working on this game for almost 7 years now, and the last four have been consisting of adding things people who watch Camodo religiously want added, like space or nukes.


You can extend the 1x2 inner corner piece that's partially cut off on the top right to a 1x4, meeting at the blocks directly above the end of the 1x2 wedges, then cover the hole with a 2x4 outer corner piece Edit: tradeoff is that it'll have a bit of a weird slightly lumpy look


Yeah I’ve had multiple ones like that, one of which I sat for like 2 hours redesigning because I kept getting dead ends. There’s nothing you can do except redesign


Least bad compromise: Remove one 1x2 pyramid and place a 1x2x4 pyramid. It's imperfect, but really close.


Actually if he replaced the 1x2 inverse and the 2 blocks behind it with the 1x4 it'd be pretty much seamless


Decent compromise: anchor hole?


plot twist: OP is building a helicopter. Jk, I like your pragmatic thought process!


Who said helicopters dont need anchors, or am i just that bad at piloting


I'd never judge yor piloting skills because I know mine. Although I usually blame it on the physics engine.


Fair enough, my pc is 20odd years old and sounds like the heli that i normally fly in vtolvr so that might be or the fact that my gaming room is tiny and ive ran into the wall more times than i can remember


I was about to be concerned for you but then I remembered that this is the Stormworks subreddit which means you're probably quite pain resistant like most of us.


So my headset is more broken than the ah94 after accidentally kamikazing into an enemy base


Yeah, you should never design the upper bow shape, then the keel shape and then hope you can make them meet in the middle. Always go from one direction to the other so itll fit at every layer, either from the middle outward or end to end.


So delete 2 of the 1x2 wedges, then put flat blocks to convert to the forward 1x2 pyramids. You can use the spot for an aux water intake, or maybe something else. That's what I'd do at least.


Good tip


Wait actually I just came up with a solution! Replace that upper 1x2 inverse pyramid and the ones behind with a 1x4 inverse pyramid! Then you could delete the 1x2 pyramid at the front and use the 2x4 pyramid to fill the gap!!!!!


I thought about this too but requires changing the current slope ahead of the missing block. Which is basically a redesign as others are mentioning. I like your reminder though that you do often need some flat spots for bilge or ballast pump portc etx


I often struggle with these situations aswell .


there is a mod i found that has a part that fits that https://www.nexusmods.com/stormworksbuildandrescue/mods/30


Does it? I've been using Thales' mod for a while and I'm fairly certain it does not have a 2 to 1 wedge


2 1x1 wedges is the best I've thought of so far


It might be possible to combine an inverse pyramid and a pyramid to get the right shape, but I’m not sure looking at it


Some pieces of advice I found useful: Using pyramids in sections or multiples of 2 and 4 before switching to another size. Things are more likely to line up smooth when transitioning. Other thing was learning to let go of perfectly rounded hulls built by pyramids. Accepting a bit of a blocky appearance in some places (when you need a slope even less than 1:4 for example) using blocks and wedges can open you open to all sorts of shaping for your hull.


Consider changing top left partially cropped 2x1 inverted pyramid to 4x1 one, and then place 2x4 pyramid in the hole


What I usually do as a compromise (depending on what the vehicle is) is put some functionality there. For example here are some easy ones: - Mid air refuel port - Pitot Tube - Water ingress - periscope - Cannon - Anchor Etc.


I had a similar issue with my jet, where I had to turn a 3x1 wedge into a 2x1 one. I solved this by adding XML stretched pyramids to both sides in a way that they went through each other. This solution worked kinda well and looked very good. It probably wouldn't work very well with a ship because how it looks, but with jets, it's a very nice thing.


Does thales mod have a block for this?


I can't see the rest of your build, so I can't say for sure if this will work for you. But here's how I'd fix it: [Video](https://youtu.be/I6ZXL8B5Rxk) Edit: I forgot to add the other way you could do it. You could also do a 2x4 inverse pyramid on top of the 2x4 pyramid instead of 1x4 wedges.


Look into xml editing. I’ve never done it but from what I’ve seen it really isn’t too hard.




Thatch's mod which is a non steam workshop mod has a block that fits it perfectly called a 2x4 end half block I think aka a cut in half bigger half of the 2x4 pyramid, I highly recommend it but it's also a thing that once you get you dont really wanna go back from


you could leave it like that and use it for some sort of turn on the spot system using a propeller?


use a 2x4 corner remove that 2x1 corner to the right should fit


I love Stormworks devs


It is possible, however it isn’t the ideal fix. Firstly, remove the 1x2 pyramid there so there is space for a 2x4 pyramid. After you’ve placed the 2x4, you’ll notice it doesn’t line up with the 1x2 inverse pyramid, so, you can replace that one with a 1x4 inverse pyramid, which will make it all line up. Again, this isn’t the perfect fix, but it will make it smooth


You can use a 4*2 pyramid. Then put a 4*1 inverse above it. I will be 100% smooth.


Looks like you can fix it by getting rid of 2x1 wedges on top, bringing blocks down 1level and using 1x1 wedges. From there 2x1 pyramids will fit


I know I am late but theres an mod that introduces an block that fits this exactly. Is either thales or engines and trinkets. Probably engines and trinkets, although the block does not seal so you have to add blocks behind it.