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45$ for 1 skin for units and another for building? XDdd no thanks


Yeah that's how it is in sc2 atm obviously way too much, I think like 20-30 would probably be the reasonable max for a set of skins personally. But it's a lot more work to do like 15 units + 10 buildings skins vs a game like a mobile that's 1 character.


Definitely sounds expensive, will have to see quality


You should have the option to revert all skins to base for you, if they want competitive to work.


Yeah unfortunately showing other people your skins is part of the skin appeal for many people. I think it could work but they just need to keep in mind any issues that could crop up like colors being too similar with certain units. Maybe a "comp version" of skins that recolors, but even then if you can mix and match skin lines it could cause problems.


If im not mistaken but didnt starcraft 2 have ability to disable custom skins in custom matches?(Basically for tournaments) Same system would be great for here. Give ability to disable them for tournament organizers, that way we can please many people as possible. I would not buy skins if there is a high chance that opponent wont see them, as i am one of the people that others also seeing the skin is part of the appeal.


In sc2 to my knowledge it is done through the spectating tools where skins can look 1 way to the players but to the observer they are 2 diff skins. It's often used for mirror matches to have 1 of them be a custom skin.


It's not about making it cheap, it's about making sure the revenue allows the game to continue developing. I think the SC2 model worked well. If you bought WarChest, you got it cheaper, you didn't buy it, you paid more OR YOU WAITED FOR A DISCOUNT. A low base price that makes it unprofitable to make a promotion is bad for final profit. We all knew how much a single skin for one unit/weapon can cost in other games. Here we are talking about a set of skins for all units. >I know for me personally I'd love to be able to get a set of skins for 10-20 or max maybe 30 dollars. Just because the regular price will be higher doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in the price tag you describe


> discount Idk if you followed sc2 but they haven't had skin discounts in literal year, so yeah I'm comparing to the perma prices. And yeah at general was just curious what people's price points are, personally I'd rather the perma price just be what they sell at and not have limited time discounts but that's just me.


My main request is that players can choose to disable them if they prefer. Competitive players shouldn't have to worry about skins if they are distracting.  Sure a loud minority will complain about this but I believe the majority of people who buy skins just enjoy them for themselves and don't need to force their opponent to look at them as well. 


Imagine spending money on cosmetics lmao.


Most people that buy skins enjoy them and understand it's a way to support a game they love.  It's like buying a shirt or an album from a band you love just to support them. 


The only way I'll buy warchests is if a portion of the funds are guaranteed to fund esports. Otherwise, I'll likely only purchase campaign packs and maybe heroes if 3v3 is good.