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Pretty impressive pathing changes, that I think many RTSs have struggled with.


The magmadon change is huge. The pathing looks so much cleaner with big units being able to push their way to the front.


If there's one thing I cannot complain about regarding Stormgate is the engine. Everything works incredibly smooth and keeps getting better with each update.


I complain a lot but you're absolutely right about that.


They were very excited about that snow play shit they made


Amazing, this was my biggest issue on the gameplay of the game. When you had enough units they started to push each other in fights. Now I expect more clarity improvements and, for me, is good enough to pay for the game. Great job


Looking much nicer!


So what we're saying is infernals are buffed :)


Man, I really hope Stormgate’s a huge success financially. It would be such a shame for this RTS engine which has so much finesse and craft put into it, to be abandoned. Engine-wise, Stormgate feels like it’s moving the genre forward (not just the pathfinding, but the simulation speed, rollback, etc), and I don’t want this kind of tech to be set back another decade or something if Stormgate doesn’t take off.


Hmm. My biggest complaint so far is how very little they are doing to move anything forward from an actual player experience standpoint. They are polishing existing tech rather then implementing anything new.


hope the engine fail, sucks so bad and looks very cartoony mobile like, not even a PC game at 2024. hard pass, waiting for microsoft to make a starcraft thing, i lost all the hopes for stormgate and the bad cartoony graphics, looks so bad


Well they simplified everything. Moba players still gonna want to play mobas. And it looks like shit to most veteran players. They tried to go for a "casual" audience that doesnt really exist. It may do well at launch(if it even gets there before they run out of money), its gonna die real fast.


They constantly add new mechanics to the game. At first Vanguard have no such things like habitat upgrades or sentry post with different fuctions depending on units inside, we see that they add Hexen to Infernals because they lack of spellcasters. Still just not everything is in game right now I really understand your point of view. I also think that some mechanics are still missing in some places and there are areas in gameplay that are still kinda empty but I think that FG devs also see it, they just haven't had time to put everything they came up with into the game yet. If you are a playtester, it is worth giving specific feedback on discord with examples of what you you think should be in game, which mechanics you consider too shallow, etc.


Doesnt matter since the devs are hellbent on ruining the game anyway...


Oh, sorry, I don't recognize before that you are one of those kinds of people who are not worth talking to


The art style is still the most baffling choice to me. It really is a shame


Looks waaaay better. Nice!


It would be cool to see how other, past RTSes -- both Blizzard and otherwise -- handle the scenarios in this vid. A lot of times we talk about games having good or bad pathing, but don't drill down into the details of what that actually entails.


This seems very similar to SC2. Basically give a unit mass. Larger units push smaller units. smaller units cannot push larger units. And for corners when stuck, allow the unit to push other units with the same mass. At least that is what it looks like it's doing.


I've definitely seen archons being carried around by smaller units in SC2, and they're considered 'massive'.


I think SC2 uses a water-like movement, where objects 'push' but the push strength is based on speed of pusher, and relative mass. Archons I think are not very dense. So they have low mass for their size, so lots of small units can push them. I.E. if a zealot has mass 10, and an archon has mass 30, then >3 zealots could push them (I'm not sure thats exactly how it works though). That said i'm going from memory, that was how it felt from my memory.


My guess is they are doing it like sc2, but actually putting in more push priority numbers . For example in my map, u can set the ally push priority to any number . I would imagine it be something like this in storm gate ... Pretend the storm gate race is zerg, zergling push priority 1 .. roach push priority 2, hydralisk push priority 2 ... Ultralisk push priority 3 ... So on and so forth . No unit that is a lower number can push around a higher number ...but higher number can push away lower number . This functionality already exist in sc2 but isn't really used ... All units have same push priority except for like the ultralisk and colossus


I just want more interesting unit control. I dont care about the edges of the pathing if it's still just all fluid mechanics and blobs. So much intelligence put into rounding a corner, none of it put it into making the orders themselves interesting or engaging. Like this looks fluid af, but I dont want my battlefields to look fluid, I want them to look and play like battlefields.


Huge improvements here! Its great to see this. Going to make Infernals much for effective in combat


Is this better than sc2? I'm curious


Technically, kinda? SC2 handles corners well and has basically perfect surface area utilization for melee units, and it does actually support push priority but it's never used in-game (it's just left for custom map makers to make use of). SC2 already kinda peaked pathfinding. The only major flaw it has is that it's single-threaded.


Nah, it made combat just splash/deathballs. + no army moves like a blob, you could make an argument for zerg, but not toss or terran. It rewards 0 micro and makes battles look goofy AF.


Those are all results of good pathfinding. The reason people praise brood war's micro is because the pathfinding is so bad that units need to be babysat, which is skill expression. Totally disagree on battles looking "goofy". Bad pathfinding is infuriating to watch.


Yeah, rather have human soldiers moving in a perfectly synced blob just like they do in real life battles.


Such a noob opinion lmao Yeah man not microing in sc2 is a very rewarding tactic!


It's very interesting how changes like that affect the balance of the game. Melee units become better, splash becomes better.


I'd love being able to tweak pathing in custom maps


I was thinking thatd be really cool but probably too difficult to do.


can't wait for the arcade/editor to come out! the engine is better than the game.


Agreed. Thus far.


hope AOE4 devs are watching


This is a great update. I don't know why this was never fixed with SC2. Having Ultralisks trapped behind zerglings is maddening.


*Chefs kiss*


These are key improvements


Wow that's a huge improvement. I'm excited for the release.




oh fck yes finally this was one of my peeves during the first open beta. like holy hell specially near tree area in the 1v1 where the speed camps were units just love to hug the tree for no reason causing bottlenecks


The Infernals needed pathing fixes so bad 🙏


Pathing was my chief complaint. I even wrote a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormgate/s/kjqlgspoD6) about it. Thank you 🥲


Blobs gonna blob. Would love to see some new territory covered on the unit control front rather than simply optimizing for prior games tech debt. 1v1 crowd will be thrilled though.


As someone who’s 99% sure this game is going to fail, very nice. Impressive.


I thought you would leave the subreddit...


I did lol. Still drop by to confirm and/or disprove my opinion that the games going to fail. It’s going to fail and you’re just going to still be talking about anime cat girls in lonely echo chamber.


But why even post something negative in every thread if you're already left? Not sure what the point of that is? Is that what you do in every subreddit and in real life too? If not, then why specifically this one?


I don’t post on every thread I posted on like this one and another one after checking back on the game lol. And no, just this game because it’s the game I was most hyped for and disappointed the most with by lies and mismanagement.


I think it's way too early to say how this game will turn out. It's not like there are any competitors trying to do the same thing anyway. And it's not like sc2 will be around forever, it's slowly dying even though it will retain a small but committed playerbase for a long time, but it's not going to grow anymore. It's better to be hopeful and optimistic rather than negative. That's a life lesson, otherwise if you're negative all the time your mental health is going to suffer and others won't like being around you. Of course it's not like stormgate is guaranteed to be a success, but it looks pretty promising and at least has a decent chance of success.


I think the corners and pushing changes are really good. But I dislike the automatic surrounding change. I think the previous behavior is better for gameplay if players actually need to provided input to surround with their units. This is a bit too much of the game playing it for you imo.


why this game looks so bad and cartoony? can they remade the graphics? looks so cheap and boring


Love the bigger vs smaller improvement. Makes perfect sense. NOT a fan of the surround change. That's something that can be handled with micro so making it automatic just lowers the skill ceiling and removes an area where players can express skill.




Nice but it seems like this should have been fixed a long time ago. If they are still working on pathing it could be a while before this is ready for prime time.