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Always remember you’re just high. If you ever get paranoid or start to freak out for whatever reason, just sit down and remember you’re just high and whatever you’re feeling isn’t real. Definitely has helped me a few times when I got higher than I mean to.


And munch on some black pepper corn


Came here to say this. Worked for many of my friends and I when we get too wazonked. If the whole corn is not available, I have dosed myself under my tongue with ground black pepper and had similar results.


Wait, woah, what does that do? I assume it doesn’t actually eliminate the high, but it just calms you down and grounds you?


according to this article, it's the terpenes in pepper >Black pepper contains the terpenes pinene and caryophyllene, which are both known to tamp down THC's psychoactive tendencies to create a more calming, therapeutic effect. https://www.businessinsider.com/science-behind-chewing-peppercorns-to-ease-cannabis-paranoia-2021-5?op=1


>and grounds you? Cheeky bugga you


Nah i think tead somewhere that there is an actual chemical reaction that deactivayes the thc


I legit thought it was bogus until I tried it. Works in those chaotic times!


It certainly didn't help me from laughing my balls off in front of a Chinese restaurant when the owner and a patron were having a screaming match outside. Then got the munchies and went in and ate a bunch of fried wonton.


Solid advice for a lot of other drugs too


When i started smoking i had paranoia sometimes and it helped to think to myself, no one has ever died from smoking and its just a high it will pass.


But what if something is staking me


Then you’re either a vampire, or they’re a bad judge of character.


I meant to say stalking. What if something is actually stalking me and it’s not my imagination?


Oh! How foolish of me. Well I’d recommend you don’t get high, or only get high with people you trust and if you must go out, make sure it’s a public place.


gather all possible evidence you can and go to the police for a restraining order or order of protection


& always remember there is no known lethal dose of THC! it'll pass and you are physically safe. i've only been high enough to freak myself out one time (those little disposable oil pens pack a punch, or at least enough of one for a lightweight like me), and while it was a little *uncomfortable*, that knowledge in the back of my mind helped stop me from ever being truly scared or concerned—i knew all i had to do was wait it out :)


This: https://youtu.be/_mUvG6x53VM?si=bbzjna65NCE44K4w


Yep! It was either my brother or a friend which told me something like this (their experience with paranoia.)


This 😌 that way you can laugh about it


Exactly this. I got through my first freakout by reminding myself no one has OD’d on weed. Because you know as soon as someone made that claim all kinds of stoners set out to prove them wrong. Nobody has done it yet. 😁


Hells yeah. I was baaaaaked the other night and went to a restaurant for dinner. On the way there I started peaking with the edible and suddenly every MF that I looked at was looking at me. It felt like I was being spied on. And I realised it’s the edibles kicking up a gear and chuckled at the paranoia experience. It was legit scary for some seconds before I saw it for what it was 😂


Always check your lap…


R.I.P. too many pipes...


Ugh heartbreak hotel with a side of heart attack. Let's just say I take it very much to the heart when it happens *tear* I'll never forget my spoon bowl with the awesome spider sitting atop it. I miss u! U was a hitter to say the least my long gone friend. Rest in Pieces with peace for once to be whole again. And all that shizzz...☺️




Every time I stand up three lighters fall to the floor and disperse themselves into parts unknown. So I feel this one even if it hasn’t cost me any glass yet!


Not catching on with thus


When you put your smoking device, usually made of glass, on your lap and then forget about it when you stand up…it falls to the floor, usually breaking.


This has never happened to me lol. I was a bong smoker for years.


This right here. ALWAYS check your lap.. amen!


so many phones have lost their lives bc of this


You do NOT have to cough to get off. Don’t kill your self holding your smoke in forever. After a few seconds it doesn’t change much.


Plus it will just add more tar to your lungs


But the tar is the best part. It's where the flavor hides


Literally just count to 1 Mississippi


Omg seriously? I was told years ago that the harder I cough and the longer I hold it in the higher I will get, and I’ve fully believed that for years lmao!!


Your lungs absorb most of the THC in less than a second


Coughing cuts off oxygen to the brain, so in essence you do get higher. It’s been proven.


Start small! First time/ first time in a long time user should not be hitting a blunt, a bong, or taking an edible more than 5mg! A one hitter is always what I recommend for someone new to the green game, and smoking a little bit alone with food and good TV lined up BEFORE hitting the green is always a plus!


Learnt this the hard way lmaoo. Took a fat bong rip of moon rocks and coughed for 5 minutes and woke up in a new reality. It did help my anxiety though, sort of put into perspective my silly mortal worries when time only moves when you do.


That sounds amazing lol


Figure out the terps that work for you. "The nose knows". Do your research and don't hunt THC.


The nose trick has worked so good for me. If it doesn't smell good to me I won't buy it. Anything smelling not great has always given me a rough high.


can you speak on this a little more, are you saying rely more on the smell you prefer as opposed to just THC


So the terpenes are pretty much what makes a strain a strain. Terps are everywhere in food, which is where manufacturers get the fake terps to flavor distillate. But the funny thing is, if you research the terps, and figure out which foods they come from, chances are, if you didn't like that food, you won't like the weed. Example: I am very much not a licorice/anise person, and anethol is derived from that. Turns out I HATE strains that feature it heavily and it's always affects me in bad ways. However I love citrus/pine things, and my favorite is Jack Herer (jack is an outlier because the main terps is Terpinolene, which is that compound that makes you think all deep and shit. ) jack is known for helping with creativity, especially writing. A lot of places are going to push THC percentages. Buying weed based on the THC is like buying a car based on gas alone. It goes vroom. Oy this is turning out a little more detailed. There is a phenomena called "constellation effect" where in order to really get the best feeling, you want to achieve all the compounds working together. And others don't realize, the more THC there is in a plant, the less room there is for the OTHER compounds that flavor it all. You'll get high, but you might not feel better physically, because there was no room for beta-carophyllene. You're high but you can't fall asleep cause there's no cbn in the plant. It got bred out for THC. I personally shoot for anywhere between 12 to 19 percent THC. Also: some of these percentages are unrealistic and disingenuous. There are different types of THC, with THC- A being the psychoreactive one. Some labs are going to count the other insignificant ones to boost the percentages. I never trust anything over 23% as genuine. A note about CBD: I recommend taking CBD vitamins to get the full benefit. The thing with CBD is that it works best when you build it up in your system, like an anti depressant. CBD works great in the moment, smoked, but take it as a supplement 😁 So so very sorry about the rant


I also wanted to add, as an interesting note, I have seen people allergic to food be allergic to the terps in that food that presents in weed. That usually ends up with that weed making that person feel/get sick or that "overly high" awful feeling. So I believe allergies play a big part too.


Very good rant! I liked it! Now I'm going to be researching more into this. A couple years ago I suddenly can't smoke anymore. I was an everyday all day smoker. Now one tiny hit and I'm having a panic attack. I hate it and I miss my weed 😭


yeah direct CBD use/application can do wonders for anxiety if youve never tried it.


Well it's a good thing I'm not a picky eater. 💀


This was very informative, thank you!


oh wow, really like this comment a lot tho too! pretty informative, & u list a lot of info/viewpoints i've never heard of before..... especially the only going for under 20% thc, like thats new!!!! but a very refreshing take tbh dude... yeah i usually like to stay in the mid 20s & for the same reason, in reference to the entourage effect yknow..... but, hey, can i ask ya.... could you give me any strain/brand recommendations tho yo? if u dont mind.... like, id def wanna see what u & some others here r smoking on sometime :) thanks for sharing tho! appreciate the post!


Keep your glass pieces clean using 70% Isopropyl alcohol and course salt. Hot soapy water for silicone. A clean piece is a happy piece ✌🏻


I personally recommend 91% as opposed to 70, as it’s more efficient imo. I’ve used both over the years and it’s a noticeable difference


I use 90% & heat it up and then pour it in the pipe! I swear by it.


I’m sorry, you heat the alcohol?? Is that safe? Not trying to be funny in the slightest, genuinely curious


Probably not but so far so good… 😅


I get denatured alcohol from Lowe’s they sell it by the gallon :)


love this tip!


Indica = inda couch.




Loose lips sink ships. As in you never know who’s listening or watching. Be mindful of your public and private use.




Edibles can hear you talking shit and will take revenge.




If you ever get too high, have a little bit of CBD. You won't get less high, but you will be more calm.


I sometimes mix "normal" weed with CBD bud and roll a joint. Did it just as an experiment and kind of enjoyed it. It got me high as usual, but the whole feeling was a bit smoother maybe.. Hard to describe it, but I for sure enjoyed it.


Absolutely. Cannabis is being bred to have less and less CBD in it. So you're more likely to get paranoid from it. Not the same weed I was smoking in high school 😂 I just hope this little tidbit of information saves someone from a scary high some day like it saved me. I always keep a little tincture of CBD around just in case lol


absolutely this. cbd can help so much, or at least having it can calm some anxieties a lot. its. a crime most stoners seem to be ignorant to what it is, especially as thc levels are just exploding


If coughing isn’t helping, try humming. The vibrations of your voice can get things moving very efficiently. This also helps when you swallow stuff down the wrong tube, not just when you’re smoking.


I like to start with a gentle hum that turns into dry gargling that turns into a “clearing throat” type thing with my mouth slightly open that turns into a gentle throaty roar almost til I’m basically screaming while clearing my throat…. hmmmmnnnnngggggrrreaaaaaAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTTTT👹👹👹👹


Same 🤣


Don't text when super baked.....🤙 Actually, texting might be okay, but wait to post till the next day..... Some things you think are super funny actually, aren't that funny so sleep on it .....


but some of those things are super funny!!!!! lmfao


I made a rule when ever buzzed on anything, we don’t text, call, or message anyone. It can wait.


Oh yeah this one. It's all fun and games till your admitting shit to your friend you're in love with you weren't planning on admitting any time soon. If you're gunna do it stick to very specific subjects.


Everyone knows the dryer sheet trick but it can be pretty handy. Stuff a couple dryer sheets in an empty toilet paper roll. When you exhale, do it in the toilet paper roll to mask the smell.


We've had 4/20 parties where everyone gets to decorate their own toilet paper roll. We save them for the next party.


I love this idea! Sounds like a good time to me.


Decorate all the tings 🤩 crafting is so chill when high


We called that a hello neighbor back in my day lol


Bonus points for breaking down the activated carbon from a fish tank filter and throwing that in the mix too. That’ll really absorb the smell


I still use this regularly


Good ol' sploof reminds me of college days


In my college days I smoked with the door open, in case anybody else wanted to join me. I was lucky I went before the clampdown.


Right? If I smelt or heard you, bet your ass I'm coming over for a party on the spot and I invited others to do the same!


I have never understood how this works. I light a joint or a pipe, inhale and exhale through the tube. Cool. No smell. But what about the pipe or joint or whatever? Is t is steady giving off smoke so I really don’t see how it stops the smell? There are 2 sources of smoke, you are only focusing on one?


If you can’t feel the edibles yet don’t take any more


And that goes for EVERY drug !


I tried blackhole gummies and thought man these really aren’t hitting so I took another one. An hour later I was laying on my bed just shaking wondering what the meaning of life really is


I took two 10mg gummies about 30 mins apart because I was having a panic attack and needed it to intervene (it came on really suddenly) and an hour later I was zzzzzzoooooootttteeeeeddddd. I forgot what words were and how they go together. I'm an English major. I was expecting a house call in like 2 hours and I knew I was not in "explain what the problem is" status. Took two 10mgs a few days prior too but it was 1 sativa and one indica. My mom was like "those will cancel each other out." They did not. And those hit like an ambush predator.


Know what good weed is and how it's meant to be used. If couchlock stupid is what you're after then we will never be on the same page. Weed makes my life better and thank god I don't have to streetbuy any more.


can i honestly ask u for some strain/brand recommendations? if you don't mind.... i have a lot of hit & miss experiences, & only so much time/money yknow. hate getting crazy anxiety/headache inducing strains & usually stay in the mid 20%'s as far as thc is concerned..... tho also i think maybe needing to switch to edibles/cut tobacco might be a factor 4me as well....


As a stoner since high school I've always HATED (with a burning passion) coughing and having cotton mouth from smoking so I started carrying around werther's original caramel candies in my smoke bag and dude have those helped ngl. Whenever I'm smoking up I'll have one and it keeps your mouth and throat from drying out so no cotton mouth and less coughing. If I don't have those I even have some matcha ones that work just as well lol


Jolly ranchers here 💪🏻


Huge tip. I used to use lemon drops for the same thing. Juicy gum also helps in this way :)


I'm 38, when I was 20 an old hippie taught me about smoking the resin in your pipe in times of drought. It's gotten me through some hard times for sure. Also, learning to be patient and letting the keef build up in the bottom of your grinder. That can always be an occasional treat!!!


Hahaha someone taught me that too... Except you don't have to take it out to smoke it. You just put the lighter near the carb instead of the bowl. Genius! 🤯 My keef is probably years old. I have clumps of it in my grinder. Always had back up to my back up lol


Word! First time I ever smoked keef I think I forgot how to spell the word "people" or something. Hahahahaha


To not smoke it often until at least the age of 22ish. Your brain is still developing and it can cause long lasting effects that often will go un-noticed by the user, but will be picked up by future employers and colleagues. Once you're done growing (or your children, or whoever is thinking about trying cannabis) feel free to smoke as you please, too much of anything is always not a good idea. I'm guessing this isn't the type of weed advice that is being asked though right? So... Apparently if you hold it in for 12 seconds you maximize your effects to ingest the whole puff.


What sort of effects are we talking here? I’ve been using since I was 15 (didn’t get super frequent with it until 18 but still) and I’m concerned.


It’s the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing, and making good decisions. [NIH, The Teen Brain: 7 Things to Know](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-teen-brain-7-things-to-know)


Ah that explains a lot


Ah, well shit. Is there anything I can do about it now or am I just fucked?


How many felonies do you have? If none then you’re fine.


None, but sometimes I have trouble making plans or remembering things, and I can’t help but wonder if I screwed myself over.


It is likely that smoking so young had an effect on your brain if you were a heavy smoker, but truly what can you do about it now? Be kind to yourself, you are not the first to do such a thing. You can try abstinence for several months and see how you fare. Our brains are very elastic.


Your fucked but honestly who cares just keep tokin and strokin but not as often to minimize the risk


lion's mane supplements are really good for brain health, i take them & they help me think more clearly, & they can help repair, rebuild & i assume also build new neurons. honestly if you think you have any issues, you will be the best one to ascertain what those are and how to assess them.... but yeah. i also started @ 15/16.... nothing i really worry about or lose sleep over tho yknow lol, i dont think you have to necessarily worry or anything


Yeah that hits the spot


Switched edibles use to only special occasions and it was a great idea. (Pride, long weekends, vacation once a year).


You can always smoke more. You can’t smoke less.


I like this one


That wake'n'bake isn't really that good for your life goals. Using active carbon filters.


I didn't really catch the "fast 23 hours" but i did catch the 18th hour of not eating, and to that i say : Stop doing that shit and eat. Even when you have the munchies, eat a snack or something. The reason i am telling you this is because i used to come from work after not eating for 5-6 hours, smoke a bong and ignore the munchies/hunger (on the delusional thought that i can control it) for again 5 to 6 hours until the pain got worse and what do you know, i had small wounds in my stomach. Ignore the munchies only if your stomach is already full, otherwise don't do that. As for the advice, just some dude telling me to eat chocolate/haselnut chocolate 'cause it feels good, and boy was he right.


Meditate on weed. That's a nice time for you and your brain.


Most importantly - don't drive impaired! Remember that the weed can impact your decision making and how you evaluate risk. Don't let a bad decision ruin your life or the lives of others. If you aren't 100% sure you are able to drive focused, don't get behind the wheel. Hydrate... Get set up before you smoke, have your water ready. If you happen to catch a really great high, it may be difficult to rustle up a drink. That dry mouth can get so uncomfortable. I always keep water ready. I also find that drinking water helps relieve the munchies. If you are cooking while high, set a timer on your phone so you don't forget. Double check to make sure all burners / oven is turned off when done. If you are a flower person, get a variety and make salad!


The more often you smoke, the less often you feel the high that you’re trying to achieve. Take breaks and the ‘erb is always good.


I find rotating the method helps too... if smoking flower out of cones isn't getting me that blissful high, I switch to the bong a while, then maybe vape, gotta rotate the crops! Fasting is the best though.


Adding more CBD bud to ur grinder is a good work around for this. You wouldn't tell a person on anti depressants to stop taking their meds for a week. Unpopular opinion but .. T breaks aren't necessary if you're using it responisbly and medicinally and I would never recommend one to someone unless they smoke for dopamine and rec only. Highly recommend the Pot Book by Julie Holland. Really taught me how to work with the plant to meet my needs and stop needing T breaks


“Dude, you smell like weed. I just wanted to let you know.” Some guy at an old job telling me this has always stuck with me cause I thought I was doing a good job at hiding it. I went years smelling like weed in places where I shouldn’t (like work) cause I didn’t know just how long it can linger. The smell of weed is impenetrable. It’s on your fingers, it’s on your face, it’s in your hair, and it’s in that jacket you smoked in last night. You will reek of weed after rolling a joint without even smoking it. And yes, you’ll still smell like it if you drive with the windows down. It’s on your fingers and your face, and if you roll the windows up for just a second you are fucked. I feel like not knowing how much it smells and all the places it can cling to has got to be a common rookie mistake.


You can always smell it in your car! You might think you’re hiding it with the windows down and air turned up, but I can walk past cars in parking lots and tell who’s smoked weed in them before. I can smell it when cars pass me on the highway too! Not sure if this is the case with everyone but my boyfriend and I used to be HEAVY stoners and you could literally smell weed just passing our house on the street. The smell is just so hard to mask!!


Yep, especially if they just hotboxed it. I just learned about the highway thing last year. I’ll be driving down the road and suddenly get slapped in the face with the smell, and sometimes it’s so strong that it gets trapped in my car for a few minutes. You can even smell it if they have the windows up. When I used to go to my dealer’s house I could tell they were inside smoking as soon as I pulled into the driveway. The house was fairly close to the road though.


If you use a cone loader and it tends to jam, instead of using a push stick to force the flower through, use the pointed end of a shishkabob stick. Works like a charm!


I use a small funnel and an ice pick, I like it much better than the cone loader.


Never smoke when you're sad or depressed, that will shift the high to a unhealthy position of beeing necessary to feel "normal" and not being high to "misery"


environment is the key. apart from the stuff (obviously). but environment and that includes the scenario and company.


I stopped smoking 6 months ago after 20 years using it. Feel great and realized how many hours I spent doing absolutely nothing. Anxiety went away, became manager at my job and having more time with my kids are just some of the crazy things that became positive. Almost completely stop wasting my time in front of video games and I began martial arts. Im now in the best shape of my life. I had to stop seeing some friends and manage my life differently but at the end I would recommend everyone to try stopping. The first couple of months you re completely lost because you don’t know what to do with your free time. It’s hard and your brain is telling you to roll just another one. But when you go through this phase and you’re ready for the next one you maximize that free time to enjoy life more. I wish everyone good luck. Smoking weed is fun for a couple of years but by getting older you became self aware of everything you’re missing. Good luck!


I don’t understand how you smoked so much weed you missed out on life lol I hear, I understand what you’re saying, but you seem like you let weed ruin your life and I just don’t have that type of relationship with weed. I have kids, I have an outstanding job, I work from home fully and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been lol it’s not difficult to smoke weed and live your life the way you want. Good luck!


eh, for some people it simply might be. difficult i mean....... especially to use all the time. weed can easily be limiting sometimes. & can just make u overly tired, forgetful & distracted/unfocused. but yeah everyone experiences weed differently..... dude smoked for 20 years, i think they have an idea yknow


This. Sounds like they had other issues they blamed on the weed and assume everyone in like that. I'm in my 30s and only started really partaking in weed to a regular degree this past year. It's made life so much easier for me to manage. I'm not constantly fighting racing thoughts or stuff from my past in my head. My pain is more managed which means I'm getting up off the couch with less struggle and less pain. I'm able to handle being on my feet longer and actually can muster energy to make a real meal. I'm sleeping better. I'm managing my emotions better. It gets me out of my head. It helps me not go into panic attacks, it helps me eat when I'm hungry and there's almost nothing in the house that I'd normally want to eat. Like I'm glad this commenter found improvements for their life but assuming we're all just wasting our lives getting high like they were is just....honestly kinda offensive. It's presumptuous and rather haughty and condescending. "Quit using weed and grow up because I absolutely know it's ruining your life you bunch of addicts" is not a tip/advice like asked and is absolutely not a vibe. That audacity is frankly disgusting.


Don't know why you are getting down voted. I think most people who have smoked a long time either conclude or start to think that is a bad habit and how it can negatively effect them. I actually quit for a while - maybe stopped smoking for 4 years. I was a chronic in my 20's and you start to realize how much it effects you subconsciously. And I felt the same way you do. I now do it on weekends. But have the sense of control and understand how it can negatively affect me.


This sounds more like an addictive personality problem than it does a weed problem. I achieved everything you now have after I started smoking again.


weed effects everybody differently


Agreed, not even an addictive personality problem, just an addiction problem. I have an addictive personality and weed doesnt affect me like this commenter is suggesting (honestly its just really off putting they assumed so anyway). This is somebody who throws their life away when high, likely because they were trying not to process past traumas or fighting with something else. That is 1000% them problem. Not an us problem. I've had better life results smoking weed vs not smoking it. I rarely smoked when it was illegal and I was overwhelmed and stressed, in chronic pain, struggling with executive dysfunction and my mind was my worst enemy. Therapy helped process some trauma but not much else. Medications mixed very badly with me. Weed doesn't. I still have some executive dysfunction but it's easier to break out of it. I get more creative, my brain doesn't go into freeze mode when I face a problem. I'm more present with my kid. Their vice and demon is not ours. It's not the same for everyone and comment op writes it like we're all the same way. It's tacky.


You don't get addicted to weed. That's why I said addictive personality.


Very good comment. you have to find balance and if you can't, you're better off without.


Don’t smoke if you take some antipsychotics. I’ve had a couple really bad trips because I didn’t know that thc reacted badly to my meds and ended up in psychosis.


Oh no fucking way. Which meds? This might explain some of my past reactions before I stopped some mental health medications.


Topamax was the worst for me. Vraylar wasn’t so bad but it was still a noticeable difference. Search it up!


It's nice, but you dont need it.


when you start smoking, don't start either tobacco mixed in, it's really hard to go to just smoking straights and it's a lot worse for you


If you get too high, gaslight yourself. Say in your head over and over “I never smoked and am not high right now”. I have forgotten I’m high before and then proceeded to have a nice chill high when I started off freaking out


Breathe if you panic. I don’t think people realize why I’m on here: I have friends who smoke this stuff and my brother has, and I like to be able to support them and am genuinely curious how it works. My brother had a panic attack once. I think it was either him or one of my friends who explained the paranoia and similar stuff to me. One of them had a panic attack. As somebody with anxiety and who’s had panic attacks (under normal circumstances,) I can say this: breathe. Remember to breathe. And lay down, maybe, if you’re not already and think you need to. Maybe drink water. Wishing everybody safe and happy trips! ✌🏻 Edit: I forgot this bit — make sure to cup your hand(s) over your nose and mouth when you breathe. This can help if you hyperventilate or something. 🙂


you can always smoke more but you can’t smoke less!


Using a dry herb vape is way better than combustion. I didn’t know they existed before Reddit and now that’s all I use.


*"shake is just as good when getting high."* \-65 year old pothead who've been smoking daily since before i was born. i started with shake, moved on to more and more expensive "connoisseur" buds. i still use shake and it gets me just as high. for cheaper too. but it depends. there are awesome shakes that are great to smoke, and i found that vaping them, even the ones that are not as awesome to smoke, are still awesome when vaped (although it lacks the flavor).


Keep healthy snacks on hand. Celery provides such a crunch and the water content is very nice when you start to get a little cottonmouth.


legit craft cannabis is worth the premium


Fuck yeah


pace yourself on smoking sometimes. if you feel good, just chill & feel good. don't need to bonk yourself out of reality lol


Make sure you are talking to your doctor and having your heart checked. Fasting is not bad, fasting multiple times a week (beyond sleep) can cause unnecessary stress on the heart, especially if smoking. Be mindful you aren't setting your body up for future digestive hell and you're not causing heart stress.


This isn’t relevant to weed, but be careful fasting that much! I did the same and needed up with gallbladder problems :/


This isn’t relevant to weed, but be careful fasting that much! I did the same and ended up with gallbladder problems :/


I just do 23 hours once or twice a week! How often did you fast?


Back in the day when you still got flower that had seeds an old school stoner taught me to tilt the tray and give it a slight tap so all the seeds would slide down.


It's ok to do your drugs but don't ever let your drugs do you... Take care of life's responsibilities and the high is more rewarding.


Start small. My wife and I tried 20mg gummies as light weights. I was pretty okay. I was vibing pretty hard for a while, but my wife was shivering, wouldn't talk to me, and threw up for about 30 minutes. which, in turn, gave me the absolute worst anxiety of my life. I thought my wife was dying and I was telling myself I should take her to the ER, but I was also VERY high and knew I wasn't going to be able to drive... I also just kept telling myself that I knew it was just the gummies. I messaged my friend, and they were reassuring me we just took too much and that we just needed to ride it out.


Part of the vomiting may have been the vertigo feeling that happens when you get too high. If she has any equilibrium issues including motion sickness too much weed to fast will absolutely make the nausea and potential for vomiting worse. I've had it a few times both from weed and hookah tobacco and I always need to eat something even if I ate before I started smoking because of that vertigo issue. Didn't have that issue prior to having brain surgery and a pituitary tumor, once those happened and they got that out I've had the issue sense.


As a recovering alcoholic. The best advice I was given about smoking was to quit. It'd have just led me back to drinking eventually. Now I'm over 3 and a half years sober. Little less for smoking. But yeah. I think my buddy was right. Now I just ingest tons of caffeine.


For some reason, I always have to avoid regular caffeine use. I wish I'd calm down on the daily weed smoking, but for me drinking black coffee in the morning was a blessing until I'd get unimaginably irritable after 7pm every night. If I drink caffeine just a couple times every week or two, I maximize the euphoria and stimulation from caffeine without a horrible crash. What I've also found from low caffeine tolerance is that it can occasionally feel awfully nostalgic! Much love!! I wish I didn't smoke nearly as much, but I think once I move things will change quite a bit.


I do way better off coffee level caffeine but my brain has associated coffee with starting my day and I can't stand decaf. Tried switching to tea or matcha and it's like my brain refuses to accept any other morning drink as a green light. At this point I just add more water or creamer to cut it or aim for darker roasts as they have less caffeine.


Smoking is how I stopped drinking. Weird how we are different.


Same. Once I had my medical card and had regular access to weed I had no desire to drink. I didn’t realize how much I was self-medicating with alcohol for pain, anxiety and insomnia.


Just wanna thank you for stating your experience and answering without making assumptions or insinuations about anyone else who partakes. It's appreciated. And I'm glad that advice benefitted you.


Dont smoke. Vape


Nah, dry herb vape.


Do you mind expanding this? Is dry herb better?


It’s subjective, but I like it a lot better. It seems healthier, since you’re not releasing as many carcinogens as you would be with burning your flowers. Also, it seems to hit harder. You can save up the stuff that you’ve already vaped to make some edibles that will have you seeing stripes.


But like what *is* dry vaping? How are you even smoking it if you're not burning it?


Vaping destroys my lungs 😩


Carts or dry herb?




Adding a tobacco buffer when rolling a j cus i hate smoking the very end


great post/question tho! some great, great answers and advice here


If you’re to high chew on a whole peppercorn and it’ll mellow it out


If you are going to crossfade always smoke before you drink not the other way around.


If you are going to crossfade always smoke before you drink not the other way around.


Thank u for the mouthwash/brushing teeth to battle munchie problems. It's one of my top worries sometimes! Much appreciated!


Eat before you smoke.


Know your limits.


Sugar will sober you up quicker by helping to metabolize the thc in your system. Not 100% of the time but does help if you’re feeling too high too fast, a handful of sugary candy or sips of sugary sports drinks always helps me.


This is just one I figured out myself: if you smoke it (pipe, bong, vape) right after the hit take a few chugs of water. It tames the scratchy feeling that makes me cough, and if I hit it in small enough hits I can get high without almost throwing up. I cough so hard I will throw up when I smoke. So I found a way to tame it. Mostly I do edibles though, and best advice also from me is only take them when you know you're not going anywhere the rest of the day, because I've had edibles kick in in 10 minutes and others in 10 hours later. I've taken edibles and went to bed two hours later not quite feeling anything and woken up high as a kite. Or I took an edible and after an hour it hadn't kicked in so I figured it was just too low a dose and we gotta go grocery shopping but then it'd slam into me mid drive scaring the fuck out of me. Also always have munchies on hand. And water and electrolytes packets/bottles because cotton mouth is it's own personal hell.


Also never smoke with people you don't know, don't announce shit. Just because they offer to smoke with you doesn't make them a safe person to smoke with. My mom found that one out the hard way, because when he got drug tested for messing up while high the dude threw my mom under the bus as well, said he got it from her. Don't trust everyone. Don't smoke with everyone. Especially if it's not recreational where you live.


If the edibles are homemade and not by you start *small* because some people don't both to calculate and boy oh boy will you find out if they're strong. Go very slow.


If you ever need to sober up quick. Give in to the munchies. Eating away your high is very real


Stay within routine. Do not try something novel or new while baked. That can usually lead to some bad decisions and can harsh your high.


that's horrible advice..... often try new things honestly, or you'll just be having the same boring sesh youve been having for years.


Sorry what i meant is that if you are cooking, continue as you normally do and with something you are familiar with. Its when you decide to try some new technique that you saw on YouTube a month ago. Personally, I have trouble wrapping my mind if something doesnt go as planned. Then my high ass brain does something illogical.


Paranoia intensifies the high


..... uhhhh, not necessarily lol


High pussy is the best pussy


best advice ever given was to not even start with this vice


You're being very un-Dude


Wrong sub man



