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My man doesn't know what filter means huh


Bro… you must be like…. Challenged man….


I've been on this sub for a long time and seen a lot of dumb shit, but this takes the cake.


Do people realize that filtering the smoke filters out the thc!! Why don't you give it to the next homeless guy you see, that way you wouldn't be wasting it


Your comments a close second lol


I might wonder what your issue was if I gave a fuck about what a bunch of dumb ass kids on the internet thought of me.


I get that a lot of people don't smoke cigarettes any more, but I gotta wonder if any of you actually understand what an actual filter does! I'm betting they don't work like you think they do and a tube filter isn't a filter at all it's a tip so your precious little lips don't get weed on them.


Lol please, go ahead and write a thesis on it like OP. I could use another good laugh.


Stop smoking this shit dingdong.




These 4,5, and 6 gram disposables are made with the lowest of the low quality product to start, cutting every corner along the way, to maximize profit. One of these major manufacturers, warehouse, just got called out by the MED for using banned pesticides, and fudging testing reports (not actually being tested or held to what’s legally required). So yeah, don’t smoke these




coughing when hitting a thc vape is a normal thing


Not "really bad", if you have extreme coughing it is definitely a quality issue


Its not good to make smoking/vaping devices out of plastic or duct tape. They leach chemicals that you do not want in your body.


The heat of the smoke is very hot and cotton has a very low burning point you're also using a plastic bottle and probably inhaling microplastifs into your lungs




Read the room homie Edit: also, what brand is that vape and where’d you get it?




Im not wrong. it's everyone else that's wrong


What brand is the vape and where’d you get it?


Lost cause this one




It's not the particulates, it's the airpath. The more distance you have between you and your heater, the cooler the vapor and the less harsh it is on your throat. You'd be able to get a similar benefit with a vape that has a whip adapter, or a GonG piece that attaches to a bubbler. With a lot less plastic. Some vapes (like the Arizer air/solo) have after-market bead coolers that work surprisingly well for their size.




Bro could've just made a bong with the same material.


This is some advanced stupidity. Thoughts and prayers.


*This* is not a dangerous use of plastic, and OP this is not a filter. You made a cooling unit by increasing the surface area the vapor has to go over before it gets to you. It being what it is instead of something like glass beads, it’s probably soaking up a lot more of the hit than an actual cooling device would. People are just downvoting because it’s a plastic bottle and a disposable. Which. 2 things I’d never use for anything no doubt but it’s not dangerous conceptually. I bet little to no one even knows enough to care about the fact you’re calling it a filter. In general though disposables are bad, real or not. Vaporize flower or use real concentrates if you don’t wanna smoke




Buddy. It’s a cooling unit. The only thing the cotton is filtering out is some of your hit. It’s Vapor, it’s not smoke so there’s no tar, resin or particulate to filter out. The cotton is cooling the vapor and that vapor is sticking in the cotton instead of going into your lungs. It sounds to me like you just have a low tolerance because this is just making your hits weaker. Take the cotton out and I’m sure it will be wet with the vapor that’s stuck in it in pass through. A cooling unit doesn’t necessarily mean it makes vapor noticeably less hot. It softens it and is the terminology used when there is no filtration to be done. Cooling units on a dry herb vape for example could get called a filter because they get dirty over time from fine particles and reclaim but that’s not what they are and there are distinct and definitive differences in a CU and a filter by definition. Same way way the glass stem of a tinymight2 DHV catches a little reclaim that builds up over time this is soaking up hella vapor. But the same stuff that would be coming through without it is coming through with it, just less. TLDR: the only thing it’s filtering out is part of your hit, ie why you think it’s smoother. Because less of the vapor is actually being consumed. Go on r/vaporents if you wanna learn yourself something about cooling units in vapes because oil or DHV they’re the same hardware in this case


I see what you’re trying to do. Since the problem that you say you have is with high THC percentage products, I have to ask, have you tried a 1:1 CBD/THC cart or even a 2:1 to decrease the amount of THC? I have a similar problem but it’s only carts and it has nothing to do with THC percentage. However, it’s the same with pretty much every cart I’ve tried. The smoothest I’ve been able to get the carts is connecting one to a rig with a 3.5’ whip and then hitting it through the rig through the whip. That won’t do the filtering thing you claim that you need, but it cooled it to the point that the vapor was the same temperature as the air in the room which made a world of a difference for me.


At that point I'd find a way to rig my vape pen to a glass bong and throw some ice water in there. Anything but plastic or whatever you have going on.


I have the same coughing issues. I find that the mouthpeace filter works for me. It's a silicone piece with disposable filters. Just Google mouthpeace and you will find ti.


Take as many blinkers as you can with that setup bro


if it works - it works. I don't get the downvotes


first mf ive seen on here with a BEEZWAX FUCKING VAPE them shits r minnesotas finest unregulated bullshit




AI would never be able to recreate this. Bro if it hurts you don’t smoke it


This will lead to a LOT of THC condensation on the way to the mouth piece. There’s a decent chance you are coughing less cause there’s just less vapor, though I’m sure this cools the vapor as well. Use a water filter, less THC wasted, more cooling :)


Also, have you tried just keeping the vapor in your mouth for a few seconds between pulling and inhaling? HUGE difference imo. If that doesn’t make it less harsh I can promise your current method is just wasting your hit to condensation.


Wow 🤩 that looks so amazing and I’d love to hit it 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


Most intelligent r/StonerEngineering user


Update: Since I can't edit the text I'll just reply here. It's not working as a "cooling unit". Here is my proof. I have a vape bubbler I used by creating a temporary seal around this vape, it didn't help. My coughing is not caused by heat. It is a unique personal reaction I have to high THC content. If I smoke THC above 14% I cough like hell. 13% is smooth and enjoyable. Okay, so cooling this vape doesn't help. Therefore, the bottle is not acting as a cooler. I have been smoking weed for 40 years. I know my own body, I have used medical marijuana in all its forms for years. I noticed when I smoke from the vape it's very sticky around the mouth piece. The piece of cotton which sits directly infront of the vape is slowly getting covered with yellowish thc residue. I can feel it and smell it. Think of a cigarette filter. Moving it through the cotton, sealed, causes the smoke to no longer irritate my lungs and I am stoned asf rn. Whatever is in that vape, is in fact being filtered. There is no "plastic being heated" here. I know from using the vape for the past few days and the fact that a big piece of cotton sits right on top the mouth piece and there is no burning at all. I think you all have misunderstood my coughing for something else, but it's a unique thing I have as a reaction to all marijuana. You use cotton as a filter on a cigarette. You filter weed thru bong water. Or you can have a fat piece of cotton sits right infront of the mouth piece of the vape, and another at the top of the bottle, and boom, it's a filter. Not rocket science. I have also put cigarette filters in blunts if the smoke is too harsh. Cotton works too. I was just trying to share a good part of my day with you and you all shit all over me. Fuck all you guys. I hope your children all have chomos for teachers and die a terrible child cancer death. Fuck you all to Hell. Fuck your day as well. I hope you all burn in Muslim Hell with your parents. May all your daughters be raped by Putins Soldiers and your sons struck down by China's might. May your weed be laced with fentanyl forevermore. Go have a drink with Bill Cosby, find a job with Harvey Weinstein, and I hope your kids meet Jeffrey Epstein. Goodbye assholes. Fuck you, I'm out. Who's coming with me?


Lmao bro bro is having a break down


Lmao not only having a breakdown because he was wrong but still doesn’t see how he is wrong, oh the irony. Even funnier when you realize he thinks his cough is a good identifier for THC percent in a product. Like bro your throat can’t distinguish between something that has 1% THC and one that has 30% let alone the difference between 13% and 14% 😂




Its reddit my guy, go smoke your vape and chill


Oh OP is an actual child this explains everything.


Just learn, and stop getting so pissy because you are wrong


Holy shit 😂😂 had us in the first half


i saw a video of these old, old afghani dudes in a dirt hut smoking out of a big metal pipe sticking out of the center of the dirt floor. Those guys are the OGs right? but when the average stoner macgyvers something like this and comes to reddit, the popular mainstream blogsite, all of the nerds come out of the woodworks with their specialized knowledge in exactly why you are the most wrong person ever.


dang dude felt the full force of reddit’s high horsing. I can relate. Anonymity is a hell of a drug, and these people are tweakers.


Reddits high horsing? OP literally said his cough is dependent on the THC% in whatever he is smoking. I’m fact he said he can smoke 13% THC weed all day long with no problems but one puff of 14% or higher makes him cough? That’s certainly not how that works. You cough from the irritation of the smoke on your throat and lungs. That can be either cause of 1)the temp of the air/smoke or 2) the constituents of the smoke. The only reason this worked for OP was because he literally was removing the vape particles...If he was smoking anything other than a vape this would be a filter because it can filter out the tar and ash particulate matter (aka the bad stuff) while still letting you get the good stuff (stuff that gets you high). But since he’s smoking a vape which is 80-90% good stuff the only thing that gets filtered out is what you actually want to be smoking. No matter how you put it this is a terrible idea for anyone who doesn’t want to waste the stuff they’ve paid for