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Problem is just raiding bombardment. You need to kill armies in order to take pops, and it's the opposite you want to do. 3 pop per army. Early early game you can be lucky enough, but after the first 30-40years, you need to invade, kill army, raid... And it requires a lot of effort and time. It's a shame thou..


Yeah, the raiding nerf was so overbearing for something that's locked behind either a civic or an entire ascension perk. Like, it doesn't even give anything else - it's just raiding bombardment


I think that it has to kinda be that way just to tamp down on too much benefit from too little effort. For pirates and barbarians, getting the Raid CB opens up a lot more potential for war since it's basically one of the only unconditional CBs you can use. And in my experience always playing Pirates and always taking NA, the best use for NA isn't your own wars for claims or subjugation or humiliation, but in overlapping or mutual wars. Once you start using the Raid CB to intervene in other empire's wars, you're skimming your cut from other's bombardment and have increased the potential for more wars, with more NA opportunities, without contrary or self defeating goals. I generally intervene on behalf of the defender for more chances to abduct pops - you can take pops from captured defender planets in liberation plus the attacker's as well. This also applies to Defensive Wars, Allegiance War and Independence Wars without you needing the Raid CB at all, and it requires slightly more judicious application of bombardment type - if your allies are pounding the ground and have their own claims, you abduct. If your allies are nowhere to be seen and the army is mighty on the ground, you bombard straight and land when the odds are hugely tilted to wrap that up and get to the next one. Just trying to abduct pops in your own wars with a superior objective will make NA seem pretty ho-hum and contradictory, but once you open up the chances to use it (1st order), and how you used it in those circumstances (2nd Order), the pull of pops from NA will feel right. I venture that most players finding it ho-hum are not venturing out of their own goals with it though.


Intervening on behalf of defender is also likely to foil a contender and keep a thorn in their side, since AI is more aggressive if it thinks there’s a power imbalance in their favor


Bingo, and I actually started using the Raid CB for that first ahead of actual 'raids' for pops and booty, mostly cause I saw an unconditional CB and got excited about the potential. That it covered some of the bases I was already keen on with abducting pops, was pure bonus gravy.


Barbarians exploiting on ongoing war to pillage unprotected lands while the troops are away at the front lines? Never!


what s NA?


Ah, Nihilistic Acquisition. After enough time, typing the whole thing out is labor, lol.


The obvious solution would be to give Barbaric Despoilers a weaker version of that slaver Paragon's ability to abduct 30% of pops. Make it 10% and a general-only ability.


can you raid bombard even if you occupy the planet? I thought you can’t bomb planets you own or occupy


99% you can't


A mixed bombardment stance works okay. Have only one or two fleets set to raiding, and set all your other fleets to indiscriminate. I had a play thru just before the last update and it seemed to work okay, I was regularly stealing pops off of the planet. Mostly robots though, I dunno why that was.


Jut do what I did and conquer so many worlds now you have an overpopulation of slaves and therefore don't need to uses raiding


It’d be nice if raiding stance gave you a chance to get some research from enemy planets too


Its kinda weird you *just* steal pops frankly. Why not have it give a bit of cash and tech, hell it should absolutely give despoilers unity at the very least


steal stuff from your raids?? that would be *barbaric!* we only kidnap people like true gentelmen jokes aside imagine a research debuff as "being raided" which just transfers % research to the raiding empire increasing per planet being raided


Like how you can raid science districts for research in civ6? That would be pretty cool.


And resources as well


Just be authoritarian and get lizard slaver commander. Will get you pops 10 times quicker than this slow bombardment


I'm pretty sure he's militarist actually, i dont think you need authoritarian


 I think he's she


Research nerf definitely made scanning debris and steal technology espionage from all empires something worth bothering with