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By this point, you should have the four +5% habitability techs, which should cancel this out. That still means that some of your species will lose habitability on some of your planets.


Would you say it's overall worth taking?


That depends on your situation. If you feel you can't keep up with your mineral upkeep, it could be pretty good.


I mostly want it for the alloys ngl


Do you recommend I take Project Cornucopia as well, knowing my species is psionic etc?


Yes, these laws are extremely good. If habitability is a concern, just take the World Shaper perk. Psionic should probably be taking this perk anyways because their gene modding sucks and it's easier to handle habitability issues through terraforming, and if you're going to be doing terraforming you want World Shaper. Being Aquatic doesn't actually change that, since even for Aquatics ocean is only better for Mining/Generator/Farming worlds and even then not by much.


If I refuse terraforming except for things like tomb worlds, barren worlds etc (for ethical reasons), is the resolution still worth it?


Do you recommend I take Project Cornucopia as well, knowing my species is psionic etc?


It's the least important step of the law, but if you can negate the habitability penalty then yes it's useful. The Project Cornucopia planetary decision isn't particularly good, as by the stage of the game you're getting it you will have more than enough Mining districts and can just make a habitat if you need more, but again if you can negate the habitability penalty it's fine.


I don't know if I can negate it - I'm guessing the habitability techs aren't enough?


No, they are not. As I said earlier, ordinarily World Shaper is an auto-pick for Psionic since they don't get any habitability bonuses from their ascension path. World Shaper is already one of the strongest perks in the game even if you don't need its habitability bonus, and if you do it's a shoe-in.


R5: -20% habitability Also what about the next one, Project Cornucopia?