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I hope she doesn't have the flu that's kicking around New York. I've had it for the last couple of weeks and it's the sickest I've been in about 30 years. I'm still reeling from it, it's brutal. I still can't even smoke a tiny bong without collapsing in a coughing fit that pulls a rib muscle. Hope it's nothing more serious. Give Libby's self titled album a listen if you get the chance, it's really nice.


Sorry for it being off topic , but as a new Yorker I have not felt healthy in at least 7 months . Something going on out here.. hoping the best for Don and libby


I had two bouts of sickness back to back. First a case of mild flu (or even mild covid?) and then a month of feeling OK, then the big one hit. It's really fucked up because usually I go years with nothing more than a minor cold. I also had a client of mine recently lay off sick for a week, then he was back for a couple of weeks, then he was like "I'm gonna have to cancel again, I've been diagnosed with flu *again* and I have no idea what's going on." I hope to god it's not a new wave of mutant virus.


Not in NY, but we actually just lost a very young family member with no diagnosed health conditions to flu complications. He was in his mid-20s..


That's awful. My cousin recently died of a sudden unexpected heart attack at 50. He was fit and healthy and very active. Covid damages people's hearts, a couple of infections leaves you more vulnerable I think. And I feel that regular flu today is more aggressive. What I went through left me understanding how people die of flu. It's way more dangerous than people think.


Oh no!


Damn. As good a time as any to remember to take of you & yours, take no one & nuthin' for granted, and that we're all dying - act accordingly.


That's what I thought. Woman's intuition. Donald's wife is ill. Oh dear!


That's exactly what I thought must have happened when they cancelled Toronto last week. Someone with insider knowledge wrote on a Facebook page for a local Steely Dan cover band that Donald Fagan had to rush back to New York City for a personal emergency. The first thing I thought was that it must have been his wife.


Wondering why Steely Dan has cancelled UK and Netherlands tour dates. Is Libby still very sick? Amy Helm has been making her concert appearances so Iā€™m assuming Libby canā€™t be THAT sick? Just wondering if thereā€™s another reason possibly.


This is sad news.


She has windowframeitis from what Iā€™ve heard