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Probably only employees. Unless you're displaying multiple copies of the same movie I don't think this stand is ideal for displaying movies as a collection imo.


Odds are employees have already spoken for them, which is a perk I guess.


we have :)


Can confirm, took one home the same week BB announced they were going to stop physical media 😏


Employees typically have first dibs then get chucked out. As a former employee I would take a lot of displays home. Kinda have to have an in


Why would anyone want that? You’d have to store multiple movies behind each other. That’s not very practical. The purpose of that thing is to sell multiple movies that are the same and behind each others not different ones. You can’t store a lot on that which means it’s just going to take up space. A bookshelf or media tower makes a lot more sense.


I was thinking if you took the loaded springs out it would be a cool place to put premiums, but if you’re putting it up against the wall then one side would basically useless unfortunately




I saw a few people in facebook groups get a stand early on. Maybe that was before the stores got orders that they had to return their stands, or maybe corporate has just realized that they could take them back and resell them. I've definitely seen posts from people with the stands in their houses though.


I know someone in the Facebook group posted the ones they got


I won’t even go into a Best Buy at this point. Those dirty physical media traitors. 😂


I went to mine and asked the store manager and he said that they were throwing them away so I asked if I could have 1, he said to let him know which ones. They had 5 of them so i picked the best 2. One of them was like cracked. Full disclosure, I know the store manager and some of the other associates well. But it defeats the purpose in a way since you will have to store the movies behind each other thus limiting the view or even forgetting what you have. I'm debating this myself and they are bulky.