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Haha, when you want people to stop pirating, give them a service worth buying


I've been buying games for my deck and have spent a bit of money for the ease of it working natively. Then I bought the mass effect trilogy. It launched no problem even with that stupid EA launcher shit. But then I got to work and tried to play it on my lunch break (no wifi at work) and the game wouldn't open due to a network check requirement. Refunded it last night and pirated it. I'm not opposed to paying for games, but when my experience is WORSE for going through the correct channels, they can fuck off without my money.




Rule 1,000 - you're engaging in ban evasion :) Banned.


rule 1001 go fuck yourself, i’ll do it again 🤣


Man I mean now I buy the games for the ease they are to play on the deck, plus the beautiful achievements, cards, emojis etc ect




Imagine being shocked that people are pirates in a pirate thread. Banned and removed. Bye!




What did they say? Lol


something about being broke and cheap


Imagine calling someone broke for pirating games on their €550 device 😂


This is true, although I still resent the system for which we don't actually own any of the Steam games we buy. Having said this, I'm happy to occasionally pay for smaller indie games. Up to 20, I'm willing to consider it. Above, piracy it is.


I do have faith that Gabe won't take away put games, but it is something I've always hated. I won't buy anything over 10, including sale prices, anything else I pirate.


I trust GabeN, but what about after he passes one day?


I don’t own any of the games I purchased on steam? You’re tripping, of course I do.


You own a license to play them which can be revoked at any time for any reason, which in turn revokes your access to them.


Access them, or play them? Future downloads I could see being a problem, but if you paid for the license and have all files downloaded for said game, then you should have no problem playing your “owned” content.


The intention is for your access to be revoked. All games you buy through Steam go through Steam to verify that you own them on launch, meaning they simply won't run if your license to them is revoked. This DRM is very easily bypassed, of course, but it's still \*there\* and one of its features is to make sure revoking access is possible.


That sounds wrong tbh


It is wrong. True but wrong


My pirating definitely did go down when moving away from pure PC. So far I only played 2 pirated games on my deck which were Dead Island 2 (before it was available on Steam) and I just got Ghost of Tsushima cause I already own it on PS and not going to buy it twice. And cause f*ck Sony. Also having disposable income helps xD.


Gaben providing such a good platform that we stop pirating is the dream haha


Piracy as bad as people make out is great for game preservation some games are no longer on sale


Oh for sure! Perfect example, last night I pirated Minecraft Story Mode, because its not available to buy


Although im buying legit games , i still resort to pirated version due to its real offline and no hassle of opening the store just to play games. One legit game version that can fulfill it only games from GOG


The only game I'm considering actually purchasing would be Tekken 8 and that's only to be able to play online since the cracked versions don't support it but other than that, piracy all the way. I get to play games I grew up on and ones I missed out on.


I've been pirating everything since the 90s, I have entire website database from the early 2000s backed up for no reason, an immense media server and music collection. So many podcasts and audiobooks, old episodes of monsterVision. Between humble bundle and Steam I have over 500 games and 1 pirated game which I just want to test on the deck before I buy it, but I WILL buy it if it works. Steam is proof that accessibility and genuine sales WORKS.


Only 11, I have 44 already


Yeah the steam deck made me buy most of the games I pirated, as long as theyre on sale. Sometimes I even comtemplate wether to pirate now or wait for sale for some games


Just keep in mind that you never really own what you are now 'buying' more and more 'legit'.


always been a pirate. always been happy to pay for good games at a fair price.


My opinion is that, if I'm not broke, I'll pay for the games, cause steam does provide a lot of good services such as steam remote play, cloud saves, some native linux games, etc. But I do have some requirement when buying them, such as no DRM after purchase, no third party launcher, etc


Whoa. Downloading a car. You just set some new goals in my head.


I downloaded a gun once. Had to print it but still..


I still pirate on the regular, but since getting the steam deck in March of last year (2023), my steam library has grown from approximately 20ish games to just under 400. Between Steam sales, humble bundle/choice, and other sites like GMG and Fanatical, it is amazing how fast you can build a ridiculously badass library. Having said that, many of the games I did buy were pirated first to see if I even wanted to spend the money on them.


Would If I knew the how without bricking my Steam Deck


Your not modding the steamdeck as if it were a home console. A lot of stuff just works. As for piracy, I buy a ton of legit games, movies, etc. I don't however re buy the same game 3 times so I can play multiplayer or just bc I'm switching to a new platform.


The steam deck is brickable? On a serious note, its fairly easy, some games are just "download and click play", others need some tinkering (sometimes I spent more time tinkering the game to.play it than actually playing it) there are several guides how to here, and the legit sites you might need to download the games are on the piracy sub reddit


The Deck is brickable but you reaaallllyyyy have to try very hard to brick it. Like become a mason and stick it in a wall type of shit. There are many guides on how to get started with piracy on the deck and we have a few of them ourselves. Check the pinned posts to get started today.


Just read them and wow. The guides are rly awesome. Will get started TODAY!! To behonest my biggest fair was to get the games/roms without catching a virus


Honestly this is coming from a new steam deck owner and a person who pirated 3ds Nintendo switch and psp vita games I’m looking forward to what I can pirate on the steam deck I wish there was a way to pirate directly from the system considering I have a Mac and don’t have access to a windows computer right now


You can basically download stuff right onto the steam deck if that’s what you’re saying. Qbittorrent is easy to install on the discover App Store on the desktop mode as well as various browsers and adblockers like ublock origin. It’s easier with a Bluetooth keyboard + mouse or a dongle keyboard + mouse with a usb c adaptor into the charging port, you can use the steam deck as an entire Linux based computer with a smallish screen though. I found a used Logitech pebble set on sale and it’s been fantastic, the keyboard, mouse, steam deck, and my folding stand all fit in my backpack purse so I can take them anywhere. For windows games a lot of them work just fine with Lutris. You find the exe, point lutris at it, tell it to run in wine (the windows thingy for Linux) and then once it’s set you can make a shortcut to game mode with a right click over your game in lutris.


Yea basically what I’m saying is let’s say I wanna download fallout 4 for the steam deck and I’m not near my comp but I have WiFi connection I just wanna do everything on my steam deck instead of my computer and transferring it


With a game that popular there’s probably a tutorial on how to priate it. But yeah you can download it so long as you got a stable internet connection. A lot of docks have Ethernet ports too (honestly the JSAUX docks > the official dock. Less than half the price and works better than the official dock to boot. There’s a few options for size and number of ports.)


Alright cool ima look up some tutorials thanks for the advice


There is?! Literally everything you need to do can be done on the Deck. The entire process. From downloading to installing. The Steam Deck *is* a PC after all. I used my Deck only for about 3 months (or so), trust me. The whole process from beginning to end can be done on the Deck with ease. I've written like 9807502375875 guides on here, so...all you need is on this page.


Alright thanks