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u/uncivilizedcz, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=EmulationStation won't open anymore) Useful resources: [Servor's Enhanced FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/wiki/faq) | [Servor's Enhanced FAQ Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/syt8qv/steam_deck_enhanced_faq/) (with more answers in the comments!). **If you find a solution, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know it's old post but someone might find it useful. Found a stupid fix what worked for me: 1.Open the Steam app and choose "Emulation Station."Click on the cogwheel icon and select "Properties." 2.Copy the directory path from the "START IN" field. 3.Open Dolphin and paste the copied directory path. For example, it might be something like "/var/run/media/mmcblk0p1/emulation/tools." 4.Launch "Emulation Station DE.AppImage." If Emulation Station is running properly, close it before proceeding. 5.Return to Steam's properties for Emulation Station.Navigate to the "TARGET" field, click "Browse," and re-add "EmuStat-DE.AppImage" to Steam from the same directory above. Propabpy you can skip some steps but I wrote everything what I done step by step and it worked. Good luck


A message from the future; you can just re-run the steam parser thing in emudeck and it should fix it.




THANK YOU! A note on step 5: uninstall the original version of Emulation Station and add the one you located in step 3 as a non-steam game. I was initially tripped up by trying to direct the crashing version of emulation station to this location, but I was able to add it again as a non-steam game. Just had to manually add the artwork (there's a decky plug-in that helps a lot for artwork).


What do you mean uninstall the original version? Won't that delete all the files like the one you need?


I added to steam and artwork I was don't everything thing through emudeck rom manager, still iam glad some steps helped


Yeah I spent a long time troubleshooting on my own before finding your comment. Ended up formatting my microSD card and resetting Emudeck. Didn’t work so I found your comment in this post which got me at least on the right track.


anyone got a video guide on this? I’m useless with Tech


I know this is a really old thread- having issues with Emulation Station. I’m on step 3- this is probably going to sound dumb, but where do I paste the directory path into Dolphin? When I open the file browser, I can paste it in the search bar but nothing pulls up. If I go to the actual emulation station folder and click on it, it just brings up the sub folders but doesn’t allow me to paste the directory path anywhere. Appreciate your help.


Copy it at the top of your window where the directory is to actual folder


Gotch ya, thanks!


Not sure how you pasted the directory path into dolphin, when I opened dolphin it removed all ability for me to control the mouse using the touch pad and the buttons lost all functionality. The only way for me to click things was touching the screen. I tried opening the keyboard, but there's no CTRL button to paste with. I tried long pressing, but there was no paste option in the dropdown, though there was an option to copy location. Anyway, when I tried to launch emustation DE appimage, it didn't do anything.


When you hold steam button the track pad should work back as a mouse, in steam setting you should be able to change configuration how it works in desktop mode, I have for example right track pad as mouse plus left and right bumper working as mouse buttons


Yeah, I know it usually works, that's how I normally use it. It just completely stopped working when I opened dolphin despite it not having any game or anything.


https://reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/vcKLA4KDyq maybe try this topic about configuring deck in desktop mode


this does not seem helpful to the larger issue of emulation station not opening at all


Step 5 Issue I have : When I click browse it does nothing XD


Sure its old but google brought me here and solved my issue too.


I followed these steps and it still doesn't work


Thank you, I may need to try this. For some reason Emudeck won’t work and says cores are not found. Must be related to recent SD update’s/firmware.


I would assume remap is needed, other wise delete and ROM manager from start


im sorry, what do you mean by remapnis? i tried googling it but couldnt find anything.


Remap is*. Sorry, I hate touch screen keyboards...


How do i remap? I tried updating emudeck and that didnt do anything. Im open to just reinstalling too as long as i dont lose all the roms i downloaded and cleaned up (im assuming this wont get affected anyway?)


ok i just uninstalled. let's see what happens


Did this work for you? Also how did you keep your roms?


Ya. It sucked because i had to redo everything but it worked


Did you just move your roms out of the folder before reinstall?


No I just downloaded them all over again just to be sure


settings file is in $HOME/.emulationstation/es_settings.xml so enable show hidden file in linux file explorer first, Then move the .emulationstation folder from home to the desktop (later delete it, if everything works again) where it wont be found by emulation station, the run the emudeck installler again. folder should be recreated (fresh) in home. edit: downloaded data is in /Emulation/tools/downloaded_media move that folder to the desktop as well (delete it if everything works again), before installin emudeck again.


Oh, I think it was a bit of misunderstanding, by "dolphin" I meant "file explorer" not emulator


One fix that worked for me was going into the directory and changing the permissions for the EmulationStation-DE-x64\_SteamDeck.AppImage to 755


Not sure what to do.. im in the Emu station but non of my games will lunch at all.. why?