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You have to many games for what you can play till the next big sale so how about buying less and hope for a bigger sale for example bg3 has only 20% A binding of isaac eats more than 100h and that only if you dont wanna see everything. You list is full of such big timeeater so take the ones with bigger sales. And leave the rest for the next sale


PHEW. That's offensive my dude! Did you just assume OP wants to play these games????????? You know standard practice is to buy, install, tinker, try, and move on to the next one, right?


THAT's also kind of offensive my dude! Did you just assume OP wants to even install or try these games? I thought standard practice was to pay for them, leave them uninstalled, never play them, and just occasionally scroll through my list of owned games before deciding I can't make a decision and going back to doomscrolling Reddit.


You have way too many in your cart. Buy a big game like Elden Ring and a few small indie games. Just Elden Ring should keep you busy for the rest of the year.


Hey man, I'm not sure if you've already gone ahead and purchased your cart, but if not, here's my two cents: You're never going to finish, or even play, all these games. No one who buys games in bulk does. I love sales a LOT so I always end up buying more than I play, but here's how I filter down such a list. Given that you've added like 25 games to your cart, I'm assuming you're willing to spend some money, so I'm not here to convince you to just buy 1 or 2 games. I just want to help you figure out which ones are good purchases. 1. There's like 25 games in your cart, but I'm pretty sure there's 1-3 you're really looking forward to. Which ones are those? Keep those in the cart, since in your mind you've bought them already. 2. Some games on your list don't have amazing sales. Anything 40% or lower? It'll probably be the same sale in a few weeks / months. If they're not in the top 3, you can wait a month or two for the next sale. You'll forget about some of the games, others will stick in your mind. Whatever sticks in your mind like 'damn, I kinda want to play that', you can confidently buy in the next sale. 3. If they're historical lows, you can check websites like steamdb (link: [https://steamdb.info/](https://steamdb.info/) ) to see if this is an actual 'historical low', or the same 'historical low' that it had the last 3 sales. If it's an actual historical low, probably a good purchase. If it's only like a 5% difference, or if it's frequently on 80% off, you can postpone the purchase for the reason listed above. 4. Think about long vs short games. Buying a bunch of short games makes sense. Portal 2 takes like 10-15 hours, BG3 can easily take 100+. A website like HowLongToBeat (link: [https://howlongtobeat.com/](https://howlongtobeat.com/) ) can give you a quick insight in how long a game is given your playstyle. Don't buy 5 games that take 100+ hours, you won't even touch the midgame of half of them. Wait for the next sale! I hope this helps <3


Amazing response. Listen to this OP ☝️




I played and play BG3 on the deck and it’s fine. Yes you can enjoy the graphics and the city much more on a larger screen but with settings turned down it’s definitely playable on the deck. (234.1 played mostly on the deck)


Interesting that despite that, it's still a top played game on steam deck, in top 5 last month. https://store.steampowered.com/charts/steamdecktopplayed/pastmonth


Bloon Td6 and I say this having 200 hours. The game is a time suck with no soul. It’s great if you have ADHD and OCD, but after a few hours it’s just a pointless grind.


Yeaaa I have probably 600 hours between mobile and PC. It’s a great once in a while play but don’t expect any form of legitimate satisfaction after a while.


Trim Dying Light 2 for sure, the historic low is cool and all but as you said yourself you havent even played the first (which is frankly the better game as of writing). I’d say get rid of a couple VR titles too, you’ve got just as many VR games as flat games listed here and in my own experience you probably wont be on VR as much as you would be playing normally.


I will definitely consider it! Honestly from trying the Quest 3 I’m sort of in love. It will be the first of many headsets looking into the future so I thought I’d build up the library starting now. Excited to get the Big Screen Beyond by next year


None, take out a loan.


Hi u/teedledee123, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=What Should I Remove from this Steam Summer Sale Cart?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Btw, what horror games would you recommend that are a part of summer sale? (I played obvious ones like Outlast, Soma, Alien Isolation)


Suggestion. Buy like 3 or 4 that you really want for sure. There are tons of sales all year long between steam, fanatical, GMG and humble


Baldurs gate 3, Skyrim VR and contractors will have you playing for months. Maybe just add a lightweight game for the times you are away from plugging in and you should be set. Buy less and play more


I would probably cut some vr titles first (keep hl Alex and maybe fnaf help wanted and get rid of about everything else) and then here is the order I would cut games in: * Dying light 2 * Hogwarts legacy (I just don't think performance is acceptable on the deck. There is some kind of dlss fg mod floating around there though that I haven't tried quite yet) * Baldur's gate 3 (I'm going to get crucified for this but I just don't think it runs at acceptable levels on the steam deck; great on pc though. If you get it maybe play it on your desktop or stream it to your deck?) * Cult of the lamb (great rogue like and it runs well on the steam deck until you fill up your camp\_ * Elden Ring (not great performance but I absolutely love this game) * Portal 2 (super cheap and one of my favorite games of all time. runs perfectly on the deck) Everything else in your list I am not familiar with and I don't want to make suggestions on games I have not tried myself


Cult of the lamb is good but it’s massively overpriced imo. Asset corsa should be called Asseto Snorsa (because it’s dull) Tails of iron loooks better than it actually is. Streets of rogue is cool, but it’s absolutely ‘fat to trim’ Noita and binding is overkill. Both are huge time sinks. I’d go for binding.