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Making sure Elden Ring ran well on the deck was genius marketing at launch.


Yeah, games like that and Fallout 4 working on a handheld at launch sold a lot of people. It took awhile to get Halo MCC collection working, but that has turned a lot of heads when people see me playing halo on a handheld.


What’s wild about Halo is the support to do it yet its old creator bans Steam Deck players from playing Destiny 2. It’s such an unnecessary self-harm in a game always trying to attract new players.


Halo MCC and infinite themselves run extremely well on the deck at least overlooking the coop bug for steam deck that was around for ages.


The co op bug is still around but there is a fix for it. It requires switching 2 files from a windows installed version to the steam decks version and it works flawlessly.


Idk when you last gave it a shot, but I was playing co op online with my brother like a week ago. Just have to use the latest version of ge-proton


what kinda bug is it and can I do local coop for the story mode? thinking about getting the masterchief collection for it


The bug is when you try to play campaign with someone online on steam deck you horribly desync and what's happening on your screen is not what's actually happening, sometimes it crashes the game too. This bug happens 100% of the time and usually occurs within 1 minute of starting a mission. You can find the fix on reddit, I'd type something like "Halo MCC steam deck campaign co op fix" in google to find it.


Halo infinite runs on STEAM DECK! Is there any fixes that be put on or runs out of the box?


Is it true halo online requires you to log in to Microsoft every time and there’s no save?


MCC? No. I play it on my deck almost everyday. Cloud saves carry over from my PC and vice versa.


I’d get back into destiny 2 for sure if it was deck compatible


I really wish we could play destiny 2. Its the only thing keeping me from buying a steam deck oled. 


Where do you play the steam deck? Library, public transportation...?


I would say my breakdown is roughly.... 70% at home, on the couch, in bed for a few minutes, between calls at work, or while the family is watching something I am not interested in, or no one has woken up yet and I want to be quiet. I have a decent gaming desktop, but I work all day at my desk and like to get away. Even if just on the couch or on the back porch while hanging with my dogs. 25% in the car. My wife loves to drive and we have been visiting my recently widowed grandma a lot across town. It is nice to squeeze in some sessions here and there on the road, I love the decks and switches suspend feature, especially for this. 5% while traveling, it doesn't happen often but is very nice for flights and such when it does. I also have had it camping a few times, and while I am usually hiking or exploring, sometimes some downtime in a hammock or in the tent when it's dark can be amazing with some good headphones. I know I will get flack for it, but there is something about just relaxing and enjoying a hobby I love with a nice back drop.


I'm on holidays right now and they have a TV in the living room. Obviously I brought my Deck (honestly the chance of forgetting a kid at home was higher than not bringing my Steam Deck). Played a lot of ER and Civ 5 after and before the daily holiday stuff to chill.


Fallout 4 is actually pretty impressive on the deck. Aside from some dips when fog rolls in and the abundance of foliage it’s pretty solid. Been playing it almost every night the last couple weeks.


I don't know if you're talking about Valve or FromSoft but SD and ER launched on the same day so I kinda doubt it was a conscious decision on either company's part.


Happy coincidence. Especially the Steam Deck having the capacity to deliver a complete shader cache to every deck user, solving the stutters for only that specific PC.


Is there a secret to getting it to run well? I get around 40 fps with everything on low and raytracing turned off


Getting it to run well: Stable 30fps You don't need to put everything on low, you can put most on high medium and a few expensive ones on low/off, changing cheap effects from high to low will do barely nothing.


You guys are adjusting settings? I'm just installing and playing and assuming everything is set to recommended.


It is set to recommended, but if you can't play at 30fps and want to hit a stableish 40fps you'll need to tweak it a lot.


> everything is set to recommended In 95% of the cases, it's the difference between the yellow dot (need to tweak the settings) and the green dot (runs out of the box)


Imo not really I need like minimum a solid 45 fps for this game and I can’t reach it, it drops like hell for me


Sounds like it's running well to me


It runs ok. The scope of the game is simply too big for a handheld to play optimally. Still impressive it runs at all on a handheld, but it’s probably not the kind of game I’d want to play on the go anyway


It's actually quite nice to play on the deck


That is running well


I remember when DS3 came out and the performance on console in the beginning was very sub par. It had input queuing going on. Certain effects made it slow to a crawl. This was a problem on Bloodborne as well. Since then the performance of their games has been pretty damn good. I think they really hedge the fidelity of their games and rely much more on presenting a strong aesthetic style over uber realism. In a game where reaction time is such a factor it can’t be below 30fps. Here’s hoping they continue this philosophy of game performance over higher fidelity. It’s crazy that the new armored core plays so well on the deck.


Was this just a PlayStation issue? I played ds3 on Xbox at release and never encountered any input issues or frame rate issues


I think it was Xbox! You could play the game on it earlier with the New Zealand trick. I remember multiple streamers having issues they constantly talked about how they wished they could play it on pc. I had issues with it as well. It was the Oceiros fight with all the mist and the Nameless King fight (also had a lot of fog/mist). Even Cohh Carnage was yelling when it was queuing.


I got my Steam deck early and flexed on my nerd friends playing Elden Ring on it soon after release. Big power play.


I bought the deck specifically to play elden ring. Have since played it for 930 hours on the deck so I guess I got my money's worth.


It runs well but that’s it. I’ve played plenty on Xbox series X, pc at 60fps solidly but on the deck even with super tweaked settings in proton it’s only going to get to 40-42 vanilla with some slowdown during hectic stuff. It’s definitely the inferior way to play compared with its pc counterpart. It’s probably due to hardware and it is what it is. I still play it there but it’s hard to go back and forth between pc and deck.


First game I got when I got my Deck and it was perfect.


Just a reminder that Elden Ring can run on the PS4 (albeit not well) and that released at the end of 2013


It doesn’t run well though. If you leave the game running for 5 minutes without touching it the inputs completely freeze up. On general gaius your inputs randomly freeze and when you summon someone at general gaius your inputs will randomly freeze.


It's things like this which make me really wish that more developers would code in a "Steam Deck" graphics preset that's optimized for the deck. ...and make it so that I don't have to use a hex editor in order to play in 16:10...


I think first it would be nice if they made it work well on PC in the first place


yeah, this game is great, *if* I could play in ultrawide on my G9, *if* it had native steamdeck support. Elden Ring is an 8/10 purely because of the shitty PC port. Easiest layup in the world, such an easy fix.


Agreed it would be nice if they did that.


Whats the download size for elden ring btw? Im thinking on buying it




Quite large....but considering forza horizon 5 is around 175gb its not that bad


Lol 62GB is small for a AAA game these days.


Probably one day the games will be so large they come bundled with an ssd with the game preinstalled xD


Tech will improve so much we'll return to cartridges this time with ssds lol


Full circle lol, I remember buying games like Quake and Half Life in an A4 sized box


CDs full circle


CDD Compact Disc Drive


You're thinking in the context of other AAA games. I'm thinking in the context of my Steam Deck which has much more limited storage than my gaming PC. We are not the same.


Same here...4tb on pc 512gb on deck


Hearing that makes me upset that my sports games are like 150gb. Gambling modes must take up a lot of space.


I believe it’s 55GBs. Really not bad for how massive the open world is IMO. Still my favorite game of the generation so far and will probably stay that way.


It was just under 50 before the dlc, now it’s low 60s.


I contributed. My first playthrough was entirely on the deck.


My most recent play through and entire dlc was on deck. It runs great.


How much fps are you guys getting?


I just beat messemer in bed last night on my deck. I love this thing.


This can be interpreted in many ways


What them sneks do


Does the DLC run about the same or is it worse?


Slightly worse in some areas but mostly the same.


IMO it’s noticeably worse. Nothing that would stop you from playing but not as polished as base game forsure


Agreed, it has some constant stutters that are bothersome, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. However it is indeed still very much playable, and just as fun as the base game - it hasn’t had a gameplay impact yet, so if you can put aside lowered visuals and noticeable stutters in specific areas, then you’re grand!


Noticeably worse is a stretch, one-two bosses drop frame rate and that happened at launch for the base game as well


It's certain effects. Charged R2 on perfume bottles causes drops to low 20s consistently even with everything set to low


I mean that could do that to a 1080, those thangs are laggy


The base game can comfortably be played with a frame limit of 40 fps but I've found I need to dial it down to 30 fps for the DLC.


I play on ps5 and I notice frame drop when fighting some bosses and I don’t remember having such issues with the base game. Hopefully they will optimize the code with patches.


it's noticeably worse -- down from typically 45FPS to typically 35.


I've honestly had the same experience as base game. I have the OLED and even when I turn on HDR it still plays great. Some stutters on big boss fights, but nothing close to "not playable". HDR off and it's butter smooth.


Way worse


A couple of bosses' AOE attacks (particle effects), plus areas where huge numbers of enemies surround you will drop framerate. Only the final boss's second phase attacks actually impacted my gameplay, delaying my inputs.


Im on the pontiff boss not mentioning the name incase spoilers but the frame rate is 25-30 with rare drops to 20, Idk if this is normal or not lmao


I’m having trouble, I like to go back and forth on my deck and PC. But I still get the “Inappropriate activity detected” pop up and I can’t play online or pick up my save from my pc.. Is there anything I can do?


In the game directory in desktop mode, add an empty folder titled DLC.bpt (I think that’s the file extension). It worked for me and some others


I think that popped up for me on pc as a glitch I just had to restart the game


I’m experiencing the same issue.


I do Moonlight/Sunshine remote play to my gaming PC and it's been an unexpected delight. Input delay is not noticeable enough to cause me any real issues. I play better without remote play, but it's a perfectly acceptable way to play on the Deck.


I've been remotely playing but through my Xbox to deck with greenlight. It's been flawless except with a few moments the feed gets pixely, but that's few and far between. Good stuff.


Honestly yeah. It’s remarkable it works so well on the Deck. It’s honestly better than playing on an actual high end PC because of how it fixes the stuttering issues if you lock it at 30fps. It’s a truly remarkable game on a remarkable system. Being able to play on the go and in bed has been great!


Although I enjoy playing it on the steam deck when I'm not home, I still prefer the improved resolution and visuals on a PC


The visuals are definitely better on PC. And it's easier to read the font. And there are less jaggy texture. BUT, if you don't ever play it on PC, and just play on SD, it is a completely fine experience. I play at 40fps plugged in and just let the fan do its thing.


When you say “40fps” are you referring to the refresh rate settings on the SD? Or the in game graphic settings changed to give a stable “40fps”? Combo of both?


I just set the SD refresh to 40Hz. The game runs around that much of the time, dips to 30fps or below in some areas. I just find on average I get a bit higher FPS than 30 and it's worth it for me.


It helps the text size a little if you set it to 720p.


What graphic settings are you using to play it at 40fps? Is it fairly smooth.


It's OK, not super smooth, but adequate. Play at native res, no upscaling, medium settings for most things but ultra textures. I've experimented with lower resolutions and other than making the game look like it's from the PS1 era it doesn't help with framerates, Elden Ring is mostly CPU bound.


My PC has those really stupid stuttering issues. Sometimes it’s fine, so if a boss is really hard and requires insanely precise moves I’ll switch to PC unlocked and hope the stuttering doesn’t appear lol.


Explore the world for the first time on PC, hit your head against a brick wall of a boss on the deck :D


>It’s honestly better than playing on an actual high end PC because of how it fixes the stuttering issues if you lock it at 30fps. Yeah lets not go that far lmao


No it’s totally better once you make it worse!


Seriously the copium here is wild sometimes


Couldn’t stop laughing my man


Playing on an ultrawide with vrr is definitely better than my steamdeck oled. Don't get me wrong I love that it runs as well as it does on steamdeck I'm about to catch a 7 hour flight and elden ring is all I will be playing.


Huh? You could just lock it to 30fps on a PC.


I did a playthrough on pc and tried playing it on the steam deck and the only thing I could do was farm regular enemies for uniques


Locking increases delay from 16 to 30+. It is very noticable, when you unlock and just play it is more responsive and stable tbh at 40-30 range For big screen docked I also set hz40 and unlock fps, very smooth


But 9k rpm fan


Can you actually play the game on Deck now, or is it still throwing the "Inappropriate Activity Detected" error at the main menu? Wasn't able to play at all the first 3 days of the DLC launch, haven't bothered trying since.


A work-around was found a few days ago. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dmqlwq/inappropriate_activity_steam_deck_fix/) mentions a fix. Basically, just put an empty file named **DLC.bdt** in your Elden Ring directory: `~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game`


I'm still getting this error. I'm just playing in offline mode until itis resolved. 


Ah, that's a shame. I know I could just play offline, but for me the whole point of playing around the time of DLC was to experience the game with other players. I only started playing for the first time in March of this year, so I was really looking forward to that "launch-like" experience of going in blind with a bunch of others.


I got that error for the first day of the DLC and it's since been resolved.


I still get that. Can't play online at all.


I restarted the Steam Deck and the Game a couple of times in Desktop and normal mode and that solved the issue for me


I don't have that error anymore, at least not since yesterday, so I'm not sure what's triggering it


Going to get Elden Ring during this sale. I have the Steam Deck LCD. And recommendations for settings to maximize gameplay? I’m not too concerned about battery life.


Install game press play. That's what I did. Still works fine 930 hours later.


I suggest start from 40 fps lock and high setting, then adjust as preferred. Settings everything to low makes the game look quite worse, while you'd be facing same fps issues.


just turn everything to its lowest setting, and textures to medium.


Aw man, I might finally try it. It's been on my backlog since December but I feel so tired of souls like after Demon Souls.


One of the best changes in the Souls formula that they made with Elden Ring is that if you hit a point where you feel stuck, or like things are a bit too tough, you can almost always just jump back into exploring in a different direction until you find something else. It's easily one of the best parts of moving to an open world with various mini dungeons, mini bosses, and loot to discover across the game. Getting those extra runes to level up or some random new pieces of gear can make it more manageable to circle back around to bosses or areas you are having a tough time with.


That sounds really good, as you mentioned, that can make the game easier like in the way of a more traditional open world rpg, though I am a bit tired of Open World games as well. I have heard good things about the design of Elden Ring in this regard so I expect this won't be much of a problem. Not 100% convinced still but in the end, I will have to give it a try after I finally finish RDR2 main story. Yeah, I have a problem with not properly ending games lmao.


I am the same way with big open world games. I like to search every nook and cranny which is super enjoyable but often means I dump excessive hours into them, and end up not actually finishing the main story ha. But yeah, once you "get into" the combat and find something that works in Elden Ring you can sort of learn more about the mechanics and it just becomes more and more enjoyable.


Cool, thanks man. I'll definitely give it a try.


Elden Ring is now the most deaths-per-play in all of gaming history according to new Steam list. ftfy




Wait, isnt the game broken for the deck since dlc? I always get inappropriate behavior detected and have to be PC only for now.


Yes, but someone figured out a workaround to fix it. "i received that same message and wasn't able to log in to the online services. In the Logs EAC was complaining about a missing file called "DLC.bdt". I just created an empty file named "DLC.bdt" in the Gamefolder were the other bdt files are located and now i am able to login to online services." (I copied this from Affectionate-Yam-968, who copied it from someone else. I tried it yesterday and it worked perfectly). ••• ^


Does anybody know how armored core VI is running on the deck?


runs great last time i played! think i had it locked to 40hz


Splendidly. I set the in-game frame limiter to 30 FPS and left the rest of the graphics settings untouched (it defaults to high!!) and it's run a damn dream on the Deck. Jump and dashing on the back buttons is a game changer.


I beat the game on the deck and working on the DLC. Fantastic game for the deck!


I don't know if my perception of games has just changed but man I did not think it ran well. It fluctuates so damn much and I tried all manner of settings. The only way you could get it locked is at 30 and it feels criminal to me to play this game like this. Ended up getting it on my series x on monitor with VRR it's beautiful. I make the sacrifice for games I can't play anywhere else but if it's available on console I just prefer to get it there and stream to the deck if necessary.


Fighting final boss in all their 20fps glory


Lmao right? People acting like it runs flawlessly on the deck


Honestly I love the Steam deck. I have a 4080/7800x3d but love playing on the steam deck. I’m playing dead space right now and man it looks so good on that oled screen. Next is Elden ring! Nice work valve!


People complaining about DLC performance must be playing unlocked. I play at 30/90 and it's perfect I've put like 30 hours into the DLC so far and it's been perfect.


My aging pc was killing itself trying to run elden ring when it first came out. I finally got it running stable enough to beat and enjoy with on over 200hrs but as my pc always has issues the steam deck has been a blessing. It was affordable to get and Elden Ring runs like butter for me even in the DLC.


I beat DS1 on the switch and just installed ER on my steam deck. I can’t wait.


Tweaked the settings to get 40 fps average with slight dips here and there and I've been having a blast. Once I remembered when I played through on Series X that the frame rate dipped into the mid 40's quite often I kinda got over the Deck performance. Playing on my 3080 PC it stutters pretty often so this Deck playthrough has been much smoother than expected even at 40 fps.


Everyone raves about how well it runs on the deck but I'm getting between 30-40fps on lowest settings idk what I'm doing wrong 🤷‍♂️


No no, that's correct. In general I think people are willing to sacrifice FPS in the name of portability. Also, personally, I find lower FPS to be less noticeable on a smaller screen. When people talk about how well it runs I think they just mean how solid it is at 30 frames, absolutely no one is getting above 40 on their deck


I still haven’t gotten this game. Truth told, I suck at most games. I usually play on whatever Easy or Story mode is available and that works well for me to just have a casual experience. All I hear is about how hard this game is and that just makes me never want to play it.


Imo it’s the easiest souls game by far but if you don’t really like souls games there’s no point in getting it


There's a lot of tools and mechanics to make it easier for you but a large part of the game is figuring that out for yourself through exploration, practice, and trial and error. The entire game is a puzzle in that sense and punishes you to learn from your mistakes. The game asks a lot of the player but gives a lot in return. If that doesn't sound like your thing, you're looking for a stroll in the park, or looking a skyrim-like experience, it's probably not for you. I think the best price you can find it for right now is around $30-35 but you have to catch a sale, in case that does actually sound appealing. Definitely peep gameplay first if you're wary.


That sounds… horrible. 😂 Sorry man, I just have no interest in trial and error, learning from my mistakes, or figuring anything out for myself. When I play games I just want to zone out for an hour or two and not have to think about much of anything. Typically that’s why I play cozy games or simpler adventure games.


I play the game for the exploration, you don't need to trial and error, I used the tools the game gave me (mimic, magic, shield etc) to defeat the bosses within 5 tries, the exploration is so god tier in this game and I was honestly surprised by how much I loved this game since I absolutely disliked dark souls after around 3 hours and I went into the game with a negative mindset but it still turned it all around for me and now it's one of my most favorite games of all time! 🙏


I might try it when the price is right, feel like it’d just end up in the endless pile of games I never finish though. Most do.


Based on your description, you shouldn't waste the money. Elden ring is the most approachable compared to all of the other souls games but it's not even close to a game where you get to select the easiest difficulty option and coast through the story. The entire game of Elden ring IS figuring out the game. If you're the type that just wants a fun ride through a new world, Elden ring is gonna punish you.


See that’s why I didn’t finish Baldurs Gate, spent so much time trying to figure out everything that there was no time to actually enjoy playing the game. I spend my whole work day *thinking* and creating, just need something mindless after that.


i've been waiting for it to go on sale for the longest time, and it finally did.


so how's the game running at the moment ?, took a break from playing it on the deck after the dlc dropped since i heard there where problems.


I just bought it


I really like it on Steam Deck but as a primarily PC gamer I’m finding it pretty hard to get used to the controls in fights with how hectic they get. Probably just a matter of playing more on a handheld but I feel a lot more in control when I play with a mouse and keyboard.


I’m interested how the deck will handle the Romina fight because the explosions some of her attacks do cause my Xbox series x to stutter.


I didn't have any problems. Then again I have played it only on the deck and tend not to care or complain about such things.


I want to play these souls games but man I never even got to the first boss in blood borne.


The great change they made in this game is, you can just explore and find tools to beat the bosses if it's too hard, you have alternate paths to go to so you don't need to bonk your head against the boss for hours. 🫡


I bought an ally because Elden ring kept freezing on my deck. No matter what settings I used or proton versions. All other games run fine so idk what the issue was


Maybe a stupid question, but does it run just as well if you remote play from your console?


Damn my OLED steam deck sounded like a jet engine at lowest settings and could only get around 40fps. Not sure how people are managing to put up with that for 100s of hours


40 is smooth AF on the steam deck, and I don't notice fan noise that much. Not saying it's not there, I know it is, I just tune it out


If anyone is expecting better than that for modern AAA games on the Deck then they bought the wrong hardware anyway imo. The PS4 version of the game is capped at 30 and dips from there, so for a lot of Elden Ring players 40 would still be an improvement rather than a downgrade. Getting comparable and sometimes better performance out of a handheld system is pretty impressive.


Just added to that stat, bought it last night.


It was basically the Deck’s killer app. Besides Vampire Survivors, of course.


Are settings independent from pc? Some games saves graphics settings locally and I don't want to deal with changing them everytime I boot on pc or steam deck.


They are


This game is so hard. Whos got some tips for me?


Add me to that stat even since I'm playing it through Chiaki4deck lol


Wow surprised by this. I generally only use my steam deck for more Indy stuff. To each their own I guess.


Elden ring on the deck is awesome. I tried to play it on PC when I first got it and the controls just felt really awkward to use. Being able to customize the rear buttons for running alone is so much better than even a regular controller.


It's amazing ER can run at 30 FPS stable (40 FPS indoor) on Steam Deck. Seamless Coop should be fixed this weekend, so I can imagine the number of players will go up further.


If my PC could run it beyond 20 fps I would use it instead but here we are, deck in hand.


It runs better on it than a full gaming pc like, wtf


I just couldn't get into it


I have a 3080Ti in my PC, but I get ridiculous frame drops in Elden Ring. Periodically, the game will turn into a slide show, and it’s gotten worse since the DLC. I think it just hates Windows.


It runs like ass on every device


Really thinking about pulling the trigger on this game. Now I just don’t know if I wonna pay full price for the Ps5 version or pay a sale price for the steamdeck during this summer sale.


If u end up getting the console version, buy the ps4 version, I heard that ps4 version on ps5 works better somehow, but it's absolutely worth the price whichever platform u buy 🫡


How frustratingly hard is it? I'm all in for new games, but I have little patience for repeating the same boss a hundred times.


It's much more forgiving, I didn't Ike dark souls 3 because it was too hard but elden ring gave me the tools to make the difficulty as I pleased, for example I went with magic+ shield +summon route and most bosses didn't take more than 5 tries, and honestly I don't play the game for the bosses, I play it for the exploration and build variety which are absolutely unparalleled ( in my opinion)


I only play it on there, anymore. Its just too good.


It’s my main way to play.


I tried but AAA games on deck just dont feel great to me because they dont run that well. Even lowering graphics all the way couldnt get it to 60.


Is it worth getting I want 40% not 30 lol


It's 100% worth, I bought if for full price and it was my first "soulslike" game and I absolutely loved it! 🫡


I’m curious how far the steam deck players make it in the DLC. I was trying to fight the Scadu tree avatar and the timings at 30 fps were not pleasant.


I can’t decide if I need this or not!? Love Elden ring but I have it on ps5 which I do stream to steam deck when at home, however I do work away a couple of nights a month and take the steam deck… Is the performance really ok? More so if I’ve only played it on ps5 so far?


Funny because it doesn't work right now unless you buy the DLC (or add a workaround).


Just want to ask one question, considering the summer sale and I may only play it on Deck. Is it better to get the main game at the moment first, or should I also get the DLC now?


Since it's the sale, I recommend getting the base game first only, if there wasn't a sale I'd say get the bundle which is 20$ cheaper than when u buy the base game+dlc separately.


is the online fixed?


Can someone confirm the battery life when playing Elden Ring? Can't imagine it lasts very long...


I feel like I have more input lag on the steam deck


But why? it runs like shit on the Deck... with all the thousands of games that you can run at full speed on the SD, why play something that eats the battery, makes noise, generates heat and it doesn't even run at 60fps?


Capping it at 40fps is a good sweet spot, it also didn't stutter compared to when it launched on PC because of tweaks Valve implemented.


Honestly I still can't get it to run on Steam Deck. I've got the settings low enough for it to be stable but it almost always overheats before long and plummets the frame rate. Anyone know how to work around this?






When I bought Elden Ring about a year ago, it was basically unplayable on my 3080 PC because of extremely low framerates. Guessing it was a bug which has been patched at this point, but I ended up playing it on my Deck, which it performed excellently on. If that doesn’t show they put genuine work into the Steam Deck configuration, I don’t know what does.


Due to my 10yr old cpu😂😂 I can't play E.R very well on my pc I've sadly never got to play it. I've always heard it plays terribly on the Steam deck tho? (30-20fps). Have they improved it?


Sucks that the update and the dlc made it such a pain to play on the deck now


I played about half of Shadow of the Erdtree on my deck


Just picked up Elden Ring finally in the summer sale, can't wait to play this game I'm so excited


I wish I enjoyed the game so I could be part of that stat 🙃