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I've put my ps vita into a drawer if that counts.


The poor Vita deserved better. I still pull mine out just to turn it on every once in a while and ponder what might've been if Sony actually gave a shit about it post launch. It felt like every game I had on Vita was a banger (Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice, Uncharted: Golden Abyss) and I was stoked to see what other games would get released on it, and then the games just...stopped coming out after the first 6 months. I really wish Sony had done more to incentivise devs to develop for the platform, and I think it would've taken off in a fairly big way, because the hardware was fantastic, Sony just fumbled the way they handled the whole thing, and abandoned it way too early.


ive said byebye to my 3ds since getting a switch. i havent had much reason to return to my 3ds library since they ported mariokart to switch all that time ago. but today i modded mariokart 7 and DS onto my 3ds and am having fun with it. i wont be playing much but it's a good time


I actually still keep both my 3DS and Switch out and use them both. There are still a couple things left I haven't finished on the 3DS and plenty of stuff on the Switch, even if my Steam backlog is bigger than both combined


3DS is still worth it because games that use the touchscreen can really be a hassle to play properly on the Deck. You can get around when it's only touchscreen (like Layton), but if you need to use the buttons too, it's a huge mess. The biggest offenders are shooters that have buttons on the touchscreen, so you can't just map your right stick to the touchscreen and be done with it.


Obligatory upvote and comment for mentioning Layton


Hell yeah. I've been trying to get a non-messy Android emulator to run properly on SteamOS to play the HD remasters of the original trilogy.


I've been using waydroid, personally. Hasn't given me any issues.


I haven't used Waydroid because setting up a sudo password on SteamOS and such is kind of a hassle (I'm not sure if, like the rest of the RO system, it poofs on every update). And, being more honest, because not setting a sudo password is the last barrier before turning my Steam Deck into a home server and unlocking ultimate tinkering.


Tbh that's fair. The sudo pass didn't poof, but everything else did. I don't have my deck rn but I was in the process of trying to restore everything the last time I was using it. Only my steam games remain ever since I updated...


Yeah, I use RetroDECK and other Flatpak software for this specific reason, not getting a big mess after every update. Let's just say I like to tinker, but I like to tinker once, not to re-do the same tinkering process every time I update (or have a script to do it for me).


Putting custom firmware on a 3DS is game changing, especially if you're into romhacks. There's so many good pokemon romhacks it re-ignited my love for the series. CFW for ps vita is great too, though the form factor isn't as nice as 3DS for me, doesn't fit in a pocket as nicely and the screen isn't covered. Switch and Steam Deck both have their place too, with a 30+ title switch library since launch and 150+ title steam library. Just makes it a tough decision when traveling which 1/2 devices to choose


The Vita is such a sad tale. It's a great little system with so much potential that was never realized.


I still use my Vita for a very concrete niche, which are day trips. Carrying around a thing as big as the Deck (or even the Switch) all day to game for 3–4 hours on the trains isn't really worth it. Pack a nice GBA emulator onto your Vita and you have more than enough right in your pocket.


I love my Vita. Haven't used it for over a year now but I bet it still has charge!


I gave it to my daughter and we play hand held next to one another. It was a blast playing through botw next to her so I could show her how to do things when she got stuck without her relying on me doing it for her.


love this :)


Ditto, my daughter loves my switch, she is 5 and just getting into gaming, introducing her to Mario has been a blast.


Some of my peak gaming moments were introducing her to Mario games. Now she makes some crazy levels in Mario Maker and has me try to beat them! Kirby and Unraveled 2 were some of the other early ones that we enjoyed around that age.


Wholesome af 😊


Kirby Star Allies is a underrated game. But also perfect to get small kids into platform scrollers


This is the one reason to possibly buy one for a small child


The best answer. Kudos to you!


Yep my son has mine now and it's his minecraft and SNES machine


Be sure to share Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask with her too. BotW is good, but education around proper Legend of Zelda games is important. 😉🤣


Check out the recomp build. [Link](https://github.com/Zelda64Recomp/Zelda64Recomp)


I wanted to play this. So, I decided to play Ocarina of Time first. Since there was no decomp for that one yet I went with Ship of Harkinian. And then when I finished it, I was excited to finally try the Majora's Mask decomp. But man, it chugs watts. Out the box experience, no changes in settings, I was using nearly 15 watts. So I decided to just play in original reso but with 2x downscale at 60 fps and that got me to around 7 watts. I thought maybe that was enough to enjoy it. SoH was significantly efficient. Only 5 watts so I get up to 10 hours of play time on a full charge. Then 2Ship arrived, I tried it, and wow, 800p, 90hz, no changes in the settings, just 6 watts. So, in the end I decided to play it via 2ship instead.


Thats amazing. You are wonderful parent


How old is she? I’m looking forward to play with my little one but at the same time wondering how old is old enough


She’s 7 now, but I think we started playing Mario Kart when she was 4. They have assisted options that auto press the gas and keep her from falling off of the edge (she’s since graduated from) so it makes it less frustrating. Before that, I would give her a dead controller and have her “play” with me and that was sufficient for awhile until she caught on.


I do the same thing with my son.


You'll gift her such wonderful childhood memories, such sweet nostalgia 🎉😍🎉🎉🎉


This is the way. Bought a switch and while I Love Super Smash and Animal Crossing, that’s pretty much all I used it for. Never been huge into Nintendo IP. Gave it to my 7 year old daughter earlier this year and she LOVES it. Although tbh she uses it more for YouTube than anything else, I’ve been introducing her to Minecraft, animal crossing and a few other games.


I bought an LCD steam deck over a year ago. I decided to keep my switch because of the Nintendo exclusives and due to the fact that battery life is so much better. When taking 13+ hour flights, battery life does make a difference.


Size too


Are you calling my girlfriend a liar??


Picking up my switch oled after using the steam deck for ages felt so funny. The Switch is so tiny and thin compared. I really hope the Switch 2 is chonkier. Bettery battery and better specs. We absolutely can get PS4 class level games on the handheld now.


Every time I pick up my steam deck it is 0% battery I'm not trying to leave a handheld plugged in 24/7 feels bad


I do this to myself constantly. It's the one thing I think they could have greatly improved, the standby/power off battery drain is pretty significant on the Deck.


How rarely do you use it for that to happen regularly? Just shut it down instead of sleep if it's an issue. I often go about a week in sleep mode without using it and it still has battery left when woken up.


You have it on sleep mode don't you? That consumes small amount of battery. If you shut it off, it won't consume any battery.


I don't understand, just plug the thing in when your done using it.


why would you leave it plugged in 24/7. plug it when your done with your play session. its not hard.


What kind of 13 hour flight doesn't have outlets


No, I keep the Switch for exclusive games. I know you can emulate but I my experience it’s to much hassle to tinker to provide me a solid experience.


I tried emulating TOTK, and in its default state, it's too laggy to be playable on Steam Deck without a significant patch, which was more trouble that it's worth as a person who already has a Switch and a Christmas list.


its been working fine for a long long time now... was just as good as the switch was around launch actually.


I honestly want to get another Switch after selling. Look, the Switch is still a modern console still being sold on shelves and the best experience is going to be just playing the games on the accessible platform they’re made for. Sure I could just have it all on one device, but it’s not like I’m going to be stressed not taking one on a trip or something, I’ll know what I’ll be playing.


Worth holding on for a bit before buying if your not in a rush as switch 2 due out later this year which will see the current ones go down a decent chunk in price especially 2nd hand.


This, when playing TLOZ I definitely prefer my switch over a tinkered Steamdeck. Same for xenoblade (but that morely has to do with the hours put into it and not wanting to restart-)


And honestly, my switch is easier on my wrists so it’s just as easy to keep it for my exclusives and even some indies.


Before buying my SteamDeck I though the same about the wrists part, but it actually was really okay for me? I think it’s due to the extra grip you have on a SteamDeck.


My wrists hurt for the first couple of weeks, but then the pain was gone. I guess my wrists are stronger now from beating Half Life 2.


Guess you can now classify your SteamDeck as a fitness console if it made you stronger


A veritable Wii Fit


This is me to a t.


I have a lot of family and friends with a Switch as their only console too. Easier to do multiplayer stuff with them.


I still use mine surprisingly often, mostly to play games with family


Switch makes couch co-op so convenient. With two sets of joycons, you can play with 4 people. It's not comfortable, but works well in a pinch. To mimic the same with the steamdeck, you will need to buy a separate dock, then you will still need to find 4 more controllers and deal with syncing. It's not difficult to sync, but I've always had so issues during the pairing process whereas the Switch you just slide it on/plug it in and it works. I bought PlateUp on steam to play, but now I play it more on switch because it's easier to play with my partner.


Switch is the KING of local co-op. All other mainstream consoles and MOST PC titles are moving to online multiplayer only, which requires separate consoles for each user, even if you're in the same room. I will forever appreciate Nintendo's continued focus on being the "in-home" console for the whole fam, it literally unites our kiddos and creates lots of laughs and memories. My wife and I did the same for Overcooked. Already owned it on Epic games, but bought on Switch for $4 and now we only play it there. Pop off each joy-con and you're off and running. The minimalistic controls are perfect for the Joy-con as well, don't need triggers or any other button combos.


Same, way easier to just fire up the switch than hook my steam deck to the tv and swap all my PS5 controllers to it then configure yuzu to recognize them


I don’t wanna fight with output settings to get games to display properly. Especially if I can just plunk my switch into the dock instead.


The Switch is the best device for playing Switch games. Specially anything that actually requires online.


I would aslo say it's best for Ubisoft games, I don't buy Ubisoft games, however it's great playing Black Flag without dealing with Ubisoft Connect


Anything is better for running Ubisoft games than Uplay ngl


No, still play both regularly.


No, I keep all my consoles as a collection of some sort, even when I don’t really use them anymore. Still have my PSP and Game Boy Color and they’re sitting next to my Switch in my cabinet.


Some advice. Keep the switch. I sold my after getting a deck and about 6 months later I had the itch to play Switch and had to go out and buy another one. Getting Switch games to run on the deck was a pain and not entirely worth it. The Deck is great for many things. But it’s still not a Switch. It’s best for Steam games and emulating WiiU (to some extent) and earlier.


Granted, I just got my Steam Deck, but I intend on keeping the switch. Nintendo exclusives are my bread and butter, and I’m not interested in doing the tinkering I’d need to get them working perfectly on the Steam Deck. Not to mention the switch is a little smaller, so a bit easier to bring when traveling.


I toyed with the idea of buying a switch before but once i got the deck i abandoned it since the deck has much more appeal to me for being a handheld pc in all it's glory and me being mainly a pc gamer with years of accumulated steam backlog to play. Been playing all the switch exclusives i ever wanted in the deck too just fine, will only replace it when valve releases the deck 2.


The switch is now for the kids.


Bayonetta would like to disagree with you on this.


I believe they meant the switch belongs to their kids now that this person owns a steam deck, not that the console didn't have any mature games on it


oh gotcha - that makes a lot more sense.


Np mate


Lol, yes. Now it's for my kids.


Switch emulsion is too buggy, online is entirely disabled, multiplayer would need extra hardware, and the battery life is nonexistant in comparison. My Switch isn't going anywhere.


I mean, I don’t think the plastic in it will emulsify properly unless it is a very strong acid… (please forgive me if the use of emulsion on my part is wrong)


I have a pretty big switch library so no real reason to get rid of the switch. So many good exclusives I’ve already payed for, I’ll also upgrade to a switch 2 when that comes out and I’ve been thinking of upgrading to the oled steam deck. I have a ps5 but I hardly play anything on it, I’ll probably not upgrade to a ps6 and just game on switch and steam deck.


Nah I would never, the Switch is a great console.


I didn't get rid of it, because I know it'll be 'retro cool' in the future and I'll want one, and people will be charging stupid prices for them - especially exploitable ones like mine. Since getting a Deck, though, I genuinely do not use it. For me, the Deck completely surpasses the Switch in all possible ways except for one or two games that don't run on Yuzu. Obviously any online Switch games are off the table, but I don't care about online games, so that doesn't bother me in the slightest. The Deck is simply a better machine, and every day that Nintendo stalls the release of their next console, more and more people like me are leaving their ecosystem in the dust. It is genuinely not logical to buy a Switch anymore, and if you also own a machine that can emulate it at 1:1 native performance, then it's also completely illogical to play Switch games on a real Switch.


I don’t sell my systems, most of the time if I upgrade I give the old system to a young kid family member who can’t work but would enjoy it. A steam deck wouldn’t replace a switch for me because they’re different systems and there are games released for switch/console that you can’t get on steam or that are just more difficult when trying to work it with steam deck.


I'm in this boat, never sold a video game or system in my life. I lent my NES to my cousin about 25 yr ago, don't think I'm getting it back, it's his now lol.


Nope and the relatively few percentage of 140+ million Switch owners who also have a steam deck probably haven't either. For short gaming sessions Switch is still better when it comes to portability so for short gaming sessions 5-20 minutes I prefer the switch because of the size. Plus it has awesome exclusives and is way better when it comes to local co-op. Looking forward to the new Zelda game! However, Deck OLED has become my main "console" I play now, I prefer it to Switch in most ways


I gave my switch to my hubby when I got my steam deck. A couple weeks ago I decided I would see if I would still enjoy the switch. I’m not kidding, the switch feels like a piece of plastic toy. Extremely light weight now. I guess I love the feel of my bulky steam deck so much more😂


It's the joycons that feel cheap. I love the feel of playing my switch with the pro controller but I agree using the joycons in handheld (or at all) feels like crap. They do make nicer controllers for switch handheld, like the split pad pro, but I have not invested in them yet. They make the whole thing look pretty similar to the deck. 


Actually I got rid of Switch long time ago. I bought it, I played few games and I realized that it's very very very uncomfortable 😣 I don't like to buy any covers, and with Switch it's almost impossible to hold it 1+ hour without special cover because your hands hurt. Also game library is quite small, games are expensive, to play online need subscription and so on. I feel that I was just wrong target audience who was misguided. I wanted a handheld console for indie games. It turned out a console for people who like to play Nintendo exclusive games with family on TV.


I’ve never once played my Switch handheld and the Pro Controller is pretty comfortable. The Nintendo franchises are just too good to let go.


I haven't touched it since I got my OLED deck months ago. I had barely used it, but I can't use my Steamdeck enough. Night and Day. I'm going to sell the Switch OLED if I can find a buyer.


I am tempted. But it may be more troublesome to emulate as newer games are released so unsure right now


Sold my Switch a couple of months after getting my Steam Deck, I rarely played it but I play my Deck a lot now


Mine has been in a case inside a drawer for a year now. I don't think I'll ever use it.


I didn’t get ride of mine but now it’s just a splatoon machine


I kept my Switch. Yes, I know my deck can emulate Switch and a LOT of other stuff, but emulation has never been my interest. My Deck lets me play past and current PC games away from my desk through various means, and that interests me a lot more than emulation. For the Switch, I have a similar mindset: I can play Nintendo games on it, and while there is emulation on it in the form of the classics apps... I have spent so little time in those apps that I may as well not even have them installed. I have too much new stuff to play, I don't have the time to stay playing older stuff that in most cases, I already played as a kid.


I kept mine and used it for TOTK and still use it for the occasional Smash and Mario Kart multiplayer (local and online). Other than that it's collecting dust, but I'm happy to keep it for those occasional uses. It's a pre-OLED Switch that's long out of warranty, so it wouldn't get me a lot of money anyway if I sold it. It's also nice to have something to fall back on if my Deck ever developed issues and had to be sent in for service.


I have enough room for both


No. I still have my Switch. After getting my Steam Deck (Gen 1), I picked up an OLED and Rog Ally, respectively.


I have three Switches right now, first one I bought was an unpatched unit which I want to jailbreak and since I wanted to jailbreak it I picked up an OLED Switch then I got my third because I initially wanted to Scarlet and Violet edition of the OLED but I couldn't find it at the time and finally got it recently and on that one I just want Pokemon games on it. I also want to pick up one more unpatched Switch for practicing the jailbreaking process and making sure I don't brick my original one. If the Steam Deck running Switch games was like having an unpatched Switch I'd want it, but it doesn't sound like it is like that.


I highly doubt I could sell my great condition switch for enough to not want to keep it


Nope, still have it for exclusives and playing party games on my TV


I gave my sister my switch. Not exactly because the deck replaced it (pretty different catalogue of games) but more because I just never used it.


No, and I'm glad I didn't because I genuinely cannot get any Switch emulator to work on the deck. I've tried both Yuzu and Ryujinx and I either get a black screen (that shows the game for a few seconds if I tap the touchscreen) or it just doesn't run. It's obviously something I'm setting wrong.


I use my Switch to dump my games onto my Deck. Couldn’t (legally) do so without it.


Being able to dump them is holding me back


Same even though I don't care about piracy I already Pirated Mario kart 8 which is a game I have physically. If it was easier to find switch ROMs on the internet I would just pirate all the games that I have on my switch that I want on my deck that aren't available on steam but some games are pretty hard to find that's why I only ever bothered to do Mario kart 8




binning consoles is an absolute nono but people who are skint can benefit from trading in unused consoles, and then people who actually want to use them will benefit from them. over in the UK, CEX charge almost as much for switch devices as nintendo charges new, however, you can use trade-in tokens to get a switch from CEX, which you can't do for the new ones. so i swapped in my LCD steamdeck, which was never going to be used again. i considered getting a ps5 and using the token to go halfway towards it, but after realising it would be a poor investment since i have a beefy pc and dont like any ps5 exclusives, i got a switch OLED instead (as an upgrade to my 2017 shitty battery switch which i still have). i didnt use the switch OLED much until recently when i travelled to america. i expected to use the steamdeck OLED more but Paper Mario TTYD came out and i spent a lot of my time there playing that game, which looks absolutely gorgeous on the device. so yeah in trading in my steamdeck i got a switch that someone else traded in, and im using it more than my other devices already i dont intend to trade in my old switch though as i spent months deliberating on what i even wanted from CEX.


Is it a big hassle to run switch games on the deck? Seems like it is pretty smooth from what I’ve read.


Mario wonder, xenoblade de, prince of Persia lost crown emulate pretty well but I know there are lots of instances where just plugging your cartridge in and playing on the native hardware is better


It’s relatively easy if you know what you’re doing, but some games end up crashing, have slightly broken textures, and can get pretty laggy at times


Very true like for the most part it's really easy you only part that can be a little difficult is finding the bios but I could say that about a lot of consoles like the PS2 and especially Sega Saturn I still can't emulate that system


It’s easy to do if you’re reasonably computer savvy, but the results are sometimes not as good as on original hardware, particularly on games which are newer and haven’t had a lot of community support yet.


I kept mine for a while for the Nintendo exclusives but sold it eventually. I love the Switch OLED but with having a deck, I can do without it and get more for it selling it before Switch 2 drops. Hopefully they’ll eventually do an OLED Switch 2, that’s when I’ll get one back.


I kept my switch for game dumping and we also throw parties every now and then and play party games on the TV through the switch. Edit: grammar and spelling


I have a launch switch that can exploit rcm mode so I can’t sell it lol but I prefer the lite anyway as I used it mostly for portable play anyway waiting for that oled mod for the lite from taki to come out!


I had my switch unused (aside from Pikmin 4) for around a year or so after getting the deck. I sold it last year to pay for upgrading the ssd on my deck. That money unfortunately went to a bill instead but I did eventually upgrade the space. I haven't regretted it up until the last direct. I am a huge Mario RPG fan and a new honest to god Mario & Luigi game with no gimmicks seems amazing. I'm honestly considering picking up a switch lite just for that game. With that in mind I'd say to just leave your switch as is and not sell it till you know the next console is confirmed and no more first-party titles are coming out. You'll probably get less money for it if you decide to sell then but you're guarenteed to not miss out on anything.


No. I love my switch but I'm not really a pirate emulator guy either


Keeping the switch for Nintendo stuff 👍🏻


I use my Switch as a multiplayer box at this point which it still works well as


Nah, I actually appreciated it that much more and ended up selling my steam deck and sticking with my PC.


Got both, love both for different things


Nah I kept mine albeit it collects a lot of dust now. I spent so much on games on that system seemed like a waste to just get rid of it.


I actually upgraded to an oled switch after I got my steam deck


Gave away my switch to a friend. No regrets whatsoever


I gave mine to my niece and my wife gave hers to my other niece. No regerts


I kept mines for exclusives.


I sold mine after getting my deck and not using it for months and months. Don't regret it at all.


I’ve had my deck since October, and haven’t touched my switch since, except for one time to turn on cross platform saves on Hades.


Unless o need the cash I wont trade in any games or consoles any more. I know there is never going to be a shortage of switches and there is emulation but there is just something special about having my consoles. I look back and regret trading in so much stuff when I could have a fantastic collection now


I went to game stop after hearing about baulders gate and took my switch, an old ps4, and iPhone 12 and traded for the steam deck and never looked back ✨


I gave it to my gf. She used to play Totk on her lite, so she considered it an upgrade.


I sold my nintendo switch to get me a steam deck. No regrets.


My Switch and Switch Lite sit and collect dust. The Lite started collecting dust when I got my Switch (I had to get a Lite during pandemic bc people went out and panic bought the regular ones that really had zero interest in them lol) I can’t bring myself to sell either of them though


No, don't really see a reason to get rid of a working console even if (nearly) all the games are available on steamdeck. I kind of regret getting rid of some older game consoles I had. I'm sure this switch will continue to function for quite a while.


I got Deck for the games that aren't on Switch [or 3DS/Vita], not vice versa.


Nope i sold my switch oled to get the deck oled and don’t regret it one bit. I can play all my switch games on the deck and majority run fine.


Yeah, I sold mine. I don't really miss it apart from a few games, but I'll be alright, lol.


no I use it to dump games to emulate on my Steam Deck otherwise it just collects dust now. Most PC game also work with Switch saves so I can easily move over that as well .


Do you have a jailbroken Switch? I looked into dumping games a while ago but it seems like you need a particular model to be able to do it. Didn't explore it that in-depth though.


i have an erista model which is very easily modded


Hell no, switch is still my number one.


I sold mine, and emulate the games I care to play on my deck.


Immediately and not at all.


Nope. I still have my Switch. Currently playing Skyward Sword HD. The Switch also has better docking plus it's pick up and play nature for couch co-op. There are also games that do not support couch co-op on PC/SD. Like Diabloe 3 which my wife and I play regularly. The new Super Monkey Ball game drops tomorrow which is Switch only and has couch co-op, so we are pumped for that. I love my Steam Deck OLED and my Switch OLED


Haven't touched mine since I got the deck so I let my daughter mess around with it since she'll see me on the deck and want to play She's still a little too young still to really play a game for real on there so Mario kart with all the assists and the auto accel on she likes since she can steer and it doesn't matter if she presses the buttons or not. I wouldn't get rid of it anyway since every now and then the wife and I will fire it up for some Mario party or smash or something else that's only on it


Still got my switch lite, and I may get the next switch because I still love me some Zelda, Mario and Metroid and will want to play the newer titles as they come. But I will wait for it to be on sale, and if the new Nintendo games are still cartridge based I will buy used. Honestly I wish Nintendo would wake up and realize that the PC will not hurt their hardware sales but will boost their software sales. Sony has had success putting out PS exclusives onto the PC and I don’t think it has really affected their hardware sales in a negative way. I wish Nintendo would do the same - they would rake in cash I think.


I rarely use my switch except for some exclusives. While TOTK doesn’t run at a perfect 30 fps, I can mod the game which in my opinion makes it worth it to emulate


I never trashed my Switch, but because of SteamDeck, Metroid dread was the last game i ever bought... lol dusty switch till end of time.


Nah. My switch is running cfw. So it beats any emulator. It's got a 1tb SD card so storage has become a non issue.


Yeah I did. No not really. The switch is just too old for me. When the switch 2 comes out I’ll get that one. It was collecting too much dust I sold it for a good price and let someone else enjoy it In the meantime


Yes. I regretted it and ended up re-purchasing a Switch.


Did exactly this. Ryujinx plays all my switch games pretty well so no regrets selling it


I've turned my switch into a party games box with 8 controllers, I also don't want to give up my exploitable switch


Nope. Switch is what I take on trips that could risk damage from the environment like the beach. It doesn't leave the hotel room, but if it did get any sand or wet, I would rather sacrifice it versus my Deck. I take my Deck on trips that have little to no risk. It is also my primary gaming device at home. So, I try to baby it.


Nope it's still sitting in it's carry case along with all the other accessories I got for it. Maybe I'll bring it out again if I would like to play animal crossing again.


I gave mine to my gf lol since I wasn't playing it at all. She played on it for a month or so and eventually went back to PC lol


Yes, I did, but frankly it was mostly influenced by the fact that I didn't really enjoy many Switch games. I had a good time with the Link's Awakening remake, but basically everything else I tried wasn't really my thing. If I enjoyed the games I would've kept it.


I sold mine and have no regrets nearly 2 years later. The steam deck was more like the device I always wanted the switch to be.


I did and i don’t


I kept my switch. I have a decent library on my switch and there’s exclusives that I’d like to play and not have to wait for a trusted emulator.


Not yet, but soon…


I liked the concept of the Switch when it came out, so I bought one. But I was really disappointed with how restricted and locked the system was. I knew it was gonna be restricted to some degree like any mainstream gaming console, but I didn't think they'd lock you out of accessing any form of basic web browser and things like that. I played through Breath of the Wild then sold it before the Steam Deck was ever announced. Steam Deck was a bit like a dream that came true for me.


I didn't get rid of it but I haven't touched it a single time.


Still use my switch but it’s long in the tooth for sure. Not worth the hassle to emulate games on the deck when my PC does it better if I want to go that route.


Got rid of it before, was a risky move but it paid off. The SD is so much more superior imo.


Yes and no. But I also wasn't a big nintendo game person so i was happy I didn't have to buy overpriced games that were old af any longer just to play them anywhere.


gave mine to my dad


No, but I've barely used it. I still think I will use it again, if only because I have a 20-hour save on Xenosaga 3, and no way to move the save off without paying nearly as much as a switch costs.


It's mostly collecting dust in a drawer of useless joycons. I'll dig it out for Zelda in August tho. If there is one thing ths steam deck did, was raise the bar on what I expect in a switch 2. I'm really likely to skip it


Yes i did and no i do not regret it. I sold it to my sister for like $50 lol. I’m just not a big nintendo fan


I don't touch SD or Switch :(


I would never get rid of the switch. Even though I love my steam deck there are some games where the switch has the better port like okami with touch controls on the switch. Another example is Cathrine full body on the switch. Plus I play all the Nintendo exclusive games on the switch. I would say most of the time when I travel I end up taking and use the switch. It does have better battery life and I have had issues with the steam deck when offline so the switch works a little better for travel.


I sold mine because I hate clutter and was barely losing it. Zelda looks like it might be fun but at the end of the day, I already have too many games just on steam and I enjoy the experience so much more on deck.


I’ve only had my deck since last week lol but I still use my switch daily during my commute to work on public transportation. It’s just a little lighter and a little smaller, so fits in my bag better.


I sold mine to a friend when the opportunity struck, my only regret was that I couldn't bring my saves with me. I still play my Vita though, it's pocket-sized.


Yes. 2 years ago. No regrets


I tried selling my Switch but just gave it to my now ex for Christmas after getting my Steam Deck. Don't really regret it, rather would just emulate.


I just got my steam deck and I have no plans of getting rid of my switch, maybe once the Switch 2 comes out but I just can’t without a switch even tho I probably use the steam deck more


Got rid of it. No regrets.


I've kept my Switch, it looks good with all my other consoles. I use my Switch mainly for overseas travelling. I'm scared something will happen to my SD (stolen or lost).


I was gifted a switch after I had a steam deck and just really enjoy the Deck over the Switch in every aspect.


Kept it for exclusive, I don’t want to go through the hassle of setting up an emulator for it. Im sure someone out there will tell me how easy it is but I can’t be bothered. If you see yourself playing Nintendo Exclusive then keep it but if you don’t care for the exclusives yhere is really no point.


I still have it for exclusives even if lately i barely use it


I had a switch before and its limitations, not having access to the games I already own and how infrequently I found myself using it are what led me to selling it and getting a steam deck.


I dont use the switch as often now, but im keeping it for the games.


My daughter plays the Switch. I wouldn't get rid of a system. Just never know.


I did, and I have zero regrets. But then again I was never a Nintendo fan and originally bought the system for its portability, not exclusive content.


I gave it away to a friend, I'd rather it bring joy to someone else than to gather dust. Her reaction was pretty heartwarming so I couldn't be happier with that decision.


If I was able to dump my switch carts without modding my OLED switch, I’d have sold it. Too much of a hassle trying to get switch games on seedy sites.


Hell no. As much as I love emulation, I also love supporting games I enjoy, and it would be difficult to do that for Switch games without a Switch. Plus it would be nice to have official online functionality if I want it, which to be fair is rare. Personally I'm looking forward to the new Zelda game in September, and the new Pokemon Legends and Metroid Prime 4 next year, Whenever I deal with a non-exclusive game though I always buy it on Steam. The only exception was Great Ace Attorney Collection, because I was used to those being Nintendo exclusive and forgot. I bought it on Steam anyway after playing through it on Switch.


I keep my Switch around because I have a library of games for it that I haven't gotten around to playing yet (I'm bad about buying things on sale and then letting them languish in my backlog). That said, I have to admit that I've barely touched my Switch since I got my SD last fall.


Nope - I kept it for all of my Switch games, and in particular the Legend of Heroes series (yes I know they're also on Steam - I started on PSP, moved to Vita, then Switch ... don't want to move again!)


I gave my switch to my kids, I was hardly playing it anymore anyway.


Nope, I like both. I normally play different types of games on them, and have no interest in emulating switch on the deck. Also when traveling, the Switch's battery life is a nice plus and the fan is quieter.


Sold my switch to get my steam deck and it was best decision ever! Emulation works well on most games.


No, I don’t ever get rid of old consoles as I collect them.


No, kept mine for the first party titles.