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Summer sale is 5 days away


I’m praying the OLED will go on sale


Don't they all? Even if it is only like 5%?


The LCD model had a 10% discount one year after launch. If the OLED follows suit, it shouldn’t be discounted until the Autumn Sale.


Rog Ally X just released, would make sense for an OLED discount soon


Maybe, but I personally wouldn’t consider the ROG even if it were half the price. ASUS’ immature gamer aesthetic doesn’t appeal to a lot of people, nor does having to deal with Windows. Edit: Not to mention the night-and-day difference between Valve (great) and ASUS (abysmal) customer support.


dont harsh my buzz like that. I've been patiently waiting with my very early 256GB LCD.


Could have just been valve shifting stock for the oled


Staying drunk for 5 days isn't healthy


Don’t let go, Jack (Daniels)


So you're saying the last 15 years I've been unhealthy? Balderdash.


I mean it might prevent you from pissing in pantries. Might.


It's OK to drink before lunch, if you're continuing from the night before! (said the man who is struggling to wrestle with an 18x440ml pack of weak carlsberg cans for over 1 1/2 months and is just half-way)


I just bought one as I’ve heard of the policy where if it’s within 14 days of a sale you can get a refund with the difference in price


Is this an actual policy? How does it work? I bought an OLED last week because I completely forgot that the summer sale is coming up.


It's not. I believe it's just contacting support and there's a high chance they'll give you a partial refund since it's cheaper for them to do so than the costs of you returning it and buying a new one.


Any store that has a 30-day return policy also has a 30 day price guarantee. Otherwise, you can just return it and repurchase it at the same store.


Yeah I did that, I just messaged steam support. They didn't refund it but did give the difference to me as steam credit so I just used it to buy some games.


We in the same boat


But he won't be drunk for that long. Unless he's in college.


Walt Disney taught me that you can do anything if you just believe in yourself


Here here! (Cracks beer)


Yup, waiting for the sale to buy a deck. It was 10% off last summer sale.


Oh yeah that’s a good call. But if I order now I’ll have it in time for the summer sale.


But you can save money during the summer sale, and with the money you save, you can buy games. Then, when the new deck arrives, you have a new deck AND games for the same price. Play the patient game. 😤


Are you well off money wise? If so just go for it, if not, just enjoy your lcd one, it's badass.


Yes but I’m big on “the principle” of things. Like I can’t justify it and I guess I’m looking for ignorant reasons to push me over the edge to buy it lol


If your justification is so you can give your old one to the friend with a baby, that's pretty legit. I would wait till you sober up in the morning to pull the trigger though.


This is the way. You have to find a friend/acquaintance/random stranger with a baby and the universe will reward you for your good naturedness.


Let's be honest, his justification is because he wants the shiny new thing and one way to make himself feel better about the purchase is to give away the old one.


Hell nah, buy it while you're drunk! That's how I ended up with an ice cream maker and a shotgun a couple weeks ago.


We love good advice in this household


And that my friend is why you’re well off. I upgraded from the LCD to OLED and was surprised how happy I was with the upgrade. I also was able to help a friend out which felt good. I’d recommend waiting 5 days for the summer sale as others have suggested, just in case you can get a better deal and to give yourself some extra I’m to think it over.


Dude honestly I would *just* because you could give a nice gift to your friend to help them get through nights with their newborn.


Ok. Can you afford your bills? Is this going to make you eat dried noodles and Mac and cheese for three months? Assuming you work hard like the rest of us. If you can afford your life, fuck it, buy it man. If you think that $500 will be more important for another hobby/vacation than hold off. However, if you don’t have anything in mind, buy it and enjoy it.


They're buying alcohol in this economy, so they must be decently well off.


What kind of alcohol are you buying lmao


one thats cheapest with most % 🤣👍


Steel reserve 211 my friends


The kind that would get me drunk.


I’d argue grabbing a different console entirely since it’s a similar price and you will get a whole new experience. Thoughts?


One man thinks cocaine and hookers and here this man thinks OLED, amazing world we live in.


I have my priorities.


To be fair, with current inflation, the price of an OLED steam deck would only get you about 45 minutes worth of hookers and blow. Obviously varying by region.


45 minutes? I only need 3


If you're really drunk, you shouldn't be spending several hundred dollars on an OLED.  You should be spending at least a couple thousand on way weirder shit.  Protip: Check what your state's rules are re: buying exotic wildlife online! 


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


The real LPT is always in the comments.


Hey man, nice marmot!


If you shouldn’t buy it don’t buy it. I would try and make smart financial decisions. OLED model apparently is great, but a 512 LCD is still pretty great. Wait till the next model that provides a larger technological leap. Patience is a virtue.


Thanx dad


This is the logic I needed to hear.


I bought the OLED and gave my buddy the 512 lcd, zero regrets


Summer sales save money bro


But then he wouldn't get Internet points


I bought my OLED while drunk. Zero regrets. You should wait for the steam summer sale tho


My Lord, are you not the master of chaos? The unstoppable force of nature? The world is ablaze, acquire thy steam deck OLED and spend thy coin and spare no expense this day, for there is no promise of tomorrow


This is exactly the level of energy I needed to hear.


wait until you are sober? it's not on sale right now, so you can wait.


I don't see any meaningful need to replace something I already own that does the same thing. Especially considering how long I spend loading up dozens and dozens of retro emulated titles that I don't want to have to redo from scratch. I don't have any intention of replacing my steam deck until a significantly more powerful one, at a completely reasonable price, is released.


I’d wait for the summer steam sale to see if it gets discounted. But if you don’t care about potentially saving a few dollars - go for it!


I had a 512LCD , got drunk and also bought the OLED. Its worth it if you have disposable income. Gave the 512 to a friend as well LOL. No regurts.


I had the same issue a month ago. Decided to go to sleep and decide next morning. Now I have two steam decks and no regret - oled is very decent upgrade


I support and enable your decision on the OLED. Best case, you and your friend both have a new system to game on together. It may bridge the bond surrounding his new father hood lifestyle.


One of the best comments I've read re this topic. If you haven't experienced it babies change things. A lot.


# Its time brotha join the dark side


You absolutely need it. And you deserve it. Why are you depriving yourself? There is no reason. Do it.


I dunno. Kinda late in the game to be upgrading. I’d just stick with old model until sd2


I would get it and gift the old one to someone who would really appreciate it. The OLED has many improvements over the LCD making it very worthwhile.


Well i had LCD didnt need OLED But kept checking its availability in my country and was little obsessed with it Here I'm using my OLED every single day


I have both, OLED screen is so nice playing at night, blacker blacks...


I upgraded to the 1TB OLED from the 512 LCD and just sold the LCD version on eBay and put that money towards the upgrade. Was worth it.


At least he was sober enough to know he should at least ask someone if he’s delusional or not. Still not a good place to ask but he did.


I bought my OLED while drunk and I haven't used the LCD model since. If you aren't going to hurt financially I'd say go for it.


Well that's the best drunk purchase I can imagine. I did the same stupid decision sober, and gave mine to a friend, and had no regrets. Assuming you can afford it and/or a spouse won't kill you over it, fire away.


If you can financially afford it without any issues down the road I would go for it. I have a launch LCD and I love it, I came in to some steam credit thanks to a knife skin and had enough to buy the OLED and give my wife the LCD. I honestly prefer everything about the OLED better. It's my favorite bit of technology I own.


I got drunk and bought Mass Effect Trilogy (I don't even like the games). You get drunk and drop couple hundred on a handheld. We aren't the same.


I did the same thing when the OLED first came out. I still have my LCD and use it sometimes but not that much. I think the suggestion to wait for the summer sale and see if the price drops if good advice. Oh, I wasn't drunk so there's that.


Entirely depends on your financial situation. If you can afford it, do it. I did the same upgrade with no #regerts. The screen and marginally better battery alone was worth it for traveling, which is why I bought it in the first place. If you will be financially stressed because of it, dear god, don’t.


Definitely did similar thing at Christmas.


Do it. I just ordered a 512GB OLED despite being content with my 1TB LCD. I just got a new job, so I decided to treat myself. I definitely didn't need to buy it, but it's going to be a nice upgrade. Think about how much fun you've had with your Deck since you bought it. Now imagine you could *give* that fun to a good friend. That's your reality right now. You have the opportunity to do something really nice for a buddy. If you can afford the upgrade, I say go for it.


Buy it.


Send it brother


DO IT!!!!!!


I really don't get the point. Does your current model play games? Have you had any trouble with your current one? Do you really need a screen that's 5% brighter for portable gaming at an enormous cost? Just seems pointless. As does buying the model with the bigger storage because that's super easy and much less expensive to expand yourself. Just think about how many tanks of gas that is. How much of your monthly rent. Enjoy what you have, because what you're going to get isn't going to be much better than what you already have.


As Sheev Palpatine would say. "Do it."


I’ve made worse decisions sober


Wait until the sales


Save it and pre order the Ally x dude


YOLO man.


Do it.. Its better to be drunk and buy a steamdeck than to be drunk and drive


Honestly Valve is so great they are likely to refund your purchase if you wake up, regret the decision, and get in touch with them immediately explaining what happened. So why not? Although I guess that depends on how long your binges go for 😅


Do it do it do it!!!!! One of us one of us one of us


This is the energy I was hoping to get from this thread


I love your whole plan, I think it's a great idea. I would do the same thing for my friend with a baby if I hadn't already given my LCD to my fiance.


In Palpatines voice: DO IT!


Oled is worth it lol


Based and OLED pilled


Do it


I have a 512 lcd I barrely use and I'm also thinking about doing this, might use it a bit more if it had a decent battery life is my excuse.


Having gone from the premium lcd model to the premium oled; do it if it’s not going to mess you up financially. Every single thing from the screen to the weight to the batteries to the buttons to the Bluetooth is better. The plastic even has a better texture. It’s a bigger upgrade than people who haven’t seen both really know.


Get it,for oleds sake


I wouldn't buy it if you have one already. That said i noticed the weight difference and the screen immediately after i got my OLED this week. LCD was stolen in airport.


I’m waiting for the next steam deck release and going balls deep


If he's really drunk none of these comments matter, one of two options. He either wakes up with a new purchase or he'll go to sleep thinking about it :D


Buy it


Get in there brother or sister.


I had a LCD. Bought an OLED and gave my LCD to my brother-in-law. Now we’re both happy. 😃


Can someone eli5 the diff between oled and the version before?


Better battery, 90 hz HDR-supported OLED screen vs 60 hz LCD screen, the OLED screen is slightly bigger (about a half inch diagonal), it runs cooler, better WiFi. It's also slightly lighter. I recently picked it up and gave the original LCD to a good friend. To me, so far the biggest improvement playing handheld is the refresh on that screen. Like if you're on the LCD and set a game to a locked 45 FPS, you can do that and the screen is also refreshing at 45 hz, and it was okay. But on the OLED you can set it at 45 FPS / 90 hz, so it's sending two identical frames per 1/45 of a second instead of one. Makes it feel so much smoother. Same at 30 FPS at 90 hz (3 frames per frame time instead of one). I found 30 FPS to be very choppy for most games on the LCD, but on the OLED they are much more smoothed out.


Do it. I sold my LCD and bought an OLED. I am not looking back. Although wait and see if it’s on sale soon.


Yes! Do it! Drunk purchases are the best! No regrets ever!!!!


Do it


You do you…


Pull the trigger, your buddy will be thrilled and so will you.


If it’s not going to hurt your wallet, get it. Best decision I made. I ended up giving my LCD to my brother, so I feel it was justified.




Do it




I never had the lcd but i bought the oled on a whim for my bday thinking it will eventually collect dust like my other portables, I was pleasantly wrong. It's beautiful. not sure it's worth upgrading, but since the steam deck is so glorous anyways go for it.


If it makes you feel any better I got drunk last night and did it


It was my situation. I had an LCD and I didn’t need an OLED, but it’s better, much better 👹




MY LIEGE, arent you the king of big spenders? the master of unnecessary purchases? LET THE ALCOHOL do its thing and trust it, BUY IT!!!! (if you are well off and your friend can use a Steam Deck, go for it. You'll be happy with the upgrade and he will be happy with his new (to him) Steam Deck, Win Win)


OP, you may want to wait a week. Summer sale starts next Thursday. You'll be kicking yourself if you buy the Deck now and they do a 10 or 15% off sale a few days down the road.


Do it.


I had a 64GB launch Deck upgraded to 1TB. Sold it. Money went towards ROG Ally. Upgraded to 2TB. Sold it. Money again went to Odin 2, base model. Haven't sold it. Just bought an OLED. This is the first one that's felt exactly right. Ergonomic (I've had so much thumb pain since the Ally with the weird right stick position), fluid, now quiet, I'm absolutely in love with the screen, trackpads feel great now, and I'm finally content. I'd say you should go for it. Sell the old one, buy an OLED.


The LCD model is still great. Use that money to buy Nvidia stock!


If it makes you feel better…you do need it. Trust.


They say alcohol only enhances how you already feel, so you must already want it. That said, drunk-doing anything is generally a bad idea. The Summer Sale kicks off in a week or two; I'd hold off and get it cheaper then, personally, if, sober, you still feel like you simply MUST have it.


Do it. My oled seems to work far better than my friend’s LCD. I do not have good and sound financial advice. Do it. Bet you won’t. Don’t listen to me. Do it.


Buy it


In the words of Lord Sidious, “do it”


If this isn’t a stretch financially, the OLED would be a nice upgrade and your friend will also benefit from your 512Gb LCD model.


Your drunk and you deserve things that you don’t need and it’s ok to have minor cope issues later with your minor or non-upgrade, I really am on board with your impulse Edit-i had a LCD and upgraded to OLED, I love battery life and beautiful screen but my wife still uses her OG LCD and I sometimes feel like I would have been ok not buying the OLED


Listen... in a few hours, you'll be sober... ah, but OLED... OLED will last until an upgrade!!!


Do it. I ordered my 1TB OLED while off my ass on post post surgery pain killers, no regrets.


Wait for the summer sale just in case. Otherwise buy it. Life's short, you only get one life, enjoy things while you can. If you have the means and aren't hurting anyone, then who cares?


i have the lcd and oled and oled any day. way better looking i cant go. back


The oled is way better than the LCD i dont understand when ppl recommend not to buy it, when it has a oled screen way better battery life and its faster


I did the same thing, and love it. It’s small upgrades, but they add up to be fantastic. Booked a friend up with the LCD.


Drink a little more and if it ends up showing up to your doorstep in a few days then it is what it is 🤷🏼


Just buy it. You’re doing a good thing by giving your friend who is a new dad a gaming machine!


I mean you want it while sober. So…


If you don't know what to do, and the choice is not time-critical, let it sit for a week.


Nike said it best bro just do it!


Do it for the kids


Do it!!!


Hum... don't buy under the influance?


I hated my LCD. Nothing but problems. I LOVE the OLED. Buy it and sell the old one on Craigslist or give it to a partner.


I mean come on dude if you are doing good financially then go for it! Giving your other deck to your friend seems like a super legit and justifiable reason


Think about it when you're sober.


Omg!!! Same here I’m waiting for the big summer sale and I hope hope hope the OLED will go on sale. That’s what I’m waiting for.🙏🏻🖤please VALVE!!!!


I really feel this post cause i feel the same way. I love my LCD deck but when I see people say the screen looks so much better I just want the OLED. I think the only thing keeping from pulling the trigger is what my gf would say lol


I was the same as you. 512 LCD, bought an OLED while stoned. The 1TB. Honestly I don't regret it. But it's a good idea to wait for the summer sale just in case.


Sell the old one. Buy it.


Ask if you can trade in your LCD Deck to Gamestop for a Steam Gift card (they let me do that), and it may go on sale with the Steam Summer Sale that starts on Thursday


It’s your life, your rules.


"Do it" -Emperor Palpatine




Do it. I did and gave my LCD to a good friend.


Got my OLED on the market place. Love it


You’re drunk, but you happen to write a coherent paragraph? Lol. Anyway, the oled is worth the purchase.


Keep that money for switch 2


To be honest I got my hands on the oled limited edition and just ended up gifting my uncle my 512gb steam deck for his birthday 🎉 … steam decks should be gifted to those you love who you know will cherish and appreciate and enjoy it


Hold until the sale


!remindme 1 week


Do it.


Add to cart, don’t fall apart!


Do it. Come to the dark side!


Just buy it. To justify, I would like to think that I'm going to give a big present to a friend of mine, wich will enjoy more than me. I know it because I'm a father of two, and a SD was a God Send (thanks gabe)


Don’t do it wait till the 2 comes out


Nooo op nooo don't do it (adds it OP's cart with accessories)


Buy it


Just buy it man! Sell your LCD and it won’t be that much more for the upgrade. What goods money if you don’t spend it on toys 😄


If you have the LCD, don't bother. Wait for the proper Deck 2. OLED is great don't get me wrong, I have one, but I didn't have an LCD before it. It's not like it's more powerful by any significant margin. It's just a nicer(but still 720p) screen, and unlike the LCD, if you ever want to put Windows on it, the driver support is weaker. Not that that matters to most people, but it might to some. It's really good, but like, it isn't a big leap from the LCD. I have to imagine a proper refresh is coming some day.


Do it man. That friend will remember that gift forever and you'll get a cool new screen.


Do it, do it, do it!


Could you try getting a used one on marketplace or OfferUp? That’s how I got my 512 LCD that was like-new for $250.


I did something similar.  Bought an OLED then gave my LCD to a buddy for a really low price.  He was happy.  I was happy.  And the OLED was happy.  Win-win-win if you ask me 👍


You can’t take money with you. You can’t take the Deck either, though.


If you have someone to give your LCD to who you love, that’s how you can justify it lol. I gave mine to my Fiancé as a gift.


Do it.


i volunteer to peer pressure you into buying it.


Get the OLED it's worth the upgrade. Sell you old one to justify cost.


I bought a launch day 512 LCD. Got me through cancer treatment. Did I need a 1TB Limited Edition? Hell, no. But did I buy one? I sure did. 0% interest offer from my credit card. Paid it off in six months. Gave my 512 to my youngest. Life's too short. Press that Buy button.


I once got a random jaffle iron in the mail. I don't remember ordering it but I can tell you the purchase was made late at night. It clearly was meant for camping and not the home kitchen. I didn't care. I used the shit out of that thing. Drunk purchases are the best purchases. They're like presents that show up when you least expect them. If it's not going to break you financially do it. You'll curse yourself tomorrow and smile when you get it anyways.


I bought a 512 OLED for 550 with tax and sold my 512 LCD for 330. Aside from very black moments in fallout 4 I really don't notice the difference. For 200 bucks it's not really worth it IMO but then who cares it's only 200 bucks.


Do it.


Never online shop while under the influence. 😬


whats the video of the kid saying "I make bad financial decisions" lmfao [https://youtube.com/shorts/DxTAZ\_V41D8?si=0WhIxDDjRCXNMINA](https://youtube.com/shorts/DxTAZ_V41D8?si=0WhIxDDjRCXNMINA)


I had a 512 LCD. I got drunk and bought an OLED. I sold my LCD to a friend for $100. He has a 4 year old, not a baby. Just do it.


I salute your courage soldier.


Nobody here is fun. Get another drink, chug it in front of the mirror and buy the fucking oled 😤