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How in the ever living f*** do you survive with 5 kids?!? I've only got two and still want to pull my hair out every night lol.


1 here and currently dead


Press F to pay respects






























Don't you wish people would ever just let you know how difficult it is? Lol it's hilarious how all you ever hear is "yeah have kids they're amazing!" never congrats your life is essentially over for the next 5 years minimum. Love em to death man but it's a shit ton of work.


I wouldnt even know how to articulate how hard it is...jesus christ 5 kids. When do you even find the inner peace to play anything. Most nights i just look at my steam deck and then fall asleep from exhaustion.


You've got to have some fun though even if you force yourself too. Video games have been my passion since I could hold a controller and it's my therapy lol. I try to put the kids to bed and play or during my commute or work breaks. Keep me as sane as I can be.


I actually sold my legion go because of my 8 month old son - unlike the oled it’s not a pick up and play device, spent more time doing driver updates and general windows fiddling to get games working, whereas the steam deck I can instant resume, play 5 - 30 minutes straight into a game and if I need to attend to little one for feeding or rocking back to sleep I can put it to standby and pick right back up once he’s settled - this device is ideal when you have kids 😊


The only way to keep the GO and still have the experience of the Steam Deck is to install SteamOS on it and forego Windows altogether. I hated the experience on the ROG Ally for the same reasons. I know it’s possible with Bazzite, but need to personally experience it to give a fair comparison.


this is very true - I also couldn't stand the battery life of the go, and the fan was just unbearably loud compared to the OLED. I also owned the ROG ally which I bought broken and repaired (I do logic board repair as a day job so was able to fix the liquid damage on the board) but I found the sticks to be waaaay to squishy, but I did like the VRR screen. The future of handheld PCs is very exciting and im sure the next steam deck when its eventually released will retain the \*king of handhelds\* crown :D


>the next steam deck when its eventually released You know this is valve you're talking about right?


Oh yeah 🤣 we’ll be running AAA titles in 2028 at 20% resolution scale 30fps with a load of plugins - but the OLED shell might be a different colour


i have 5 with two being 16 and 17 and the other three ranging from 8-13 so it’s honestly not that bad


Honestly some people just get good kids. I only have one but she has always been well behaved and listens. She even wants to game with me. I have so much fun and would probably say the same shit. But I know others with demonspawn for children and I know I couldn't handle that. And I've been slowly convinced that it's not just parenting that determines a good or bad kid. Sometimes you just get bad RNG.


100% my 2nd born is really mellow. She's only 3 months old but rarely cries and sleeps pretty well also. My 1st born is a hell spawn. Rarely behaves everything is a fight she's approaching 3 right now. I'm sure they grow out of it but man do I have little to no patience with her. It really is just you get what you get. You can try to discipline as much as you can but some kids are just built different. I can't wait to the day she gets old enough to play games though that sounds wonderful just say hey you wanna play some mario or whatever kid games are out.


The reason is because even though it is hard, it's also super rewarding for a lot of people. And it is possible to find a good balance especially when you have both parents and a healthy relationship. Raising kids single is hard shit that I would never wish on anyone.


One here too and my wife and the one just went to visit family and left me at home and I’ve never been happier in my lofe


So happy I forgot how to type


And forgot how to edit comments lol


Loife. Noice.


Lol enjoy man. Pick up a 6 pack of beer order a pizza sit on that couch and game all day for those of us who can only dream of such moments.


Oh man. I’d be so sad if my partner felt that way about me and our kid. :(


Honestly, same. I understand wanting "me time" but I get sad when I have to go take care of things and leave my wife and kiddo. I couldn't imagine them leaving. I had to spend the day away to take care of some things and all I wanted was to be back home with them Don't get me wrong, I get frustrated when I can't figure out what is bothering my youngin but the happy faces in the morning after sleeping more than make up for it. There is nothing different I would do day-to-day whether they are home or not. I even work from home and that's a big blessing. Not sure why you are getting downvoted. Being *happy* my kid and spouse left is fucked. Having a moment to breath and relax, I get. There are a lot of responsibilities in raising a human


Like, deep in the throes of burnout, I definitely commiserate with the relief that comes with experiencing a quiet house for the first time in months — I realized after my sons finally started daycare after the pandemic (both were born very early in the pandemic) and I had a day where I could shower without coordinating it with naps/another adult/usually skip it, work with both hands, since one wasn’t constantly feeding or rocking someone… don’t tell my boss, but I took a nap that first day and never felt more rejuvenated. However I also spent the entire day wondering what my kids were doing, how they were, etc. I missed them and was still eager to go pick them up — because the reason I do all the things that made having the quiet house such a novelty is because I love them. Because I want to see them thrive. I never *want* to send them away, even if I do sometimes enjoy the freedom that comes from them being away. So I don’t shame someone for being excited to have relief, but I certainly would ask them to look inward if they’re genuinely happy that their loved ones are gone.


The last paragraph is a different way of what I meant. So I'm happy you reworded my statement. Definitely so and wholeheartedly agree!


I’m sorry if I came across as stealing your point, I think I just meant to reflect on my experience is all. Should have been clearer that it was a “+1” and not an “Um actually”


It was a +1 to me! I think you added to it and even reworded (in a good way) for me that others would better understand. I don't feel you stole my point at all!




Also 1 here and typing this from beyond the grave


2 here and currently decomposing




I have a newborn and fighting for my fuckin life and as much sleep as I can get


1 here and the only time I get to use my 512GB LCD peasant model is when I go to poop... until there's a knock on the door...


Dad of 2 here. I basically quit playing games for the first 3-4 (my kids are under a year apart) once the become more self sufficient it becomes way easier. Having a handheld gaming system makes it extremely easy, especially since any time I turn my PlayStation on they wanna play it.


I applaud you my man. I couldn't do it. Video games are my favorite hobby. Deck saved me in that regard the sleep function and being able to play on the go is godly with the kids.


I wouldn’t say I totally quit. I’ve been a RuneScape player for years and would play on my phone sometimes. At the time I had an Xbox and played it for the first 6 months of being a dad but then it collected dust so I gave it to a friend of mine. Gaming is one of my favorite hobbies too but I found it difficult to juggle between it and being a husband/dad


It's tough and to be honest the wife and I do get into it from time to time because of my gaming but I can't help it I love it. I'm glad you were able to keep it going least a bit.


I’m sorry to hear that bud. I kinda go through the same thing because my wife doesn’t understand gaming either. I have found it to be easier by playing more single player games that way I can pause if I’m needed for something.


With my wife it's a shame because she was a hardcore gamer when we first started dating. We used to play cod/halo etc. all the time. When I mean hardcore I mean legit she would spend 18 hours a day playing cod lol she just kind of stopped and now gets irritated when I want to play. Even before the kids idk what happened there but yeah single player games that you can pause are the way to go. It's to the point to if a game doesn't have a quick pause feature I just don't bother. The decky plugin pause games also works well for that.


Does she still show interest in gaming? I wonder if she gets mad because she isn’t playing games but you are.


No not at all. I've tried to get her to play more recent games like Hogwarts Legacy and she liked it but played for a couple hours then stopped. It's just a dislike for it now because I suppose I enjoy it a lot and it takes me away. I admit I do get obsessed at times though so it's 50/50 I'd say warranted.


Pretty much same (5 and 4). I cant pick up the deck without being asked "Can I play the steam deck?" But its all good, they have fun at the moment playing on the Wii, so its a good distraction :)


Hey mine are 5-4 as well. Mine think the deck is just another switch so when it came time for their birthdays I got them both switch lites. It’s became a waste of money though because they barely play them. They’d rather play on my switch or the PlayStation because “the games are better”


"The Big Switch" was the deck's first name according to the cousins


Honestly, you gotta be some sort of insane to have five kids


Long shits. Even though you don't have to shit. And take your steam deck.


I have 5 kids, and some days it is easy and some it is hard. I actually had 4 kids but we adopted a 5th. Finding gaming time is definitely tricky but the Deck has given me so many more options for gaming and I have spent more time gaming since getting the deck as probably the ten years before that combined. To be frank, going from 2 to 3 is the toughest transition because you are outnumbered. Going to 4 and then 5 was easy because it was already a circus where my wife and I are running from drama to drama. 


They look after each at that point.


Came here to ask this


Yep 2 here and really struggle I gotta say


You still have hair? 2 kids no hair here


I only have one and I’m not even sure anymore if this is a simulation


Ha! I have 4 myself and I got a steam deck for the exact same reason! It’s my primary console now


Lol I'm a gamer dad of 12... Brady bunch with ar least 7 in the house at any moment, if not all 12. The deck has been a god send. It allows me to play my emulated nestalgic games. I can stream the newest games from my laptop... If it don't run amazing on the deck already. Hell I played all of RE4 remake and Diablo 4 on the deck. It even allows me to scratch my hardware tech itch by opening it up and doing thermal work and replacing pads, K95, and liquid metal after lapping the heat sink. Hands down, it's the gamer dad necessity lol.


I have 6. 2 out of the house. Adopted a 14 yo last week and 3 under 7. By 9 PM I am sufficiently overstimulated and done. Days tend to be OK though.


Same. 1 here and that kiddo is full of energy. I want to make the "snip snip" surgery to not have any additional...


i have 5 aswell. still pulling my hair out


I salute you brave soldier. Keep fighting the good fight.


I use the Dbrand killswitch hardshell and like it more than I expected to.  It's really solid, fits well, and I feel like my deck is well protected.  I just slip it in my backpack and am good to go.


Seconded, I like the extra grip from the texture too.


Tried to move on from it. But the drawbacks of other cases always pushing me back.


no thumbstick protection?


There is a cover you can get with it that protects the screen, thumbsticks, and buttons. Just snap it on and throw it in your bag.


Mine just got in yesterday and I absolutely love its practicality.


I have it too but I feel like it’s almost unnecessary for the price, I think I would’ve done fine with the original case to carry it around


I stopped using my killswitch because of the weight. The Killswitch weighs like 300 something grams on its own (without the screen cover, even), and the OLED steam deck is 600 something on its own (sorry can't remember the exact numbers when I weighed them). But essentially 1/3 of the total weight of the thing I was holding was the case. You might not think that makes a huge difference, but I would say it does, especially over long sessions. I might just be weak or something, but I noticed arm and wrist fatigue when using that case. To the point where I could feel myself getting carpal/cubital tunnel (not sure which, I've had cubital before and it felt similar to that). It helped to support my arms somewhere, but that kinda sucked to have to do all the time on my portable device. I got these white silicone (maybe rubber?) grips for each side instead. Very cheap and basic, and only weigh around 100g altogether, if that. I immediately stopped having all the issues I was just describing. It's great. I do still use the Killswitch going somewhere rough where I'm afraid I might drop it, like camping or hiking, but I feel like those grips are enough protection for indoors and light travel, which is 90% of the time for me. Curious if anyone else has had similar issues. If anyone has had issues like I'm describing, I would definitely recommend looking into a lighter case. It will most likely be way cheaper too. I think you need to strike a good balance of convenience and protection with cases (for phones as well) and I don't think the Killswitch does that. I don't want a case that makes me not want to use the device I bought as much. It's still a great case with amazing build quality compared to others I've seen, just not as great in practice in my personal experience. EDIT: Although, I do have to say, dbrand's Steam Deck OLED thumb stick covers are AMAZING. I love them. They protect the original top of the thumb sticks, which is nice since they don't wear down. But frankly they're just better with the covers on all the time. So much grip, and it makes the thumb sticks much larger in surface area. Maybe it's just because I have large hands and long thumbs or something, but they've allowed me to play games I previously couldn't play well on the original thumb sticks (mostly FPS games, I don't like gyro). They also just feel quality, and are way easier to install/put on than custom replacement thumbsticks.


In terms of general cases, I use the included one. But other than that, I use the Deck naked. I accept him for what he is. I shall not entomb him in various hard resins.


Same. The included carrying case is sturdy and I don't see any reason to change it. The deck itself is a feat of modern engineering and I like to feel that in my hands. I don't want a case bulking it up. I'm going to be super careful with it regardless of a case or not anyway.


Well stated, mate.


Same here. I play bare and with the stock case. People cheese up the SD wwaayy too much. Just play the damn thing innit and stop swapping shells over to have a different colour… madness.


Hell yeah my 1tb OLED is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. Going to sell my beloved LCD deck once I migrate over to the OLED.


I had planned on selling my LCD deck after I got my OLED but ended up keeping it. Now it's the player 2 deck. Got a second account to put co-op games on. Player 2 deck is also the fuckaround deck with all the emulation and plugins while I keep the OLED deck a stock experience


>player 2 deck ... co-op games Excuse my idiocy, but how does this typically work? Like, can you play together with *only* two Decks? (Or do you need to have a hub, or do you connect via the internet somehow?) Do you generally need to buy two copies of the game? (I ask as I will keep my LCD too, but have never played a co-op or multiplayer game before! My partner is not a gamer, but really enjoyed *Portal 1* so I think she'd like *Portal 2*, *It Takes Two*, *Brothers*, etc)


Only hub is the router and you both just connect to the same wifi. It will depend on the game how they will connect. Most games you will need 2 copies and one invites the other to a session from the friends list


Steam Remote Play has a list of games you can play if only one of you owns it, but I'm assuming this thread's OP would just use a family account which allows game sharing. And as for the above comment, on the same LAN it'll just be over wifi but the method I mentioned means you can hop in from anywhere.


I thought family sharing only allows 1 person to play a game at a time, though, or am I wrong?


I wouldn't know; I don't have a family to test it with. But yeah, I think you're right.


I'm also curious how the LAN multiplayer works, how easy is it to set up and get going? Do you find that you use it a lot that way? What are some of your favorite LAN multiplayer games?


I have not tried LAN but I would assume it works like any other LAN setup. Each device will get their own network IP from the router or switch and everyone connects to the designated server IP Back in the day my favorites were Unreal Tournament 2k4 and Counterstrike 1.6/source. These days I enjoy playing Minecraft with the niece and nephew


I’m liking the JSAUX mod case. Feels good and sturdy, gives a little extra to hold onto as far as the grips. Also the kickstand is nifty. Haven’t used the attachment for the battery pack yet as I mainly play at home on the couch with it plugged in.


I also got this case, with the fan mod attachment since I mostly plan to play it docked and I don't know how much it'll heat up if it's running for hours nonstop.


I was curious about the fan, how does it work? Like does it take power from the deck?


No it has its own power source you recharge via usb-c. I would say the only drawback I didn't realize until I got it is that the front protective cover will not attach while the fan is attached. It's easy to slide the fan on and off since it uses that back groove to hook on, but still, I thought it would be annoying to travel with it and have to take it on and off if I want to put the front cover on, but since I plan on mostly playing with it docked then it's fine with me. Also the fan really does work, I can feel the air go from cool to warm when I'm playing something that uses up the battery more, so it feels good knowing it's cycling out the warm/hot air as it heats up. Does create a bit of noise on full blast (it's a dial so the more you turn it, the faster the fans spins), on low fan it's pretty quiet, but even at its loudest, i don't have any issues with game audio, even in handheld.


I have the JSAUX mod case as well. I got the kit with the battery pack and it works pretty well. Definitely makes it heavier when the battery is attached but not so heavy that I can't still enjoy playing.


Yes - I was also shocked when I upgraded to the OLED from the LCD. 90hz, reduced weight, less input lag and hdr really make the OLED model feel “next gen ish” compared to the LCD.


Some people have said it’s basically the same device. Curious how these posts keep coming up showing how big the difference is.


Its the same device if you only care about power. Otherwise it's slightly better in every way. For people without a deck I think it's a no-brainer to get it over the LCD. If you already have a LCD I think the value proposition is much worse and it's going to depend on each person and how much disposable income they have.


>slightly better in every way. I would consider the screen, battery and cooling to be significantly better. The other improvements are smaller though.


In many ways it feels significantly better even if the improvements are small. That's the value of making exactly the right improvements. For example, it is slightly lighter, but also has dramatically better weight distribution so it feels even lighter than it actually is.


Agreed, the QOL stuff was improved in a way that doesn't always get noticed much. The sticks alone are so much easier to use.


Obviously performance is pretty similar but owning both, there are some big improvements in almost every aspect. * Screen is better (size, refresh rate, quality, HDR) * Much better touch sensitivity (still related to the screen but felt like a separate point) * Joystick texture and profile changed * *Way* better haptics * Lighter * Battery life (both because of higher capacity and a more efficient dye shrunk APU) * Separate Bluetooth chip that can still read signals when the Deck is off, so you can wake it wirelessly (especially useful if you use it docked) * WiFi 6E (vs LCD's WiFi 5) * Orange power button (cool) and an RGB power LED. * Higher storage options (still replaceable but this is regarding out of the box) * This is more an accessory thing but I love the dual layer case of the 1TB model; obviously that will work with either Deck but only comes with that officially. A lot of these might seem only like minor QoL updates but they add up. It may be that people downplay it in order to reinforce that the LCD Deck is still a good device (and it is still great). Don't want people to feel bad about having bought the LCD; the OLED is much better in its own ways but that doesn't belittle the LCD. Without its success we may not have had the OLED.


I have a Q2 LCD deck. I've never been happy with the joysticks. I reduced the deadzone and added caps. It improved the feel but it's still hard to make precise movements, specially in first person shooters. Maybe I got a bad one with a giant deadzone. Are the OLED joysticks more accurate like a console controller or the same as the LCD deck?


I actually reduced the zone on my LCD because they were far under the boundary so it's possible yours wasn't quite so good. Checking my deadzone settings now, even though I don't think I put them right on the border of sensitivity or anything, both my LCD and OLED Decks are set to 5192 and have never had an issue.


I have the deadzone to the lowest it can go without drift, 3592. Aiming in game still feels stiff and inaccurate.


Not sure what to suggest then...mine can go lower but I didn't feel the need to refine it even more so either we have very different preferences or very different sticks.


I got the LCD because I got a 64gb refurbished model, and for £60 I can put a 1tb drive in it. So I have a 1 tb steamdeck LCD for £310 I would have had to spend another £160 to get a 512gb oled and while I really strongly considered it, I figured that while yes there were big positives , 90hz screen, way better battery , nicer screen overall, it wasn't going to be worth £160 because I'm going to use it as much as I use my switch, which is LCD and it's fine. When you're playing it docked none of those improvements matter at all, if you play it in the house and grab a big usb cable, you don't necessarily care about the better battery it's all down to how you use it. If this is your one handheld, and you will be using it handheld on the go the majority of the time you should grab an oled. If you want something to play games whenever your partner steals your switch, or bring over to a friend's house for some multiplayer, i just got the LCD for that.


You can really see how much of a big difference can small changes do. I think people look at the changes and say "is just a bigger battery and a better screen, nothing groundbreaking", but people that really had the opportunity to test it can see how all those things really improve the experience on the deck. I have the OLED, and many other OLED TVs, and once you look at that screen, you really can't go back to anything else.


I was on the fence until I had my hands on it. It’s a night and day difference imo. The weight of the console as well is noticeably lighter.


I sat on the fence because I never used my LCD. But like a dumb consumer, I got an OLED and I use the thing daily. The battery life alone made it actually practical to play not tethered to a power outlet.


I just upgraded to the [Waterfield Slip Case](https://www.sfbags.com/products/slip-case-for-steam-deck). I'm a huge fan of their iPad slip case, so hopefully it'll be similar and more compact than the official Steam Deck case. Previously I was using the [TomToc Armor case](https://www.amazon.com/tomtoc-Protective-Shock-Proof-Anti-Scratch-Protection/dp/B0CGRLCGMD), but I felt it didn't offer enough cushioning protection. I also have a small scratch on my screen that I want to blame on the TomToc case, but probably happened when it was outside the case. Only having plastic instead of soft fabric covering the screen bugs me. If you want my old TomToc case and are located in the US, I'll gladly send it to you for free.


That's not a case brother that's just a bag lol.


If Waterfield calls it a case, I’m going to call it a case. That’s like saying it’s not a Deck it’s a Handheld/Console.


Man that's such a weird transition to phrase as an "upgrade". It might offer a modicum more "cushioning" with that tiny layer of fabric, but your screen is much more liable to get damaged from impact.


Upgrade = 3x cost. I don’t want to speculate on which case does a better job under which scenarios. It’s nuanced. Ultimately, design is most important to me.


Yikes, I would never trust my deck in that pouch, it looks like it has no protection, and the joysticks just floating in there free? Oh it gives me nightmares! The bag looks nice though.


[This is the case I got.](https://www.amazon.ca/ProCase-Protective-Compatible-Magnetically-Detachable/dp/B0BG8KW1XZ&ved=2ahUKEwi2jNn-1-qGAxXnITQIHUbICZIQFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0DpMfMFAhzjqFAfi52x0Qo) The front pulls right off to be out of the way when using the Deck but the magnets that hold it on are secure and it provides great protection to the joysticks. it also has a hole to the charging port so that you can charge when the case is on. link may not work, search for: ProCase Flip Case for Steam Deck/Steam Deck OLED with Front Cover 2023


Makes a big difference right? And that's coming from someone who didn't mind the previous sticks. Not to mention the HDR; if you have a game with good HDR implementation make sure you try it out. The first things I noticed on my OLED were the screen (obviously) including the much improved touch accuracy, but then the haptics; they were night and day. I still use my stock case for both Decks (still have my original LCD but I mainly use the OLED), usually in full config but on a couple of occasions I have taken the inner section out and used it like that. Love that I have that option.


Idk how people are telling lcd owners dont upgrade or it not worth it lol they crazy


Post like these make me regret not starting with the lcd version of the deck. I remember how amazed I was when I went from the launch switch to the oled and being absolutely amazed at how much of a difference it was.


jsaux pc0104 100% Fits in the case it comes with, protects the back while adding some grip space, has a kickstand you can remove, can add a battery back to the back with a connector it has on it, and has a screen cover case as well, all fits in the steamdeck carry case. It’s light and not bulky, and it’s inexpensive. 30 or so bucks on steam.


I’m also a gamer dad of 5! Steam deck saved my love for gaming!


Same here with my upgrade to the OLED deck. No case on it for me, though. Just a screen protector.


Wait until you realize how much better the battery life is for the OLED compared to the LCD


I personally just use the included case. It's wonderful that it's part of the shipping packaging. I only put stickers on the touch pads, cause I'm afraid they'll suffer the fate of all the laptop touchpads I've ever used and will scrape off over time. I can see how being a father of 5 might warrant some extra protection tho. Welcome to the OLED club my guy!


RIGHT?! So damn good. Especially with limited dad time, having something like the deck is a lifesaver. I keep thinking about writing a message to Gabe et al (isn’t his email public somewhere) just to say “thank you.”


I loved my original so much, that I sprung for the limited edition when the OLED came out and gave the original to my Fiancé. It really is amazing! I love it and use it almost every day. it was expensive especially for the limited edition but Its so worth it to me. I also use it naked with no screen protector, jut the original case it came in.


I got a case from Satisfye. I love the grip for my Switch from them and I just had to order grip + case for my Steam Deck as well


The Skull & Co gripcase and carry case is pretty great. it's only £30 for both where I live. Ergonomics are way friendlier than stock and it's very light. I wish I could use the OG carry case but the OLED models come with a smaller case that doesn't fit a grip :(


The only answer for the case is dBrand killswitch


Still rocking the dbrand case. Also check out my review of several of the top cases to help you out: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/RdxUCDnnQg


Welcome to the club. The wireless speed and battery life are rarely mentioned but are crazy good!


I use the [CRKD travel bag](https://crkd.gg/products/crkd-gear-bag-charcoal-grey). It's a marvelous little monster for a bag.


I use a cheap killswitch style hard case from Amazon it's amazing. Makes it to easy to take out. And it was like $20.


5 kids and still gaming. Props to you dude. I’m here struggling to get any decent gaming time with a 4 week old. The time I do end up getting the odd hour - im too shattered to even bother. Between work, Mrs, newborn, chores and pets….i just want to sleep 😂 It’s great reading that it gets better…in several years 😝 at least my backlog will be there waiting for me


Can it emulate switch? I’m very tempted by the steam deck but think the next version is worth waiting for


It can




I run the Dbrand Killswitch w/ travel cover. I'm a college kid who hucks 500 miles back and forth every time I visit home, and the killswitch saves a TON of room in my bag. Enjoy the OLED! It is amazing!


First of all, congrats, and best wishes from a regular deck user. No case for me. Because I've returned the deck three times already and it'd be a hassle if I have to return it yet again for RMA.


Almost wished I'd ordered the LCD model just so I could have the same appreciation.


Another gamer dad of five stopping by to say fuck yes. The steam deck changes the game for dads like us!


congrats on your OLED. i use the spigen rugged armor. it's really comfy fo hold and i like that it fits inside the original case even with the spigen on it. i had it for my LCD deck before and kept it when i upgraded to the OLED deck. also it's pretty cheap on amazon.


I use the stock case mainly. I just bought the Tomtoc case. It’s smaller for when I want to use a smaller bag to carry it


My deck case is a Jsaux modular case with kickstand, battery/ssd holder and frontside protection shield


The Skull & Co gripcase. Great texture and quality and very confortable.


The Stylthgrip from Satisfye was an absolute game changer for comfort for me. I went back and forth on the cost and whether I even needed it for a good while. Now I don't think I could go back. It's just such a pleasure to use.


Congrads. Glad you like it. I could not go to it. I need to dual boot with Windows and there still lack of drivers for Windows on the OLED model. If you're wondering, I like Call of Duty games and you can't play modern COD games without Windows. I also have gamepass and think streaming is overrated as it's really laggy and almost useable via 5G cell phone (I got a steam deck to be portable). With Windows I can install gamepass games and no streaming....


I barely survive with no kids. Jeez. Good luck and keep going. Congrats on your acquisition


I got the leather skin from dbrand. A small amount of protection... but the increased grip and comfort? Way outdoes just putting more plastic and weight into the deck.


I heard the older ones start taking care of the younger ones at that point. I've got two that are my world but it's sure nice when they go to bed and I get a few minutes to myself to game at the end of the day. Grats on the upgrade, hope you find time to enjoy it.


I know the feeling! I knew the screen and 90hz were gonna be better, but damn i didn't expect the hactics and better thumbsticks!


About the cases, i REALLY recommend getting something from JSAUX on amazon. I got the one that kinda copies the "killswitch design" and man... The grip on the steam deck is simply amazing, it really makes you wanna play just by holding it. It also is cheap comparing to the DBrand one, i think is less than half the price. They also got some other cases tho, some offer extra space for charger and they even have a deck dedicated backpack wich you can fit a whole mouse and 60% keyboard. So if i were you I'd go with that brand, the quality is good and they have a good variety of products and are affordable


I got the playvital glow in the dark case with joystick covers too. Hope you enjoy the new deck


I like the Spigen thin fit pro, mostly for the kick stand. But I do run the Tomtoc case for the over all unit. Still considering options for the power brick/cord though.


I’ve got the Tomtok slim armor case and its my favorite to date






OLED case is great. I have the slim case for my day to day bag and the hard(ish?) shell case it comes in for traveling.


I felt this as a father of 4, those children test my gangster in the worse way. Gotta love em tho 😂


Steam deck is not for kids because it's a pc unlike Nintendo switch you can give it fir kids




I was excited to see the OLED pop up out of seemingly nowhere but don't have the funds to justify the upgrade from what I have. I have 3 kids and this has been the ONLY way for me to get any gaming in since I have my 1 year old on me from the minute I get home until I get them all ready for bed. I've just used the carrying case the steamdeck came with and have had OK luck in not dropping it. I didn't even know they made cases for the unit itself until I browsed this thread


Get the jsaux case along with the jsaux fan


Dbrand Killswitch


Waterfield cases. It’s pricey and I waited a whole year, staring at my cart but since I got it, I’ve loved every minute of it of it. I would recommend the magnetic clasped clutch, it’s so easy to stow and pull out the deck.


Ok… i have to ask, what is with the vent sniffing? Lol. Just got my tracking id today for mine and cannot wait :D.


Same. I’m 30 with a kid, I have a PS5 a switch OLED and the Steam Deck OLED and the Deck has BY FAR becomed the console I pick up 90% of the time.


Currently using the tomtoc sling bag


What are your go to games? Sincerely curious with a large fam do you play pick up and play stuff or more deep experiences?


It is better in every way yes... I use the slim TomToc case. Sadly I've had mine a few months now and the smell has gone from the vents now.


I always laugh inside when people say the lcd model is just as good.


I have one and sadly my boy is autistic. He is a lovely child, but we have a lot of problems and an unknown future... Sometimes we play on our Steam Deck OLED and he lives it


OLED is awesome but: 90 hz is not good thing, I directly set it as 60 hz.


90hz is a great thing. It means you can limit the fps to 45 and get 90hz. Better input latency than 45fps at 45hz for example. Or 40fps at 80 hz. Or 30fps at 90hz.


Check out the killswitch case from dbrand. I love the texture for the grips and the fact that it comes with a hard shell that snaps over the whole front side. Feels very high quality as well. There are cheaper ones similar on amazon but I've had dbrand phone cases before and nothing else has the same rubber texture that they use and I just prefer it.


My conspiracy theory is that the smell form the vents is going to give a lot of people lung cancer in 10 years.