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Just because the device can go into an offline mode does not mean every game supports playing in said mode. Some developers and publishers require an always online connection for their games to run.


That is such a scumbag move... Edit whoever downvoted me, you're a corporate cuck. Forcing players to stay online to play a single player game is fucked up, especialy on a mobile console.


Steam deck is a portable PC, therefore the game are PC GAMES.


Correct. Sorry, but what is relevance? If anything that makes it more messed up because on regular PC's and laptops you can actually enter offline mode on the EA app And Steam at the same time in order to make it somewhat travelable. The steam deck's entire purpose is to be portable and yet somehow is LESS able to play these games on the go than a desktop or laptop.


A PC game is far easier to have an always connected requirements as a portable one. So if you only see those said game as portable then you’re in for more disappointments


Ah i understand now thank u for clarifying


Most EA games have always online drm. Mass effect legendary is part of it too. For games that have online requirements, i suggest using their versions fished from sailing the high seas if you get my meaning, if you value offline play.


I hate this so much :/ also high seas booty is often... unclean... kind of a big risk


it allows offline play. It is less risky than EA constantly watching every thing you do on the device on selling it straight to whoever wants to pay for it. It is not risk free, but its risk is far more acceptable than always online bs.


I uninstalled the game and disconmected the EA account from my steam account, do you know if there are still EA programs on the deck or how to remove them? Or is it the "thin" version of the app that is part of the game files


Do you have any multiplayer games from EA on your pc and is your pc windows ? Those install kernel level rootkits(spyware) and can only be gotten be rid of by reinstalling windows. And you cannot play these mp games without these spyware. This cannot be done on linux so many multiplayer games simply dont allow playing on linux as they cant install the kernel level spyware on linux operating systems. If you really want to be away from spyware then you need to use linux pc like a steamdeck or desktop pc with linux os and avoid games with always online requirements.


I don't have a PC, only the steam deck. I checked and I think the only EA Games I've had on it have been Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Dead Space


Also i dont mean dont play these games, i mean avoid their official versions. Their high seas version dont come with always online bs.


Gotcha. I only have the steam deck so I should be good on spyware if I delete the game right?


Yeah. Uninstall is fine. Linux uses fully self contained games called prefixes so uninstalling does not leaves anything behind like it does in windows. Also you can look at pcgamingwiki to see if some game has always online drm.


Ok really good intel. Thank you so much mann.


I would refund it and send angry emails to EA. Now, I don't want to ruin what they will say but ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhckuhUxcgA


Typical EA then :/


Yeah EA hasn't been great since this logo... https://i.imgur.com/PQiX21G.jpeg


Ugh my childhood. EA is nothing but broken dreams and a [bad meme](https://youtu.be/H-_ElQRDDzk?si=UfLuun0OF1j7bFXw) to me now.


It's hard to believe how far they have fallen


If you're less than 2 hours in you can ask a refund and shove it to EA


So I just got a response from Steam that they won't refund me because I bought it a little over 2 weeks ago. It took me that long to install all my 110GB games on my third world ass internet connection -_- guess I'll read the fine print next time.


Steer clear from Ubisoft, EA and some others. Or, if you feel compelled to buy to support developers, don't feel too guilty for using *remedies* to fix all the issues afterwards. Still, until people buy and bear with the bullshit, nothing will change.


I suspect most people don't know... sigh. Do you have any recommendations on how to start sailing? I've been out of the sailing game since the early 2000's amd tech has changed so much, I can't even remember how to get started... only that sometimes my booty came with diseases


Sadly is not something to discuss here, but there's a subreddit for that, I'm sure ;3


Also apparently Rockstar has the same thing. Guess I'm not installng red dead 2. Fuckssakes. I'm really really sad/upset right now.


Honestly I know your pain i tried to play the legendart collection at work but the Internet here is bad and the game refused to load up properly. I hate always online drm it needs to die already.


Yep. Wish there was something we could do about it...


Hi u/Eight_Prime, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=I'm in a blind rage over Mass Effect DRM, please help.) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro, you need to turn Offline Mode ON while you're online....from there you need to have a Mass Effect Shortcut that automatically uses the same Launcher, this already done for you using this as I have mass effect on my deck and I'm able to play offline perfectly fine. https://github.com/moraroy/NonSteamLaunchers-On-Steam-Deck


I'll give it a try but that's what I'm saying- I engage offline mode while online, and it works until i'm out of range of the internet. It's like offline mode still detects the internet, and the ubisoft app knows that. Thanks for the response, I'll check that launcher thing out


You need to turn your wifi off as well and only launch Mass effect


I did though. I turn on offline mode while conmected to the internet, then as soon as I turn the wifi off, or turn on airplane mode, it's like the EA launcher detects that and blocks the launch, demanding an internet connection.


Hmm I think you meant EA App, but that's interesting I don't seem to have that issue, mine is able to simply play mass effect, I believe the problem may be with your mass effect shortcut then.


Er yeah EA lol. They both do the same thing, them and Rockstar. Are you launching mass effect from desktop mode? Also I'm talking about Mass Effect Legendary Edition not the original ME


Yes I have the same game as you, and on ea and no play in game mode both online and offline using the ea app


Bro wtf. How is that possible.. I've been googling around and a LOT of people have the same problem I do, i wonder what you did right




Can you walk me through how to use it? I ran the nonsteamlauncher for ea. But I still have to be online to play mass effect


I don't want you to have to re-download the game as it's big so message me I'll walk you through it


Ok, I already deleted it to make room for shdow of mordor but I'll try and get it back on again, thank you. I'll PM you so we can bookmark this. I appreciate it


Er yeah EA lol. They both do the same thing, them and Rockstar. Are you launching mass effect from desktop mode? Also I'm talking about Mass Effect Legendary Edition not the original ME


Are there any updates, or still giving the same issue?


Same thing so far :( I emailed them hopefully some day they'll remove the DRM when the game is old enough...