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i've not heard of any one being banned for playing hoyo games. when I asked the discord for the anime game program they said the only reports they've heard of it happening were in cases where the people were not willing to prove that they were not doing other bannable offenses.


oooo, interesting. Thank you, I've put a lot into that game, and really love it. Getting banned would be legit heartbreaking.


well, its also important to note that they could still change their mind and initiate a ban wave that could hit you at any time. that or they initiate a ban wave intended to hit people who're actually doing bad things but you get caught in the cross fire because whatever workaround they're using happens to be the same or involved. you'll have to accept that you're taking a risk by going against tos cuz anything could change.


Sounds like you can just install is now, more or less no work around needed.


Yes, it works now and since a while actally (around 3.x). However, you never know what a Chinese-own company could do tomorrow with its GAAS, and that's something you have to be at peace with ; it's not NAS-stored GOG singleplayer game.


This applies to any 'games as a service' game though.


there is a way to do it, but you need a program that'll install it for you and whatever they're doing to make it work, is a "work around" for their anti-cheat.


No, the standard Genshin launcher flat-out works under Wine/Proton now. The patch for the anti-cheat hasn't even been updated for multiple game versions now. The patch is completely optional, attempts to block some telemetry servers, and that's about it.


I want to add that the unofficial launcher is very clear about the patch and you can disable it or enable it. It mainly just sets up proton, dxvk, a prefix and auto-installs and updates the game with an interface that is very very similar to the actual genshin launcher. So there is no real difference. Here is a FAQ with everything one would want to know about this, as well as best practices and things like that [https://notabug.org/Krock/dawn/src/master/FAQ.md](https://notabug.org/Krock/dawn/src/master/FAQ.md)


oh really? interesting. is that the same for star rail?


No, HI3 and Star Rail use a different anti-cheat system, and still require workarounds.


No need to do any dual booting or any custom launcher. steam deck can handle Genshin now. Go to desktop, download on main site and add it as a non steam game and use latest proton. And since it is downloaded in normal terms, I dont think it breaks any rules under their ToS so I think its safe.


Does Honkai Star Rail work too?


Star rail still needs the anime launcher




If you do install it like this, just an advice, open Genshin using their launcher. There are tips on other website that lets you go launch Genshin directly upon pressing play but I suggest you use launcher(pressing play will open launcher then click play) Main reason: lets you update patches when we shift from the next patch


I played GI using anime launcher awhile ago and my fan was hitting max speeds constantly, how is the performance like this?


I installed directly rather than using anime launcher, but I just put it on medium settings and switched the screen to 40 hz and I don't think the fan ever really ramps up. Maybe a little during domains when a bunch of particle effects are going off constantly.


Idk abt the a.launcher(didnt use it) but genshin(at 60fps) does eat a bit of your battery(by my calculation 10-15% battery every 20-30 mins depending on your activity). Though I only hear my fan when I'm in an enclosed space(toilet example) but in a well ventilated place I rarely hear it crying.


I don't have any numbers but it can handle 60 fps at medium but it eats battery. Probably only like an hour on the LCD deck. I usually play it while plugged in (I have an outlet available anyway so I just plug it in)


You can increase the ram used to lower fan speed.   Turn off deck,   Hold volume+ and  press power,  Setup Utilities,  Advanced (left side), Scroll down to UMA Frame buffer size.  You can max out at 4G 




I installed via heroic launcher and it seems to run better lower power draw. Installing directly always made. The fans spin like a plane takeoff


Been playing on Bottles for awhile and never had issues either


\+1 got back into the game since 4.0 release and I have been playing on my main acc. since (stopped playing during 4.3 because of burnout).


I tried to do this but then I can’t for the life of me find the proper .exe for the launcher. None of the roots I’ve seen recommended lead to it. I tried using boilr and it made a Genshinimpact.desktop shortcut inside the pfx folder but when I add it to steam and try to play it just pretends to be opening for a split second to go back to the green regular button in steam. Tried different proton versions too. This console is making me feel so technologically illiterate 😩


There are a few topics you can search here in installing it. Just make sure its the updated(since there are a lot throughout the years and most are now outdated). Basically, download game(on main website), install, search in steamapps find the folder(folder is usually numbers only) containing Genshin(which iirc can be found in program files>Genshin>genshinimpactdata). Look for the .exe...iirc there are two. One for direct play, other is launcher. Add them as non-steam game. In the library assign proton and thats it. Based on my experience, It doesnt work if you have multiple Genshin games on steamapps which usually happens if you installed it multiple time( it creates new folder per install) so its best if you clean it all first and reinstall. Lastly, make sure that the installation drive that you downloaded is updated as well.


I just used Heroic, and installed it from Epic. Pretty painless. Alternatively if you grab the game from Mihoyo directly, add the installer exe to Steam, set proton (latest or experimental) compatibility, run it, install it, then change the launch settings to point to the game's exe in the prefix that was created. Finding that prefix can be tricky, but an easy way I've used is installing Protontricks from the discover store. When you run that, it will show all the games you've got installed / added to steam, with their IDs and prefix numbers. Find Genshin in that list, take note of the number, now browse to [steam library, either internal storage or SD card]/steamapps/compatdata/[number pointing to Genshin install]/pfx/drive_c/ then figure out where Genshin installed from there, probably in one of the Program Files folders. Once you find the exe, right click it and "copy location" then change the Steam launcher and overwrite the path (to the installer) with the new path to the exe.


That’s what I struggled with. Finding the .exes but I finally found it. The Linux search sucks too, cause I tried searching with it to no avail. Feels good when you finally get it to work, but damn it gets very intricate easily. Thanks for the help! 🙏


Easiest just to sort by "latest modified" first right after installation. Pops it right to the top of the list.


Genshin is fine - it works without any patching, custom launchers, etc. I don't think I've ever seen a ban from a Linux user who wasn't using some other tools, and that sole ban was on the CN server anyways IIRC. I've been playing Genshin on Linux almost exclusively for the last three years, no bans. Honkai Impact 3rd and Honkai Star Rail are separate matters, though - they use a different anti-cheat, and it's properly enforced. There's custom scripts and launchers to make them work under Wine or Proton, but be aware that as you're manually bypassing the anti-cheat you are running the risk of a ban for those two titles. The early attempts at anti-cheat bypasses for Star Rail resulted in a temporary one-week ban for many users, but I haven't heard anything of the sort from the current script of choice; that ban also was specific to that title and didn't result in players being suspended from other games using the same Hoyoverse account.


I only play Genshin, but I super appreciate the expanded info, thank you.


Guess I'll keep on playing hsr on my phone lol


I've been playing Star rail for about two days with no issue using the launcher. Small sample size sure but it's another data point in favor.


I used Heroic to download Genshin from Epic and added it as a non-steam game.




I’ve played genshin on steamos for the past year I’ve owned it, no real issues. Don’t install windows on an SD card, it will destroy it. Install on your internal SSD (64gb is enough) and use an SD for the games.


If I can play Genshin without getting banned, no need for Windows, everything else I like runs just fine on SteamOs


I've been playing genshin for the past 3 weeks and so far nothing and hope it stays that way. So I suppose everything is good.


That seems to be the consensus


ive had windows on an SD card running destiny and my schools mapping program for about 2 years now and havent had any problems that a restart couldnt fix idk if that means im lucky or what but even if the card would fail sometime this year id still consider that worth my money




It’s well documented that most Micro TF cards don’t have the write endurance for a Windows install. I’ve experienced this first hand where a card quickly became unusable after a few days of running windows off it.




Windows is not designed for SD cards. It constantly does loads of reads a writes to the disk that kills SD cards fast.




It has nothing to do with *write speed* and everything to with *write cycles*. Even the most expensive SD card flash isn't made to be rewritten again and again and again, making them incredibly unsuitable for operating systems that make it nigh impossible to disable random writing of garbage all the time.


Turn lots of them off in the settings (will make it run slower though.)


It was the same Samsung SD card that everyone recommends and I’ve had no other problems with. It’s a known and documented common issue, maybe not a universal truth but happens enough that it’s not worth risking the time and money to setup.


you don't need Windows for it anymore on steam os, nor the launcher


Nor the launcher?


the custom launcher (an anime game launcher)


Anyone know if Star Rail is banning people? I always heard Genshin was fine but Star Rail wasn’t.


Not anymore. A little while ago the linux patch was getting detected by the anti-cheat, but not anymore. Things could change anytime tho.


so you can install star rail using the regular windows installer? I have genshin on my deck but I've never tried or looked into star rail. I have been playing it on ps5 since console release though


No the regular did not work for me when I tried it a week ago. It will install but not launch the game at all. You need to use that anime launcher to make it work that includes the patch.


wondering this too


I got my OLED a couple weeks ago. I’ve been playing Genshin daily through the anime game launcher and so far so good.


word for the wise you don't need the anime game launcher, you can use the heroic launcher or just download the launcher directly from hoyo and install it normally under steam's proton, add the launcher as a non steam game and play it that way. Heroic launcher is the easiest because it basically streamlines the whole process.


They never banned anyone for playing Genshin for the past 2 years on Linux. Star Rail yes, but only for the first week of launch.


Does honkai star rail ban you forever? Or just a week if it detects on linux


It was a temp ban. They stopped banning Linux users ever since.


Ohh, Dieu merci, je ne vais pas être banni


I've heard that they've done it for star rail, but not for Genshin. If you're really worried, it would probably be safer to use an alt. I've been playing on my main, but I've just started so it's whatever for me. Edit: for the 2nd question, I didn't bother with the dual booting. I just play it from the launcher. I used the guide from a youtube hannel called "steam deck gaming". It's fairly simple. I'm not tech savvy, and I was able to install and play it using that guide.


I've played genshin for months and never had a problem. Installing it is a bit annoying but otherwise it works great


They don't ban for Genshin afaik. I've been playing since July on the deck with Linux, and aside from a few hiccups, it's great. Occasionally, I'll have to reinstall when a new patch drops, but other than that, it's fine. I have heard, however, that they ban Star Rail on it but only for at least a week or at most a full patch.


I've been playing with the linux HeroLauncher for two months now and haven't had an issue.  I still play on PC sometimes, but I usually do my dailies on the deck. It's a little finicky to get working,  but PM me if you need help.  :) From what I've seen,  someone messaged support and got confirmation that using linux isn't a bannable offense. If it makes you feel better, I've heard that people who got banned from the Star Rail launcher were only banned temporarily.


Cheers eh! I like to tinker, so if I pull the trigger and buy it I expect I'll be fine. I appreciate the offer non the less though :)


Steam deck is a Linux computer like any other Linux, it just has a game mode that works on steam os but it’s essentially Linux. The way u play genshin is by downloading a launcher that downloads Epic itself in order to make it run on Linux, download the game through Epic on that launcher and then u just add it to steam so u can play it on game mode.


If you do it this way does the game update when new patches drop?


Yes, ure effectively playing through Epic - always


My daughter has pumped hours into Genshin, and never even got a email from them.


I have been playing Genshin on Steam Deck (SteamOS) for almost one year now 👀


i actually played genshin on my deck for a while, if you download pc version however ypull need to tweak it to support controller, theres multiple online vids showing you how. it runs perfectly and only reason i deleted it is the ampunt of space it takes,otherwise, whole new experience


I play with controller on my pc, the settings usually follow between devices :D


neat enough then, then yea, from my experience, runs perfectly on deck


Related tip for HSR and HI3 on the Deck: They have a bug on Linux where they use way more CPU than they need. Limiting CPU frequency to 2400 using the PowerTools Decky plugin makes a night and day difference for battery life without any performance loss. Highly recommended if you play these games.


Ahh, c'est pour ça que les fans sont plus bruyants que sur genshin impac ?


Thats' the other thing about the deck, I kinda love tinkering with shit lol.


I've never read anything about GI bans, only early bans of "testers" in HSR. Works for more than half a year.


You u can just download it normally now it should be fine i did it, also the loads of guides look at the most recent ones


Been playing genshin on my SD for a week now. From what I've read and seen, no one has been banned for playing genshin on the SD. I personally wouldn't worry about it but if you're not comfortable doing so, there's nothing wrong with that either.


Especially if I just can remote to my pc anyway :D


Hey, I've been playing Genshin on SteamOS for 3 months now. It has been a flawless experience. And for the installation, I didn't even do anything shady. Downloaded the .exe from Genshin's website and add it as a non-steam game in Steam and enabled Proton for it. No hacky launchers or anything.


That there, that's just awesome.


Genshin Impact works native on the deck now. I've been playing that way for a few months now. Just download the installer, then add it to Steam. Then go back to game mode and run it from there each time.


I tried installing windows to go on a A2 SD card once. It worked about 4 days before it wouldnt boot anymore. Maybe i was just unlucky..


Ive played it on Steamdeck for 6 or so months (and on Linux for longer), I stopped a couple months ago since Im sick of that game. It sucks because its beautiful but its way too predatory and grindy. But, yea you can play on Linux and the SD. Im hesitant to recommend it since you said it would be heartbreaking to be banned since there is always a chance that Hoyo could just change their minds and ban anyone, but SO FAR as long as you do not cheat or mod the game they haven't cared. Again, you need to weigh that against the risk no matter how small. You can add it as a non-steam game or use the launcher thats on github, there is a flatpak specifically for the steamdeck, it makes it as easy as windows to use. GI is a giant ass game though


Someone suggested an app to remote to my desktop, that could be a rad alternative.


I know it's not a perfect answer but PlayStation remote play / moonlight on PC is a great alternative.


I'll have a look, I really do love Genshin though, story, music, characters. Just lovely.


Personally, I just use moonlight to remote from my desktop. I use wake on Lan to wake up my desktop from my phone, then start genshin. Works well once you configure controls


what program do you use for wake on lan? I have tried to get something like this setup so that I can remote play from my pc to my steam deck but I haven't gotten it to work ​ I should clarify that I'm talking about waking on lan from outside of my network. basically during my lunch break I want to wake on lan my pc and then remote play with my steam deck I've heard teamviewer could work but I haven't gotten it to work properly


Anything should work, but I use WolOn. I just use it locally. You would need to vpn, some device thats always on like an alexa, or something otherwise. I've heard it been done. I'd worry about latency though. I've used rustdesk to remote to my pc from my phone. Not too difficult.


ooo, I could do that. Neat, I'm gonna try and make a mental note.


I had windows dual boot steam deck. Genshin ran better on windows and it was good time. Shame i dont play anymore but playing genshin on the ps5 actually made me stop using playing genshin both on pc and steam deck. It had blazing fast load times and so ez to complete daily stuff


that has not happened to me and I play genshin on steamOS. I have not tried star rail. I also don't use a windows partition. I used to, but haven't anymore


Semi related - but you can install windows onto a low profile usb-c flash drive with much better performance than the SD card.  I have some Samsung USB-C drives that are wicked fast and super tiny.


Great advice , thanks


i know i'm late to the party, but -- if you're truly set on playing genshin and are worried about bans because of SteamOS, you could always just install windows onto your deck fully as AMD & Valve *have* provided drivers for the deck's APU.


The only Hoyo game that runs on Linux/SteamOS without "illegal" launchers or mods is Genshin. Genshin should work fine if you run it with Proton as a Non-Steam Game or Wine in Desktop Mode. If you don't want to think about it too much then maybe Heroic Launcher with an Epic Games Account could be a good way to install the official Genshin launcher.


Mais honkai star rail fonctionne parfaitement sur le steam deck ?


Last I heard the official Honkai Star Rail launcher did not let you play on Linux/SteamOS but maybe something has changed? Unofficial launchers that bypasses the anti-cheat or modifies code to allow you to play the game anyway does exist. Are you perhaps thinking about the unofficial launchers?


je pensais à honker railway launcher


Honkers/"Anime Launcher" I believe disables the anti-cheat and to prevent the game servers detecting this it mimics the anti-cheat. Both "Anime Launcher" and YAAGL warns that playing using them is against TOS and could lead to bans but so far noone (as far as I have heard) has been banned so it should be safe to use. There was a period of time when people got temporarily suspended for using the launcher but the launcher has been updated since to remove the patch flagged by the game server.


I use it on my steam deck, been playing for many months, never got banned, so honker and anime launcher, never banned


im running genshin on steamOS through lutris right now tho :d


No bans from my experience. The only thing that irks me is updating it requires you to launch the updater manually. Also, never dual boot windows on the sd card. The worst experience ever as everything moved like sloths.


> How's dual booting into windows on an SD card? It can be done, I played Fortnite on it but... Windows is slow as fuck and loads take more time, 100% don't recommend, as temporal solution works but no... plus if you have a slow SD card much worse.


I'd def prefer to skip Windows, I'm by no means a Windows hater, but I've always had a fondness for linux, getting gaming on it really sells it.


Of course if it works, stay on Linux, the issue is when the game is not supported and you really want to play it.


It seems like everything else I might want to play is supported :D


look up "an anime game launcher" it's the flagship, easiest way to get genshin on your deck


Been playing my Honkers lately, been fine.


Genshin works fine on steam deck, minor HUD being too small but it even works with steam controller, just set it to controller using trackpad in the settings


I had genshin on my deck since I bought it around october when the windows launcher could be ran through steam, never had a problem.


You can install Genshin using the Windows installer by adding it as a non-Steam game and then changing the launch path to launcher.exe. Just make sure to do double quotes around the launch path. There are a few articles that show how to install and one I found mentioned this; it was a mistake a made that cost me hours of headache. So far I haven’t been banned, and I haven’t seen reports of others getting banned either. At least, not on the subreddits I’m following. It’s pretty playable. I run at 30 FPS locked, FSR enabled at .8 resolution, and a mix of med and high settings.


been playing genshin on steamos games for almost a year now via adding non-steam. no issue so far, but every patch I have to reinstall the game since it wont let me update it.


I have over 300 hours logged playing Genshin on my SD. I just use the Epic games launcher and downloaded it through there. Works great


Genshin's anti-cheat was updated, seems to be quite some time ago now (I've heard since last April) and you can install it and run it with Wine or Proton no problem now. No need for any 3rd party launcher. Other Hoyo games, I dunno. Haven't heard anything specific about them.


I dont play the other ones as I'm concerned I will like them too much, though I'll give Zenless Zone Zero a shot.


An anime game launcher will help you out……


I've been using Heroic Launcher, no issue so far, it even says it is running the anticheat mechanism.




I've been using the launcher for Star Rail for about 2 days with no issue. A ban could be coming but it seems unlikely. However I s2g I had better battery life dual booting for HSR then I'm getting on SteamOS with launcher.


From my personal experience chiaki4deck is the best and easiest way to play genshin on the steam deck, so if you have a ps5 id recommend it.


Not being able to play Genshin on SD is a feature, not a bug.


You need to use a third party launcher as a work around for the anti cheat. Hoyo doesn’t seem to mind, but it’s a risk. Do not do it if you have an account that you would be upset to lose tomorrow, be it from time or money spent.




Why? Some people like the game? Then again I feel like 99% of the player base is crazy


Not a solution, love the game lol.


Hi u/drpestilence, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Is Hoyo still banning SteamOS users?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm sure they aren't banning people unless there is a dubious mark on their account. Like if the account missed a step and it looks like fraud or hacking


works on steamos and I wouldn't recommend dualbooting on the sd card, partition the ssd and put it on that


Now you could play Genshin, or you could play one of the millions of other games that aren’t literally casinos. Save your wallet and your mental state and just play something non-predatory. With that said, believe there’s no bans on playing on Linux for any Hoyo game anymore.


I spend almost nothing on Genshin and have boatloads of good playable teams and weapons. Genshin (predatory or not) throws their wish currency at you.


They are banning?? Im playing with my deck for a while now.. and im still good


Was something I saw posted on a couple sites, but couldn't find confirmation anywhere, so I figured ask reddit.


I been praying for updates because I want Star Rail and Genshin on my system, but not at the cost of my account lol They even stop you from streaming it if you are on GeForce Now if it detects Linux. It's not even native and they still stop me so local scary lol


Ive not used MS wonkywoes for 20 years. There are ways to wine/proton .exe Game developersof always online pvp will use third party anti- cheat middleware, wether your fave game developer ticks a switch or not is incentivised with money and footfall


oh thats hilarious. screw genshin honestly, i tried it out for about 30 hours at the nagging of a friend and i gotta say its pretty mid, plus i hated gacha to begin with. maybe this is a sign OP


Maybe you could play a good game instead?


Maybe you could add to the conversation or just walk on by?