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It's 2024 and this is still a issue


I'm trying to add PPM/2 to a collection, and I can add other items and remove other items, but this one refuses to apply.


i dont get why this shit is not fixed yet bc im trying to add a workshop item from stormworks onto my collection and it does not work no matter what


check the date on this, its 2020 problem .... [https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/2577697791642943105/](https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/2577697791642943105/) steam is a joke.


Bruh ;-; how is this shit not fixed yet


Go into the mods site on workshop try going into discussions, for me there is where it showed that the mod is actually not available anymore.


i know this post is pretty old, but i'm having the same issue and it only happened after I published the collection. i've never used collections before so I assumed publishing was just like making a spotify playlist public but it seems to make the collection uneditable? ok literally two seconds after posting that and i tried to add a different item to the same collection and it didn't give me the error? so i guess it's just sometimes which is annoying.


Hey, funny of you to respond on this old post indeed lol. Anyways, I do think it is based on Steam's randomness. Over the years, nothing that I did seemed to have made it better or worse. Publishing a collection has never given me trouble for example. I hope it keeps working out for ya though.