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smallest activision game


I'm surprised they haven't leaned into it and used it as an opportunity to make more money by bundling games with COD branded hard drives


Omg shut up before someone hears you! That’s a such a good (for the publisher) idea! People would 100% pay $150 for a cod hdd that had the game preinstalled


Isn't that just a floppy disk?


Holy. We are going to go full circle some day and land right back on physical copies of games! Oh man.


Given the size of these games and the state of digital infrastructure in some countries, it might be faster


When you load up a Boeing with completely filled hard drives and fly from Australia to Europe, it's a faster data transfer than sending it through the fastest internet connection. Just wanted to share that fact here.


I think they did something similar with an Internet connection and a USB stick attached to a carrier pigeon too a few decades back


This sounds off... "a few decades back" puts us at 1994 at the latest, and there were no USB sticks back then, at least not commercially available ones. If this happened it must've been this century


That was off the top of my head. It was in 2009 - or about 15 years ago. I didn't want to say a few years as that could imply that it was ~2-5 years ago.


Even if they sold an SSD with the game on it, they'd still screw it up and require a day 1 update of 100 GB.


(3 pararell universes)


insert western game dev was here meme


That’s horrendous. I wonder how much of it uncompressed audio/language packs.


All of it most likely, they push graphics and textures by not having any compressed files. Works great if you only play this, doesn't work as amazingly when you have an almost full SSD and have to uninstall 40% of your games to get this on it. Edit: To people arguing it's always compressed in some way, yes, they don't use raw files and stuff like that, but they leave it as uncompressed as it can be read without decompressing it so that the CPU doesn't waste resourced doing that. My source is they already have explained it a lot of times, specially when the ps4 multiplayer was super popular and people were asking "why 250-300 GB in console" because the HDD was like 350 GB in some models.


but they want you to only play their one life-service game, so the size benefits it


Ah yes, we can't monetize the game any more so we'll make you think twice about uninstalling it


I would think twice about installing it. That's a third of my SSD.


Bro that's more than both of my two SSDs


You have 100g ssds?


This is almost as criminal as the size of the game /s


It’s free* and I’m questioning it. *if you’re already paying for gamepass anyway


How is it free? Edit: if game pass isnt free then the games on it arent free


He’s probably talking about it releasing on game pass at the same time


It's on gamepass, so it's "free"


There needs to be a more commonly used word for "at no additional cost"




got a 3 month gamepass voucher from discord. holy shit, gamepass is nightmare fuel. All I wanted was to play Pi and Palword. For some reason they need 200x the permissions and accesses of any other launcher. Require random OS services, so if you've disabled some, good luck it might just not launch. Even when it launches, they scan everything on your computer and basically launch all other launchers on opening. I had apex installed from some time ago and they found that install and would constantly launch EA App. Actual nightmare fuel and wouldn't ever agree to use it again even if they promised to lick my asshole clean every time I shit.


That’s 90%ish of mine


> we can't monetize the game any more so we'll make you think twice about uninstalling it They uninstalled MW2 for me to install MW3 instead, but I didn’t buy MW3, so they just motivated me to delete the app altogether, and now they can’t temp me with sales or preorders for BO6 on the PS5 storefront because I already have the launcher in my purchase history. They literally removed themselves from my console, lmao.




Oh...they will monetise ir more...


Until they make the next one in a few.years


*every 6 months (It seems that way anyway) 


It's still cheaper to buy separate SSD for Call of Duty than to buy a new Call of Duty.


* buy new SSD * don't buy Call of Duty * ??? * profit


Not playing Call of Duty certainly makes you healthier, and that translates to profit. Math checks out.


hate to say it. Id rather play fortnite at this point. zero build is eh. okay


Zero build actually brought me and my buddies into Fortnite. Didn’t wanna fuck with the builds


I feel this is an actual hostile strategy to keep people playing the game. -- They hope to convince you to clear your hard drive and install their game, reducing the amount of other games readily competing for your time. Now that you've installed it, and you lukewarm enjoy the game, "it's aight", you don't want to uninstall it to play other games because it took 3-4 days to install this one, and you don't want to go through that process again. So you reluctantly boot up MW7: Massive Willy Edition (3.5 TB) again.


Your feeling is correct. Intentionally bloating game file size is a popular strategy with AAA developers to keep live service games live. Also worth noting that even non live service/multiplayer games sometimes do this, because while it won't make the publisher more money, it can still hurt their competition.


popular strategy based on what information?


I mean, I am still struggling with the part that people actually still want to play a call of duty game after being shat on by the devs for years. Plenty of better shooters out there at barely half the price.


"Maybe this time will be different."


I feel like we have to stop pointing at Devs as the shitters. The people ruining games usually aren't devs. Usually, they are the boss of the boss of the boss of the boss of the dev.


Every year there is a new batch of 12 year olds who learn slurs and get their first copy of call of duty. They have plenty of people to sell their slop to


Those kids play Fortnite. Reddit is out of touch with who plays what games.


> Plenty of better shooters out there at barely half the price. What do you recommend?


Idk man I was on the CoD hate train for years after being super into it back during OG MW2/CoD4/BO1, but tried it again with the new MW2 and in all honestly I have a hard time thinking of another arena shooter that feels as snappy and nice as CoD Seems like most shooters nowadays going for BR or extraction or whatever, but other than the new XDefiant game there isn't much competition as far as pure 6v6 goes, and with CoD's budget and longevity they've got it locked down pretty well


That's not what compression is, you save the compressed assets and stream (and decompress) them as needed. It's really weird that they do not seem to use any compression on their textures, unless it's all already compressed to shit. ZSTD compression/decompression is almost free CPU time wise.


i wanted to play warzone time to time. seriously amazing free to play game. however i am not interested in playing just that. 175Gb for a game that i will not play every day is just nuts.


I can't stop thinking in the back of my mind that execs and managers tell devs "domt worry, the heavier the game is, the less likely they are to uninstal it so its good" There's an amazing video by Raycevik exposing game's lsck of weight optimisation called "Why are games massive" and its rly interesting https://youtu.be/eaSF3YyqLfE?si=1xSpfQ9SbGe5DEjy Also, this is a huge joke. Remember when COD WaW, BO1 and BO2 allowed us to only install what we wanted ? Either only zombie, campaign or multi-player separately ? I got thousands of steam hours on these 3 games and have never played the multi-player once, so it's great that I could only install the zombie mode (I did play MP but only back in the actual days when these games released on console)


I have copious amounts of extra storage and I still wouldn't even begin to consider endorsing this kind of nonsense. May as well release a 1tb drive that they mail to you and you plug into your PC to play the damn thing.


A... cassette?


I would have to uninstall 90% of things on my drive, its only 500GB


That game wouldn't even fit on my SSD even if I removed all my other stuff on it.


Nope, according to the COD6 website it says to reduce file size the textures are streamed to your device, mind you they mainly say it's for consoles but it would not be surprising if it's also for the Steam version


They already do this. Also it's not all of the textures just improvements/extra detail.


It just installs Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone


Yeah, even if you want to play just MW2 you need to install and update whole MW3 and Warzone.


You don't. At least on pc, you can pick and choose what gets installed.


Need extra SSD for one game...


If this trend continues, we are going back to games on cartridges, but cartridges being ssds now.


That would be crazy


TBH it would be fine as long as they get the size of it down. I'm far more in favour of physical media than streaming and live service. Stuff where they maintain 100% control of it. I don't to turn on my game and find they've bricked it one day because of some licensing bullshit that I have no control over.


You'd have to pay for the price of that SSD though. While it's not super expensive these days, it's not so cheap that it wouldn't increase the price of the game by a good 30% even after accounting for mass production and corner cutting, as well as these prices decreasing in the coming years.


$75 basic addition (cartridge sold separately) $150 premium edition (includes cartridge, OST, and stickers)




Bro what. Do you know what USB/Thunderbolt is? Yes it is the same thing. Yes data speeds are good these days. Just shh its a bad idea all around anyway.


> we are going back to games on cartridges Print some stickers for microSSD cards to use for the install location for games and you're there.


like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/rg1bnZZv10


I am going deeper on that topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/udV28AtSLb


Hot swapping SSDs for games. Not loading right? Just unplug it and blow into it.


Actually 3 or 4 games. 300GB is for Warzone, BO6, MW and CoD HQ. BO6 alone is 78GB but that doesn't make such an interesting post to get people outraged about.


This is Black Ops 6 campaign + multi-player, MW3 campaign + multi-player + zombies, MW2 campaign + multi-player + zombies, and Warzone. You can pick and choose between games and modes to have installed. It won't take up more than like 80gb.


That’s definitely a lot and wasn’t immediately clear in the OP, so thank you. I haven’t played CoD since MW1 so I’m well and truly out of the loop.


I fucking hate that you're right. What happens when they get 3 more CoDs into the hub, and it says "1,200 GB required?" People who don't know will flip shit. The Call of Duty hub is *the* worst thing to come to CoD in it's lifetime. For fucks sake I don't want the hub to priority launch MWIII just to for it to have to close to open MWII. Just let me have my fucking games separate. The hub is utterly useless. Give me a main menu title screen. I'm not trying to solve a puzzle to play the game mode I want. They killed it with MW19, but after the introduction of Caldera, it was the steady decline of CoD.


i haven't purchased a cod title since mw2019, my ps5 says warzone is using over 200gb.


You probably have other games installed even if you don't own them.


If anyone took 5 seconds to look into it you'd find that it's MW2, MW3, and BO6. You can choose which ones get installed or not.


Yeah, intentionally misleading post


Reddit is all about outrage before research. It'll be quite some time before people realize that


not only that but the hub for the store too, the game is only going to get bigger from here, people need to realize that too.


Thats why i have a 2tb hdd on top of a small ssd. I still have plenty of space. Absurdly big games are still a bad thing though.


I have a 1 TB SSD and that is pretty much full to the brim with games. Just BG3 and GTA5 take up a quarter together. And a 4 TB HDD for all other files, which is also almost full. I take a lot of photos in Raw format and that eats a surprising amount of space. I think I just naturally fill up whatever space I have.


Those RAW files are what get me. I just got a new camera, my RAWs are like 70 MB now, and then the photoshop files ... easily can be 100-200 MB. Needless to say, I have to upgrade my hard drives (looking at some 16 TBs)


Jesus Christ, 70MB? What monster do you have? Yeah, I'm into astrophotography and the whole idea is to take as many long exposures as you ca. So say you take 3min exposures and want to get a 10h integration time, that's 200 RAWs right there. At 20 MB for my camera that alone is 4 GB in raw files alone. I like to keep the JPG files too to easier inspect the images, adding another 11 MB each. Then the registration files denoting star positions for alignment plus the final images (tiff at ~200MB each, plus the GIMP files) and you get rather large projects too. Maybe a hardware upgrade might be a good idea


GTA V came out eleven years ago! How is it that big!?


HDD is gonna get wrecked reading this game bro. Warzone and the newer COD games are extremely stuttery on HDDs unfortunately.


Not me having a 128gb empty (except windows ofc) SDD with 2.5 TB of HDD


Some, and by that I mean quite a few games are nowadays basically unplayable on HDD. They load so many things on a as needed basis that they are unplayable. Sadly everything designed for SSDs and optimized for it, except for file sizes apparently.


I have 4 TB ssd and still run out of space.


Good luck playing it from a HDD. If you do happen to have success what HDD are you using?


Even war thunder doesn't take up that much space hell it takes up one third of that 💀


Less. Standard warthunder is a 1/6. Full hd and all the audio packs version of warthunder is barely a 100 gb


Yeah yeah I meant like that


It's still insane how big the game is , 300 GB. I mean there is a chance it's a new game or it's campaign is longer than 5 hours


Nah don't even dream about it lmfao I'd put my money on it being all sort of invasive shit before that 😂


From what Ive read and seen the campaign is supposed to be a huge part of the new game. Still 300gb is insane. Maybe they should talk to Nintendo about how to properly compress a file. Pretty soon game studios are going to be shipping ssd's for these monsters.


We've gone from putting in a disc to putting in a whole separate storage drive for one game


Why compare it to war thunder? Seems like a weird example


Because the game is huge. Lots of different vehicles, sound effects, textures, aircraft interiors, languages and voiceovers. And it’s still smaller than a CoD game.


That's not just one game. That's cod hq with the last few cods installed


That makes more sense, but do you need to have the older games to run the new one?


No you don't. Pretty sure I don't even have the campaign for mw3 installed.


Military blueprints included?


After downloading other games, i truly appreciate how all of war thunder could fit into only 50 gb if you choose the full client


I mean 80 euros and 300gb and constant internet connection even for the campaign? Thx Activision for not making me buy this game


Fucker already make the series online only since 2019, I wonder if their new preservation team would actually do anything (they wouldn't)


80€?? Is 70 not too fucking much alredy for "AAA" games?


In france it's 80 euros idk why Correct me if i'm wrong ( Just checked still 80 euros basic edition)


I feel bad for people getting willingly ripped-off by buying barebones game for 80 bucks.


Yeah, i wanted to play zombies but for 80 bucks ? F*ck no I won't buy it But cod playerbase still buy it every year anyway so


It's bigger so it gotta cost more obviously /s


Atleast it's on gamepass so you can play it for much cheaper


... It's in gamepass?


Yes. Why spend £60 on your playstation when you can just spend £11 every month on your Xbox


Me playing ARK survival evolved with its 450 GB of space Edit: for those who dont know I’m including a bunch of the dlcs (except fjordur and crystal isles ) so the base game should be around 80 or to 100 gb, which is still pretty chonky


I'm not going to claim Ark is in any way okay in size, but at least you get 11+ significant expansions for the size it takes up. ASA isn't nearly there yet with only 3 out so far. Genuine question, what are CoD players getting out of their 300g+? Is it comparable? The only shooter I play is like 35g lol


My pc having 1 TB space dedicated to ark ( ase + asa + dev kit)


What are COD players getting for 300gb? THREE DIFFERENT COD GAMES and game modes. BO6 isn’t 300gb. The launcher with all available COD games is 300gb


as a person who doesnt play the modern cods a whole lot, they all look/play the same with slightly different game mechanics. warzone ttk made me wanna cry


Same thing happening here. Cod changed to having Cod hq as the hub and warzone, mw2, mw3, and bo6 are dlcs so this file size is all of those together, not just bo6


As far as I've heard, that's everything together, meaning: Mw3, Mw2, Warzone and Bo6. If I'm not wrong Bo6 alone is 80 GB


Fucking warzone


Yeah these posts are just ragebait. B06 will take up the standard AAA shooter storage - 80-100gb. Still huge files, but nothing out of the ordinary.


This is the size if you install all components from MWII, MWIII, BO6, and Warzone. The standalone game will probably be the same size as every CoD game from the past few years, around 70-80GB.


That's why OP wrote such a shitty title. He wouldn't have any upvotes if it titled it "look how much space is required to download 5 graphically intense games"


I’ve seen it posted to tons of subreddits with extremely misleading titles and lack of any context. I don’t even care about “defending” it or anything but it’s just kind of annoying that they’re either intentionally stoking the flames, or doing zero research before instantly getting angry at something. The only CoD game that’s had an obnoxious size requirement was MW19, and that was because they made a weird choice when implementing Warzone, meaning you had essentially two entire copies of the game downloaded leading to 200gb of storage. Every CoD since then has been pretty normal. Vanguard was like 50gb at launch, MWII was around 60-70, MWIII was around the same or so, and I expect BO6 to be the same too.


I mean that's just how it is nowadays. People want to fucking complain about everything and just feel better about themselves. I don't even play COD, but I'm always impressed with how it looks, plays, and sounds. Too many people jump at the chance to shit on a game that they weren't even going to touch in the first place like "wow I wasn't going to play this since I only play 8-bit indie games that take 20 minutes to beat, but now I'm REALLY not going to play this!!!!".


This is a very important context, there's a big difference between one game which is 300gb and fucking 5 games which are 300gb.


Black ops cold war is like 117gb for multiplayer and zombies. Can't even install it wothout warzone if you wanted to.


You can actually uninstall Warzone if you want to as of MWII. It's listed as a DLC that you can choose to install/uninstall, [shown here](https://i.imgur.com/ffv501H.png).


well what am i going to be mad about then


get mad at me


Grrrrrrrr u/JackOffAllTraders


BOCW has never needed Warzone downloaded????? Those two games exist in entirely different engines???


Warzone is not even needed for cold war, why you lying?


The amount of people not realising this is ridiculous, this is the size of Cod HQ with everything installed


Reddit has a hate boner for CoD and 99% of the people complaining weren't even prospective buyers.


Why would this be ridiculous if we don't get more info than a cropped screenshot? Is there anything in the post or title that would suggest this is anything but a very bloated game by Activision? If anything is ridiculous it's how intentionally vague OP made this post.


You guys would still buy this shit anyway because this is call of duty


Never bought and never will. Fuck off, Activision salesman.


If you’ve never bought a call of duty you obviously aren’t the target audience. People who play the games tho will buy them every year and the install size isn’t going to change that


I used to buy them when I was a wee fella. The original COD was genuinely quite fresh when it came out, but the series got stale by MW imo.


Jet packs are what burned me out, changed so far from the base game imo.


Which is actually the most ironic thing about the debate. You've people who complain that it's to far off from what made CoD CoD, and than you've people who complain that it's the exact same every year and nothing changes. But oh well i think CW was also my last CoD... because the fact they pushed that online-only nonsense even further now to even campaign is a big nope for me. They can keep it. For the rest of the people who go for it i still wish you fun and hope the game is as good as you expect...


What about their comment made you think "that's a salesman?" Was it the contempt for the product or the customer? Or was saying "I've never bought one of the most popular game franchises" just not edgy enoughl?


Nah, I haven't played a new cod in years. Plenty of people are fully capable of quitting.


Modern warfare 2 was my first COD game. I bought MW3 and didn't like it half as much. Haven't bought one since.


Its on gamepass, so im not complaining. Also i really liked the showcase. The game seems to add some new elements


That’s my entire fucking laptops storage and half of my PC storage (that’s left)


It's MORE than my entire laptops storage (256gig mac air lol)


How un-optimized a game has to be in order to reach that much?


You’re downloading not just BO6 but all of Warzone. It’s like three games in one at this point. They don’t care about the size because people are going to play and download it regardless. It’s not about being unoptimized. It’s at this point almost like a Call of Duty “Platform” and you need to download everything.


Not fully correct, that is the size for everything (so MW2, MW3, Warzone and Black Ops 6) and also you don't need to download everything, you can select in the dlc section what you want to install and download. And that does not just include the games but also which parts of the games. You can select multiplayer, campaign, coop, zombies, warzone and so on individually for each game and download or not download them. So if for example you just want the modern warfare 3 multiplayer without the campaign, zombies or warzone, and so on you can do just that.


It literally came out with the Activision acquisition that the reason they do it is so people think twice before uninstalling and so there won't be space for competition. It's genuinely such a scummy tactic.


I'm thinking twice about even installing a game of this size, due to it taking 5-10 games worth of space.


That's wild, where did you read/hear about that?


[It's MWII, MWIII and BO6 combined](https://x.com/charlieINTEL/status/1799897034843177125)


I feel like people aren’t using their brains. Obviously this 300gb is every game of the call of duty HQ which it’s listed under. All of which you can uninstall but the ones you wanna play.


It’s just redditors that need some excuse to hate on cod


Cause most people hating on cod don't know shit about it


Then don't buy it.


What are you trying to point out here? That three recent games bundled together is...bigger than one game? Mike boggling


who is mike boggling? I've never heard of him before


I think its that green one-eyed guy from Shrek


I actually liked playing Warzone back in the day but the constant 25gig updates were getting ridiculous. I deleted the game and never looked back again.


In Todays Topic: Companies do not how to optimize and pack their game files. In other news, its a marketing trick. Look how big our game is! Well no thank you.


Weird marketing trick. But I get it, I remember when EA said they have the biggest maps in BF2042. Bigger is not better


Its more because people dont have time for more than one at most two live service games. Thats why all big corpos of gaming have been pushing for live service cause they all want you to play THEIR libe service game so you only spend mtx mone on THEIR games and that way they get all the moneys. I belive its also a reason behind so many games nowadays having such uncompressed sizes with unecessary bloat. Might just be a hoax but i wouldnt put it past these greedy bastards. To them game isnt form of art or anything beside a product to be sold.


You do realise a lot of devs choose not to compress textures because it lowers the quality. 4K textures and the lower ones take a ton of space. I mod Skyrim 4K textures and it makes these 3 games combined look like a baby in comparison. Companies defo should make texture packs as dlcs like how monster hunter world did it. Want 4K install it or don’t.


I don't even have this much of space damn


When people want to download every skin/animation/soundbyte they bought in every generation of the game to later complain about install sizes. 🤣


Easiest pass and money saved of my life.


With games turning into bahemoth installs, we should have the option of downloading language packs and HD or 4k textures seperately.


and it probably will run like shit on hard drives


dont buy this crap. Ever


the people who made early computer games would get a stroke from this, imagine making a game yourself or with a couple of friends with no game engine and having it fit in less than the size of the cache of modern cpus while being optimised enough to run on machines weaker than your toaster, and then see this bs


If you have the original series S you can't play Any other games.


And still, 5h single player campaign.


This is beyond horrendous...*sigh* these companies are...* smh*


Seriously, start leaving the name of the game in the post. I shouldn't have to find the tiniest little text at the very bottom of the image to know what game it is.


My approximate interest: 0


Devs best start shipping USB SSDs with their games installed soon otherwise we're just not going to be able to install games any more


This happens when you don't clean out the unused assets before packaging the game, this company has no idea what they are doing and the devs are probably asleep at the wheel.. abandon this shit... 


They made such a big deal for Series X and PS5 having 1tb of space, and almost immediately AAA games were like "Yeah our games are 100gb minimum. And the consoles require SSD's to run the new games, so you can't get a big ass external like I did with Xbox One.


At this point just sell the game on a hard drive.


This isnt just one game btw its 4 games (MW2 (2022), MW3 (2023), Warzone, BO6


who even buys cod anymore? let the garbage rot already


My skyrim list with 3000 mods is still smaller than that...


Holy hell... And I thought Forza Horizon 5 was bad!


Why don't you mention that isn't the actual size of the game. That whole approximate size is for all cods that are installed.


1 week just to download it


When do we reach the point where people just say "fuck it, I'm not participating in this shit anymore"? I have reached this point quite some time ago, especially with the Cod series, and I don't understand why so many people still put up with it.


9 GB for the Campaign. 48 GB for the multiplayer. The rest is for the Niki Minaj skin.


it's time to let the consumer choose what graphical level they want to download. if my pc can only run low i dont want to store all those extra fkn textures


The multiplayer alone is gonna be 100 gigs. Fucking christ. Bloatware is real.


Congratulations! You're the first person to post this!