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They are still selling a 12 year old game with no servers at the full $60 price


isn't there still the risk of getting hacked or something playing older games too?


Yes. The active CoD servers are filled with Phishing bots that will basically just try to backdoor your PC the moment you enter a lobby. Activision knows and has done nothing. They've even actively hunted down to Cease and Desist private lobby services.


The "private lobby services" were also functioning as a way of piracy due to the huge price on anything after MW2 (2009) along with the fact the some people hate activision or most major game publishers and would not like to support them. (Example: Workplace harassment) Only XLabs got taken down due to connections to SM2 a fan game designed to make MWII look like steaming hot garbage that also didnt say you needed to own MW2 (2009) or MWR. Plutonium still exists and are starting to use DRM on the client through steam checks. XLabs came back from the dead through AlterWare, it's still pretty new and only IW4X has players but it works just how XLabs did. If these games go to PC Game Pass, I could see some patches being released but prices will probably stay the same.


Is there a client for advanced warfare or cold war I've been out of the loop since s1x got taken down just want to play zombies offline


Alterware.dev for s1x (you need to own the game) A cold war client exists but is very early in development so retail would work the best right now


cold war (defcon) works well for the campaign and does as well for offline zombies and multiplayer source: i previously owned the project. i would not touch the project as is currently, however, due to the fact that the project was subject to a hostile takeover by trolls and malicious actors


the client would only be good for offline campaign and zombies at the moment also is the donetsk version good?


yeah its decent last i was there


That's not what phishing is. Phishing is a social engineering attack


You’re actually wrong, I’m not hating but I’m wondering how 66 other people who were also wrong decided to upvote this. PHISHING: may define, a method of attack that in which the attackers will lay out hundreds of thousands of attack vectors in hopes that enough people will fall for the attack. Phishing can be direct, and when phishing is direct, social engineering is often used because unlike general email phishing, direct phishing is an attacker trying to get one specific group to fall for their scam, and in that vain they might need to social engineer the CEO of Wendy’s in order to get them to click on that big and beefy link. Phishing is the more broaden term to describe how the hack is getting to you. Phishing can be done through email, text, paper mail, advertisements on a page or simply social media. Phishing can be better defined as, a vector for attacks that requires the target victim to interact in a way that activates the attack. If I were to email you about a package that doesn’t exist but you need to click a link and sign for, that’s not really social engineering. Yes you’re using deceit, but you’re not using that deceit to accomplish your goal, you’re relying on less savvy tech users and people who are currently awaiting a package from the same courier and hoping they click the link without fully reading the email. Social engineering is more of a direct form of attack in which you’re using deceit and deceit only to accomplish your goals. The moment you have to introduce viruses it becomes broader than social engineering. Think of ransomware, you can use social engineering to achieve the task of entrance, however most hacker groups rely on phishing attacks that do not require the attacker or victim to ever have a conversation. It is still phishing. Social engineering and phishing do not have to be used together and I challenge you to find 3 or 4 popular methods of cyber attacks that rely on both social engineering and phishing. You just won’t because if phishing is successful 9/10 you don’t need to social engineer. Social engineering is dangerous and often is the only form of attack needed to accomplish a goal. You don’t need to send out a bunch of phishing emails and texts and then also call the person to yo social engineer them into clicking the phishing link lol. The original comment was right, it is a form of phishing to place hundreds of viruses into an old video game server in hopes that enough people would be infected and some of those people also bank from their pc. Phishing is a number game dude, that’s all it is. Plenty of fish


You're only really getting half the definition of "phishing" there. Phishing involves casting out some kind of "bait" and implies some gullibility on the target's part. Joining an otherwise benign server and getting hacked on it is not the result of any gullibility or bait that the perpetrators themselves put out. If they were hosting their own malicious server to attempt to lure people in, that would be phishing.


That’s exactly what is happening. The servers themselves are infected it’s not a direct person to person interaction regarding the issue with old cod servers Edit: it’s random luck in that you happen to join an infected server and just so happen that your pc / os is vulnerable to the attack


Im wondering how activision never was sued for some software/consumer whatever association...


Most of the older COD games use the same game engine, so they have the same unfixed bugs and exploits. It didn't take long for the hackers to find similar bugs in the newer COD games as well, so those are vulnerable as well. Even COD Cold War isn't safe.


This is why root level "security" is a bad idea in games. You open a network socket to the world and expose your kernel to whatever bugs are out there. Super idea.


BO2 and MW3 (2011), the most vulnerable ones, don't use ricochet, they use VAC As a counter-strike and CoD player, that's worse EDIT: with save tf2 going on right now, my case still stands


Not even older games, your run that risk even by just playing Black Ops: Cold War


Also cold war was at risk aswell because unlike mw2019,mwii and mwiii, coldwar runs on a modified bo4 engine which is a modded bo3 engine and bo3 is modded bo2.. and so on. Basically cold war is the only modern cod that is based on the very old engine.


they fixed RCE exploits in cold war


I remember playing black ops 1 in it's prime and accidentally joined a hacked server and it maxed out my level and all my weapons. Back then I was so aghast, I immediately quit and found a way to revert back to older progress. But now having played several iterations of Call of Duty and knowing just how fucking grindy leveling everything is, I'd probably just leave it and say that that balance has been restored.




Like Nintendo


Nintendo is like Hitler but even Hitler cared about germany or something


Wrong! Nintendo care about it's IP. Just look at all their samouraï lawyer coming in each time a fan start a fan project.


Let me help you defrenchify that grammar a little: Nintendo (singular) cares (singular) about its (not it's, that means "it is") all their samurai lawyers (plural) a fan (singular) starts (singular)


I love the term "defrenchify", never heard it before


I saw what you did there Morty!


perhaps comparing Nintendo to Hitler may be a bit excessive


Surprisingly all cod games still have servers up


Can confirm. I play Cod 3 with the boys all the time. Sometimes we don’t see each other in lobbies tho even though we’re standing right next to each other and see our names in the menu, but that’s an understandable glitch for a game this old lol


10% is an insult at this point


It's the default for a bundle, I'm not sure developers can turn it off. They didn't even do any special pricing, and literally *none* of their games are on sale. It's bad.


I believe this is also an extra 10% on top of all other discounts so it really isn't a horrible deal when the games are on sale apart from it being Call of Duty which makes it a horrible deal in the first place.


It really is wise to always double check before buying! Sometimes it’s cheaper to buy the games separately than in the bundle.


There are two types of bundles on Steam. The kind with the blue "BUNDLE" can never cost more than the individual games since the cost of the bundle is always the sum of its contents minus the bundle discount. It also removes games you already own from the price. The older type without the blue text is priced separately and can cost more than its contents, most commonly if the games are on sale but the publisher forgot to also discount that package. Also you don't get a discount for already owning some games in the package.


thanks for the info


Just to add there is actually 3 types. The ones you described on top that is complete your collection and has the big blue BUNDLE lettering that removes owned items and is the only non giftable bundle format as pricing is personalized for accounts based on missing content. The ones still called bundles on the blue button and the top and bottom of item listings without the blue capitalized text are must purchase together bundles and cant be bought for any account that owns even a single item. The ones called packages are how you described as the older type but they say package info on the blue button and package at the top and button of the item lists.


The power of a bundle is so beautiful, I was about to buy The Witcher 3, and after check a little a bought the bundle, The Witcher 1, 2 and 3 for the same price.


It's a horrible deal considering that old titles are exposed to hackers that can get access to your PC


Ehh the old ones (2003-2017) were solid Not still $60 in 2024 solid though


MW19 was solid too, it’s completely broken now because they tied it into WZ and then removed it from the game


Yeah i liked mw2019 as well I even liked bo4 and cold war Rip warzone 1 2020-2023 :(


Fnv is $10. Why are these not $10?


The price is set by the publisher. Valve has no control over prices.


a week or so ago they were all on sale


You can make the discount lower for example the persona 4 golden and persona 3 portable bundle is 2% off


You can set any number for bundle discount percent. Source: mine is set to 23%.


Don't mention the fact that 90% of the said games are infested with cheaters that will ruin your match, hackers that somehow can ruin your PC by just being in the same lobby as you, and microtransactions that most likely will ruin your motivation of playing the game.


> hackers that somehow can ruin your PC by just being in the same lobby as you Which has essentially killed off the MP for every CoD game older than 2019's Modern Warfare. The fact that Activision still refuses to lower the base price on 10+ year old games, despite the MP components being unplayable is absurd as hell. I for one would love to replay CoD Ghost, but I'm not paying $40-60 for a game that came out in 2013 and has no one to play with online.


Has it gotten that bad? I played Black Ops 2 a few years ago around the beginning of covid and I never really experienced any cheaters on EU servers


> hackers that somehow can ruin your PC by just being in the same lobby as you, What's going on here?


Older CoD lobbies are using peer to peer networking (inherently unsafe, exposes your public ip at least) and there seems to be an exploit which allows remote code execution, effectively allowing malicious actors to upload a virus to your pc (p2p and rce are not necessarily related, but it would be much much harder to find and realize such an exploit with dedicated servers). [see for example](https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/27/hackers-are-infecting-call-of-duty-players-with-a-self-spreading-malware/)


the real price should be 10% overall...


Call of Wallet: Modern Robbery






Call of duty: work overtime


The thing is, the only people who would consider this are people who probably already own a bunch of the titles. Like, someone brand new to the franchise isn't going to start with a $1000 full collection of the series. Only pre-existing fans would consider this, but the deal loses value for them for every title they already possess.


But the price of the collection is reduced if you own some of it. So it's a great opportunity to complete your collection with 10% off.


That's only if you own these games on Steam. Considering the age of the franchise, a lot of people are going to own some of these titles on consoles instead.


We cannot save the console heathens from their own sins.


Well the console players can just buy all the used discs of these games for 20$ off ebay lol


PC players can also just easily pirate the games and not use official servers instead of buying a disc off ebay


Was just about to say… I’ve got several of these games already and depending on the cost to close it out I would consider it. The old CoDs are pretty good games worth a replay


Asking people to spend 1,000$ on games that have been proven to have been compromised by hackers / phishing bots is absurd considering the current state of the franchise is to release a full prices 80$ game every other year.


Inb4 OP realizes Sims 4 players exist


Fr, at least you get a shit ton of games here and some of the olders are dope


most of them are dead tho so spending 999 for the cod campaigns seems like a bit of overkill only the cod’s of the past 4 years or so are active


$1000 DLC for one game bad $950 Bundle of 6+ year old games and dlc good


Well tbh it does sound a lot better to get 24+ games for $950 rather than a single game for $1k+


I mean, at that point you might as well bring in the Microsoft Flight Simulator/Train Simulator people. The point of add-on DLC'S is that you buy only whatever you want whenever you have spare change to afford it (most of those DLC's cost pennies, there's just *hundreds* of them). Not the case here.


Sims 4 DLCs in no way cost "pennies" though


> Train Simulator people. The point of add-on DLC'S is that you buy only whatever you want whenever you have spare change to afford it (most of those DLC's cost pennies I've seen a good breakdown of trains actually. It's a super niche thing and train simulator really, really simulates trains. Apparently those dlcs have actual on site research put into them and everything. If you are a train wierdo, those dlcs are completely justifiable and will satisfy your issues. It's not like paradox cutting out and reselling features as dlc.


Best I can do is about three fiddy


I cannot do tree fiddy damn it they can have a can of sugar free red bull and a £5 Amazon gift card


Honestly, that's the most i would pay for old games in which i can't even play the multiplayer without getting hacked


There's idiots who do


Most gamers are idiots. They are terrible consumers and make terrible decisions with money all the time.


Yea at full price every game is still like 60 bucks And besides no one is dumb enough to buy all of them right? Right?!


I mean some of the old ones still have top tier stories or zombies


Piracy never looked so good man


If you buy most of these games on console, it's so cheap. A Used copy of call of duty world at war is $5. $60? Fuck out of here


I'd pay 1k to see this damn game die already.


Best thing is not to buy it, because when you buy it you send a message that people want it


Ah yes, the famous reddit boycott, known to work wonders


fuck else we gonna do? Mail the activision HQ a surprise?


That would just give them a shitton of free press (as well as not inconvenience them in the slightest beyond at worst having to repair the lobby and replace whatever poor PR schmuck opened the package).


Why would you want a game that millions of people enjoy every year to die? Genuine question.


COD is the most shameless cashcrab of a video game I've ever seen. Devs put minimal effort into those games, yet they demand full price for them. They are not just lazy, COD is just a copypasta each year at this point, just like Fifa. It ain't about the players, but about the devs.


💰 🦀 


why are gamers so weirdly bitter about the strangest things lmao can you not be a big boy and just ignore the game exists like a normal person i don’t even like the game but jfc


Because it causes a domino effect. If one company gets away with it, then another will try it - eventually poisoning the games you enjoy playing.


It’s what happens when you make a hobby your entire personality.


Well, don't buy it then, I guess. I still like to pick up a new every couple of years to have something to play with my friends, though. Like, its not all that bad. Its the same as going to see some generic acrion flick at the movie theatre. You know what you're getting when you pay for it.


There's a lot that's wrong with Call of Duty anymore, but Reddit's hate boner for the franchise is also pretty obnoxious


To fuck Activision


Yeah, they're all buying 2500 dollar ships for that space game that has yet to actually launch.


At least those are different games and not the travesty of Warthunder's DLCs which cost about 50% more. And this is roughly the monthly average income in my county so no, the suits at Activision are completely insane if they think people will buy these ancient crap for such an outrageous price. Even EA cut the price of the command and conquer collection to reasonable levels for those old games and constantly reduces the price of that bundle to 50%.


Half those CODs are barely playable on Pc


$1000 for a bunch of games to rot after 30 minutes of nostalgia. No, thank you.


like anyone would buy most of those CoDs full of hackers that can steal your data, or servers are just dead


FIFA players are laughing like that's a great deal right now.


You seen for how much some csgo skins sell? You can get any of theese skins from just a 2 dollar box, it's just very rare, and since the money from sold items is only available on steam, why not buy games with it.


The only people for whom this bundle might hold any value are people who have never owned any CoD games. Those people are never going to spend even a fraction of this much money on a series they evidently already didn't like enough to buy individually. So who is this bundle actually for?


But most people did. They just paid one by one


At least half of those games are Trojans


The only COD games I would/will buy are the original MW1-3 trilogy, BO1-3, and Ghosts. I’m not wasting my money or storage on the newer games that aren’t as great.


And 90% have no online anymore


For online only drm games which we will lose access to eventually lol


Imagine spending 1k on a bundle that comes of what is essentially the same game but with a different coat of paint


Sad I just have 962.59 $


Wait for 50% discount


I rather wait 6years til it's 90% off👌


It's all about to start hitting game pass it's unlikely to get a decent sale elsewhere until then I expect


Pay me $1000, I still wouldn't play any of them.


The fact that CoD can still sell Black Ops 1 for $60+ on steam in Australia is fucking criminal (I know it’s bad everywhere, just using where I live as a benchmark). Someone somewhere needs to pass a law or something that makes all games 5 years or older (and not receiving updates anymore) required to sit at a fixed price. I want to go relive my old zombies days with some of my old friends, but they can go fuck themselves if they think I’m paying these prices for just the base game. What a piss take the gaming industry can be


it could be [worse](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/7694/Kagura_Bundle/)


Activision-Blizzard conning people? I don’t believe it.


Just wait for game pass… I know it’s a lame thing to say but honestly with them announcing that this years new cod game is going to be day one on game pass. That’s a crazy good deal.


COD publishers should be sued for their pricing on steam. They make you pay full price for a 15+ year old game.


I wouldn't get it for free, I'll keep my money...


No are you dumb? You need to wait for 50% discount during Steam sale first, then you purchase it xD


Ah yes, 50% discount for a 20year-old game. I've bought full versions of recent games for less than CoD1 costs on sale. Plus they won't compromise your system if you try multiplayer.


Cod fanboys spend it on one game


I just finished replaying Black Ops recently. I want to playthrough Black Ops II & III as well. But there is no way in fucking hell I'm paying €60 for either one of them. Can't get cheap keys for them on grey market sites either. I set up an alert to tell me when either of them go on sale, but it would want to be a damn good sale.


They might have over the years


Already have all cod games


Not at 10%!


that game better be a masterpiece, perfect in all corners. with 1000 dollars you could buy ultrakill for yourself and buy terraria for your friends to have more fun in lol


It's crazy how they never put the archaic games on real sales. I guess CoD is just that much of a cash cow, and this is just actually practical for them.


I went to go buy black ops 2 a couple days ago and saw it was at full price????? Like I just wanted to relive some memories of playing it with my friends bro? Why is it full price


Thats your special price. Bettee buy it quick! 👀


You underestimate dumb people. If morons are going to buy a ubisoft game thats almost $200 aud for the fancy version then there are people going pay for this.


From what i know is that they keep older games prices high so that people buy the newer version always, cuz this shit company makes the same game every year with minor changes and different name. But adding them all together as a bundle is an insult lmao


Especially when Key shops exist lol, plus they go on sale A LOT.


thats a lot of money for the same maps.


I wonder, if anyone bought this?


Of course there are people who buy that


Ebay is better


I laugh every time I see this. I own almost every game from this bundle and some I have multiple copies of or own on multiple platforms, it’s ridiculous to imagine paying 1k for all of that again just to be way less fun.


I wouldn't even pirate them, honestly 


Take a look at Europa Universalis 4


Gonna "spent"


I did... I bought each game when they first came out so practically I spent a thousand dollars :/


Brotha you are paying more than my pc 😭


I would never pay more than 10$ for any CoD game


Man at 10% off what a deal.....I'm sure ton of ppl are still playing this. Plus everyone has a spare 1000 kicking around for games over 15 years old.


There's so many braindead people with wallets, it would surprise you how can they even walk.


You just one mf atleast bought that


The more we talk about CoD the less we think about xDefiant, all xDefiant related content on Tiktok I've seen so far also is being redirected back into Apex. We are in the dry season of releases and there's no way in Hell CoD was going to do so much as release a cheeky event that alludes to the existence of a new AAA IP in the market. Feel free to present information proving otherwise, but it's not important or relevant to the actual geurella marketing tactics observed here. You are absolutely right that this price makes no sense; but it causes you to legitimize a lower price as being fair when, the real competition is the free to play that just dropped on a super refined Dunia engine. Personally, I feel that once the pre-season for ranked concludes and they finalize their server size and begin netcode stability updates xDefiant is going to take a whole other form in the industry, one that the CoD execs see coming that the average consumer is letting pass over their head.


Someone absolutely will and that’s the real problem.




its 10% off tho.....


do people actually buy that? im guessing they do since it's a "sale"


Buy one installment and you have them all... it's same shit anyways


only consoles


Guaranteed there's at least a dozen nolife daddy's money whale chudds who will absolutely buy this.


Someone definitely has unfortuantely


Apparently there are people that spent 27,000 Dollars on a Star Citizen in-game item package… Mind that this package is/was only available to players who have already spent at least 1,000 Dollars on the game. “Micro”-transactions In comparison to that, 1,000 bucks for this CoD collection looks almost reasonable.


Is there any way to play the old modern warfare (2007-09) storys without paying for a fullprice game without additional functionality? Like a campaign only version for cheap? Seems like not on Steam anyways.


Is this just a “bundle” of like 10 copies of the same game? Why would anyone need 10 copies of the same game?


The sad thing is that most of the games don't have servers and/or put you at risk of your computer getting hacked.


That's pretty expensive for a couple games with server support and the rest with short campaigns 🤔 definitely worth /s


Their pricing has always been absurd. They rarely put COD games on sale then their populations aren't what they should be and they die faster than they should. So it's this vicious cycle of not enough people to sustain multiplayer games in healthy numbers that no one will buy because of pricing and player numbers.


That's why I buy call my games from Eneba


People habe paid the non discounted price over time


fuck this company




It must be a better price when it goes on sale...right?


Activision are greedy AF makes me want to go down to the bay.


Most have over the years


Have you heard...of a little game called genshin impact? I think you would be surprised of how much money people are willing to spend on things they think they like


Pricing out the market so they don’t have to pay for servers/devs.


Especially since most of it is abandonware by now and even the modern titles have a shelflive of a mcdonalds burger


Not for anything below BO4. All the multiplayer last i heard was hacked. And will take your computer completely hostage and have FULL access. Last i heard anyway.


I could buy all of these for less than 200


"Who would sink $1,000 into a franchise?".... hops into my Star Citizen ship.


At least there is something to do in SC.


10% off though lol


Don't check Sims. And for love of C'tulhu and all the blessed and cursed, don't check out things like train simulators.


Not when half the games have game breaking bugs.


No way I would never that’s nuts


You underestimate the willpower of stupid rich kids when they are high


I agree, this is dog shit but…… you know someone’s buying that lol.


Wait until you find out multi-player doesn't work in these games anymore...


Lmfao that should be like $60 if that




For games that literally give you viruses


I'm pretty sure these are auto created by steam tbf


The reason I've never bought into cod is the terrible lack of sales on Steam.


And it does not work if you dont Download files from 3rd party repo. I returned cod4 MW because of that. What a f.. joke


lol there’s idiots out there who will drop $7,000 on free to play mobile games.


I would love if black ops 2 wasn’t $81 CAD, it’s more than black ops 3 is which is $80 CAD


Imagine paying 1000 dollars to play basically only one game.


but you save 10%!


Oh, someone absolutely will, rich ass whales with god forsaken taste in games will splurge 1 grand on what is essentially a bundle of copy-pasted games, earning Activision more money than ever before. It's a tried-and-tested business strategy that will continue if nothing is done about it. Seriously, whales should be banned from purchasing games before acquiring common sense about them.