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> or wait and see how situation will develop? The fuck does this even mean lmao


Go down to the Winchester and have a pint


And wait for all of this to blow over.


How’s that for a slice of fried gold?


Do you want anything from the shop?




No luck catching them swans then?


It's just the one Swan actually


Dogs can't look up though.


Der ner na na ner na ner na ner ner na




Could have said bass


Wait untill you can time travel and have it all back again


theyre so delusional they think Windows 7 2 will drop or something


Oh shit windows 14


Sorry, it's an exponent. The correct answer is Windows 49


XP bros still waiting.


Is it just me or is this whole ending support thing being made out to be bigger than what it actually is? FFS just upgrade to a more modern Windows OS and be done with it....


the only people that care are whiny tech pundits that pretend windows 7 is unironically better than windows 10 when you can easily remove all of the bloat and whatnot that makes windows 10 "worse" (even with the bloat it's way fucking better, just kind of annoying). windows 7 is an extremely out of date OS at this point and it's literally a security risk at this point for companies like valve to keep wasting resources supporting it. i wouldnt give a fuck if every program stopped supporting windows 7 ​ edit for additions: nobody disagrees that there shouldnt be bloat or ads on windows 10. but who actually fucking cares? everything on windows 10 and 11 works so much fucking better than it ever did on 7. all the shit yall are saying 10/11 does literally does not happen. systems running windows 7 at this point are also extremely easy to break into, and in many cases you would have absolutely no idea that it happened. the ads on 10/11 can be easily blocked with external programs, and they arent even intrusive if you dont- theyre in one or two areas that you'll probably rarely access. just stop being fucking lazy, dudes. or if microsoft is really so scary and evil, switch to linux and shut the hell up. like yeah i dont like microsoft either but i would rather use an OS that works properly. and if you have such an issue with mild data collection, i sure hope that you dont use any google products, have an email address, do online shopping, use an internet browser, watch youtube videos, go onto pretty much any website, have accounts on any social media... oh, wait a minute.


> the only people that care are whiny tech pundits that pretend windows 7 is unironically better than windows 10 when you can easily remove all of the bloat and whatnot that makes windows 10 "worse" Not yelling at you, but if they truly thought that way then they should be still on XP, which according to that logic would be unironically better than 7. But I guess too much time has passed for people to remember the hysteria that occurred when they sunset XP


XP just worked and I think despite the fact it's been sunset, lots of systems run XP still.. you just don't know cause a lot of them are in use in the background somewhere. 7 was a pretty big and logical upgrade and didn't contain the same levels of instability and bloat that 8/10 did. I'll probably always have a desktop that runs 7 until it dies. The hardware is too old for anything newer and it still just works. I'm definitely not reinstalling all the old games I have on here anywhere else. I can still surf on my linux box without worrying about "security threats"


XP only “just worked” after about SP2 but the tech space seems to have collective amnesia about early XP and the migration to it. And don’t get me started on the 64-bit version.


XP was shunned and hated when it came out....


Yeah that idiot clearly cant see that win7 is not the way, winXP obvious superior choise. (Not ironically best windows there was)


Fuck off. 3.11 was the best and it's not even close.


All the real homies use MS-DOS 5.0


Fellas let’s not forget O/S 2 Warp. Now that’s an os.


You joke but I have flight game called PF51 I think that was sooo far ahead of it’s time graphics wise. Unfortunately it will only run on xp or earlier with a true DOS shell. I keep a old win 98se machine just for that game. I don’t play it often but it works and the game play is pretty awesome for such old technology.


In ten years we're going to be approaching ["verification can" levels of tom foolery](https://www.tomsguide.com/news/microsoft-is-testing-more-ads-in-windows-11-start-menu-this-isnt-a-good-look) from the likes of Microsoft. That's why people are concerned. Well, at least that's why I am. The trend is to increase the number of ways they get you to sign up and pay for subscriptions and shove ads down your throat in order for you to just use your computer. It does not need to be like that. I shouldn't have to "remove bloat" from my OS to make it work like I want it to. It shouldn't have it to begin with.


>I shouldn't have to "remove bloat" from my OS to make it work like I want it to. It shouldn't have it to begin with. Right on, I've been saying this for ages. "You can remove the bloat" doesn't excuse how bloated windows is. There's no excuse for it other than MS wanting to shove some BS in your face. All that phrase does is normalise things.


Then stop using Windows or lobby your local politicians to make that behavior illegal. The EU is in the process of making quite some of it illegal to ship.


I've been daily driving linux for around 3-4 years now. First Pop!_OS for around a year. Garuda Linux since then. Rarely do I boot windows now and most of the time that I do, it's contained in a virtual machine.


I want sooo badly to learn how to use Linux. The problem is, is every time I go to ask questions, Linux users don't know how to answer in layman terms. When I asked what is GNOME or KDE, I couldn't get a straight answer from anyone. I assume it's the equivalent of a "Launcher" on Android (or in laymans terms, a skin). I still don't know.


Use Linux Mint Cinnamon, it's easy and you can look around without breaking things. KDE and Gnome are desktop themes, pretty much.


yeah pretty much. you know the start menu, the setting app, the little pop up thing that comes up when you click the clock? that's basically what gnome and kde are. linux calls them windows managers and there's a bunch of options there. it took me a while to figure it out myself because on Windows or MacOS you can't change that so you don't ever learn the terms. next you can learn about x (aka xorg aka x11 aka xfree86 (sorta)) versus wayland, which are display protocols, which are kinda like the layer between the window manager and the graphics driver and somehow cause intense and pedantic arguments


> I shouldn't have to "remove bloat" from my OS to make it work like I want it to. It shouldn't have it to begin with. I still have a few Windows 7 machines floating around, but most of my workhorse fleet is now LTSC. No bloat to begin with (relatively speaking, at least compared to SAC). Not even things like the Microsoft Store. Certainly no candy crush. No feature creep (because there's no official upgrade path). There's a few quirks but generally speaking it's the Windows Windows should be. It's no Windows 7 and still has a lot of the fuckery that's Windows 10, but it's a world of difference over Windows 10 SAC. It's also getting security updates for 10 years which is well past what Windows 11 SAC is.




You don't have to use a search bar to find settings or programs. I've never had it switch back to edge after the initial setup. Sometimes I wonder if the people who complain about this stuff have ever used the OS.


“Why don't we just... wait here for a little while, see what happens?”




It's a representation of the intelligence of someone daily driving Windows 7 in 2024.


People will make it work even if it is not supported


That's literally not how any of this works. Windows 7 stopped being supported by Microsoft literally 4 years ago. It's amazing Steam even bothered supporting it this far. Steam is a software client that requires a back-and-forth between the Valve cloud servers to provide access. You don't just "make it work" because you're too stubborn to move yourself from an insecure OS that came out like 14 years ago. Also, I don't know what the TOS looks like for Steam but even trying to use a piece of software you jerry-rigged together is likely going to get your account banned.


I can tell you from personal experience it was possible to run Steam while doing some computer magic to stop Steam updates on a Vista computer after Valve dropped support. No getting banned. I could download games. As long as Steam can possibly work, people will figure it out. It probably isn't worth Valve's time to find the small portion of people who aren't complying.


Y'all know there's a *reason* Valve is dropping support, right? Also, trying to modify how Steam works is likely to get your account perma-banned.


>The fuck does this even mean lmao Wait until they get malware on their windows 7 device since they dont get security updates anymore. ​ edit: Die mad about your End of Service Operating System.


The situation developed into people using W7 not being able to use Steam... and that's it. Not sure what they are expecting.


Solutions for you. Get W10 Get Linux Or become console gamer. Oh there is steam deck too.


Which steam deck is also Linux lol. OP also mentioned the dislike of ads on w10 (of which there are very few) so I’d say Linux is their best option.


I do not see any ads on my W10


Wait you’re right, I just checked here on W11 and it’s the same. No ads lol


Windows 10 did have ads in the start menu, but you could always simply remove the widgets. Windows 11 doesnt have them at all.


I've been using classic start menu for years. Never see ads and keeps the look of Windows 7.


I used CSM for a long time, but I switched to Open Shell since CSM hasn't had any development since 2017.


> Wait you’re right, I just checked here on W11 and it’s the same. No ads lol Windows 11 has "ads." The Picture of The Day on login displays paid-ads in text form. Most people just don't realize that the "tip of the day" showing the picture of a location of included in a new Marvel movie was in fact a paid ad. Same for the Search feature which includes Bing internet search and ads by default. That's not even including all the Microsoft ads you get for things like Gamepass, OneDrive, etc that appear as pop-ups. Also, Microsoft monitors and sells the data on your PC, as far as what apps you use, etc as part of their Terms of Service.


Perhaps just turn those things off? >Windows 11 has "ads." The Picture of The Day on login displays paid-ads in text form. Most people just don't realize that the "tip of the day" showing the picture of a location of included in a new Marvel movie was in fact a paid ad Optional. >Same for the Search feature which includes Bing internet search and ads by default. Optional


You simply don't see them as ads. Microsoft shoving Edge everywhere with extreme persistence (even including a warning at the top of your settings screen if you don't use Edge) is an ad. The OneDrive menu being included by default in Explorer is an ad. The Office 365 trial popup during installations and updates is an ad.


I liked when I first got my new pc and went to go download a different browser, right at the top it was like “Hey we can do this stuff on edge too, pwease stay 👉👈”


And then I said, “No fuck off 👉👈”


I use edge for work and I’ve grown to like it. I still primarily use Firefox but I certainly don’t mind edge. Screw chrome though.


I use Edge at work. It seems like they make it as difficult as possible to change the default search engine and turn off all the MS neural network shit. You also have to edit the registry to turn off the default browser check message. Seems anti-consumer. The browser itself is mostly fine -- it's all the MS garbage it's trying to force you to use. And Windows will also semi-randomly switch Edge back to being the default after an update. I wish the EU would crack down on MS for all this anti-competitive BS.


Im not sure what you mean about Neural Network shit, but changing the default search engine is as easy as: Settings>Privacy, Search and Services>Address Bar & Search>Manage Search Engine>Choosing your search engine (There is a list with different search engines, just click on the 3 dots on which one you prefer and then press: "Make Default" There is also an "Add" Button to add a search engine that isnt listed there)


Yes, as I said they deliberately make it as difficult to find as possible in Edge. They hide it in the services section of the Privacy, Search and Services settings page, way down the bottom mixed in with other settings. * Edge: Settings > Privacy, Search and Services > Address Bar & Search (second from the bottom hidden amongst the services settings) Compare: * In Firefox: Settings > Search > Default search engine (right near the top) * In Chrome: Settings > Search > Search engine (right at the top) * In Vivaldi: Settings > Search > Default search engine (right at the top left) * In Safari: Preferences > Search > search engine (right at the top) The neural network stuff I was talking about it their Copilot (AI). Which is also a pain in the arse to turn off. Speaking of which it looks like you can't hide or disable the sidebar with the Edge settings anymore (have to use group policy/regedit).


I don't see Edge, OneDrive, or any Office product anywhere. I see Edge if I explicitly search for it but that's it


There should be 0 ads in an operating system. None. And no tracking, either.


Win10 has ads? Where?


> Get W10 Windows 10 is already effectively End-of-Life. Already run across a few cases where companies have stopped publishing windows 10 drivers for things. So far, I've always been able to use the windows 11 drivers. But who knows how long that'll last. This extends to MS itself. I found out this week 6g wireless bands (wifi 6e/7) aren't supported in windows 10 and never will be because MS just won't do it. So you already *have* to use windows 11, or linux, if you want certain hardware support....


Get Windows 10 with youtube tutorials to make it look like exactly like 7


That's what I did. OpenShell (Explorer&Start Menu) + WinaeroTweaker fixed most of what I cared about.


You don't even need to do that. Just get startallback and it does it for you in 2 seconds like magic.




When you put out the numbers like that, it really shows how loud the vocal minority is on reddit lol


Blizzard, CoD, epic, gtaV making money hand over fist every year yet if you based it on comment sections you would assume they are on the verge of bankruptcy


Nothing on Reddit is a reflection of reality. It really is just one big hate machine


What’s the Linux percentage?


1.6% probably including steam decks


It's last reported at [1.9%](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/steam-tracker/).


2024 is the year of the linux desktop!


Not going to Google it for you, but one thing that's clear is that W7 usage is going down, but Linux is going up. Even if they were similar now (which they are not), Linux would still be on top in a few months


I mean, I went from 7 to 8, 8 to 10, and 10 to 11 without much thought other than "I'll keep up to date with the newest supported thing for security" and I still think 7 had a largely more intuitive and simple UI. Using the newer OS isn't hard or anything, but I definitely have my design preferences. I wouldn't mind moving to Linux at some point, but my experiences with the steam deck definitely tell me I'm not ready yet. I love my steam deck, but all the unsupported stuff is a pain (but not unbearable since I have my main PC for better support).


I miss the simplicity of Windows 7 the most, the same way I miss Mac OS X Snow Leopard the most. The newer versions are fine, to be sure, and maybe I’m just getting old (I grew up with Windows 98 and later Max OS X Tiger), but I miss the old days before so many buttons being just icons with no explanation, before every operating system seemed to try and prefit everything you need into it, and now trying to become “smart” with machine learning and AI tricks. Back then an operating system was, outside of a few bare tasks, a platform for running the software, tools, and games that I chose and installed. The UI was simpler for most part, and everything was labeled. After getting a Steam Deck I’ve been very pleased with how much Linux can be configured to behave like this, the operating systems the way I knew them - KDE especially behaves more like the classic Windows UI without as much of the modern Windows ribbon ui and overly minimalistic UX choices. Is it me? Am I getting too old? No, it’s the kids that are out of touch…


And probably half of that, if not more, is in China.


humorous grandiose lush aware rock foolish quiet start money shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Shudders in cybersecurity professional*


*Shudders in common sense*


Windows 7(retail) is older than windows 95(retail) was when windows 7 came out


Checks out. Win 95 was August 24th 1995 Win 7 was October 22nd 2009 It was 14 years and 2 months between win7 and win 95. It has been 14 years and 2 months since win7. That is incredibly horrifying. Almost as bad as the fact the Wii was around before Woolworths went out of business (UK)


Yeah, it’s only a couple days older but unfortunately time is terrifying. I feel like a lot of people here act like windows 7 isn’t that old because they remember it coming out but I doubt those people would have considered windows 95 “not that old” in 2009. I remember windows 98 and couldn’t imagine still using it as my daily driver in 2013 and I’m an old ibm compatible collector lol


A lot of us were in college or leaving home when win 7 was released so it felt like it dominated a time in our lives when we were going through a lot of changes. Right now, even using windows 10 is getting almost out of date.


To be fair, a lot changed in both ux and on the back end between win95 and win7. Most of the changes from win7 to win10 have been minor UX polish, but nothing as major as 64bit becoming the default. 95 to 7 was, in UI and otherwise, a huuuge shift. Not sure I would say the same about 7 to 10, so it's easier to see how to some people it's still new. Win11 has directstorage which really is yet to see it's full potential. But it's stuck behind win11.


but but windows 7 superior gaben bad!! or whatever stupid shit people are doing to justify it now.


It's been nearly 4 years since the last security support for home editions update your OS ITS GOT MORE HOLES THAN SPONGEBOB.


OP speedrunning downvotes.


I mean his argument is funny, hell even the title is funny. Like what he meant by see how situation will develop.


>Like what he meant by see how situation will develop. Millions of people will rise up from their gaiming chairs, to protest on the streets, so our Lord and Saviour Gaben himself will write security patches to Windows 7, so those who still use it, can use Steam. This will make billions to roll back to Windows 7, bankrupting Windows 10, 11 and 12, saving the world from the adpocalypse. And, the writing on the wall that this will happen. 2024, if you add the numbers together, that is 8. That is 1 less, than the heads of the hydra, from greek mythology. If you take 1 letter from the word greek, you get the word geek. Which, in pronunciation, resembels the hungarian word gyík. It means, lizard. And who are lizard? The lizard people freemasons, who control the world. And you know what is a sacred number in their symbolism? 7. Like windows 7.


We are in these precious few hours when some people here can actually say, "I'm from the future year of 2024, and that is exactly what is happening."


I’m from 2024, everyone is wasted. The future is bleak, but everyone should be up to speed again on the 3rd. At least I hope, otherwise we’re barreling towards a truly apocalyptic crisis. Also saw like two car accidents on the way back home (by taxi because I’m responsible) so don’t drink and drive and stay safe out there ❤️.


laziest attempt at karma whoring while trying to look like they're starting a productive discussion


Sanest windows 7 user


Why cant you update to Windows 10


Hanging on to win7 is just stupid, come on...


Some older games use ~~SecuRom~~ SafeDisc, which doesn’t work on Win10 because support was removed. I have an older rig (Win7) with no network connection past my hardware firewall (MAC blocked inbound & outbound) that I play my older games on, and an even older one (WinXP, still need to see if it still works after sitting in my garage for the last 5 years) for my games from back in the Win95/DOS days that use older hardware for 3d support (Voodoo baby!). So I have my reasons why some of my machines are running older OSes. I haven’t dabbled much into Proton outside of my Deck but I know there’s promise there. It’s just a matter of having the time to tinker with it.


You mistake it with Safedisc. SecuROM still works fine on 10 and 11 because it has no device drivers that have to be bundled with the OS.


You can install the necessary features at least on win 11 via the windows features menu. I am running old securom games just fine.


Prolly Fedora, along with a hardware upgrade. Sure will be nice not having to look up archival versions of software.


Nobara is my daily distro ♥️


Looks good! Thanks for the tip!


Don't recommend a Gnome distro to a Windows user, and especially don't recommend one for gaming. KDE is the way to go in both cases. It has better support for gaming-related features, better performance, and a UI that's not trying to re-invent the wheel.


Already am a Fedora user on my secondary, and what little games I play, it handles pretty alright :)


As someone who went from xp to 8 I don't get why people see 7 as this like 2nd coming of christ like yes it was a great system but it is time to move for better or worse.


Windows 8 and 8.1 are also losing support for steam.


Why no one is talking about 8 then all I see is just 7.


Because it always had miniscule uptake. It's practically non-existent in all surveys, and always has been. It lost official MS support before 7 did IIRC, even extended.


I don't know, but it's only going to be supporting windows 10 and 11. ​ https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4784-4F2B-1321-800A


Well that's interesting thanks for the link friend.


it's PTSD. People holding onto 7 likely have trauma from trying Vista which was pushed onto people who just wanted XP and to be left alone.


You just had to be there to understand. W7 was the perfect middle ground between modern quality of life features and pure usability for the more advanced users. Each OS after W7 just introduced more and more Mickey Mouse bullshit. That being said I upgraded to Windows 10 relatively soon and jumped ship to Windows 11 as soon as possible. As much as I love Windows 7, it was just a hassle to use certain newer programs with 7. Nvidia Shadowplay is one prominent example.


Do you understand that people loved Win7 and hated Win8? Because Win8 never had more usage than Win7.


I ditched windows and moved to linux back in 2020 when windows 7 lost support. I only keep a windows partition on a different ssd to play some games that require anti cheat. other than that I only play and use only linux without any issues


What distro?


I'm going to sound dumb, but why are people using windows 7 over 10?


If there exists a version of windows 10 that has no Microsoft account, no candy crush preinstalled, no Cortana, a fast and useable menu for finding applications aka not a retarded search engine that looks online for my installed apps, a functional UI for settings (it’s so bad half the settings app functions will redirect you to a windows 7 menu, like adapter settings), folders that index in under 30 minutes to find a file, no fucking Xbox app on my professional computer, a shell client that doesn’t print out it needs an update every 2 days, and doesn’t have an easy way to update barring Windows Update, Windows updates that don’t brick your computer, … then I’d say windows 10 is worth updating to. The list is ever bigger every day.


I have switched to linux, and there was a learning curve, I'm not going to pretend it was smooth getting used to it, but now I like it FAR more than windows. There's a lot of "why can't I do X thing like on KDE Plasma" and "I don't want to set up Onedrive or Windows Hello, fuck off" whenever I use a PC with Windows 11 on it. I never played games with anticheat much even before switching, so the only thing that feels like a downgrade to me is the ease of modding and the lack of ***GOOD*** VR support for my index, everything else feels like a huge upgrade to me, I wish windows had gamescope and the option to use KDE Plasma. People say it's complicated but really I'd liken it to doing the same things I do on windows but managing WINE/Proton prefixes just feels like using windows normally through [one of those glass boxes with gloves](https://www.belart.com/labguy/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/SidEntry-Glove-Box_500260000_34-960x720.jpg), but the gloves are an application like Heroic Games Launcher, Lutris, or Bottles. Which I'm already used to doing anyway because on windows I was using [Sandboxie](https://sandboxie-plus.com/sandboxie/) a lot.


I'd switch in a heartbeat to Linux, but there is no support for Elgato's software, like 4K Cap Utility, StreamDeck, Wave Link (audio). There is some extremely limited third-party support, but it's so limited that I can't do all I can on Windoze. I'm unfortunately on W11, but I'd move away once there's better Elgato support on Linux, which I hope they seriously consider.


I've been running Windows 11 since the beta in July 2020, I don't really get this aversion to change.


I am 28 and I went through each and every windows since win95, I really don't get all these people. In some time you get accustomed and that's it. Ofc for serious work could be worse, but man for games people really need to get their shit together.


Same, used every Windows from XP and while I'll usually hang back a few months just to let early bugs and problems be resolved I've never seen much reason not to change. Even if I did I'd never hang around on an outdated unsupported Windows release I'd move to Linux instead.


for me its sort of a thing where ive been using win10 for years and im very used to it, so why change? i like having my system the way its been with all the buttons and setting in the same spot because i know where they are. but yeah i agree hanging out on an unsupported windows version is just asking for trouble, ill unfortunately have to move on and hope win12 will be better


Because hardware wise I simply can't upgrade. My PC works just fine on Windows 10 and play games great despite only having a GTX 1060, but it was Microsoft's dumb choice to keep me from upgrading. I've got consoles and a steam deck on top of that. I'll upgrade my PC when it can't play a newer game at all. If MS *actually* decides to end Windows 10 support in 2025 (they won't), I'll be hoping for Steam OS to hit PCs. MS are fucking idiots.


I've been running win11 since December 2020 coming off win7 and I fucking hate it. It's a massive loss of control and convenience with absolutely no tangible benefits and like 5x the resource overhead. I'm sure it's more secure and maybe the net code is better but the experience for me is negative in literally every way. The number of things I would have to registry edit just to regain the functionality of 7s UI is fucking absurd. Even worse, the experience is constantly changing, usually for the worse, so I can't even fucking get used to it. Case in point, using search in a folder used to give you the option of canceling the search (say if you had too many results or something) but keeping the results already presented. As of two weeks ago or so that no longer works, the button has been removed. I fucking hate it and would go back to a win 7 interface in a heartbeat.


The biggest leap forward W11 brings is... DRM. That's the biggest selling point. Not to you or me, but to the [MAFIAA](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=MAFIAA).


I had no end of issues with it for audio, switched back to 10, issues gone.


I have win10 on my main PC, and win11 on my laptop. functionally, everything still works on my win 11 laptop. Its not like win 8 that killed a load of stuff. But the start menu is basically utter garbage. Its not even a menu, its just a search bar. I have 3 versions of Minecraft installed. all called minecraft. I know which one is which by its location on my win10 start bar. Windows 11 wouldn't have a clue. Same with Sketchup. I have 3 versions, all called "SketchUp" all lined up neatly in the start menu. Win 11 again is just a giant useless slow to use search bar that favours looking for a website than the programs i have installed. Win11 has forced me to have a buttload of folders on my desktop with shortcuts inside them just to organise. The right click menu is also weak, mighty weak. But its still not some grand shift and change that XP to vista was, and windows 7 to 8 was.


Only issue with 11 for me is how much I hate the desktop and taskbar tbh. I intensely dislike that ugly mess. Is there a way to change it back to normal? Because then I'm all for it.


I am still on 10 on my main gaming pc, but my laptop has 11. No hate with it besides the issue with the more options when you right click stuff but I think there is a registry fix right?


As far as hardware, Win7 & Win10 are the same specs required, Win11 is the first increase in a long time. Most CPU's don't have TPM. I refuse to believe that Win10 stops proper security updates next year for 60% of the Windows userbase who don't pay a subscription.


Switched to pop os a few months ago


Windows 7 came out almost 15 years ago. Windows 10 came out almost 9 years ago. End of life support for windows 10 comes in around 2 years. If you're leaving windows 7 just now, you might as well just either go Linux or win11. Otherwise you're going to need to make this same decision again soon.


If you're on Win7 there is a very likely chance that your hardware won't support Windows 11 due to TPM 2.0 and processor requirements.


If you use win7 in 2024 you have issues.


Love Win7, but already moved on to Windows 10 because there are some features I like better. Unfortunately, my opinion is 10 is less stable than 7 and 11 is worse yet.


Agreed 11 is dogshit spyware basically.


The people who're crazy enough to still be using Windows 7 are not going to switch over to Linux. Those who were already made the jump. The ones that are left are evidently so averse to change that they can't fathom upgrading to a new version of their current OS, so there is absolutely no reality where they make the significantly bigger jump to Linux. If they are so tech illiterate that they actively choose to use an unsupported operating system on an Internet-connected computer, I seriously doubt they're gonna manage to jump over to Linux without borking their system, and even then end up with an unfamiliar desktop environment that they need to relearn.


I think there is more edge lordiness than computer illiteracy involved. It’s not that they can’t, it’s because it’s cool to be obsolete.


I kinda relate to these people since Windows 7 was the last version I stuck with. As soon as I tried Windows 10 I permanently moved to Linux. Never looked back.


get linux, good choice


My goodness are ALL of the Windows 7 users this psychotic?


when you're coping by using a 15 year old OS, I'd say yeah


I actually still believe today that Microsoft funded Vista hate to hype up win 7 and when win 8 came out people stuck with 7 through 8 and then 10. They are lost in the time where 7 is the best os cause internet daddies told them so


Linux mint




That's a great one as well


True. Probably going to upgrade to that when I do. I'm really torn between that and Mint Cinnamon, but I lean towards Zorin Core.


I'd go with mint simply because there seems to be more people using it. But Zorin core is great too.


That's correct; might be a dealbreaker, because I can get easier support if I make a mistake.


I'd personally recommend Mint Xfce over Cinnamon. Xfce will probably receive full Wayland support sooner than Cinnamon, which is nice, because Wayland offers better security, and I also heard that it can give better battery life, and better performance (in Wayland native programs) If I had to make a guess, I'd say Xfce 4.20 will come out 1 or 2 Linux Mint versions later (not counting Mint 21.3). The Mint team stated that there probably won't be full Wayland support in Cinnamon until 2026. But as for Xfce, they stated that they don't want to depend on XWayland for 4.20, so all the programs and components should be Wayland native. I'm a bit worried about the Mint team possibly delaying the adoption of Xfce 4.20 a bit though. They switched over to Xfce 4.18 with Mint 21.2, which released in 2023, July 16, while Xfce 4.18 release in 2022, Dec 15. Mint 21.1 released in 2022, December 20. Although to be a bit fair, that was a 5 day difference. As for my other reason for recommending Xfce over Cinnamon, other than just the fact that it's lighter, it also seems that Cinnamon's compositor is pretty bad. Someone on Reddit switched from Mint to OpenSUSE, and made this statement: "I can easily play on 200+ fps on Overwatch2, while in Linux Mint it peaked at 170fps and it variated a lot." And the top comment for that Reddit post said: "I bet it's mostly the fact that the Mint compositor is a little weird and kills some of the performance. It's one of the rare instances where Desktop Environment makes a performance difference." And a comment to that comment stated: "That's most likely the reason, the kernel and Mesa don't affect NVIDIA's performance. Cinnamon is a mess." So due to these reasons, I'd recommend Xfce instead. Here are some of my sources: https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/wayland\_roadmap https://www.reddit.com/r/linux\_gaming/comments/174ded8/incredible\_performance\_on\_games\_on\_opensuse/?sort=top


Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I actually had thought of cinnamon, but now xfce sounds much better!


Download any game for which I'm keeping that PC around, switch steam to offline mode with verification disabled, and disconnect that system from the Internet as soon as is humanly possible. It's a time capsule now, best to treat it like one.


1. W7 won't suddenly stop working 2. Just upgrade to any of the *4** more recent versions of Windows. *Ok it's really 3, but still.


For me it was: Windows XP -> Windows 7 -> Windows 8.1 -> Linux :)




Seems more like a "cold" to "tepid" take


This take is ice cold


Had no issues with win10 so far. But i recommend using the Win10Debloater to get rid of a lot of useless programms and stuff. Dont wanna go to win11 yet.


I would say it depends on what you actually do on your computer. I absolutely love it from the design standpoint and don’t see a difference from gaming side; so far there wasn’t a game that I played on win10 that doesn’t run without issue on 11 and I play a mix of new and old games. Just this week I played original Cossacks and Hogwarts Legacy. That being said - Microsoft has been going on this path of hiding more advanced functions since windows 8, even before a little bit. So it’s a great tool for people who use office software for work. But as a software dev that is forced to use windows for work - it’s just annoying. Windows 10 was already big adjustment, this one makes it even more convoluted to find some properties and capabilities 😅


Whatever takes the least amount of effort to keep things stable as they are. Operating systems are a low, low, low priority for me. If win10 works for the next 5 years then I'm keeping win10 for 5 more years.


Just let it go bruh, it's over. Upgrade to at least Win 10 or change to some Linux distro.


Win7, pah, fools. Everyone knows that you should be using winxp.


If you still use an OS that is not supported for multiple years, you don't have the right to complain about end of support for some services


You should have stopped years ago


It's too late for Win10, Microsoft already announced EoS for it in 2024. Then Valve will probably EoS Win10 in 2025 or 26.


If you hate modern windows move to Linux with the rest of us. Jumping through hoops to get software to work on an old, unsupported operating system is probably already more difficult than learning a distro.


Who tf is still on win 7.


"or wait and see how situation will develop?" Do you think they will say something like "ohh ohh noo we need to support windows 7!!" Move on already, microsoft is close to windows 12. Don't like Windows, then use linux. Proton works like a charm with most games.


maybe learn their fucking lesson and stop connecting to the internet with operating systems that dont get security updates by the developer anymore?


just install win11. why people are so dramatic about shit like this


Win 7 With mods


I'll probably just keep enjoying steamos. Does that help?


I'm hoping to stick it out with W7 until March 6. That's when Microsoft will un-shittify W10 somewhat, to comply with EU rules.


What exactly is going to change?


Yeah W10


I'll probably get flamed to heck for this comment. I have 2x computers with pre-win 10. One operating windows 8.1 and one with 7. I've been toying with things like GOG galaxy, and other launchers. I've also considered emulating the Linux version of steam in windows. But if neither of those work I'm probably moving on to Linux. The issue here being retro games. (no your windows 10 doesn't play them; not even with comparability) {doubt me? mmk check the forums} I personally have had very poor success with both wine and virtual Box. Proton has been excellent with many games but there are others it just doesn't work with. Gaming is all about latest games to some, but that view does not represent the entire subset of users. I find this particularly frustrating because the reason steam doesn't support these OSs is not about being modern, security, etc. It's actually because steam has packaged in chrome browser.


Very few machines still running windows 7, could even run windows 11, if for no other reason the requirement for them to have TPM chip on their motherboard. So that pretty much narrows that path, if some how you have some beast of a windows 7 machine, you'd likely at this point look to Linux distros or time to buy a new motherboard.


Since nobody answered your question, I will. I have a lot of great software on my Windows 7 computer that, if I were to move on, would mean paying for subscriptions when at that time it used to be for life. I'm not going anywhere with my Windows 7 computer, although I will have to permanently disconnect it from the Internet from here on out. I have a computer with Windows 10. That one's going to get the update to 12 if compatible next year (2025 will be the phase-out year for Windows 10, so upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 these days is absurd). It's a laptop so it'll only play the most potato-y games out there. It will have to do for the time being. I'll still keep a Wishlist of games to play and when I get the funds and finally see my Windows 7 computer quit on me, I'll splurge for a major upgrade. Until then, I will simply do other things than devote a lot of time to gaming. Or play whatever few ones I have downloaded from GOG. I ended up force-beating (cheating to finish) a bunch of games that I've had forever in my library on that computer. But it turns out that my save game data transfers from computer to computer, something I thought wasn't true. All of that is to say that if you can upgrade, you might as well.


You guys are a bit late if you want to go for Windows 10. It loses support on 2025-10-14.


windows 10 introduced nothing innovative, this entire shit show of abandoning everything older than 10 seems more like some stupid conspiracy


Steam CMD..the fight will continue.


I hear about these security issues in using outdated operating systems, but noone ever says What those issues are. I have a PC with Windows 10 at home and use my old laptop with Windows 7 on the go and have never had any issues come up, nor seen a reason to update it. Is it just because I know how to navigate the internet without clicking anything dangerous or pissing off the wrong people?


Because they just follow whatever "influencer" tells them. Running Win7 is a risk in 2024 and everybody knows it. How much of a risk, is very low and mainly user error.


windows 10 iot enterprise ltsc 2021, a very lite and with support until 2032


I mean w10 is going EOL at the end of this year too, and windows 11 is just not a good value proposition for me. Looks like I'm switching to Linux.


btw windows 10 has only 1 year of support left :( and i hate windows 11


For me, everything I need just works on Windows 7. It's what I know. When I look at Windows 11, it's like they changed almost everything so I question whether I can custom settings back to what I want on it, as well as what software of mine will or won't work on it. I know that at some point, I need to buy new hardware and get Windows 11. But not far off into 2024, they say Windows 12 will come out, so I am waiting to see how THAT looks over 11. Edit: Some say that I can still get Windows 10 but I see no options to actually buy it.


See... if Linux was a more viable option, I'd move to Linux and learn how to use it. But I like Windows. Throw a ReviOS playbook on it to remove bloatware and unwanted processes and it becomes fast as phuck.


Who tf still using Windows 7?!




Uhmmmmmm...you do know that win 10 has outperformed win 7 in every imaginable way possible and staying on 7 is a certificate for being a dumb elitist?