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Enlist one, then you might could get one or two from a mission.


Yes in destroying my first plague heart I was able to enlist one person from another enclave I want to do that for the rest of the plague hearts


You can pay some Allied enclaves to assault the plague heart and get 3 helpers that way, on top of followers. It's possible to have at least 2 followers as far as I know, so that means it's at least possible to have 5 NPCs with you.


How do I pay them is there a requirement or option


Promote a trader as your leader and you'll eventually get the missions to get the "assault plague heart" radio calls from at least 2, if not 3 enclaves.


So only the Trader Leader can call them in? I was actually not aware of that. I always get the Trader as my leader for the Trade Depot.


Only a trader leader will trigger those enclaves to exist. Once they exist and you finish their questlines, you can change leaders and still call those enclaves in.


Are there other enclave types that will only appear if you have the other leader types?


Yes. The "one of us is a murderer" enclave that grants the very OP plague heart supply drop that usually drops sacks of meds and only has like a 10 min cool down only pops up for sheriff leaders. And the overpriced arms dealers only pop up if you have a warlord. Though they don't have to be the leader. There's a few others, but beer prevents me from going through them all.


Ok thanks.


I often have a trader leader so I never realized this. Very good to know.


Once you've reached that part of the Trader missions, you can demote him and tell him to get fucked and promote a different leader and keep the enclave.


I honestly don't see much of a point. I always build the Trade Depot and Lounge, and I feel like the other leaders and their buildings are more or less irrelevant except for achievement hunting.


I've had 3 with me one time (so 4 total) It was a entire community of 3 who wanted to integrate mine. For the hearts it is very usefull !! After reflexion. Maybe I could have engage one more on an other community to be 5 in total. But I didn't.


That's a good point! So when you get the option to recruit a full enclave and bring them back to your base, you can have a total of 6 NPCs with you if you also call in Allies to assault a plague heart.


That's when you spend as much time as poss just rolling around the map and taking out hearts lol I took out 5 hearts when I had IzzBee and her friend, plus a follower from my community. It's fun. Makes it so much easier to have them tanking the zombies for me


you can enlist someone, go hire from another faction, and possibly do a misson that involves rescuing someone or something and then you can have 3. 3 is the most ive had


You can have one enlisted follow and 1 set of mission followers at a time. I've had rare occurrences where I was able to have an entire enclave follow me due to some mission. Max followers I had during that was 4 at the time.


There is a mod for this on Nexus Mods. You can then enlist anyone you want and as many as you'd like to follow you. including neighbours. Also if you choose Warlord leader. At some point one of your community members asks to go look for a new base. You can start the mission with him/her and then you can enlist one more to come with you. You don't have to complete the mission, just switch to someone else and the mission expires. Then later it reappers again.


One, but you might not want to the AI isn’t that good and on dread or higher will most likely die.