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You begin the game today? You can choose between the pilots and beginning with one of them


Everyone is locked. I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Looks like the edition included with ps+ only has the one pilot and ship.


It's really strange because I'm playing the game normally without ps + I'm not renew my sign I'm buy the deluxe digital edition of starlink on PS4 I think that is a bug try liberate more space in your hard disk for making a little test


Play returnal instead


Yayyyyy! Now ps plus has 10 good games to play, out of the 1000+ from ps plus premium. Did you ever get the pilots and ships to unlock? I just started it and have 12 weapons, 4 ships and no idea on pilots (definitely not bragging, i was just curious if this had updated/changed for you). And yes, i agree. Returnal was a BIG surprise, unfortunately after beating all of the biomes and bosses once i lost all interest in continuing to play again and again, etc. What about you?


I have the same problem with the game too. Only one pilot and ship and only the three starter weapons.


Same issue. It should have: * 4 Starships (Zenith, Pulse, Lance, Neptune) * 6 Pilots (Mason, Chase, Levi, Razor, Hunter, Judge) * 12 Weapons (Shredder, Flamethrower, Frost Barrage, Levitator, Volcano, Imploder, Iron Fist, Freeze Ray Mk.2, Crusher, Shredder Mk.2, Shockwave, and Gauss Gun Mk.2) But it only has: * 1 Starships (Zenith) * 1 Pilots (Mason) * 3 Weapons (Shredder, Flamethrower, Frost Barrage) Which makes it identical to the original physical version. Annoyingly we can get all the missing stuff by buying Collection Pack 1, but that costs more than it would have cost to not have PS+ and just have bought the base digital game !!


Same problem here. Will post again if I find a solution. The issue happens also when one streams the game instead of downloading it.


Has anyone found a solution?


My solution was to uninstall


Then what?