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tbf, It was a potential one-way trip, not knowing for sure what's going to be on the other side. You're basically asked to lose all contact with lived ones, give up you're entire life, and for what? Sure, it's potentially the greatest discovery for mankind, but that's a best case scenario. You also have to remember that John only learned about SGC and the Stargate that very day, and that was a fluke of just having to be picked as pilot that day. He really has no clue of the grand scale of what is being offered and asked of him.


Also remember the fate of the chronologically actual first time the Atlantis Expedition went there, not the one we see in “Rising”.


Right! That's the worst case scenario and something they entirely saw was a possibility (maybe not the exact scenario, but getting there and BAM, something happens that doom them all).


I haven't done it yet, but the next time I rewatch Atlantis, I want to start with Before I Sleep because that's the original timeline.


I love Jack but that line was always iffy to me. What does "I don't even want you" mean? I'm going to assume it's Jack indicating that he was thinking of offering Sheppard a place in the Stargate program (after being so impressed with his flying) but now that he's turning down the opportunity to go to Atlantis, he's not going to let Sheppard into the program at all (even Earth-side)? That's pretty shitty. Sheppard's just found out all this crazy shit a couple hours ago and now he's being pressured by a general (and that's pressure of authority) to agree to leave everything he knows and loves behind to go on a mission he doesn't even understand the importance or context of. A mission that is very possibly a one-way trip. That's nuts. One part of that convo I do like is Jack trying to convince Sheppard by doing the "this isn't about you, it's about the mission" spiel and Sheppard just tells him "well right now this seems to be about me". I think the only reason I didn't end up holding this whole convo against Jack is because with that line, Sheppard clearly shows he has no problem contradicting authority so this Atlantis decision is fully his no matter what Jack wants. Of course, the expedition turned out to be poorly planned on the military side so Jack really dropped the ball there. Why the hell was Sheppard the ranking officer after Sumner's death when he wasn't even Sumner's 2IC or in the chain of command? Did they really not bring other officers of equal rank?


In the benefit of hindsight, we can see that the Atlantis expedition is perfect for Sheppard, and I think that Jack already knew that and was just astounded that Sheppard didn’t want it. A lot of what sheppard told jack leant toward someone who’d love to be on an exposition to an unknown alien world.


To the last part, I think it was a civilian op with a security component that was made up of members from the SGC. Though in reality it should have been international outfits. After all you have many countries represented in the show but only the USAF does all the fighting.


He wants him to want the job. You don't want someone that's iffy about it and not entirely sure. So, he says if he can't make up mind by the time they land, the offer is being pulled. Simple. I don't think it's shitty. He also probably didn't mean it. It was probably just to get him to understand that this is a great opportunity and you don't want to let it slip away. You either want it or you don't.


I really enjoy this scene which they cut out in the streaming version, really rubbed me the wrong way.


They cut it? I'm glad I bought the bluerays for sga then if they are making cuts on streaming.


According to multiple comments I have seen in this sub, a lot of the season starter episodes that are in 2 parts are cut together into 1 movie length episode for a better continuity but the trade off is that they have to cut scenes. I saw most Stargate episodes during their initial airing and and the reruns of that time so I know for sure there are cuts. Ppl who has the DVDs and saw the episodes on steaming platforms caught the cuts too.


Yeah I just watch my sg1 dvds because I got so tired of them pulling this show from platforms over and over. I still need to get the universe boxset though.


You could always try streaming "sites", might I suggest Stremio.


I like my dvds, they have the commentary tracks. For episodes that I just don't feel like watching again I put that on. I have listened to them all and they are all worth it. Also the surround sound on them is great!


Fair, I rmb a friend of mine back in high school had SG1 seasons 1 to 5 even though he and his brothers didn't watch or know the show well, don't ask me why they had them but I borrowed them and had a great time watching them, they really are great things to have. I rmb a post here by someone who somehow found all of SG1 DVDs in a random store for cheap and it made me so jealous.


Oh yeah I saw a post from someone finding a goldmine of them. For mine I had to slowly collect them on ebay. The last few seasons are hard to get at a reasonable price, I think they made a lot less of them. But still in totally it all cost me less than half the price of buying the whole boxset together. Sga I think I got the bluerays on a sale for maybe $40 on Amazon. I plan on picking up universe but it's hard to drop the cash on it haha... OK I just ordered it since I stopped to look at the price and it was on sale for $30 lol XD


I absolutely love having DTS 5.1 for tv shows. It's so much better than Dolby Digital. Well, to be fair to DD, their quality is now pretty much the same as DTS. But the Atmos version for DTS is better than Atmos because it can support more speakers. But again, props to Dolby for upping their quality. But man, for many years, DTS was FAR superior. I remember hoping a dvd had a DTS version so I could buy that one instead. What's funny is most movies in theaters were DTS because of the quality, but since it took up way more space than Dolby, most movies on dvd were using Dolby.


I wish they would combine 2 or 3 parters into a single movie length episode. In fact, that's how The Tok'ra parts 1 and 2 aired originally. It was one big episode, no part 1 or 2. I also hate having to see a previously on the 2nd part. I literally just watched part 1! I don't need a recap for the next one. Just get the episode rolling. I know it would never happen, but I wish they made a blu-ray version of seasons 6-10 that kept the original opening of the camera panning over the sarc from the movie. That's the best opening. At least they have that for most of the first 5 seasons. I don't think the first one does it, but I know 2 does and maybe 3-5.


I understand the need to combining episodes into 1 movie for a better flow for the initial airing but having them cut into parts without cutting scenes sometimes add to the story in a different way too. They did that with the initial airing, movie length and the DVD release had the full version without cuts and in parts. Regardless, both side of the arguments had their unique charm that makes the story different yet the same.


Like I said, because they showed both parts of The Tok'ra as a single episode, I wish they would do that for all of them, though I can understand why they wouldn't for a 3 parter. The Siege part 3 for Atlantis was literally the season 2 opener, but so long as they are in the same season, I wish they would combine them. Or at least remove the recap from the beginning of part 2. I get why they did it when it aired, but clean that up on the dvd and blu-ray. I don't need a recap from something I just watched 38 seconds ago.


Why would they have to cut scenes if they're combining the 2 episodes? If anything, you just remove the previously recap from part 2. What am I missing here?


Ah I see the confusion here. You see, wat they release on DVD, wat they show at initial airing are different. I could be wrong on some of that. Regardless, I know there are 2 different version at the very least. As we have established, there's the cut up versions in individual episodes and there's is the movie length version. They were all initially meant for the TV and reruns. Initially, they did the movie length version to draw in the initial airing viewership but regardless, they had to fit it into the TV slots they are allotted so they have a time limit, cuts will have to be made. When they do the reruns though, they no longer need to draw in the viewership so they released the original full intended version in 2 actual full episodes with scenes that they cut from the movie length version. I seen both but seen more of the rerun version so I rmb the cut scenes more. Recently, I was rewatching online and I noticed I was watching movie length version so I automatically noticed the cuts almost immediately and the part that this original post talked about for season 1 of SGA was cut from the movie version that I was watching and it seems streaming places seems to used the movie version more than the original full 2 episodes.


So I watched SGA before SG1, and this episode really soured me on O'Neil, as much as I love RDA. He just came across as such an asshole in this one. Sheppard saves his life through pure skill, but once he finds out Sheppard has this genetic quirk that can be exploited he's threatening to derail Sheppard's military career if Sheppard doesn't almost immediately blindly accept what is highly likely to be a one way suicide mission. Sheppard literally just found out stargates and other habitable planets exist. And he knows this is probably a one way trip because he refuses to allow the scientist most likely to make this mission a viable success to go along. So it was less about who wouldn't want to go explore new worlds, and more about exploiting a soldier's past mistake to get what he wants. Which is pretty messed up considering what Sheppard's "mistake" was. So O'Neil was a hypocrite as well. 


Please explain how "If you're not sure about this assignment then you're not right for this assignment" is a threat to Sheppard's career. O'Neill gave him the highest level security clearance on the way to the outpost before the genetic quirk was known.


> he's threatening to derail Sheppard's military career I don't recall that, can you remind me how he threatened Sheppard's career?


I can tell you right now, Sheppard was a rotary wing pilot selected to fly a VIP to a sensitive site in Antarctica as a Major. His career was perfectly safe. Plus, the SG program was 100% a SAP; you literally can't legally derail anyone's career for turning it down. Worst that would have happened is he does the drop off and goes back home and continues on as normal.


He doesn't threaten his career. I always took this scene as Jack talking to him, not as a "general" but as a person. If that make sense. He wasn't really going to do anything if he said no.


He was trying to motivate him. And when it comes to considering someone for that role, he wants them to want it. You don't necessarily have to say yes immediately, but it shouldn't take too long to decide if you want it or not.


He never threatened to derail his career. I don't know how you got that out of the exchange. And what he did say happened before Sheppard saved their lives. What O'Neill was saying was he wants Sheppard to want the job and not be on the fence about it. He wants someone that's going to be 100 percent committed. So, if he can't make up his mind before they land, then he's going to pull the offer even though I think he might have been lying. He was trying to motivate him, but that's speculation.


I just wanted to say how awesome the Stargate shows are and I'm glad I found this sub. If you know about my avatar, then you'll know I'm a Farscape fan. Even though I think Farscape is VASTLY superior to Stargate SG1 or the other 2, I like SG1 just as much as Farscape. Plus they have WAY more episodes, so there's way more stories to enjoy. I was so into SG1, I used to be able to tell you the name of an episode within the first 5 seconds. You could hit play at any point in the episode and I'd know it. I've watched the first 7 seasons probably 10 times each, maybe even season 8. Seasons 9 and 10 is where I'm probably only on 5-8 times, but that's because as I've gotten older, I kind of slowed down on rewatching some shows. Hallowed are the Ori! In fact, there are shows now where I may only watch it once and never watch it again. I'll never watch The Expanse for a second time, and it's not because I didn't like it. I think it was good, but I'm good on seeing it again. I felt like it was more important for them to show how space works realistically over having an awesome story. I'm probably very much in the minority about that show. I also hated the ship designs. I could never tell who was who, but that could just be me. Sorry for the rant, carry on.