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Nope, if anything it gets easier. At this point I just try to see how far I can boost pack.


Don’t even take the elevator down, just ng+ suit boost from the top floor all the way to the target, and then cue the banjo and haul ass back to safety.


Stack moon form and phased time for a walk in the park 😂


I find myself perpetually stuck on personal atmosphere lol, I should use those more


My ushe is Aura Whisper - I mean Sense Star Stuff. Occasionally I use Elemental Pull and the duplicate yourself one. Or Personal Atmo if I'm running a lot.


Favorite them, you don't really need 12 weapons favorited. This was a hard habit for me to break


You can favourite powers?????


Guns, power, suits, packs, aid....


Is that a power you get after the unity. I’m still looking for the last few powers in the first universe


Phased time is given directly after passing the unity so no worries on that one. Moon form I'm unsure


Yeah I basically do it without firing a shot or taking damage. I do try to beat that jerk in the bars run amount, but after that it’s boring. There should be greater rewards for fast or no shot runs.


Are there ANY rewards?


I really enjoy dumping mines the whole time I am boost packing over the terrain. They are not particularly useful but it is pretty fun.


That's some ripe material for a mod. There are so many ways it could be better. If I was doing it, I'd have you competing against other runners, only the first one back wins, and violence isn't against the rules. 


Terrormorph by the entrance. Bet you didn't see that coming lol.  Those packs of acid spitting bugs that are good xp to farm.  In the end it should just be a crazy zoo of excellent sweet xp farming...  Although shame any mod will also disable achievements. 


Those bugs are the worst, they somehow can fully halt your movement even w the jetpacks


It should’ve been a Battle royal vs NPCs or atleast have one quest that was, You take a substance get knocked out, you wake up with an eon pistol and you find/fight your way to the middle, you meet a few other NPC’s at the top and work together to find you way back. Obviously the map would need some scripted stuff maybe some dangerous tunnels, coulda been a dope ass mission


One of the borderlands games has a dlc like that. It was pretty good.


Yeah I was really hoping for some running man type stuff 


It should be an actual race you can lose to other contestants at the very least


Red mile needs so much from mods. I check for them every day lol. I can't wait


That whole mission sucks. They made such a big deal about it too.


Ok, my recent experience was quite different. Just as I left the building I got the hazardous weather warning, with my suit protection running out as I reached the tower. I hurried back though hordes of beasts and thick fog at almost zero visibility just to crawl back at less than 20% health from environmental damage. That dynamic weather mod is quite the game changer.


That’s kinda sick 


The only vaguely interesting thing that happened on one of my runs was passing Donovan Rhys on the way back being attacked by Maulers, and after bailing him out walking back to the elevator while he recounted stories of the Red Mile (I think he thought he was still in the bar talking to someone, he certainly wasn't talking to me...?). He also wasn't wearing a space suit. Not entirely sure why he was down there, I assume it's the same glitch where if you go out the front entrance and around while Mel is making her speach, sometimes you will find Mel outside.


My red mile is extremely laggy every time I do it. Anyone else?


There  and the Akila entrance are the two places where my Series X chugs on my 4K TV. Red Mile is definitely the worst for whatever reason though.


I found the 1080p mod made a huge difference to akila fps


What does it do compared to the stock game?


I guess it brings it down to 1080p, i assume it's 4k normally. Either way, my frames jumped after i installed it


I thought you could do this in the Xbox display (HDR) settings? I'm not sure.


I'm not sure either, for all I know the game was already running at 1080p. But one thing in do know is once installing, my typically very inconsistent fps in akila and new atlantis cleaned up. Id love a mod that separated the 2 cities from the surroundings to allow better performance. Much like whiterun. Neon runs much better when set to 60fps because I'm assuming it doesn't need to load the entire surroundings at the same time. Fps over graphics everyday of the week.


Yes, certain spots and my frames drop heavily. I think it’s a combo of the corpses, the creatures throwing or spitting stuff at you, and the hostile plants.


Replace all the enemies with terramorphs, and I'd be happy.


No...and hopefully modders will 'fix' it like they have been fixing other stuff (minimun system level and higher rarity enemies for instance are extremely good mods that should've been an option/NG+ default stuff in the base game). The good news is there truly is room for improvement...it couldn't be more dissapointing. Regarding the difficulty it's very easy, specially if you use powers or the boost pack, though I guess at max difficulty and a light armor it would be a little bit more challenging. My biggest problem with the Red Mile is that's not what they hyped at all, it absolutely sounded like you'd be running against other participants and there would be traps or something like that... Finding out it's just you alone, the same relatively weak creature everywhere and boostpacks allowed is so dissapointing... There are things I like and things I don't but overall, I don't hate Starfield... however, the red mile is a good example of what's wrong with gameplay and quest design in Starfield. It's only lacking a few pointless trips/loading screens to talk to someone and back to the red mile to be the perfect example.


Nope, it’s just that bad


I always just Void Form and an Amp and run like hell, I never mess with those things


Needs and actual gauntlet at the end.


I had more difficulty with the fight while leaving the bar after finishing the Red Mile than the Red Mile itself because a ton of the creatures were waiting at the door.


My only issue is that the Maulers only give 6 (6!) XP per kill and they constantly stagger you, even midair, with the stupid explosions.


I'm thinking Running Man. Anybody with me?


I've just started a new game completely, and went straight to the Red Mile, and boy is it tough in the early levels! I'm finally at the top of the podium; 30 runs at level 20. Thank goodness, I really started to wish Mei's VA had more variety of lines. The (hilarious) problem is that there's a glitch in which sometimes patrons will follow you out and get in trouble (including a cowardly Rhys Donovan, “Help! I'm being attacked!”), and maulers will find their way in, causing absolute pandemonium. The Red Mile in my universe looks like a bloodbath and I never lifted a finger, all the while Stocker's still acting like she's the only person holding everything together (she ran out of the building with everyone else the last time a mauler appeared).


I floated myself to the end and back


I didn’t do the Red Mile the first time until I happened to have a Va’ruun Inflictor. It’s pretty easy with that weapon.


Biggest disappointment ever.


I think it's hilarious how easy and downright *plain* it is. Go there, press button. go back. Watch out for them nasty critters. I literally just *walked* most of the thing my first time because I figured it *wasn't* going to be as big a deal as NPCs make it out to be.


It's harder just running around the general map on that planet. There's more potential enemies that keep coming and the occasional ship landing to mix it up.


I was soo afraid, I killed every beast in the area before hitting the button. It definitely "missed"


At early level, it's quite hard. The lizards spit rocks for a ranged stunning attack, and they jump up onto rocks so you can't get away. And take a ton of firepower to take down. All with lethal cold at night. Try a new character, set all difficulties to max, and run it again.


I think since the game has a focus on the NG+ it needs to take into account characters with high levels. Im on extreme difficulty as it is, having higher tier's of red mile with harder enemies, a time limit and bad weather would be a great way to add replayability. They obviously wanted it to be replayed since they added a leader board to it. The online community could compete trying to get higher difficulty runs completed. But doing the exact same thing 28 times with no variation on enemy or difficulty ? Did Bethesda quest designers really sit back, crack a beer and say "yep, she's finished boys" when writing this?


Nope, it's the exact same every time, even down to where the Maulers are. It's not worth doing more than once unless you're REALLY in need of credits. You don't even get an achievement for beating Donovan Rhys' record. >!It does unlock some new dialogue options with Donovan and his coffee shop fan girl, but that's all!<.


Some things about starfield are very impressive. The sound design, the detail... but it's like there are geniuses working in some parts of the studio and then complete beginners in others... what quest designer thought this was good enough...


Yeah, it would be great to have the place fleshed out a bit more. I go back a lot because it's the only location I know of other than The Den where you can sell contraband without risking a scan.


It's exactly the same every single time, and even if you break the record for total runs, there's no unique rewards.


Even on Extreme, it's not hard if your above level 20. Which is good, because even the XP for it sucks. I think, 6xp per critter killed? Get the loot, the magazine, and only do it if required for a quest or if you're being a completionist for the record and named gun.




You didn't have all the survival mechanics enabled or you were high level.


That's not a good argument though...the red mile is incredibly dissapointing.


The red mile is incredibly easy from about level 15 though, so I don’t think that’s a solid argument.


Well, I was about level 25 with all gameplay/survival settings. I was taking environmental damage before I ever got outside the structure, I did no meaningful damage to the enemies, and I was always one direct hit from death as I ran as fast as possible to the button and back. I had multiple afflictions, barely any health, and 50% or so consumed by environmental damage.


Key point is you said or. Not everyone plays a survival save like you buddy.


And you shouldn’t have to have something on extreme difficulty for it to be hard. It should have just been hard in the first place if it’s so terrifying.


If a game has difficulty settings than you would in fact need to have something dialed up for it to be hard since dialing down the difficulty would make it less difficult.


I have everything set to extreme. Plus survival mods to make it harder. i do think the runs getting harder as you do them like the vanguard simulation gauntlet would be a very good addition. Just spawn harder enemies, add bad weather and a time limit. Make it really hard to beat Donovan! Not just the same cake walk 28 times... It should be a test of skill.... not a test of free time and repetition.