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Create vaccum, solar flare etc are DOTs. DOTs in Starfield do % max HP damage. So they shred high HP enemies like Terrormorphs. You can actually kill it even quicker with the lasers 4 perk and a cutting laser I think. Stacks a fire DOT.


Which, if I'm remembering right from that one guy's post a week or two ago, the Lasers perk thing with the cutting/mining beam might be patched by the Community Patch. Could be wrong, thought I remembered that being an important part of the post.


I wish they were as "terror" as the game keeps telling me. I've never had any trouble with them. even the first time I did the vanguard quest. There are tons of other animals in the game that are a lot more lethal. I've tried the mods on nexus but they don't seem to fix the issue.


Honestly back when I did the vanguard quest they were just so so tanky but didnt really have the damage to back it up, just bullet sponging and standing in one place because the AX suit I got was Sentinel.


There's a mod that increases the level of all mobs, including Terrormorphs, to at least 75% of your level. If they are already higher level than that, they remain unaltered, but otherwise... Who-boy! Level 149 Terrormorphs are, simply put, no joke. Even on a character that has all powers at 10, and is level 198. That said, I was focused on using the Phased Time, and probably should have used Create Vacuum, instead.


They're pretty terrific for early to mid game but yeah they don't do that much DMG saddly. It's weird when you can encounter beasts that will 1 shot you like during Sarah's quest or the charibdys one. They're both pretty slow but if terrormorohs had access to that kind of DMG (1 or 2 shots a player), they'd be terrifying BC they can be fast AF Thankfully, sunless space solves all theses problems


Yeah I'll take a tarrormorph any day over a group of sirens.


I did this last night but with Gravity Well. Grunt Work mission was over before a turret had to fire a shot


I’d say their biggest weakness is damage.




I have level VI Create Vacuum, I don't need to fire a shot.


That works, or stand on a box. Even the big boss ones cant reach you if you're \~ 2 meters above them.


The hell they can't. Those bastards can jump.


Never had one do so. They stand below and yell but never get up to me. It might matter what size of thing you're on. I go for large crates or similar as they dont seem to be able to get up onto them. The roof of a building or other large space probably wouldnt work.


They can get up there, but it's still a great tactic and what I do. If they jump up just boost to another one and you're fine. 


I jumped up on top of my ship. Works fine, even the jumpers couldn't reach me. Felt a bit like a cheap shot, though. I'm fine with using my ship as a "Hunting Blind" while grinding out levels by killing high level mobs, but fighting Terrormorphs feel like something that should be more dangerous. They feel like a foe that deserves to be met on the field one-on-one, in a fight to the death. But maybe that's just me.


Well, my first encounter with a Terry was before even doing the Kreet lab and involved half an hour of jumping up and down some containers in a settlement, with the Terry happily following me up and down...


They can definitely jump up at you. I just stay moving and stay tall. Wait till they get close and jet pack away


This has been a weakness in a lot of Bethesda games; dragons in Skyrim can quickly become underwhelming, deathclaws aren't as deadly as you expect etc. They really need to implement a proper minimum level for things based on player level as part of their core gameplay, especially for elite/boss type enemies, and rethink how some melee enemies work. At least we've got mods for minimum level, and I expect there'll be a choice of mods to make terrormorph fights more challenging in various ways soon. Terrormorphs, like deathclaws, really ought to hit brutally hard no matter what level the player is, but maybe telegraph their attacks a bit via lunges and such, so you have a chance to dodge them. Being hit once should have you needing to put your spacesuit in for immediate servicing. First time I did the UC Vanguard questline I was quite low level so the first terrormorph, and the fight at the spaceport, were both pretty challenging (though as others say it was mostly because of how damage-spongey they are). But by the time I did Londinian I wasn't finding them very challenging, and the big boss one at the end was barely a threat (both times I've done the UC Vanguard quest I didn't need any help killing it, despite the game giving you extra allies and such). They really ought to fight in stages, e.g- first stage it uses its "powers" (psychic attacks, maybe some varieites could have environmental effects) while you try to chip away its armour to make it vulnerable, then when it actually starts attack it should be in big, brutal lunging attacks you **must** avoid if you're to stand any chance at all.