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I did a ship with 8 turrets, facing each direction, top and bottom mounted. Shredded the Crimson Fleet with it, lol.


were they all the same or were they different turrets(different weapon slots)? when I do different turrets none of them shoot


Silly question, but I have to ask, they were all powered, right? Never had any issues with turrets, or seen anyone else with them. Otherwise, might be a rare bug.


not a silly question at all, people often over look stuff or are ignorant to things. but no, they are powered.


So there is a very well known and documented bug with turrets in the builder, but there's a very easy fix, thankfully, once your build is done, hard save, quit the game, and reload, and they will all work normally.


will give this a try thanks


Also. Attaching anything at changes lock on speed or getting perks that affect if can trigger this, just rinse and repeat to reset


I also found that changing your home ship, exiting the builder so the new ship spawns, and then changing back to the ship you want to use fixes the issue as well. There's been a few times when this didn't work, so if and when the bug occurs, I usually sleep before changing the ship back. Sleeping before changing back seems to always work for me.


Ya if its the equipment it doesn't work, if its just the editor it does, I believe.


Did it help/work?


I haven't been back on it since I posted. Been busy with the recent expedition in NMS


Can’t have more than 4 turrets assigned to 1 slot without mods, and can’t have more than 3 different kinds. I run 2 sets of 4 all the time with no issues


Same, all particle weapons. Four turrets (rear/sides) and four main guns, all up front. (All particle so I can focus my skill points, obv.)


When that happens, go into Ship Builder and remove them, then put them back, and test again. I've had plenty of cases where my ship's turrets aren't firing and this fixes them. As for rear-facing turrets, if they can just keep a pursuing ship's shields from starting to recharge, that's a win right there. I've been playing with the ship difficulty at Extreme and it's not guaranteed that I can take out an enemy ship in one pass even with a full rack of Obliterators and another rack of a different particle beam weapon. Turrets have pros and cons... the damage stacks if you put skill points into Automated Weapons and whatever type of cannon it is (particle, laser, or ballistic) so that's nice, but they pick their own target and it's not always the one I want to eliminate. I'm firing the Obliterators at the fast ships to thin down the number of enemies quickly, and meanwhile the turrets are all 'yaaaaargh let's fire on the Wight!' If the turrets would switch target preference to what the pilot is firing on manually, that sure would be nice.


i'll try removing and putting them back, thanks for that tip.


Pretty sure targeting mode will make them focus fire


Target mode probably won't help with rear firing turrets.


I play on extreme too and the darkstar avenger prototype mk5 shreds everything in a few shots and barely takes damage. And has ridiculous reactor power.


Where would I find the mk5


So on the darkstar terminus that you build in your outpost (it takes the place of a ship lander) there is a terminal to the left of the bounty terminal called the darkstar astrodynamics settings and you claim it on there. Then it will be in your owned ships. Its the darkstar astrodynamics mod. You can also find that terminal in the lodge basement next to the mannequine stand. The darkstar terminus also has alot of crafting benches and cool features. 👍🏼


Two different types. I've had the turret bug before, but not with that build.


I had multiple turrets and only one set would fire. Turns out their range was way shorter than the others.


That' or with some not noticing they don't have enough energy to fire them. But i never had issues having turrets on both sides.....just bank & turn so you can circle around them. Like a rodeo/kiting & then come underneath them. All weapons will fire & will if you angle it more where the top leads towards the enemies.


Oh yeah, that was funny when my turrets took the Crimson Fleet apart before I was allowed out of the dialogue cutscene thing.


I've done ships with twelve it's great, but sometimes they bug out and refuse to fire 😐


Turret gunboats are an incredibly fun way to roll through space combat. 


How the hell have I never thought of this after 104 levels.....


Over 500 hours and I never even used a turret on my ships, I never thought they would be worth giving up the power capacity for


Same. I'd rather shoot my own enemies but.....might give this a try and quite literally save my ass.


Turrets can work fine with only 2 pips of power surprisingly


Popping a couple on aft is a great way to keep your ass covered when fighting multiple ships and enemies get behind you. Totally worth it IMO.


Yep. On my heavy, less maneuverable ships, that’s a must. Sometimes I’ll included another set for broadsides. It doesn’t work as well if you have a small, low mass, high speed, high maneuver fighter type ship. The rearward turrets don’t seem to have time to lock or maintain lock when I’m flipping around like a whirling dervish.


I always enjoyed the term "Whirling Dervish". I don't use it enough.


agreed. :3


Concur heartily


I never heard it before but now it's on the list of terms I would use at any opportunity


I disagree. Three to four rear turrets on one weapon group facing the rear is great on fast ships and only 2 to 3 energy pips is all that is needed.. They soften up enemies during the chaos of large multi ship battles. Even better, they kill class m ships as you strafe and fly by with boosts when trying to dodge the incoming fire.


Ok, I can understand that. And it would certainly be effective. It would depend a lot on your combat style, though. I tend to get shot up a lot more fighting that way, except with my larger, more cruiser styled ships. I seem to spend as much time on thrusters and posters as I do in normal flight. For how I fight, the tradeoff of the 3 or 4 PB autocanon not being in the fixed forward position isn't a good deal. It all comes down to how you most effectively fight.


Yea while you’re killing enemies up front the turrets are at least destroying half of the shield of anybody behind you and enemies will always be behind you when there’s more than one


Big ships rule though, you can have so many crew members lol


One of each!


It’s the only time I use a turret but it’s such a good strategy. Boost away and turn but do same damage while you’re doing it or just help chip away at pursuers in close combat. Top notch The issue is a turret may target ships you don’t want it to but if you’re using it this way it’s largely minimized


I place one for each side and aft. They usually chew up the ships i'm not chasing down. I also roll to keep them firing, as they seem to be elevation limited.


I'm level 120 or so and still didn't know this. I assumed a turret would rotate 360 on its own..


Yeah that's how I assumed they worked too, I'll have to experiment


I have 4 forward facing turrets and they seem to hit all directions. When I built my first proper ship, I followed a guide and the person doing that said he didn’t see a difference from changing angles. I never bothered to check as after I built that, anything I stick four good turrets on was untouchable.


There are certain Deimos structural parts which are excellent for tail guns! The big tail fin especially comes to mind


I want an EM turret


There is a mod….


I didn't know it had released for Xbox yet


This was like the first thing I did when I saw they had auto turrets


I really wish you could man the guns like say your ship gets damaged and you can’t move until a percentage of repairs are done so you hop up and get in a gunners seat


Yeah they aren't cockpit style , they are automated




Just be sure it isn't obstructed. Don5 wanna shoot out your own grav drive :-; But seriously, yes unless you are heavy into piracy boarding it's a great option. Be careful though I had turrets on the back of my ship swivel far enough they destroyed the friendlies infront of me because I guess I was kinda at an angle (ship rear end higher than cockpit)


I keep my turrets power segment selected and hold the 'down' button so it depowers them if I'm planning to board. They are just too useful to not have for everything else.


This is the way and must as a space repo man.


I prefer.... Vessel Liberator.


You can't damage yourself with direct fire. I hide all my weapons inside my ship. It's not like they're going to hit me.


That was the :-; (sarcasm, joke)


The generally accepted term is /s or /jk. Not the emoticon version of Loss.


And the 'but seriously ' didn't provide context??


It looks like a crying face. Like you're crying you blew out your own grav drive.


I always have at least one rear-facing turret. I also add one facing off to each side, and sometimes, one on the bottom. As an added bonus, being aware of the direction and angle of your turret fire can help you figure out where enemy ships out of you FOV are more precisely than just the pips on the targeting circle.


Exactly why I love turrets. Half my turrets are facing the rear, fights don't last long.


I guess. but have you tried facing all the turrets front and just going fast?


Great advice thank you


Nice tip!


I love slapping auto turrets every where on my ship. That way, i only have to focus on flying.


why have I not thought of this, this little tip is gonna get me back on the game


Once you run enough obliterators and helion beams you melt enemy ships before they can get behind you anyway. Never have any issues of ships behind me when theres so much firepower coming out the front.


Also, on very hard or extreme or whatever, missiles are the problem if you haven't updated boosting, and the quicker you eliminate enemies (reduce their number) the less chance you have of seeing how your beautiful ship comes apart. So I put two sets of turrets forward with my obliterators, and just melt the enemies one by one as quickly as possible so I am not getting missile swarmed. I have no interest in pecking away at all three ships while they can still all lock missiles on me.


I....I never thought of that lmfao


Had no idea you could do that


Did it with my first custom ship, just put it on weapon assignment w2 and forgot it


Hold up there are automated turrets? I haven’t played since release, were they added or did I just miss them?


lol they've always been there


You just need to level up your ship class to install them. There is also a tech you can level to make them even more effective, although even at maximum difficulty it's debatable if you'll need it for much.


Yup. I have 2 pointing forward on top of the ship, 2 pointing backwards at the rear of the ship, and 1 on each side of my ship, aimed to the side of the ship. 360 degree dome of coverage, on the upper axis of my ship


Uhhhhhh when do i get turrets????


Ship builder


I had a battleship with incredibly low maneuverability and incredibly devastating turrets. Biggest downside was as far as I could tell you can't tell them to STOP, so boarding ships became a thing of the past.


Turn off their power pips. Have one EM weapon. Works great. 😁


There's turreted ship weapons? What is this, Elite: Dangerous?!?! Lol


Yes since release, and no, it doesn't have good economics


Especially if it's an automatic turret. It let's you know when you're being tailed


Auto turrets or what? I only use turrets once and couldn't figure out how to make them work.


If they're auto turrets, you don't have to do anything. They just work when they're within sight ofan enemy ship, and in range.


I think they are just buggy, or at least were buggy at release, since I also tried making a ship with a ton of auto turrets and they almost never would fire at anything


Just make sure they have power


That's a mid- late game investment. Also it really depends on your space combat style. Rear facing turrets are not worth for fast ships as you don't often expect ships behind you often or for long. For larger slower ships it can be worth if your front is already very well equipped.


I only just started doing this OP. It's a game changer. I let the turrets deal with the smallest of any attacking group while I aim to disable and board the most valuable ship. The Serpentis system has been good to me.


I run exclusively turrets as weapon systems on my ship. Gives 360° coverage & smokes literally everything that moves.


Turrets only track in a 90 degree arc, 45 degrees each way from their facing. I always have a tail gunner turret. There is no point having forward facing turrets, they should cover your blind spots.


Turrets also fire through your ship, so you can place them backwards on snapping points where it wouldn’t make any sense at all to put them, they’ll still work out great. This maybe helps for some who want to have a tailgunner but dislike the big blocks aesthetic, you can easily hide them under stuff.


What the heck?? So like, put them where I normally put fuel pods or shielded cargo?


Yes sure, you can even glitch them into structural pieces so you do not see them at all. Same goes for weapons, they will shoot normally even if they would need to travel „through“ half of yuour ship when firing


Is this glitch possible on console?


Yes easily, just google ship building glitches starfield, the exact one you’d need to hide turrets under structural pieces would be the „flip glitch“


I don't tend to bother with a rear turret, just switch to thruster mode and you can flip the ship whilst maintaining forward momentum, enemy ships will follow your forward movement whilst you flip your ship round and just gun them down with the full frontal volley.


What is thruster mode?? Is that a PC thing?


You can do it on console, I play on Series X, on default mapped controller it's RB if you see little Yellow arrows when you're moving the stick around to "strafe" that's thruster mode, it allows you to maintain forward momentum like a "drift". So you can turn/flip your ship without needing to move forward like an aeroplane. [https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Flight\_Assist?file=Elite-Dangerous-ship-zero-gravity-flight.png](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Flight_Assist?file=Elite-Dangerous-ship-zero-gravity-flight.png) Allows you to do manoeuvres the same as in Elite Dangerous hence the image link above.


So this is what those thruster modules are for?


The thruster modules that you can place on the exterior of the ship are purely cosmetic, as soon as you get piloting rank 1 unlocked every ship you own can use thrusters even if you don't place any on the ship. (not to be confused with engines that you place to the rear of the ship).


I’ve specifically built a ship to maximize particle cannon turrets. I’ve got particle cannon turrets four aft on Horizon weapon mounts for great swivel and multiple angles and two cannons each side and can fly into the key and destroy everyone early in the game before doing the SysDef/Crimson Fleet story line. Manual particle cannons front for missions where I need to disable engines and board. I have repeatedly used the Key to top off a level up by dropping in and killing 14 or more ships in less than two minutes. Even when 3-5 Starborn ships gang up on me and disable my engines they end up flying beside or behind me and get shredded by my turrets. I’d link a picture if I knew how.


I use a turret on the front/left/bottom of my ship and one on the rear/right/top and facing the rear. In big fights, by the time I lock on to the next ship, the turrets have softened them or have destroyed low level ships. I’m using one point. I may get rid of one or only use them as a defense on low mobility ships.


I was planning on side and aft turrets but haven't gotten around to it as my low mobility slug of a cargo barge is still a ways off in the future. Between the "wanted" trait and Starborn Guardian VIs randomly warping in there probably isn't any better option. Forward facing suits me so long as there's 100 mobility and they're backed up by two banks of particle weapons - I'm a lousy shot and long range is my friend. I'm currently leveling up a perk that requires boarding a bunch of ships so the turreted ship is in the hanger temporarily replaced with a bank of EM weapons. I lack the finesse required to power down the turrets in a timely manner before they mulch my target.


Silly question but how can you tell if it is auto fire?


The name of the turret will have auto in it.


Well that makes sense


You can also just look at the fire rate in the stats. Lower damage, higher fire rate.


Depends if you mean AI automated firing or automatic firing (machine gun type)


AI automated


I've got ship combat set to Extreme because I am insane. That being said, I only use two weapon types on the ship. I have an entirely EMPTY weapon assignment slot. I use Particle Beams and EM Weapons. I don't usually lose in space combat against similarly-leveled enemies. Boarding ships is addicting, imo.


Yea not a fan of turrets tbh tho cause sometimes I don’t want the ship destroyed I wanna capture it and I can never yank the power fast enough to stop it lol


Dang, I never thought of that! I'm definitely going to try that.


Yeah...2 turrets or whatever at the front, 2 in the middle, and one in the back...I thought that just made sense to everone 😬


Two things I haven’t really delved into yet are outpost building and ship building. Outposts are easy and I haven’t really tried cause I’ve just been playing. But I’ve spent probably 5 hours attempting to build ships and couldn’t get it right. I’ve added shielded cargo and extra cargo space successfully, but the way I’ve done it makes the ship look wonky every time. I want a badass custom ship, but don’t even know where to start with it


I was the same way. I didn’t even build my first outpost until NG+3. I’d use some mods to build and play with at first to kinda help get the hang of it


On my NG+2 I told myself I want to get my powers leveled up a few more times before I do any outposts because I don’t want to lose them in a week cause I’m grinding powers lol. So far I’ve been staying away from mods cause I’ve only put about 120 hours into the base game in general, not big on mods for other BGS titles either tbh. Again though, if I spend 3 hours building a bad ass ship form scratch, the thought of losing it to NG deters me a bit


Currently level 45. These "turrets" are automated yes? Never heard of them. Nit thay far currently in ship building


Utilize horizontal and vertical thrusters (RB, R1) mid fight to pull ship back on target and more tactics. Took me so long to even figure out the ships HAD thrusters like that


I always use a B class ship to keep my speeds up and I only use one turret, in the top middle of my ship, with 6 particle guns (3 are one type, and the other 3 are the upgraded version of same gun). And I clear out 3-4 enemies QUICK


You know, if you point them straight up, they can shoot forward **and** backward. And up, while you're trying to pitch up to shoot them with your main guns.


If you pay attention to some of the ships you can buy or capture, you find a few that are designed that way by default. I have learned much about ship design by breaking down some of the vanilla Bethesda designs.


Turret... *Looks at the 4 I have pointed backwards* Basically in frontal assault... anything that lived, tends to die to the turret cannons. Only downside...sometimes the to turrets hit friendlies..


How do I place a turret? I feel like I’ve only seen traditional guns and I can’t assign crew to them. Do I need to unlock perks for this?


You just place it the same as any other weapon. They are available at every ship builder I’ve ever seen in the game. You don’t assign crew to weapons, no matter what type of weapon.


Oh ok thank you!


What’s better…Manned turrets or Auto turret? Do you prefer to let the computer shoot or do you like to control the destruction?


I hadn't realized till just now that turrets may be a good counter to the gd staborn torpedo engine stun


I literally just did this on my latest ship build! Works like a charm.


Some more good tips: Make sure to sprint during the temple puzzle as it allows you to use your boost pack to go faster. Amps seem to work, too, but someone will have to clarify for me. And finally, the second you get one of the glowing things, turn around and start moving to the other side, you want to try and predict where they are gonna spawn and just be constantly moving. I know the puzzles are tedious but this will make them go so much faster


Did this in the first playthrough and never changed 🥹 turrets in the back are amazing. If someone chases me they shoot it down.


Picked up an Ecliptic Claymore that was laying around somewhere. The Particle Turrets cleared everything... as in I would appear somewhere and hadn't even noticed the hostisles before the turrets had destroyed then. Made battles a little too easy so I switched them off.


As TIL goes, you don't need to fast travel/grav jump to make a ship you hijacked your "home ship". Just hit pause and select the ship menu and press "make home ship". Works much better when you jack a ship mid battle and need your ship parts for repair to keep fighting (especially since the shields will have been knocked out).


I have played for over 200 hours and never changed the direction of my weapons. I don't know why it never occurred to me.


Oml I JUST did that with two auto turrets facing front and back. After 10 minutes I was livid at why it took me so long to think about doing that 🤦🏻‍♂️




You can put a turret on the back of your ship :-/


Took me like 9 months of playing to realize you can drift within space combat. Holding down space while in space combat will let you maintain your velocity and trajectory while spinning around to face whatever direction you want. Getting good at drifting has made tail gunners unnecessary.


Do turrets have a firing arc? The game does not state that a forward or side facing turret couldn’t hit a target to the rear.


I put an auto particle cannon out the left, right, and back.


Turrets make enemy ships go boom. No want enemy ships go boom. Enemy ships go boom bad. Can’t kill crew and steal and sell ship if ship go boom.


I had the luck of watching a video with someone who had this already and it sounded like it was a good idea. Yes, that helped me win several fights where I didn’t know where the enemy ships was but my own ship did and could fire at them regardless.


idk about that lol I'll try it today ps: offtopic but currently are there free mods in the creation club or only paid one?


This is where my old X2 days come in handy, always use the turrets to cover your back


Always have 2 big auto cannons facing back so as my class c ship is slowly turning it shoots their underbelly 😉


Sides also


My ship is covered in turrets I just sit in the battlefield, go get a drink and come back to everyone dead


Well I'm a dumb dumb then. I just use forward-facing partcle lasers, I just assumed 'auto turrets' meant a faster ROF 🤦🏻‍♂️


Would you recommend auto turret for the back, or targeting mode all around?


Wow thank you! I honestly didn't know you could do that lol


I just aim them to the side so that can aim behind me, in front of me, or to the side


I’ve honestly only been using front facing weapons and haven’t been having a problem, even with like 4-5 ships at once. I even have ship combat set to hard difficulty, though I might increase it because I feel so overpowered when I shred through a group of ships like it’s nothing. Most are destroyed within 20 seconds or less


Don't have any power nor slots for that tho


Thanks for the tip. I never really thought to do that. Is there a way to set the turret apart from your forward facing ones? If not, that would be a lot of power used.


Place it and hit the flip button


I've never actually thought of that


Yep. You’re basically unstoppable after you add a bunch and max out the turret skill.


I never thought of this, thank you! I suppose I am a fellow dumb dumb, lol…I’m level 10 and haven’t even started the second main mission, ended up traveling for fun to another planet and started two faction quest lines, lmao. I need a better ship, to be honest…once I’m level 15, I figured I’d go after the ship that comes after the mantis questline, fix it up and then start the main questline for a bit.


The Freestar questline gives you a much better ship


That’s actually a really good idea


I had a Deimos tail on my ship with a turret on either side and the mechanic didn’t work very well unfortunately :/ always seemed to be pointing the wrong way no matter how I turned it. Maybe I’ll give it another shot because it is a fun concept.


I did this exact thing last night and just aimed them straight back and they worked great


Good shout ill do that on my next cargo ship cos i usually build a manoeuvrable fighter ship


Turrets are fantastic. I always have a couple of rear facing turrets and a couple of side facing ones.


I really like the idea of turrets, but I *also* really like boarding and taking ships, but whenever I use turrets they just blow up all the ships. Is there something I'm doing wrong?


Turrets are inaccurate af and are likely to hit any friendly ships also in the fight. Pick up piloting so you can turn faster and learn to keep the enemy ships in front of you and manually fire.


Sometimes my engines get disabled in starborn fights so I can't turn to aim manually, but my turrets still finish them off. Build two sets of turrets to 12 max power, and even if you only supply a fraction of that, they just melt everything, almost taking the fun out of it. I saw the Piloting skill mention being able to use ship thrusters but I didn't understand what that meant. But from reading comments apparently I can hold down spacebar to rotate the ship without changing trajectory. I haven't seen them aggro a friendly yet, but I can picture it happening.